Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 200 199. Are you being manipulated so much at school?

Chapter 200 199. Are you being manipulated so much at school?
Zhao Anqi pressed the watch on Zha Xiaoming's wrist, pulled him to show others, and said:

"You see, it's quite appropriate, right?"

Some people around who sold her face nodded one after another.In fact, you can't see anything when you press it in your hand.

However, the P4105’s sophisticated dial, complicated and aesthetically pleasing structure, is already cool in itself. The layered design inside the watch is like wearing a magic circle on your hand.

It's really nice.

Seeing that Zhao Anqi picked it up and played with it without her consent, Lu Qianzi was very angry.

"Zhao Anqi, return it to me!"

Zhao Anqi turned her head, gave Lu Qianzi a cold look, and said in a drawn-out tone, "Oh, you're so stingy, even if you're in a watch shop, you won't let me try it, right?"

Lu Qianzi was so angry that her cheeks flushed slightly: "This watch is not mine, but someone else's. What if you break it? Do you know that this watch..."

"Do you know how much this watch costs, right? Yes..." Zhao Anqi waved her hand lazily, and said, "My uncle has a watch shop in Qunxian City, so of course I know the price."

Zha Xiaoming was pressed by her wrist, and he didn't dare to move, for fear that if he moved, he would break the watch.

Zhao Anqi turned her head, looked at the watch on Cha Xiaoming's wrist again with appreciation, and said:

"In the future, I will buy a watch like this for my boyfriend as a gift. That's why I want to borrow yours to see the effect."

A boy next to him smiled and said, "An Qi, you are quite willing to give such an expensive thing to your boyfriend."

Zhao Anqi twisted her neck gracefully: "Of course, I'm a girl who treats everyone well to the end, but I don't know who will end up being a good girl like me."

Lu Qianzi felt a little angry, but thought that since Zhao Anqi knew it well, she probably wouldn't intentionally sabotage it.

Zhao Anqi tilted her head left and right, looked at the watch on Zha Xiaoming's wrist, the more she looked, the more satisfied she was, she turned her head and said to Lu Qianzi:

"You can't see anything if you look at it like this. Let Xiaoming be a model and wear it to see. I know you must ask if you know how much it is. Let me repeat, I know."

Many people around laughed secretly, and Lu Qianzi was so angry that her head hurt, but when she saw the watch was crumbling, her heart trembled, fearing that something might go wrong, it would be more secure if she put it on.

"Okay, after you try it, take it off and return it to me. The master will come over later, and he will tell me about it when he sees it."

Cha Xiaoming got her consent and quickly put on the watch.In fact, he has been hungry for a long time.

After getting the exquisite Patek Philippe watch, Cha Xiaoming put his hands across his chest, posed in various poses, and asked:
"How about it?"

Zhao Anqi laughed and said, "It's not bad, my boyfriend will choose this one in the future."

A boy next to him smiled and asked, "Did your boyfriend choose this one, or did your boyfriend choose this one? If you don't make it clear, we will all misunderstand!"

Zhao Anqi smiled coquettishly and slapped the boy fiercely: "Damn! Disgusting!"

Someone next to him took out his mobile phone and said to Cha Xiaoming, "Come on, put up a few more posses and take some photos for you."

Cha Xiaoming quickly poses.

Zhao Anqi said: "Sure enough, my dad kept saying that a watch is a man's appearance. Wearing a watch and not wearing a watch, the temperament is different. It looks suddenly more mature and stable."

Everyone said yes.

Lu Qianzi secretly shook her head.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but this watch in Zha Xiaoming's hands always looks a bit nondescript, as if it doesn't belong to him naturally.

But when Chen Ya wore it on his hand for her to see, it was just right.

Although she said at the time that the other dream starry sky was more beautiful, this extremely luxurious watch is absolutely beautiful.It's just that she doesn't like this too luxurious style.

It's strange to say that Zha Xiaoming is a native of the capital after all, but Chen Ya, who came from the countryside, is more suitable for this watch than him.

A group of people watched Zha Xiaoming try it on, and they all gathered together. Senior sister Qin Jinna, the chairman of the society, came in and saw everyone gathered together, and said:

"Don't be so noisy, let's all get out of the way, and don't move things in the way."

A student said to Qin Jinna: "Senior sister, Lu Qianzi brought a watch over here, it's very beautiful."

Qin Jinna came over, glanced at Zha Xiaoming's wrist, and said, "This watch is very expensive, and you guys are so big-hearted, you dare to play with it like this."

Zhao Anqi said: "Sister, it's okay, isn't a watch just for people to wear? Cha Xiaoming is not an idiot, and it won't break."

Qin Jinna said to the boys behind the conductor: "The new rostrum has arrived, please help me move it."

The person who was pointed out followed the senior sister angrily, and the girl who took the photo of Cha Xiaoming made a scissors hand to him: "I will return the picture to you later."

Cha Xiaoming gave her an OK gesture.

He is already thinking about what words to match in Moments today.

A boy next to him came over and whispered to Lu Qianzi, "Qianzi, can you wear it for me too? I also want to buy a watch and try it on."

