Chapter 67

The path to the tomb was straight, with blazing candles on both sides, illuminating the way ahead. Everyone was very cautious at first, but after walking more than 200 meters, many people began to relax. They talked and laughed there, discussing what spiritual treasures were in the tomb of Marquis of Nanshan.

"Everyone, you still have to be more careful. I think there must be a dangerous organ in this tomb!" A young scholar said.

"You're right, but not entirely true." Xu Shilin smiled indifferently, "Maybe the Marquis of Nanshan will really set up traps in the tomb, but we are all practitioners, so how could we be blocked by traps set up by 'mortals'?" pace?"

"Xu Juren is right!"

"I also think so!"

"If it weren't for the ghostly atmosphere outside, I would have entered the main tomb of Nanshanhou long ago!"

Twenty or thirty scholars echoed him chirping.

"Brother, is there really a mechanism in this tomb?" Chen Pingan followed behind Li Mu, looking around nervously, for fear that some ghosts and ghosts would rush out of the tomb passages on both sides.

Li Mu didn't answer. He was observing the reliefs on both sides of the tomb passage. According to the routines of the tomb robbery novels and TV dramas in the previous life, these reliefs should be used to record the life of Nanshan Hou. Taking this as a starting point, Li Mu speculated that the chariot soldiers in the reliefs should be Representing Nanshan Hou in the South and North Wars, the cloud bed and the banquet may be Nanshan Hou's newlyweds.

It's interesting... Li Mu followed the crowd while interpreting. About halfway through the tomb, the relief on the wall suddenly shook, revealing black holes the size of a thumb.

Li Mu was stunned for a moment, then his face changed drastically, he pulled out his long sword instantly, and reminded everyone in a deep voice: "There is a trick!!"

In the next moment, countless arrows suddenly shot out from both sides of the tomb passage, like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, and shot at everyone in the tomb passage angrily!

'The censer in the sun produces purple smoke, and the waterfall hangs in front of the river from afar.

Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days. '

The sword falls for nine days! !
With a swipe of Li Mu's long sword, the sword energy was like a rainbow, and it turned into a rain of swords all over the sky, shooting down all the arrows aimed at him, San Pang, Zhang Long, Zhang Hu and others!


The arrows from the mechanism in the tomb passage kept coming, like machine guns twitching crazily. While resisting, Li Mu looked back and forth, and found that the arrows of the mechanism almost covered the entire section of the tomb passage, and their location happened to be in the middle of the tomb passage!
In other words, no matter whether they are advancing or retreating, they will face almost the same number of arrows!

The people who set up this organ have vicious intentions!

"Run, run!"

"My legs, save me, save me!!"

Although Li Mu reminded them in time, there were still many people who didn't react, and were injured by arrows in an instant, or even killed by an arrow!

"Go forward!" Zhang Yucheng took out Zhang Shengbi, and the Nine-curved Manghe Sword Jue was like a Milky Way leaking to the ground, swinging away all the arrows around him. He took the lead and rushed towards the end of the tomb passage.

Lin Zhihe and Zhao Binhong also tried their best to follow closely.

"Brother, we, why don't we retreat." Chen Ping held the sword in both hands, but he didn't need to make a move, because Li Mu blocked all the arrows from their side.

This also gave him time to observe before and after, and found that apart from Zhang Yucheng and others who were walking in front, many of the others were running backwards!

"There is a ghost outside, once you go out, you will definitely die!" Li Mu strode forward.

"Where the adults go, we will go!" Zhang Long and Zhang Hu guarded the left and right.

Chen Pingan and the three fat men had no choice. As a burden, they consciously and decisively followed behind Li Mu.

Not long after walking forward, many corpses turned into white bones appeared on both sides of the tomb passage, and the gaps between the bones were filled with arrows. These are the tomb robbers who went to the death pit before. Like them, they also encountered traps and died here!
San Pang was terrified and felt very insecure!

Although the countless arrows shot out from both sides of the tomb passage were all shot down by Li Mu's rain-like sword energy, he was still very worried, in case there was a "fish that slipped through the net"...

They held their swords, sometimes gesturing to the left, and sometimes gesturing to the right, panicking.

But in the end, they successfully reached the end of the tomb passage, and none of them slipped through Li Mu's sword rain!

