Crossing all worlds: divine power automatically full level

Chapter 235 Ma Teng pulls Ma Yunlu to get married

Chapter 235 Ma Teng pulls Ma Yunlu to get married (1216)

As much as I questioned before, now I feel ashamed and ashamed.

But this doesn't affect Liu Bei and others' eagerness to win over Ding Ling!
I thought it was just comparable to Lu Bu.

The result was unexpected, Ding Ling was more than ten times stronger than Lu Bu? !This defensive power is simply terrifying to the extreme!
What if such a fierce man was won over by other princes?
Just think about it.

Cao Mengde, Liu Bei, Sun Jian and others shuddered involuntarily!

They couldn't imagine the scene of facing Ding Ling on the battlefield!

Definitely going to be a nightmare!

"continue or not?"

Ding Ling looked calm, and a pair of deep eyes scanned Zhang Fei and Guan Yu:
"Do you still want to fight?"


Zhang Fei and Guan Yu were dumbfounded.

Their strongest blow hit Ding Ling.

Ding Ling felt itchy, how could he fight this? !

Zhang Fei's face was on fire.

Think of the previous wild words and lies!
He was even more embarrassed and ashamed!
Guan Yu also felt quite uncomfortable, because he didn't believe that Ding Ling would be so terrifying like rumors before, but now the strongest three swords can't hurt Ding Ling, if he continues to fight, he will deceive himself and others, and bring shame on himself !
"Ding Ling."

Sun Ce couldn't help but asked loudly:
"Is it true or not that you broke through the city gate with a sword and crossed the void?"

"Come up and try it together and you'll know."

Ding Ling casually tore off the broken armor on his upper body, revealing a strong, thick tiger back!

Diao Chan immediately ran over with a white coat and handed it to Ding Ling.

Ding Ling put it on.

Standing in place, with hands behind his back, he suddenly showed the air of a master.

"I said it. If you fight today, you will understand what I want to do."

He glanced at the princes in the audience, without any waves on his face, and said in a gentle voice:

"My purpose is to assist a prince to pacify the world! So among you, only one person will be chosen by me!"

Hear this.

The hearts of all the princes boiled hot.

All of them stared at Ding Ling with burning eyes.

It's almost like saying 'choose me' and 'choose me soon'!

And in order to gain Ding Ling's further recognition.

Ma Teng even dragged Ma Yunlu across the crowd on the spot, and came to the martial arts arena and told Ding Ling that he wanted to marry Ding Ling.

Ma Yunlu didn't object, but just looked at Ding Ling with almond eyes like water, his face full of admiration and admiration.


Ding Ling was stunned.

Ma Teng's move caught him off guard.

He glanced at Ma Yunlu, who was fresh, fresh, and graceful with a bit of heroism. He was a very rare and peerless beauty, although he was not as good as Xiao Qiao and other women.

But compared to ordinary women, it is better than I don't know how many times.

Especially at this moment, Ma Yunlu was shy and looked forward to Ding Ling, looking at Ding Ling with a peach blossom face, and Ding Ling's breathing was stagnant, and his master's demeanor almost broke in an instant.


Cao Mengde secretly thought something was wrong, so he hurried forward a few steps, took off the sword from his waist, and walked up to Ding Ling holding it in his hand, and said sincerely:

"Ding Ling, a sword deserves a hero! These are my swords Yitian Sword and Qingzhi Sword! Now I give them to you! Because maybe only you in this world can make them show their true edge!"

Ma Teng was furious, isn't Cao Mengde making trouble?

He could tell that Ding Ling had no intention of refusing.It was clear that as long as Ma Teng persisted, maybe Ding Ling would go downhill and agree.

There is really a son-in-law like Ding Ling!

Just thinking about it made Ma Teng's blood boil, and he couldn't contain his excitement.

If this really happened, he reckoned that he would be happy, excited, and laughing proudly for many years!
"Ding Ling! I have a peerless horse to give you."

Before Han Sui arrived at the martial arts arena, he began to say loudly:
"Absolutely a great horse, a BMW one in a million, as a general, how can there be only one good horse? I'll give you another one. It's just right for you!"

"Ding Ling, I have a top-notch magic book! I've heard some rumors that you practice martial arts so fast that you don't need anyone to teach you, you can learn it just by reading the book. I still don't believe it. But I want to give it a try today. Come on, Ce'er, take out the secret book that our ancestors have treasured for hundreds of years."

Sun Jian quickly followed suit.

Sun Ce was speechless.

What secret book has been treasured for hundreds of years?
This bragging is not so bragging!

However, he was very cooperative with Sun Jian and took out an old secret book from his arms.

"Ding Ling, I also have a daughter in my family. She is beautiful, gentle and lovely. She is definitely your perfect match..."

"Ding Ling, I have a batch of white horses..."

"Ding Ling. I have a group of magic soldiers!"

"Ding Ling..."


A bunch of princes rushed to recommend their 'treasures', 'good products', 'daughters', 'soldiers' and 'BMWs'...

Ma Teng's marriage plan has since been shattered.

He walked aside with Ma Yunlu with a dark face, hating Cao Mengde so much.

Of course, he didn't give any good looks to other princes.

Especially Han Sui, he agreed to be a brother, and stabbed him at a critical moment. What kind of shit brother is this? !


Ding Ling thought of task 1: Defeat more than 20 strong people from the plane:
Task 3: You must let the name of your god of war resound throughout the entire plane world.

He began to invite Ma Teng, Ma Chao, Yan Xing, Dian Wei, Xiahou Dun, Gongsun Zan, Sun Jian, Sun Ce and others to challenge him together!

"It's just a discussion."

Ding Ling smiled slightly:
"It's okay."

He paused, and added:
"As long as one of you hurts a hair of my head, I will join his team immediately!"

This statement came out.

The audience was buzzing.

Even the players Tian Yong and Tuoba Feng are eager to try.

Cao Mengde and others asked directly and loudly:
"This statement is true!"

"It's true."

Ding Ling said firmly.

"it is good."

Cao Mengde gave Dianwei and the others a look:
"Then we will discuss with you, Ding Ling."

Da da!

Dian Wei, Xiahou Dun, Sun Jian, Gongsun Zan, Yan Xing, who fought against Zhang Fei and was not weak, and others entered the stage one after another.

Dozens of fierce generals, famous generals, and princes surrounded Ding Ling.

All of them held weapons, and they fought against Ding Ling who was unarmed.

This made some arrogant people a little unbearable.

Ding Ling saw it, and without procrastinating, he directly activated the breathing method, his body shook slightly, and an awe-inspiring divine power spread in all directions!
"If you don't do it, then I will do it first."

With a twist of his wrist, he clenched his fist slightly, the Human Emperor's Fist Technique was activated, and a looming figure of the Human Emperor could be faintly seen flickering on the fist.

As Ding Ling's aura continued to soar.

The human emperor pattern is condensed like its substance, shining brightly in Ding Ling's hands.

With Ding Ling's clear shout, the human emperor pattern began to hit Guan Yu with his fist.

"Go together!"

Knowing Ding Ling's strength, Guan Yu roared, and was the first to rush forward with Zhang Fei.

(End of this chapter)

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