In fact, everyone saw that Cha Xiaoming had Moments material, and they were a little sour, and wanted to take a few photos with it.

Before Lu Qianzi could speak, Zhao Anqi immediately said, "Who are you? You just want to buy a watch. You can't afford Qianzi, you know. Don't try it. Right Qianzi?"

The boy waved his hand: "Go, go, it's none of your business, don't provoke my relationship with Qianzi here. Qianzi, you will give me justice, right?"

Lu Qianzi pressed her temples and said: "No, I want to try another after trying this one. I said this watch is not mine or not. I shouldn't try it on for anyone. It's very rude to others. It's not for money." question."

Zhao Anqi said disdainfully: "Yes, yes, it's not about money, let alone this watch is very valuable."

She hated what Lu Qianzi said before, and kept taunting her. Finally, Lu Qianzi couldn't help it anymore, and said slightly annoyed:
"Zhao Anqi, why do you always hold on to one point? I don't like it when you talk like this."

Zhao Anqi hummed softly, but couldn't say anything, she stretched out her hand and said to Cha Xiaoming:

"Okay, take off the watch and return it to Qianzi, otherwise she will have a heart attack later."

Cha Xiaoming took off the watch and handed it to Lu Anqi, and said to Lu Qianzi:

"Qianzi, don't listen to An Qi's bad mouth, she is like this, she likes to have a bad mouth, but her heart is not bad."

Lu Qianzi glanced at Zhao Anqi's appearance, and let out a "hehe".

Two boys next to the rostrum came over and shouted loudly: "Let's go, let's go."

Zhao Anqi was looking at the movement of the structure on the outside and facing the sun, and she was a little reluctant to return it to Lu Qianzi. Two boys came over, and one boy's body rubbed against her, which made her startled.

"Really annoying."

After pushing the boy, she heard a "click" from her hand.Looking down, breathing paused for a moment.

Cha Xiaoming sat in front of Lu Qianzi and said, "Qianzi, whose watch is this? Is it your father's?"

"No," Lu Qianzi shook her head, "My dad can't wear such a good watch. It belongs to a relative of mine."

"A relative of what kind?"

"It's my brother."

Lu Qianzi didn't want to explain too much, so she turned to Zhao Anqi and said, "Give it back to me."

Zhao Anqi looked a little strange, she stayed there for a long time without moving, Lu Qianzi urged: "Zhao Anqi, what's wrong with you?"

The boy sitting opposite Zhao Anqi gasped suddenly, his eyes widened.Zhao Anqi quickly took out a handkerchief from her arms, wrapped the watch in her hand, and returned it to Lu Qianzi:

"Repay you and pay you back."

Lu Qianzi had a bad feeling at the time.

Zhao Anqi has always held the watch directly with her bare hands, why did she know that there was a handkerchief behind it when returning the watch?There must be something tricky in it.

She opened the handkerchief and saw that her heart stopped beating for half a beat, and she felt hot blood rushing to her head, and the world was spinning for a while.

For some unknown reason, the hands of the watch have stopped. If you look carefully on the mirror, there is a small translucent pit.

She can be sure that it was definitely not like this when she took it.

"Zhao Anqi!"

Lu Qianzi's voice startled everyone in the classroom, and they all looked over.

With tears in her eyes, she shouted at Zhao Anqi: "What did you do to this watch? How did you break it?"

Lu Qianzi felt that her whole body was messed up.

Zhao Anqi turned her head, her eyes widened slightly: "What? Broken? Why is it broken? Let me see?"

Lu Qianzi shook off her hand and said, "I just found out that you are weird, and you still pretended! Who is it that you didn't break?"

Zhao Anqi blushed: "I didn't!"

Cha Xiaoming walked away in an instant.

The watch was taken off his hand just now, and he was afraid that it would have something to do with him.

Hearing what happened here, Qin Jinna came over and asked with a serious expression: "What's the matter, Qianzi, what happened?"

Lu Qianzi cried and said:

"Zhao Anqi broke the watch!"

Zhao Anqi said with a trembling voice, "Why did I break it? Did you see it?"

"Zhao Anqi! Not only did you break it, but you also want to deny it? The watch was in your hands just now, who didn't you break it?"

Zhao Anqi straightened her neck and said, "I didn't break it, I gave it back to you, did you make a mistake?"

Qin Jinna glanced at the two of them and said, "Don't quarrel, just talk calmly about what's going on."

Zhao Anqi said first: "It was fine when I held it in my hand, but it broke after I returned it to her. How do I know what's going on?"

"You! How can you tell such a cheap lie?" Lu Qianzi's teeth were chattering, and she was so angry that she was almost speechless.

The boy sitting next to Zhao Anqi said: "I saw that the watch wouldn't go away when Zhao Anqi was holding it in her hand. It didn't break after returning it to Lu Qianzi."

The girl next to Lu Qianzi also said, "Yes, she even wrapped it in a handkerchief on purpose, thinking that she wouldn't be able to find it that way."

Someone else said: "The boys were moving the rostrum just now, Zhao Anqi pushed them, probably because their hands were unsteady, and they pinched their watches on the table."

Qin Jinna looked at Zhao Anqi coldly: "Is that the case?"

