Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 201 200. How many tens of thousands?who said it?

Chapter 201 200. How much is 10 yuan?who said it?

Chen Ya strode over: "Who broke the watch?"

For the purpose of protecting the students, Zhang Xinlei stood in front of him and said:
"Who are you?"

"I'm Lu Qianzi's brother."

"You are not a Jinghua student, are you from outside the school?" Zhang Xinlei said, "Don't be angry, we are discussing the compensation for your watch just now."

Zhang Xinlei has just graduated with a master's degree and is still a little student-like, but he has already dealt with this kind of matter very methodically.

"Do I look like I'm about to get angry?" Chen Ya smiled slightly.

Zhao Xinlei became less nervous, and without waiting for Zhao Xinlei to speak, he said again:
"Let me hear first, what's your opinion?"

Chen Ya has an aura of controlling the overall situation.

As soon as he got here, he took over the entire classroom.

Zhang Xinlei couldn't help feeling a little less present.

Zhang Xinlei said: "It's been discussed just now. This matter is a bit complicated. Why don't you go to the watch shop to have it repaired first? See how much money you have at that time, and then discuss the matter of compensation."

Chen Ya asked, "Does the person concerned also think so?"

Zhang Xinlei nodded and said, "The person concerned has no opinion on this decision."

Chen Ya turned his head and glanced at Zhao Anqi, her eyes were a little evasive.

"I reject this decision." Chen Ya looked back at Zhang Xinlei and said.

"I'll call the watch shop right away. If the damage can be accurately determined, then I will ask for on-site payment. If there is no way to determine the damage on the spot, I will have to ask the person concerned to pay me to go to the watch shop."

After hearing what Lu Qianzi said just now, he naturally had a bad impression of this girl.

If you really admit it and use it to advance the money to repair it, then the one who owes the money will become the uncle instead.

Therefore, in order to prevent denial from time to time, we must press the girl's head and let her admit the matter.

But Zhang Xinlei, who was rejected, frowned:

"It doesn't have to be like this..."

In Zhang Xinlei's view, this was a case where the belongings of an outsider were damaged by a student.

This was not the case before. It is generally known that it is from Jinghua University, and the owner of the house will be more magnanimous.

He originally thought that Chen Ya, as a family member of the student, would speak well, but he didn't expect his behavior to be a little fussy in his opinion.

Being teased by Zhang Xinlei, Chen Ya suddenly felt that this person was a bit smudged.

"I'm not discussing with you, I'm informing." Chen Ya said.

"The valuables are damaged. As the owner, I have the right to claim restoration to the original state. If the restoration is impossible, it is my right to demand compensation, not me asking you for compensation. Can you understand what I mean?"

Zhang Xinlei nodded blankly and said, "Understood."

"Okay, I'll make a call." Chen Ya took out his mobile phone and said to him, "Besides, this matter has nothing to do with you, I don't suggest you continue to help, if you have someone in charge, then I still express respect."

After finishing speaking, he left Zhang Xinlei where he was.I made a video call with the store manager of Patek Philippe Yuan Mansion who just added WeChat.

"Teacher," on the other side, Zhao Anqi lightly tugged on Zhang Xinlei's clothes and pulled him aside, "I have something to tell you."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Xinlei asked.

He originally wanted to watch Chen Ya make a phone call to find out what the price was so that Chen Ya wouldn't shout about the compensation price afterwards.

Zhao Anqi whispered, "I don't want to pay."

Zhang Xinlei frowned: "You don't want to pay? What do you mean by not wanting to pay?"

Zhao Anqi's eyes were watery: "That watch is too expensive, I don't want to pay it. If I have to pay that much, my parents will definitely beat me to death."

Zhang Xinlei didn't know much about watch prices, so he asked, "How much does that watch cost?"

Zhao Anqi said: "Patek Philippe's watches are generally priced at 10,000+ to hundreds of thousands. I estimate that the price is 40 to [-]."

"Three, 40?!" Zhang Xinlei was shocked by the price.

One of his classmates who went to sea to start a business wore a Rolex and often showed off to him.

He also asked about the price, which made him think that the price of the watch was around [-] at the top.

He never imagined that someone could still wear 40 yuan on their hands.

Zhao Anqi nodded and said:

"So I just think it's too expensive. My family can't afford it at all."

