Crossing all worlds: divine power automatically full level

Chapter 238 Sun Jian and the players are taking the exam

Chapter 238 Sun Jian and the players are taking the exam
after all……

At that time, Ding Ling was still thinking about who to hang out with?It is better to be able to mix.

I never imagined that I would become a real talker in this world!
But reality is so dramatic sometimes!

The power of the realm of heaven and man is comparable to that of land gods.

Ding Ling, who has broken into the realm of heaven and man in four dimensions, is equivalent to a god in terms of defense, strength, speed, physical strength, vitality, endurance, etc.!
He got to this point.

Every move, every word and deed can easily rewrite the pattern of this world.

Naturally, his boldness, vigor, vision, etc. have also suddenly increased a lot.


There are more things you can do than you can imagine!

His heart naturally swelled all of a sudden, and he felt that he could easily subvert the world and rewrite the fate of people at will!

Fortunately, during this period of fighting, self-cultivation, and the continuous operation of the Qingsangjing, Neijing, and Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases, almost all the evil spirits in his body were eliminated, and his heart became more and more clear, and it did not swell as before.

The whole person looked less domineering.

But the majestic demeanor is even more evident, more and more like a generation of great masters!
Yet even so.

In the face of a group of celebrities, there is almost no bottom line to flatter.

Ding Ling still felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, he was an ordinary person a few months ago!

Although I have experienced many things during this period and have been praised by many people, but like Liu Bei and others, this is the first time.

Ding Ling faced this kind of battle for the first time.

Even someone like him who's been 'soaked' in 'Flowers and Fame'.

It's also a bit unbearable, and it's normal for the bones to be a little weak.


He is no ordinary person after all.

It is a land god who has broken into heaven and man in four dimensions!
There is a world of difference in mentality and demeanor from the past.

After he parted with Liu Bei and others.

I started to write a question one by one.

1: Are you willing to donate the secret martial arts handed down from your ancestors?
2: Are you willing to persuade your subordinates to donate secret martial arts?
3: Are you willing to donate top-notch things such as magic weapons and BMWs.

4: Will you serve the country and the people wholeheartedly?If it can't be done, what will be done?
5: How do you plan to govern the country?

There are more than a dozen of them.

After Ding Ling finished writing.

He quickly copied dozens of copies, and then sent them to Cao Mengde and others as Diao Chan.

He also indicated that Du Qingcheng, Diaochan, Qiao, and the others must make it clear: that is, they must 'hand in the paper' within an hour!
Diao Chan, Qiao Du, Qingcheng and the others went.

After a while.

Cao Mengde, Liu Bei and others either racked their brains, or wrote quickly, or consulted information, or asked others, or found someone to write for them...

Tian Yong, Tuoba Feng and other player representatives looked at the 'paper' and looked at each other in blank amazement:
"When I come to the game world, I still have to take the exam?! Do you want to do this?!"

"Ding Ling is too arrogant. We are all players, should we be so serious? If you relax, you will die?"

"That's right. I even secretly passed a note to Ding Ling. I made it very clear that as long as he chooses to help us, in reality, we will help him too. Unfortunately, he seems to have ignored me!"


The players knew Ding Ling's combat effectiveness and identity better than the natives.

Therefore, they want to lure Ding Ling by intimidation, so as to force Ding Ling to cooperate with them.

But it seems useless.

So they thought of a way to help each other.

However, Ding Ling still ignored them.

While they were frustrated, they were also very angry. They felt that Ding Ling was putting on too much!
"Hmph. Ding Ling messed with Ning Yi, Ning Zhen and others. Now he's messing with us again. I really don't know if he is reckless or really stupid?"

"Do you think that a stupid person can be far ahead of all the players and become the god of land in the Three Kingdoms world?! Hmph. There is a high probability that he has something to rely on! I just don't know who his background and backer are? There are constant rumors outside, and it's hard to tell clear!"

"Let Ning Yi and the others try Ding Ling's methods first. We'll go to him after Ding Ling suffers. At that time, he has no reason not to cooperate with us."


An hour later.

Ding Ling flipped through the 'test paper'.

He was the most dissatisfied among the players and put it aside.

Because it is too perfunctory, comparing the heartfelt words and fanatical reverence of Liu Bei, Cao Mengde and others, players will automatically be compared in the process of rolling.

It is also impossible for Ding Ling to choose them to be the managers of the Three Kingdoms World.

Who doesn't know who.

It really allows players to control the world of the Three Kingdoms, the steps are too big, and it is easy to mess up!

Besides, Ding Ling doesn't trust the players. He knows that the players just regard this as a game world, and everything is based on profit. They will definitely dig endless resources for the Three Kingdoms World. When all the resources are exhausted, they will abandon the Three Kingdoms World. Such as shoes.

Ding Ling couldn't accept this.

He has many benefactors, friends, and guides in the Three Kingdoms world.

Let him watch the world crumble, he can't do it.


There is revenge.

It is Ding Ling's code of conduct.Be polite and respectful to your benefactors, but not commonplace to demons!

Ding Ling is not a corrupt and stubborn person!
"It's him."

Ding Ling read all the papers.

I chose Cao Mengde's.

Because Cao Mengde is the most willing, the resources are relatively abundant, and his talents in governing the country are far superior to Liu Bei and others.

Regardless of what will happen to Liu Bei later.

The current Liu Bei is absolutely inferior to Cao Mengde in terms of internal affairs, state governance, and art of war.

Furthermore, Cao Mengde is eclectic and open-minded, so he will be a good monarch.

It is undeniable that he has such and such shortcomings.

But who can have no shortcomings?
Humans have flaws, even Ding Ling has flaws of one kind or another!
Ding Ling saw this clearly.

The most important thing is that Cao Mengde has not changed his original intention now, and has not experienced too many dirty and bloody things.

If Cao Mengde really did a lot of bottomless things like Dong Zhuo.

Due to Ding Ling's grudge, he might not choose him.

After all, he just chooses an agent, and what he wants is that his friends, benefactors, etc. can live better.

At the same time, this is also closely related to his mission.

Choose the right person.

no doubt.

His road to the glory of the God of War will definitely go smoother and more perfect.


The next day.

Ding Ling announced the result.

Cao Mengde was ecstatic, he looked up to the sky and laughed, his face couldn't hold back at all, his face was twisted into a ball when he laughed, and he couldn't stop for a long time.


Liu Bei, Liu Biao, Sun Jian, Han Sui and others are speechless, jealous, envious, and hate!

Why Cao Mengde!

Ma Teng was straightforward and asked the question that everyone wanted to know.

Ding Ling directly took out everyone's test papers.

Let everyone compare.

After a while.

Everyone was silent.

Looking at Cao Mengde's eyes, there are admiration and contempt.

In order to win over Ding Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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