Chapter 298 Ding Ling VS Tian Boguang (for subscription)
"I think my martial arts must be higher than yours."

Ding Ling slapped Tian Boguang suddenly.


Tian Boguang looked up to the sky and laughed, his voice shook all directions:

"Okay, okay, let me see how capable you are!"

The sound has not yet landed.

A sharp look flashed across Tian Boguang's eyes, and his hand was like lightning, he grabbed the handle of the knife suddenly, clang!

The blade came out of its sheath, turned into a horse, and slashed heavily towards Ding Ling's palm!

This knife is as swift and fierce as light, and the attack is like a waterfall crashing into the world.

If one can be cut down.

Ding Ling's hand will definitely be scrapped.

The nun seemed to see what was going on, and couldn't help exclaiming, "Be careful!" '

Lin Pingzhi felt a chill in his heart when he saw it, and was a little worried.

The crowd of onlookers nearby, the travelers on the left and right upstairs, and the guests couldn't help but looked sideways.


Ding Ling's palms flew like a forest, and every palm fell down, as if a mountain was pressing down on the ground. The remote palm strength is extremely ingenious and fast!
Unexpectedly, he can attack Tian Boguang from an incredible angle every time.

In just the blink of an eye, the two of them had exchanged no fewer than ten moves!
With each move, the shadow of the palm collided with the blade, making a heavy bang.

After ten strokes.

Ding Ling was as motionless as a mountain.

However, Tian Boguang was so shocked that his palms were numb, he couldn't help but flew out, took a few steps back, and looked at Ding Ling solemnly:

"Who are you? What kind of palm technique did you use just now? Why are you so fierce?!"

"Ha ha."

Ding Ling smiled lightly and pulled out the giant sword behind his back, pointing the sword point at Tian Boguang:

"If you want to know who I am, wait until I defeat you. I'll tell you!"

Ding Ling is not what it used to be.

After some strength improvement.

He is now far better than when he confronted Yu Canghai, and the fight against Bai Wushuang made him more confident. Although he couldn't sweep the world, there were definitely not many people who wanted to stop him.

Now that Tian Boguang, the silver thief, is in front of him, how can Ding Ling keep his hand?

Don't wait for Tian Boguang to reply now.

Daybreak Swordsmanship!

Qingshuang swordsmanship!

Moon Shadow Swordsmanship!

Songfeng swordsmanship!

All kinds of strange and magical sword techniques are in Ding Ling's hands. Every move, every sword, is made by Ding Ling to perfection.

But when I saw the painting of swords and flowers flashing across the void, when I looked again, it seemed that a crescent moon had fallen into the world.

Tian Boguang was taken aback. He instinctively wanted to run away, but he couldn't bear the nun staying in the inn and the big medicine brewed in the kitchen. What's more, Ding Ling's sword pointed directly at his vital gate. If he ran away with Ding Ling on his back, there was a high probability Will be stabbed in the vitals and die on the spot.

Think about this.

Tian Boguang yelled, mustered all the internal energy in his body, poured it into the blade, the gust of wind saber will come, and the blade is as fast as a thunderbolt, carrying endless wind, and slashes heavily towards Ding Ling's head.


Clang clang!
One knife, one sword, and soon they will fight together!
The blades and blades of the two weapons could not be seen clearly, even those with high skill could see them dazzled for a while, and those with weaker skills could not help but feel bored and want to vomit after looking at them more.

Clang clang!
When the two weapons collided, the inn was filled with clanging and clanging sounds!

At the top of the second floor, there was an elegant middle-aged man with a jade-like beautiful girl watching the battle with piercing eyes.

He looked into the eyes.

But seeing a sword fluttering like a fairy, sometimes it seems like a ghost prison has fallen into the world, sometimes it seems like a prairie fire is born in the dark, and he can't help but secretly tremble, because he can see that Ding Ling's swordsmanship seems to contain battlefield killings Spear techniques, and each of them has been cultivated to the stage of instinct.

'It's amazing. '

He was amazed.

The girl on one side couldn't understand.

It was just that the sky was full of sword shadows and the light of knives flashed, but in a short time, Tian Boguang had several fingers cut off by Ding Ling's sword, and the sharp knife in his hand fell to the ground.

I couldn't help standing up happily and applauding loudly.

The girl doesn't know sorrow, she just knows that Tian Boguang is a famous silver thief, and if someone gets rid of this silver thief, why doesn't she applaud and applaud?

All the onlookers left and right turned pale, and for the first time began to really examine the young man Ding Ling.

Ding Ling didn't care about travelers and guests. Instead, he spun his sword and landed on Tian Boguang's neck, and said indifferently:
"Where is the big medicine?"

Tian Bo's face was ashen, and he looked at Ding Ling in shock.

Just because his sharp sword couldn't keep up with Ding Ling's swift sword, he was completely crushed!

There is actually someone in this world who is faster than his knife!

And he was a young man so much younger than him.

For a moment, his heart was occupied by frustration, annoyance, and despair, and he forgot the pain of his fingers connecting his heart.

Wait until you hear Ding Ling's voice.

He just seemed to be dazzled, and for a moment, he couldn't help but gasped in pain.

He looked at the few fingers that had been cut off, with a face of disastrous defeat, and smiled wryly:

"One-third of the big medicine is boiled in the kitchen. I hide the other two-thirds in my package. The package is in..."

He didn't hide anything, he told the truth.

Ding Ling signaled the helmsman to go and have a look.

The helmsman was stunned for a moment, then turned around and left in a hurry.At this moment, he treated Ding Ling's words like an imperial edict, and he never thought that Tian Boguang, the famous lone traveler, would be easily defeated by Ding Ling!too strong!

Not long.

The helmsman turned back in a hurry, and there was already an extra package in his hand.

There are many great medicines hidden in it.

Ding Ling heaved a sigh of relief.It's good that the big medicine is here.As for the one-third that is still boiling, take it back and use it the same way.

"No, I don't know your surname Gao."

Tian Boguang asked with great pain.

"Ding Ling."

"Ding Ling?!"

Tian Boguang was a little dazed:
"What a familiar name."

It seems that he must have heard some things about Ding Ling from some players, but his focus is not on this, but on the nun, so it is normal that he can't remember Ding Ling for a while.

He just said:
"Now that the medicine is returned, I was also injured by you, so it can be written off?"

"You think it's beautiful."

Ding Ling drew out his sword sharply.


A sword across Tian Boguang's crotch!

Look again.

There was already a lot of blood under Tian Boguang.

He seemed to sense something, and couldn't help crying.


The onlookers, especially the men, instinctively covered the bottom, and gasped as if feeling the same.

"Your Excellency is so aggressive, don't you think it's too much?"

A high-pitched voice suddenly came from the entrance of the corridor.

The nun trembled, followed the sound to look over, saw a handsome and unrestrained figure, and blurted out:

"Brother Linghu!"


Brother Linghu held a sharp sword and smiled slightly at the nun:
"You'll be fine."

Yilin slightly lowered her head shyly.

But soon.

She seemed to think of something again, and looked at Ding Ling involuntarily.

This handsome man who suddenly appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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