Zhang Xinlei thought for a while and said:

"Don't be nervous, the watch isn't all broken, you just need to pay for the repair fee, it's probably not that exaggerated."

Zhao Anqi said: "But even if it's just the repair cost, it must be tens of thousands. I'm a student, and my money is tight. If I have to pay for it, I may not be able to go to school in the future."

Zhang Xinlei said: "It's okay. I'll negotiate with him later, and I don't necessarily want you to pay for it all at once. That person doesn't seem to be a difficult person to talk to."

Zhao Anqi nodded and said, "Thank you, Teacher Zhang. After you said that, I feel more at ease."

Zhang Xinlei glanced at Chen Ya, and found that he was still on the phone. He pulled aside the students who were almost paralyzed, and asked:

"What happened just now? How did the watch get broken?"

...Zhao Anqi glanced at Lu Qianzi who was being pulled over, her eyes just met her gaze, and her eyes instantly turned cold.

When Lu Qianzi saw the look in Zhao Anqi's eyes, her heart turned cold.

Seeing how pitiful Zhao Anqi was just now, she felt a little sympathetic to her.

But seeing Zhao's eyes now, she knew that this guy would definitely not lose money so easily.


Chen Ya called the store manager, and as soon as he connected, the store manager's voice came over the phone with enthusiasm:

"Mr. Chen, how can I help you? Is there an after-sales problem?"

Chen Ya cut to the chase and said directly:
"The watch was pinched by the table, and now the hour hand doesn't move. What's the situation if you want to repair it?"

"Please take a video and show me."

Chen Ya put the phone under the camera, the store manager looked at it for a while and said, "Turn it over and let me have a look."

After the inspection, the store manager said:

"This should be that after the watch was squeezed by a huge force, the shell deformed and the parts inside were stuck."

"Can it be repaired?"

"This needs to be checked in detail. If it is only the internal parts that are loose, then only the exterior needs to be restored. If the internal deformation is serious, it may need to be sent back to Switzerland for repair."

"So troublesome?"

The store manager said: "As you know, this watch is made by a master of the ultra-complex timing series. The internal structure is very complicated, and every part is as precise as an instrument, so that the accuracy of timekeeping can be guaranteed. With our technology, it needs to be repaired and restored. , is somewhat difficult."

"How to calculate the repair cost?" Chen Ya asked.

"If the damage is not serious, it will probably only cost 2 to 5 yuan. If it needs to be sent back to Switzerland, repaired and air freighted, the cost may range from 20 to 40 yuan."

After speaking, he added another sentence:
"Don't worry about this. When you buy this watch, it includes an insurance with a limit of 50. I think the repair cost should not exceed the claim amount."

Chen Ya said, "I didn't break the watch, it was a stranger who broke it."

The store manager frowned and said:

"Then you need to negotiate properly with the other party, because the amount involved is relatively large, it is better to call the police."

Chen Ya nodded and said, "I see. By the way, if it is sent to Switzerland for repair, how long will it take?"

The store manager thought for a while and said, "It must be time-consuming. According to the damage of the watch and the round-trip transportation, it will take at least two months if there is no rush."

Chen Ya said: "In that case, I will miss the old man's birthday."

"We apologize for the situation, but watches are complex crafts, and it's really not fast."

"I know. What I mean is, if you have a watch of this level or better in your shop, tell me and I'll buy another one."

The store manager bowed repeatedly, Chen Ya hung up the phone and returned to the classroom.

There was some noise in the classroom, and the students had already started arguing while he was on the phone.

"We were here just now, you were sitting here, right? You put your watch here, and then you pushed me, and my hand was unsteady, so I pressed it. If you hadn't pushed it, it wouldn't have broken it .”

"But if you don't go this way, you will definitely not be crushed. I think you must be responsible, right?"

"Then this road, where do you go if you don't go this way? And if you put your watch everywhere, even if we don't break it, it must be broken somewhere else."

"Yes, and I just saw that she put the watch on the corner of the table, and it felt like it was on purpose."

"You're spitting blood!"

Sitting in front of Lu Qianzi, Cha Xiaoming whispered angrily:

"I really didn't expect Zhao Anqi to be such a person. It was clearly her own responsibility, but she still took the blame on others."

