Chapter 76
More than a dozen black iron weapons weighed more than five hundred catties. Li Mu was able to carry them on his back by running the Ice Soul. He took two steps, and it was a bit difficult.

Am I going too far... Li Mu deeply reviewed himself, and then removed the heaviest meteor hammer.

This is comfortable... Li Mu put his weapon back on his back, and it was much easier.

He was about to go back home when he suddenly discovered that there was a door at the end of this stone room!
Li Mu quickly unloaded his weapon, drew out his black iron long sword and walked over.

Push the door and enter, and there is another tomb passage behind.

It's just that this tomb passage is a bit abnormal. With the help of Huozhezi's firelight, Li Mu saw that there were terracotta warriors and horses standing on both sides of the tomb passage, leaving only a one-meter-wide passage!

These soldiers held knives, swords and bows, stood there motionless, but emanated a cold killing intent strangely.

Could it be that this is directly connected to the main tomb of King Qingping?

Shouldn't be possible.

Li Mu entered the state of Bingxin, and entered cautiously with his sword.

The faint fire light moved slowly in the tomb passage, illuminating the dusty terracotta warriors and horses. When they walked more than a hundred meters, Li Mu suddenly heard a slight noise.

He was very calm, realizing that he might have touched the mechanism, he didn't panic, and ran forward with his feet!
At the same time, the soldier toilets on both sides of the tomb passage seemed to be activated, their arms began to dance wildly, and swords were like forests in an instant!
'Staying in a lonely village is not self-sorrowful, Shangsi defends Luntai for the country.

Lying in the middle of the night and listening to the wind and rain, the Iron Horse and Glacier fell into a dream. '

Iron Horse Glacier! !
Li Mu stabbed out with a sword, the frost-like sword energy froze the air, crushing the forest-like sword in front with the momentum of thousands of troops.

Keng Keng Keng Keng...

Amidst the continuous sound of clashing swords and swords, Li Mu forcibly cut a...'stone' road!

When he came to the end of the tomb passage, he looked back and saw the remains of soldiers and broken arms and broken swords everywhere behind him!
He lowered his head to look at the long sword in his hand. This sword was made of black iron and weighed more than 35 jin. It was extremely tough. If it wasn't for this sword, he wouldn't have been able to break through so smoothly!
He walked through the tomb passage and came to the fourth stone room. No, this is a grotto, about [-] meters square, with many stalactites. Li Mu held the torch and turned around, and found that there are traces of natural evolution here, and there are almost no artificial ones. The next traces, except for a terracotta warrior and two bronze boxes.

Li Mu came to the middle of the grotto, where there was a terracotta warrior kneeling on one knee, facing south.

Behind the terracotta warriors and horses is a stone pier at the same height, on which there are two bronze boxes.

Li Mu inspected the terracotta warriors and horses first, and saw that there was no weapon on them, and then he went to inspect the two bronze boxes on the stone pier. After confirming that there was no mechanism, he took one down, and the bronze box had no lock, so he could open it directly.

As soon as a slit was opened, a white light overflowed from the slit. Li Mu paused to confirm that the light was harmless before continuing to open it.

After opening the bronze box completely, the huge grotto has been illuminated by white light.

Li Mu looked, there was actually a fist-sized pearl in the bronze box, it was dull and white, shining brightly, illuminating the grotto!
Even though Li Mu didn't know much about pearls, he realized that this pearl is definitely a rare treasure with a unit of thousands of years!
Good stuff!

Li Mu put away the Huozhangzi and used this thousand-year-old pearl as a lamp.

Then, he opened the second bronze box.

In this bronze box, there is a piece of sapphire, the size of half a palm. There is a blood-like substance in the jade, which is in the shape of a dragon, winding and flowing, like a living thing.

What kind of jade is this?

Li Mu can't see the famous hall, but it is definitely worth a lot to put it together with the thousand-year-old pearl and protect it with the terracotta warriors and horses mechanism!

Li Mu carefully put the green jade into his bosom and hid it.

Finally, he looked at the terracotta warrior kneeling on one knee, feeling a little strange.

Who is this terracotta warrior kneeling?

Could it be that the direction of kneeling is the main tomb of King Qingping?
Li Mu walked towards the direction where he knelt down, which was the end of the grotto.

As Li Mu walked, the white light emitted by the pearl in his hand also illuminated the front bit by bit.

Finally, he walked to the end of the grotto, and found that there is a hidden gap here, if you don't get close, you can't find it at all!
The gap is only thirty or forty centimeters, if you walk sideways, you should be able to pass.

Li Mu has a good figure and no belly, so he can easily walk close to the gap.

After walking for about ten meters, the cracks gradually became larger, and bluestone floor tiles reappeared under the feet.

This is another tomb passage!
Li Mu's heart was beating like a drum, even in Bing Xin's state, he was a little excited.

He hurriedly stopped, and silently recited the Bing Xin Jue three times before he calmed down and continued on his way.

After walking another twenty meters, the tomb passage came to an end.

At the end, there is a water pool surrounded by airtight rock walls, about ten meters in radius, with stars falling from the sky and shining into the pool.

Li Mu looked up and found a grotto above the pool. There were seven holes in the grotto, and the sky was full of stars. Through these seven holes, seven stars fell down.

Li Mu's heart moved, and he covered the thousand-year-old pearl with his sleeve, the white light disappeared, and the place was plunged into darkness, but the next moment, the seven star lights on the grotto emitted azure blue light, like seven hazy pillars of light, like a dream, falling into darkness. Into the pool.

Li Mu looked down at the water pool, and found that the light of the seven stars was actually in the shape of a spoon.

Big Dipper? !
Li Mu's pupils shrank, and immediately, he found that the place illuminated by the starlight was faintly overflowing with sharpness!
He hurriedly took out the thousand-year-old pearl, and then took the awe-inspiring energy into his eyes, and saw that there really was a long sword piercing the bottom of the pool under the stone steps submerged in the pool!

Hidden so well, it is definitely a treasure!
It is likely to be King Qingping's personal saber!

The terracotta warrior outside is probably kneeling on this sword!
Li Mu was very excited, and immediately went to the pool to get the sword.

But at the moment when his feet were about to fall into the water, his heart beat violently, and a great terror between life and death hit his heart!

At this moment, his hair stood up, his scalp was numb, his limbs were stiff, but his heart was beating wildly!
Li Mu's face turned pale, and he quickly moved away from the pool!

This pool of water... Li Mu's heart was filled with lingering fear, and cold sweat was running down his forehead!

It took half a salary before he regained his composure and walked slowly to the edge of the pool.

He crouched down and looked into the pool.

The water in the pool is very clean and crystal clear, but it gets deeper and deeper, and the depth of the long sword is about 1.5 meters. Apart from that, there is no abnormality in the pool.

"The water has no peculiar smell, it should not be poisonous water, and there are no ripples, which means that there are no living things in the pool, so where is the danger?"

Li Mu decided to "strike the grass to scare the snake", he stirred the pool with the black iron long sword, and carefully watched the changes in the water. The next moment, Li Mu suddenly felt a familiar terrifying cold aura!

This is... Li Mu was taken aback, his pupils suddenly shrank.

At this moment, he was both shocked and unbelievable, because the terrifying icy aura contained in this pool was exactly the same as the terrifying icy aura in the underground river in front of Lancang River Spring!
Could it be that the underground river under the Lancang River is connected to this place? !
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(End of this chapter)

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