Zhao Anqi's face turned red and white for a while, and finally said: "So what if I broke it? I didn't mean it."

"If it wasn't intentional, then you don't have to pay?" Lu Qianzi said loudly.

Now the more she thinks about it, the more afraid she becomes.

Originally, Chen Ya got this watch somehow. If it was rented as he said, what should we do?
Who can afford to pay more than 700 million watches?

Qin Jinna thought for a while and said, "Well, don't quarrel, I'll call the teacher and ask him what to do."

Sitting there, Zhao Anqi suddenly burst into tears.

"Why are you crying? It's obviously your fault. I told you not to play with it, but you don't listen."

A girl came to comfort Zhao Anqi, then turned to Lu Qianzi and said:

"Qianzi, don't say a few words, An Qi didn't do it on purpose."

Zhao Anqi cried and said: "That's right, I don't want to be like this. Besides, you are expensive, at worst, I will pay you."


"Ride on my beloved little motorcycle..."

Chen Ya got out of the car and parked Principal Yang's electric car under the teaching building.

He found this place according to Lu Qianzi's location. Sitting in the car, he sent a text message to Lu Qianzi:
"I'm here, can I go?"

At this time, Lu Qianzi was upstairs, almost driven mad by Zhao Anqi.


"what happened?"

Zhang Xinlei, the club's instructor, walked into the classroom frowning, looked around at everyone, and asked.

After hearing Qin Jinna tell him what happened, her brows tightened even more.

"Let me see how it's broken."

Lu Qianzi handed him the watch, he looked at it carefully and said, "It's nothing unusual."

Lu Qianzi said, "The watch is not leaving."

"On the surface, it seems that there is a bit of knocking. This can be repaired." Zhang Xinlei said.

Lu Qianzi said: "This watch is very expensive, and it will cost a lot of money to repair it."

"Some watches are very expensive, and wearing them is just to save face." Zhang Xinlei said, "Then, Zhao Anqi, please apologize to Lu Qianzi, between classmates, don't hurt your friendship because of this kind of thing."

Zhao Anqi hesitated and said to Lu Qianzi, "Qianzi, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it."

Lu Qianzi's face was ashen.She doesn't want to forgive.

"Take it to a watch shop to have it repaired. Just pay her what you need to pay." Zhang Xinlei said, "Xianzi, when you go to repair it, keep the receipt and pay as much as you need to pay."

"Teacher, take a step to speak."

Zhao Anqi pulled Zhang Xinlei aside and said something in a very low voice, Zhang Xinlei looked a little surprised.

"The classmates who moved the table just now, as well as Cha Xiaoming and Lu Qianzi, come here."

Cha Xiaoming became anxious for a while, and the other two boys came over with blank expressions.

Zhang Xinlei pointed to Zhao Anqi and said, "You tell them yourself."

Zhao Anqi said: "Zha Xiaoming, I only touched her watch just now to let you try it on. I think you should also bear part of the responsibility? Also, the watch was broken by the table you moved, and you are also responsible for it." I bear part of the responsibility, and I don't think I should be the only one to pay for it."

Cha Xiaoming's eyes widened in disbelief, and he said loudly:
"Didn't you choose a gift for your boyfriend? I was forced to be a model by you, and I didn't want to wear it. Why should I pay for it!"

Another boy who moved the table also protested:

"What does it matter to us? Can you damage it if you don't get in the way? When you pushed me, it almost made me lose my waist."

Zhao Anqi spread her hands and said, "Then I won't be able to fully compensate anyway, Qianzi, tell them yourself."

Zha Xiaoming looked at Lu Qianzi, a little angry: "Qianzi, do you want us to pay?"

Lu Qianzi was at a loss, why did it suddenly become a conflict between her and others?
Zhang Xinlei felt that this matter was also very troublesome, so he folded his arms and said:
"Why don't I see it this way, Qianzi, you go to repair the watch first, maybe you won't be able to pay a lot of money, and when the amount comes out, we can discuss the division of compensation."

Zhao Anqi also said: "Yes, and didn't you just buy this watch today? Maybe it can be returned or exchanged."

"How can this be?" Lu Qianzi's eyes widened.

At this time, a person poked his head out from the door and scanned the classroom.

He was wearing Adi's clothes, but he was wearing rebound shoes. When he saw Qianzi, he waved to her.

When Lu Qianzi saw Chen Ya, she felt that she had found a savior, and felt so guilty that her heart tightened.

"Chen, Chen Ya..." Lu Qianzi ran over and wiped the tears from her face, "I'm sorry!"

"what happened?"

Lu Qianzi faltered and told him what happened, Chen Ya's face turned cold when he heard it.

This was the expression Lu Qianzi was most afraid of.

"Are you always being manipulated like this in school?" Chen Ya asked.

"Huh?" Lu Qianzi was a little surprised.

"The watch is second. I'm mainly angry about it." After speaking, he glanced at the people in front of him and asked, "Who is Zhao Anqi?"

Lu Qianzi pointed it out to him, and Chen Ya strode over.

 This is one update, and there will be another update at 8:30 p.m.

(End of this chapter)

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