The other students also looked unhappy.From what happened just now, everyone can see what kind of person Zhao Anqi is.

Lucy just smiled.

When Zhao Anqi spoke out against her just now, no one spoke for her.

Her heart for these classmates has long been cold.

Suddenly, she thought of something.

He secretly took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera, and aimed at Zhao Anqi.

... On the other side, Zhao Xinlei's head got dizzy from the noise, and he stood helplessly by the side, arms crossed.

He felt a little regretful that he got involved in this matter.

Chen Ya came over from there.He looked at Chen Ya and asked:
"How much will the repair cost?"

Chen Ya glanced at him, then at Zhao Anqi, and said:

"It's just an estimate. The exact amount of compensation needs to be further checked. Then come with me."

Zhao Anqi was arguing with someone just now, but now she twisted her neck and said:
"If I don't go, it's not my responsibility alone, why should I go alone."

Chen Ya looked at her and narrowed his eyes slightly: "So, are you refusing to settle the claim?"

"I didn't, I just said, I won't go alone." Zhao Anqi turned her face away.

Qin Jinna came over and said to Zhao Anqi:

"Student Zhao Anqi, if you are afraid of going alone, you can call your parents, or I can go with you.

"But on the issue of compensation, everyone has reviewed the case just now. You are fully responsible for this matter. You have no reason to ask others to settle the claim for you."

Zhao Anqi became anxious, and said in a crying voice:
"Why am I fully responsible? It was obviously Zha Xiaoming who wanted to wear it, so I borrowed it for him. And didn't Lu Qianzi take it out to show off? If she didn't take it out, how could I have it in my hand?"

Upon hearing this, Zha Xiaoming and other students became anxious at the same time.

"Are you leaving here to rewrite the history books? Obviously you forced Qianzi to take it out, and you insisted on Cha Xiaoming to wear it!"

"You know, everyone was here just now and saw what happened with your own eyes. You dare to lie to your face, aren't you afraid of a bad tongue?"

Everyone quarreled, Zhao Anqi covered her ears with her hands, and screamed in a piercing voice:

"Stop making noise————————!"

Chen Ya dragged a stool, sat in front of her, and said, "I will give you one last chance."

Zhao Anqi looked up and looked at her with tears in her eyes.

"Now tell everyone honestly what happened at that time." Chen Ya said.

The price of his watch is too high for students to afford it anyway.

What's more, he still has insurance, and he will not pay for it.

Therefore, he wanted to finally give Zhao Anqi a chance.

If she was willing to tell the truth about what happened, he wouldn't be too cruel to a student.

Zhao Anqi saw out of the corner of her eye that several students were taking videos with their mobile phone cameras, thought for a while, and said:
"This afternoon, Lu Qianzi brought a Patek Philippe gift bag over. I asked her what it was, and she took out the watch to show off..."

"You're lying!" The girl sitting next to Lu Qianzi pointed at her and said, "You are the one who insists on watching!"

Chen Ya stretched out his hand and stopped the excited students: "Let her finish first."

Zhao Anqi's appearance became more delicate and pitiful, and she continued:
"After Lu Qianzi showed off, Zha Xiaoming insisted on trying to wear it, so I borrowed it for him. After he finished wearing it, he didn't return it to Lu Qianzi. If he insisted on returning it to me, I put it on the table. The two boys just Moved a podium, maybe it was a bit of a mess on the table, and that's it."

"Finished?" Chen Ya asked.

Zhao Anqi nodded, and added:
"I put the watch here, but I didn't hold it with my hands. I was so confused just now that I can't remember anything, but I still remember it clearly."

A classmate next to him said, "I remember you held it in your hand just now."

Someone else said: "That's right, the classmates were all here just now. If you pair up with each other, you will know the truth of the matter. It's useless for you to lie."

"This matter was originally your full responsibility."

Because of a series of rebuttals from classmates.Zhao Anqi's body twitched like crazy, screaming:
"stop fighting!!!"

Everyone stopped their voices.

Her voice was too high-pitched, and even after the entire classroom was silent, people's eardrums still faintly echoed with a sharp sound.


Chen Ya nodded.

The last chance he gave, someone squandered it.

"I know what you mean. You don't have the sincerity to solve the problem with me at all."

