Chapter 297 Mood Improvement!In the Inn (311)

Ding Ling's state of mind has improved.

I have a clearer view of the road ahead.

Every step.

Ding Ling will undergo some subtle changes.

It seems that in the early days of the Three Kingdoms, he was a bit sloppy, and when he met Zhen Jiang, he almost lost his composure.

Later, with the growing strength, the status continued to rise.

Naturally, his mentality is also changing rapidly, becoming more and more stable and mature.

For women, naturally, they don't have that kind of hang-on mentality, and they become casual, resigned, calm, and indifferent.

And the battle with Bai Wushuang just now.

It also made Ding Ling realize what it means to be a hero, what is chic, and grand!
as a man.

If even a woman.


The other party may not even be a woman!

If he is inferior to such a person, is he worthy of being a man?

Ding Ling seemed to have opened up the two veins of Ren and Du.

The breath fluctuated slightly, becoming more and more wild and domineering, but soon, it restrained itself, calm and calm.

Lin Pingzhi felt something, and glanced at Ding Ling with some doubts, and then followed Ding Ling obediently.


The next morning.

The head of the sub-rudder of the Fuwei Escort Bureau came to Ding Ling and Lin Pingzhi to talk about the matter of the big medicine, and emphasized that another batch of big medicine had arrived, but the gold and silver in the sub-rudder's account were not enough, and Lin Zhennan was needed Or they can only use the reserve account with the approval of a worthy person like Lin Pingzhi.

Ding Ling was overjoyed.

He didn't expect Fuwei Escort to be so efficient.

He originally thought he would have to stay for a few more days, but since he didn't need it now, it would be the best.

Lin Pingzhi immediately approved.

The helmsman took the order and went.

But half an hour later.

The rudder master came back with a panicked face, knelt down in front of Lin Pingzhi, and said in a trembling voice:
"Young Escort. Our medicine has been robbed!"


Ding Ling frowned slightly.

Now even Bai Wushuang, who is likely to be Dongfang Invincible with a high probability, knows about Ding Ling, the Void Breaker.

No reason other reputable people wouldn't know.

Now that he knows, he must also know that he is in Fuwei Escort Agency.So dare to grab things from Fuwei Escort Bureau.

This is provocation?

Or ignore?

Or is it really just plain ignorance?
"who is it?!"

Lin Pingzhi slapped the table angrily:
"He just ate the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard!"

A family in Fuzhou City was almost wiped out by the Qingcheng faction.

Lin Pingzhi was extremely sensitive to such matters, and the fireworks in his heart rose when he heard the words.

"I don't know. But after the man snatched our medicine, he went to an inn in a leisurely manner. I asked someone to guard there. The man should not have left now."


Ding Ling got up:

"Go and see."

This is a lot of medicine.

Not one or two.

There are so many big medicines that even use the reserve account of Fuwei Escort Bureau, which shows that the weight is definitely quite a lot.

Ding Ling swallowed the big medicine before, and his strength increased by a large margin.

It is also quite urgent for big medicine now.

Someone dared to lick the tiger's beard at this time, he couldn't stand it.


The rudder master was overjoyed.

He had seen Ding Ling's methods with his own eyes, and he believed that if Ding Ling took action, success would be achieved immediately.

Da da!

A group of people rode out of the mansion.


Arrived at an inn.

Ding Ling lightly jumped off the horse and landed silently, drawing cheers from nearby.

Ding Ling followed the sound and saw that it was indeed another group of players who didn't fit in with the natives. When they saw Ding Ling looking at them, they immediately waved excitedly and shouted:

"Ding Ling, idol. Can I take you as my teacher?"

The corners of Ding Ling's eyes twitched, he smiled awkwardly, ignored them, and stepped into the inn.

In this regard.

Players were not disappointed either.

After all, it was rumored that Ding Ling was offered a billion yuan as a teacher and Ding Ling refused. They still want to succeed with empty hands and white wolves?

But you have to think on the bright side in everything. What if one day Ding Ling suddenly loses his mind and just agrees?
To be a man is to have a dream!


Ding Ling stepped on the wooden ladder of the inn, making a creaking sound.

"it's him."

As soon as he stepped onto the second floor of the inn, before he could stand still, the helmsman pointed at a burly, eight-foot tall man with unrestrained eyes, who was drinking heavily.

The man was sitting on a stool with a big horse and a golden knife, and a young and beautiful nun with a holy face sat opposite him.

This nun has a natural beauty, as bright as a spring flower, as beautiful as an autumn moon, like a bodhisattva sitting in a nunnery, her face is emitting a sacred and inviolable light.

Anyone who sees her beauty will instantly dispel all desires!

This is a nun who is beautiful enough for any man to pity on and desire to protect her!
The nun seemed to have also heard the voice of the captain, following the sound, she happened to meet Ding Ling's eyes, and seemed to see Ding Ling's eyes that only admired and did not profane.

The nun's face was reddish, and she turned her head away in embarrassment.

"Oh it's you!"

The man saw that the helmsman came with two people, he couldn't help scrutinizing him carefully, and saw a young man with a rich spirit like jade and a delicate temperament;
One is a tall, tall, handsome young man with a deep breath.

Can't help laughing:

"What? My uncle took some medicinal materials from you, so you are going to bring people to surround me, Tian Boguang?!"

"Walk alone Tian Boguang?!"

The helmsman was taken aback and couldn't help but took two steps back, but he immediately came back to his senses, now that he had a backer, he couldn't help but straightened his chest again, and took two steps forward, only a little behind Ling:

"It doesn't matter if you are Tian Boguang. You must be reasonable. You have to return the medicine you took from Fuwei Escort Bureau."

"Knowing that it's my uncle, he still has the courage to ask me for medicine."

With a bang, Tian Bo placed the wine bowl heavily on the table, causing the nun opposite to her to tremble.

Seeing this, Tian Boguang smiled slightly:
"Little beauty, you don't have to worry. Wait until I recover from my injury. I must strip off your clothes and have a good time with you."

The nun's complexion was pale, her lips were tightly pressed, she seemed to want to say something, but when she saw Ding Ling approaching, she closed her mouth again.

Ding Ling stood not far in front of Tian Boguang, stretched out his hand expressionlessly, and said:

"The things are still coming."

"I have ordered people to boil the big medicine. But you are late."

Tian Boguang looked at Ding Ling with a strange expression:

"Young man, don't be ignorant of good and evil. There were eight hundred or one thousand good men who bumped into my hand in the past, but few of them were able to walk out unharmed. I showed kindness today and saved that guy's life without hurting him. Half a minute, he didn't know how to bring you two brats to block me. Hahaha..."

He laughed loudly, looked at Ding Ling contemptuously, and stood up, his voice suddenly turned to a low voice, calm and pretentious:
"Do you think I'm easy to talk, or do you think your martial arts are better than mine?"

(End of this chapter)

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