Crossing all worlds: divine power automatically full level

Chapter 234 Guan Yu's Spring and Autumn Three Knives

Chapter 234 Guan Yu's Spring and Autumn Three Swords (1116)

Diao Chan and the others have strange and weird eyes.

It can't be their fault.

It was Han Sui, Ma Teng and others who looked at Ding Ling as stunned as a shocking fool, which made Diao Chan and his party feel a great sense of error!Reversal sense!

It is clear that Ding Ling came prepared, and he will definitely be unharmed.

But Ma Teng and others thought that Ding Ling must die, and they were fools.

What happens when the results come out?
Needless to say.

With the sound of a series of explosions, it passed by.

Zhang Fei panted heavily, took two steps back with the snake spear in his hand, and fixedly looked in Ding Ling's direction.

But I saw the smoke and dust scattered in the sky.

Ding Ling's figure was revealed.

He was tall, tall and straight, and his body was covered with a layer of completely dilapidated armor.

Under the armor is the skin that is as shiny as jade!

Look closely.

It will be found that Ding Lingtong's body is completely intact except for the damage to the armor, not even a drop of blood has flowed, and not a single strand of hair seems to have fallen out.


Cao Mengde, Liu Bei, Liu Biao, Guan Yu, Ma Chao, Han Sui, Gongsun Zan and others almost all gasped, their pupils dilated, and their faces were full of disbelief.

Zhang Fei's jaw was about to drop to the ground, with a look of shock on his face:
"This, this, this, how is this possible?!"

His strong, massive body was shaking.

It is not fear, fear.

Instead, he was shocked and shocked by this iron-blooded fact like a fantasy!The instinctive shuddering reaction of the body!
"too frightening!"

Dian Wei was moved, and the hand holding the halberd trembled unconsciously:
"Is this guy still human?!"

"Just now Zhang Fei's furious blow, if you don't resist, let alone one Lu Bu. Even ten Lu Bu will be killed! Where is Ding Ling? But he is not damaged at all!"

Xia Houdun and other fierce generals swallowed hard, their faces tightened instantly, and they looked at Ding Ling as if they were looking at ghosts and gods.

The entire arena.

Except for Zhang Fei's thunderous roar, there was a dead silence all around.

Everyone looked at Ding Ling blankly and in astonishment.

Just like a person struck by lightning, his body was extremely stiff and his mind was extremely empty!

Diao Chan, Xiao Qiao, Du Qingcheng, and Zhao Yun also let go of their original concerns.

Although he knew that Ding Ling would be fine, after all, Ding Ling fell from such a high sky earlier, and others were fine, but he forcibly smashed potholes into the ground!

Various examples have proved that Ding Ling's defense is invincible.

But Diao Chan and the others were confused when they cared, with their hearts always in their throats.

Seeing that Dingran was safe and sound at this moment, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Goodbye to Cao Mengde, Liu Bei and others.

The sense of glory in their hearts began to burst again!Everyone felt very proud and honored.

Ding Ling of their 'home' suppressed heroes from all over Kyushu by himself!What kind of earth-shattering ability is this?That's extraordinary!

[Achievement Medal: Shocking Han Sui. 】

[Achievement Medal: Shocking Liu Bei]

[Achievement Medal: Shocking Ma Teng. 】


[Note: Your invincible defensive power made all the princes who came to 'watch the battle' start to doubt life!I think this is so unreal!

Then think about your past experiences and the rumors about Wancheng.

They broke the defense!
I am in awe of you! 】

He won eight achievement medals in one go.

Ding Ling raised his brows slightly. It seems that the achievement medals of these princes are difficult to obtain, and the players have not yet obtained them.

And as soon as he showed his three-point ability, he harvested it.

Sure enough, a strong fist is the truth!
Ding Ling thought so far, stretched out his hand and lightly dusted his clothes, looked at Zhang Fei calmly and calmly, and smiled slightly:
"Are you still fighting?"

He found that Zhang Fei's achievement medal hadn't been swiped yet.

It seems that either Zhang Fei's medal was swiped by other players, or he is still extremely unconvinced.


Zhang Fei roared:

"Second brother, let's go together!"

"it is good!"

Holding the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, Guan Yu rushed to Zhang Fei's side in big strides. With a swing of the knife, he looked at Ding Ling with piercing eyes:
"A certain Guan Yu Guan Yunchang, please enlighten me!"

"bring it on."

Ding Ling was calm and unhurried, with a calm expression:
"Let me see what you guys are capable of."

"Okay. I'm sorry."

Guan Yu didn't ask Ding Ling why he didn't hold a weapon. Just now Ding Ling had proved his unparalleled defensive power with facts, so asking any more would be self-defeating.

With a roar, a Qinglong Yanyue Saber slashed forward angrily.

Spring and Autumn Swordsmanship!
As soon as the knife comes out, the brilliant light of the knife appears in the world.

One yin and one yang, one positive and one negative!One spring and one autumn!
Spring and Autumn Broadsword.

With one strike, three strikes were slashed down in a row.

Each cut is better than the previous one!

Once the three knives come out, they are superimposed together, but the sky is full of knives, and the three knives seem to be able to split the universe and the underworld!
A breathtaking aura emanated from the tip of the knife, surging through the ten directions.

Cao Mengde and others, who were quite far away, unconsciously held their breath, and felt the breath of death!
So three swords.

Ready to suddenly cut out, not to mention a first-class fierce general, even a super first-class general, it is difficult to block it easily!One might as well, it would definitely be killed instantly.

These three swords are even more breathtaking than Zhang Fei's thousands of spear shadows!
The three knives are like uncanny craftsmanship.

The split made waves in the void, and the earth trembled slightly.

Amidst Guan Yu's roar, clang!
Qinglong Yanyue knife slashed Ding Ling, making a rumbling sound.

Scattered knife force shot in all directions and hit the ground, causing dust and smoke to rise everywhere, completely covering Ding Ling in the sky full of smoke.

Wait for the smoke to clear.

Ding Ling's figure appeared again.

His armor was completely torn this time, and strips of rags hung on his body.

You can clearly see his jade-like skin.

Still lossless!
There was never any damage.


Although I had a hunch.

But this fact still made Guan Yu feel like being struck by lightning, he stepped back a few steps, and looked at Ding Ling with disbelief, as if he was watching ghosts and gods, or the way of heaven.

He does.

The same is true of Cao Mengde, Liu Bei and others.

at this moment.

They suddenly believed what the residents of Wancheng said:
"The city lord broke through the city gate alone, and the arrows rained on him without any damage!"

This sentence suddenly appeared in their minds.

They have previously questioned its authenticity.

But now the iron-blooded facts are in front of us!
They had to admit and believe that Ding Ling's defense was as impeccable as a god if a demon!
If Ding Ling appeared on the battlefield in heavy armor, who would be able to kill him?
With this defense.

Ding Ling can be said to be invincible!
Thinking about this joint clearly, Liu Bei, Cao Mengde and others looked at Ding Ling with more fanaticism!
(End of this chapter)

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