Then he said: "Okay, then I will call the police now."

As soon as Zhao Xinlei heard the word call the police, Zhao Xinlei panicked, ran over and grabbed his hand:
"Don't be like that?"

Chen Ya looked at him and said:
"The owner refused to settle the claim and disputed the facts, so of course he should call the police to coordinate and investigate the truth of the matter."

Zhao Xinlei stopped him and said in a low voice:
"It's not like this for a watch, is it? If you call the police, you may have a record. In this case, this student's future will be ruined."

Chen Ya raised his eyebrows.

Zhao Xinlei continued: "If I think so, let's solve it privately, don't ruin the future of the child."

Chen Ya said: "I gave the opportunity to solve it privately, but I can't see her sincerity in wanting to solve it."

Zhao Xinlei said to him: "Wait a minute, can you fight again later?"

He walked quickly to Lu Qianzi's side and whispered to her:

"Student Lu Qianzi, your brother wants to call the police, can you persuade him?"

Lu Qianzi raised her eyebrows and said, "Why do you want to persuade him?"

"If the students in our school are taken away by the police, how do you think the society will evaluate it?" Zhao Xinlei persuaded, "And if this matter is reported to the school leaders, the impact will not be good."

Lu Qianzi tried her best to calm down, and said, "The influence of her behavior is not good."

Zhao Xinlei turned cold and said:
"Student Lu Qianzi, I will report this matter to the department leaders. If they find out, you are also involved. It will be very troublesome then. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

Lu Qianzi was upset.

She is very wronged now.

Although Zhao Xinlei didn't say it explicitly, he was very threatening.

If you report this matter to the school, you may have to put a question mark on your name when it comes to grade points, recommendation, and honors.

I have also heard that many such unfair phenomena have occurred in colleges and universities before. It is obvious that the bad guys have done something wrong, but the troublemakers are given insurance.

Lu Qianzi originally thought that this kind of thing would not happen in Jinghua, a prestigious school, but she did not expect that she had personally experienced such a thing.

It's obviously not my fault, it's the other party's problem, so why do you act like you're being aggressive?
Lu Qianzi couldn't figure it out at all.

She looked at Chen Ya with pleading eyes.

For some reason, she now feels that this brother-in-law who has never been to college can give her a sense of security.

Chen Ya stood beside the two of them.

He had heard everything they had just said.

"Go and report." Chen Ya said, "It doesn't matter, I will explain."

Zhao Xinlei turned to look at him, a surprised expression flashed across his face.

Then he calmed down again.

From what Chen Ya said, it seems that he has a little background in school.

But where is Jinghua?
It is not possible to walk sideways with a few dollars.

If he calls the police today, it will cause trouble for the school's public opinion. No matter who he knows, the school will definitely support him more.

He pulled Chen Ya and said, "Then let me say something again, see if it's okay."

"You speak first."

"Don't call the police on campus." Zhao Xinlei said, "Just go to the police station with several parties involved. If the police enter the school and someone takes a video and puts it on the Internet, how bad will the impact be? It is possible that if someone takes care of a student, it will be ruined." ah!"

After finishing speaking, he went on to say: "Besides, you see, your watch is only 10,000+, a few 10 yuan. For such a small amount of money, the reputation of the students is not good, and the school leaders will not be happy. Why bother?" Woolen cloth?"

Chen Ya looked at Zhao Xinlei, stretched out a finger, and said:

"There are two things I want to correct you.

"Number one, it wasn't that I wanted to ruin the student. I didn't make her touch my watch, and I didn't force her to lie. She ruined herself.

"Second, who said that this watch only costs 10 yuan?" Chen Ya said calmly.

"How much is that?" asked a student next to him.

Chen Ya didn't speak.

Seeing that Chen Ya hadn't spoken for a long time, Lu Qianzi sighed from the side:
"I said this watch is very expensive, so I don't want you to play with it casually."

"how much is it?"

"...More than 700 million." Lu Qianzi said.

"More than 700 million?"

Zhao Xinlei's expression froze on his face, like lard that had cooled down.

 5000 word chapters.

  Thanks to Beta Molan for the 500 point reward~
  Thanks to Yu Wufei, Lengji Silent, and book friends 20180130223819015 for their rewards~
(End of this chapter)

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