Chapter 239 Cao Mengde is in high spirits (1616)

It can be said that Cao Mengde has completely forgotten the family law of his ancestors!
He is willing to donate all related things such as ancestral secret arts, martial arts and so on!

This is something that goes over the bottom line of many people.

Ma Teng, Gongsun Zan, and others all asked themselves that they couldn't do it.

Cao Mengde can!

Of course, Cao Mengde's governance and art of war are extremely excellent, and Liu Bei and others are also ashamed of themselves.

So compare.

They also understood why Ding Ling chose Cao Mengde.

If it were them, they would also choose Cao Mengde.

There is no harm without comparison.

Comparing with Cao Mengde, they appear to be ignorant, ignorant, and less sincere.

Cao Mengde is willing to donate all related things such as ancestral secrets!
This shows his attitude.

Although Liu Bei is willing to give everything!
But Liu Bei's governance and other aspects are much inferior to Cao Mengde.


Cao Mengde smiled from ear to ear, cupped his hands and said:

"Everyone, accept, accept!"

He walked up to Ding Ling with big strides, grabbed Ding Ling's hand, his eyes were piercing, and he said sincerely:

"Ding Ling, don't worry, I, Cao Mengde, spit on a nail, and what I say is like splashed water, there is absolutely no reason to take it back. I promise to satisfy you!"

"it is good."

Ding Ling smiled slightly:
"I hope to have a pleasant cooperation."

"Haha, definitely! Definitely!!"

Cao Mengde grinned so much that his mouth reached behind his ears.

Can be assisted by a land god like Ding Ling.

He seems to have seen the scene of unifying Kyushu and attacking beyond the Great Wall.

My heart couldn't help but boil and my blood became hot.


Han Sui's jealous face began to distort!

Ma Teng was heartbroken.

Sun Jian's face darkened.

Liu Bei sighed.

Liu Biao regretted it.

Gongsun Zan felt very sorry.


Princes from all walks of life have different expressions.

But without exception, they were extremely jealous and envious of Cao Mengde.

Cao Mengde also felt it, and became more proud, joyful, and excited, and turned to the princes in all directions, and said loudly:

"Guys, I think you all know the result by now. Do you guys think that if one day my troops come to the city, can you stop Ding Ling's miraculous means?"


Han Sui, Ma Teng, Liu Biao and others were terrified.

"You can't stop it."

Cao Mengde was full of vigor and aura, as if he had been taught by a god. With the backing of the gods, why would he be afraid of ordinary people?
Both parties are no longer figures of the same magnitude or level.

You can completely overlook and crush the opponent:
"So, why don't we sit down and have a good talk. Discuss how to integrate each other's strengths better and faster..."

Before Cao Mengde finished speaking.

Han Sui stood up first and said:

"Cao Mengde, how can we give up the place that we have worked so hard to run with just one or two words from you. Don't think too highly of yourself."

"you are right."

Cao Mengde is a bachelor:

"I've never thought highly of myself. I don't think you should think highly of me either."

He pointed at Ding Ling:
"You should face up to Ding Ling! Think about it, even if Ding Ling lets you go today. When we meet on the battlefield in the future, how many moves can you resist? How sad and regrettable you are! Don't you want to be Do high-ranking officials of the imperial court enjoy generous salaries?
Don't want to leave your name in history?

Don't want to shine brightly?To leave a rich family business for future generations?

If you don't want to.

Prepare to fight against Ding Ling willfully.Row.You can go now.

I also put my words here.

Who will be the first to leave today.

Ding Ling and I will kill whoever is the first one in the future! "

Han Sui, who was about to walk away, heard this, and his face turned black in an instant!
He opened his mouth angrily and said:
"Cao Mengde, don't bully people too much!"

"Ha ha."

Cao Mengde laughed happily. He has never been so happy when he grows up:

"I'll bully you if I tell you the truth. Kyushu must be unified. Ding Ling said it before. So anyone who is going to fight against Ding Ling must think clearly about the consequences!"


All the princes were silent about it.

"Ding Ling is a god-like figure on land, who among us ordinary people can withstand his blow?"

Cao Mengde advised:
"I have good intentions. If you insist on going your own way, you can leave now."

No one left.

But it was because no one wanted to be the first person targeted by Ding Ling.

"Go. Let's go in and have a good discussion."

Cao Mengde enthusiastically pulled Liu Bei, Sun Jian and others with ugly faces to the hall to talk.

Ding Ling just stood aside and watched without speaking.


Negotiations were intense.

The issues of interest involved are complex.

There are those who are satisfied and those who are naturally dissatisfied.

In the end, to make everyone happy, everyone aimed their spearheads at those princes who did not come to Wancheng: Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao, Liu Yan and others.

One's own interests are not enough.

Then share the interests of others.

Cao Mengde and his party discussed until the next day.

The charter was finalized.

That is to destroy Dong Zhuo first, and then wipe out Yuan Shao and others.

As long as Ding Ling proves his strength.

Without saying a word, Liu Bei, Sun Jian and others are willing to join Cao Mengde's group and become one of them!
"it is good!"

Ding Ling took a long breath.

It can be regarded as the end of the discussion.

He was dozing boring!It seems that he is not suitable to be a politician. If he listens too much, he will easily get into trouble if he doesn't listen.

So the best thing to do is not participate!
It is really appropriate to leave this headache to Cao Mengde.

If it were him, he would definitely choose to push horizontally, and if he didn't obey, he would be killed.

But Cao Mengde is different, he will maximize the use and mobilization of various talents, and will not cause a waste of talents from Kyushu.

Kyushu wants long-term and stable development.

Talent is essential.

Although Ding Ling's skills such as governing the country have reached the full level, but his wisdom and other skills have not kept up. Therefore, it is extremely difficult for him to manage the internal affairs well.

Even if the difficulty is not very high, he is not willing to do it.

It's too time consuming.Where is the refreshment of horizontal pushing?simply?neat?

"I'm going to pick off Dong Zhuo's head now."

Ding Ling raised his legs and was about to leave. After taking two steps, he turned to look at Cao Mengde and the others: "Which one of you will send troops to take over the territory around Sili?"

"I go!"

Liu Bei took the initiative:
"I brought a troop and stationed thirty miles away from Wancheng. I can let my second and third brothers go with you, Ding Ling."

Han Sui cursed shamelessly, got up quickly and said:

"To be honest, I also brought an iron cavalry and stationed fifty miles to the northwest. I think it's okay for me to take over the territory of Sili!"

Other princes also rushed to speak.

When it comes time to snatch benefits, everyone is like a hungry tiger rushing for food, without any ambiguity.

(End of this chapter)

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