"Brother..." San Pang looked at Li Mu moved, with tears in his eyes, if the environment was not suitable, they wanted to give Li Mu a big hug!

At this time, the mechanism in the tomb passage finally stopped.

Li Mu and others turned their heads and saw more than 20 corpses full of arrows lying in the middle of the tomb passage, bloody and bloody!
"What a vicious mechanism!" Zhang Yucheng's face was gloomy. More than half of the ten followers he brought died under this mechanism, and more than half of the more than [-] scholars were killed or injured, and some even ran back directly. In the end, he was still shot by the mechanism arrow!

Those who can get here smoothly, including Zhang Yucheng, Lin Zhihe, Zhao Binhong, Qiu Zhao and others, there are only more than 30 people left!

"Master Li, since you found out the clue, why didn't you remind me earlier?" Xu Shilin walked to Li Mu's side and asked loudly.

He believed that if Li Mu had reminded him sooner, even with just one breath, more people would definitely be able to escape!
"You!!" Zhang Long and Zhang Hu were so shocked by his words that they almost drew their swords!

Chen Pingan quickly defended Li Mu, and said angrily: "My virtuous brother reminded everyone as soon as he discovered the clue, how can you blame my virtuous brother for this matter?!"

"Really? Then why are you able to retreat unscathed?" Xu Shilin didn't believe it. He felt that after Li Mu discovered the clue, he must first remind the people around him, and then remind the others. Therefore, Zhang Yucheng, Lin Zhihe and their entourage all There were injuries, but Li Mu and the others were not injured at all!
Li Mu couldn't help laughing, and said, "It's really my fault."

Xu Shilin was overjoyed, and was about to add insult to injury when he heard Li Mu continue: "Just now I heard from Xu Juren that you are all practitioners, even if there are traps in the tomb passage, it is impossible to be blocked by the traps set up by ordinary people. The official believed it to be true!"

"I, you..." Xu Shilin was blushed by Li Mu, his eyes were burning with anger, but he couldn't refute it, because he really said this!
But this dumb guy can't eat it, once he eats it, he's taking the blame!
"My father said that as a joke! How can it be taken seriously!" Xu Shilin's son said wittily, and rescued his father, and blamed Li Mu as a parent officer, but couldn't tell the joke, he was simply a confused county magistrate!
"What's your name?" Li Mu looked at him playfully.

"My name is Xu Xian!" Xu Xian puffed out his chest.

In fact, he was not called Xu Xian before, but Xu Kang, but after his spiritual energy recovered, he could live forever, so he changed his name to Xian!

"Xu Xian?" Li Mu's face twitched. His father's name is Xu Shilin, and his son's name is Xu Xian. This father and son are absolutely perfect!
"Enough, now is not the time for internal strife!" Lin Zhihe interrupted them impatiently. Although he wanted to kill Li Mu, he was also very upset with Xu Shilin, father and son, but the most urgent thing was the tomb of Marquis of Nanshan!
Zhang Yucheng took a deep look at Li Mu, then turned around and looked at the stone gate at the end of the tomb passage.

This stone door has no mechanism and is not heavy, so he pushed it lightly and it opened.

A group of people entered one by one.

Behind the door is a huge stone chamber, with an altar-like stone platform in the center, and four statues around the stone platform, namely dragon, tiger, phoenix, tortoise and snake.

There are candlesticks above the heads of the four statues, and the fire will illuminate the surroundings.

"This is Sixiang!"

"There are yin-yang fish on the altar!"

"Why are there so many holes here?"

"A total of eight!"

"There are reliefs on the entrance of the cave!"

Everyone has their own discoveries, and they are carefully observing there.

When Li Mu came to the altar, he saw that the ground of the altar was indeed divided into yin and yang, but it was covered with dust, which made it difficult to see clearly.

After experiencing the previous tomb passage mechanism, everyone was very cautious and did not rush to clean up the dust.

Li Mu then observed the four elephant statues around the altar, and there was nothing unusual.

Finally, he came around the stone chamber, where there were eight holes in total, and the inside was so dark that the light of the fire could not enter.

And above each hole, there is a relief.

They are Jiaolong, Jiaomang, Honghu, Pixiu, Sparrow Python, Taotie, Qilin and White Deer!
(End of this chapter)

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