Great Swordsman

Chapter 77 The Ancient Sword: Long Yuan!

Chapter 77 The Ten Great Swords of Ancient Times: Long Yuan!
The water pool with a radius of ten meters was shimmering and rippled, stirring Li Muxin Lake.

At this moment, he thought of a lot!

The princes and princes in ancient times liked to choose geomantic treasure lands as their tombs, thinking that this way they could shade future generations, but the hillside outside, with no wind and no water, and shrouded in the shadow of the four peaks, looked like a desperate place!
"King Qingping buried himself here because of this underground river?"

Li Mu suddenly remembered the startling glimpse he had when he dived into the depths of the spring that day.

That huge scale armor is really just an illusion?
Or is this underground river actually a... dragon vein?
"Huh..." Li Mu let out a long breath, he shook his head, and shook off the messy thoughts in his mind.

Whether he has dragon veins or not, it has nothing to do with him!

What he has to do now is to take out the sword in the pool!

Li Mu pondered, thinking of a whip among the weapons in the third stone chamber, he immediately turned around and withdrew, and fetched that whip.

This whip is made of black iron, extremely tough and heavy. It took Li Mu more than half an hour to familiarize himself with it, and then he began to 'catch the sword'.

He whipped his whip towards the pool, the water splashed, and the whip quickly sank into the bottom of the water.

Li Mu frowned suddenly, he found that the spiritual power attached to the whip was melted extremely quickly the moment he entered the water.

Moreover, hindered by the water, the castration of the whip was also fast and weak, not enough to wrap around the sword under the pool.

But he didn't panic, Li Mu put the whip that entered the water next to the long sword in the pool, and then turned it around little by little. Under his guidance, the whip under the water pool was wrapped around the long sword little by little.

Then, Li Mu suddenly had to whip his long whip back.

But the result shocked Li Mu, because the part of the whip wrapped around the sword body... was broken!
Li Mu dodged the splash of water when he drew back, and looked at the pool intently. Beside the long sword at the bottom of the pool, the broken whip all told Li Mu how sharp this long sword is!

Cut iron like mud!

Moreover, this iron is not ordinary iron, but black iron!
This sword is definitely a peerless magic weapon!

Li Mu thought of the Zhang Sheng brush in Zhang Yucheng's hand. That brush made Li Mu very envious. It was a spiritual pen, which could cut the black iron chain after being infused with spiritual power.

But the long sword in front of him was just inserted into the bottom of the pool, without doing anything, it was able to cut through the black iron whip!
The two are not on the same level at all!
Be sure to take it out!
Li Mu thought of a loop, and used a strip of cloth with a loop to pull out the long sword.

But he shook his head, because there was no guard between the hilt and the blade of this long sword.

There is no fulcrum, how to set it?
After half an hour.

By the pool.

Li Mu tried his best, but he couldn't do anything with this sword.

After pondering for a while, he finally decided to dance the sword by the pool. He felt that the sword must have been psychic, and even if it was taken out by ordinary means, it might not be able to resist it. Therefore, he planned to attract it with his own sword intent!
I don’t see you, the water of the Yellow River comes up in the sky, and it will never return to the sea.

Don't you see Gaotangmingjing's sad white hair, the morning is like a blue silk and snow is at dusk.


Five-flowered horses, thousands of gold, Hu'er will exchange for fine wines, and sell the eternal sorrows with you. '


"The gate of heaven interrupts the opening of the Chu River, and the clear water flows eastward to this point.

The green hills on both sides of the strait face each other, and the lonely sail is approaching the sun. '


'The censer in the sun produces purple smoke, and the waterfall hangs in front of the river from afar.

Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days. '

Above the small pool, the sword energy is like frost, like strands of silk, flying in the blue starlight, like an elf traveling through the starry sky, like a dream.

The water pool was imprinted with starlight, and also with sword aura. The sword in the pool was bathed in starlight, and it was also bathed in sword aura.

Soon, the sword qi boiled on the water pool, and the densely packed fine pieces of sword qi pierced back and forth in the air, making continuous squeaks.

The azure blue starlight was cut by the sword energy, dotted piecemeal on the pool, and finally, when Li Mu was almost desperate, the sword in the pool finally responded!


The sword began to tremble at the bottom of the pool, and ripples spread out from the sword, spreading to the edge of the pool, and then spreading back.

Li Mu felt something in his heart, and immediately shouted loudly: "Come with the sword!"

Zheng! !

Amidst the melodious sound of the sword, a ray of blue light broke out from the pool, bathed in the starry sword energy, and flew into Li Mu's hand.


The long sword started to vibrate crazily, and the sword screamed continuously.

Li Mu felt extremely cold in his hands, as if he was holding a piece of ice that had lasted for ten thousand years, but this feeling was fleeting.

Sure enough, he was full of spirituality... Li Mu was very excited, suppressed the joy in his heart, and carefully examined the blade in his hand.

This sword is 1.3 meters long, two fingers wide, and the hilt is simple and elegant, and it seems to melt into the bone marrow when you hold it!
When Li Mu looked down at the sword again, it was like climbing a high mountain and looking down into the abyss. It was misty and deep, as if there was a giant dragon lying on it!

"Longyuan?!" Li Mu called out its name subconsciously.

Keng! !

At this moment, the long sword trembled again, and the sword sounded like thunder, as if responding, as if joyful.

Is it really Longyuan Sword?
Li Mu's heart beat like a drum.

Longyuan, also known as Seven Star Longyuan, was also called Longquan in the previous life. It is one of the top ten famous swords in ancient times!

Regardless of the past and present, the legend about this sword has spread widely from the princes and nobles to the traffickers and pawns, and almost everyone does not know its name.

Li Mu caressed the blade of Longyuan sword lightly. He really never expected that what was stuck in the pool was actually this famous ancient sword that had been missing for thousands of years!

However, this is not surprising, after all, this is the tomb of King Qingping!
King Qingping's name is Ying Zodiac. He is the younger brother of the Great Qin Emperor Yingzheng. Far!

For such a person, owning a Seven Star Longyon is not his glory, but the Seven Star Longyon's glory!

Li Mu stared at Long Yuan intently, his eyes were full of joy, he couldn't put it down!

Then, he danced the sword again.

The ice soul was running at full strength, and the ice-cold power of the ice soul poured into Longyuan like a spring.

Ordinary long swords simply cannot withstand so much power of ice soul, but Longyuan is really like an abyss, devouring all the power of ice soul. Li Mu stabs out with a sword, the sword energy is like a dream, more hazy than before, like a mirage, but also sharper, piercing the rock wall in an instant, bottomless!

After a sword dance, the sound of the sword is still there, and the lingering sound is endless.

Li Mu flicked his fingers: 'Listen to me'!

The sound of the sword was like a storm passing through, sweeping all directions in an instant, the water in the pool rippled, and the rock wall cracked directly, and countless broken rocks fell down.

Li Mu lowered his head, the bluestone floor tiles under his feet couldn't bear the sound of the sword, and cracked in all directions like a spider's web!
With the blessing of Long Yuan, the power of listening to the ear is several times stronger than before, it is simply incomparable!

Longyeon, Longyeon! !

Li Mu trembled with excitement.

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(End of this chapter)

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