Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 202 201. If you fall in love with someone...

Chapter 202 201. If you fall in love with someone...

"More than 700 million??"

Zhang Xinlei spent a whole minute, but failed to digest this number.

The hundreds of thousands of watches that Zhao Anqi told him just now have exceeded his imagination, let alone millions of watches.

It's not 200 million, it's 700 million!

What is this concept?
Their old school building didn't cost 700 million to repair.

This is really wearing a building on the wrist!
Not only Zhang Xinlei, but the other students standing beside him also opened their mouths wide.

His eyes were wide open.

They felt that either they heard it wrong, or Lu Qianzi said it wrong.

The watch they just played casually with is worth more than 700 million yuan?
Zhao Anqi said in a sharp and sharp tone:
"Lu Qianzi, are you a scammer? In my uncle's watch shop, the most expensive watch king is a Rolex with more than 80 yuan. Where did you buy a 700 million watch?"

When experiencing a particularly difficult shock, people's first reaction is usually to refuse to believe.

The same is true for Zhao Anqi.

Her first reaction was that Lu Xizi was threatening her.

Zhao Anqi said hurriedly: "If it's really a 700 million watch, why didn't you say it at the beginning? You will definitely say the price right away..."

Lu Qianzi blushed and said:

"I wanted to talk about the price at the time, but didn't you say I was showing off my wealth?"

Having said that, some people do remember.

Just now Lu Qianzi repeatedly emphasized to them that this watch is very expensive.

It was Zhao Anqi who didn't take it seriously.

She took Lu Qianzi's kind reminder as showing off her wealth.

Cha Xiaoming thought that he was wearing a watch worth more than 700 million yuan to poss just now, and now he was sweating down his back.

Fortunately, the watch did not break in my own hands.

If his parents knew that he had made such a big mess, it would not be impossible for him to be beaten to death.

Zhao Anqi looked at the watch in Chen Ya's hand, and her breathing became short of breath.

No matter how she thinks, she finds it incredible.

When did that Lu Qianzi suddenly become so rich?

Zhao Anqi usually observes the outfits of her classmates, and also pays attention to Lu Qianzi's usual consumption.

The clothes Lu Qianzi wore were no more than Johnny's, and the cosmetics she used were no more than Yuexi, all of which were a little higher than ordinary brands, which was considered a light luxury.

In Zhao Anqi's evaluation system, Lu Qianzi's family standard, that is, a little bit above the middle, is far from being a wealthy family.

When did she touch a million-level watch?
Why is she?

"Impossible." Zhao Anqi shook her head.

"It's impossible to buy such an expensive watch under the conditions of your family, you must be bragging.

"Your whole body, clothes and shoes, is just over 700 yuan, plus your cosmetics, is it worth more than [-] yuan? You said your family can afford a watch worth more than [-] million yuan?
"Who would believe it?

"If that's the case, then I will first fight for you, buy more than 700 million watches, and give you such poor clothes, isn't that abusing you?"

Lu Qianzi stared at Zhao Anqi and wrinkled her nose.

It was a look of pure, unadulterated disgust.

"Zhao Anqi, your scrutiny makes me sick."

Zhang Xinlei came over to smooth things over and said:

"Alright, alright, students, please don't hurt your friendship because of this incident. In the future, we will be together for two or three years. Don't affect your classmates' feelings because of temporary unhappiness."

After finishing speaking, he asked Lu Qianzi again:
"Qianzi, tell me, what is the price of the watch? In terms of compensation, so that everyone can have a clear idea."

Lu Qianzi blushed a little, and said hastily, "I told you, it's more than 700 million."

Although she didn't know how Chen Ya got this watch.

But she looked at the price tag in the store.

It is more than 700 million, no deception.

Chen Ya listened for a while, and finally spoke:

"Qianzi didn't lie, I bought this watch for 720 million. That's more than 700 million."


720 million.

Zhang Xinlei originally thought that the so-called more than 700 million was more than [-] million.

Unexpectedly, this extra fraction is already unbelievable to him.

Zhao Anqi looked Chen Ya up and down, her blood was a little hot:
"Is this watch yours?"

"It's mine." Chen Ya blinked calmly.

"Then I don't believe it even more." Zhao Anqi said, "The suit you are wearing is not as good as Lu Qianzi's just now. It only costs a few thousand yuan, right? Why don't you buy better clothes for yourself when you wear a 700 million watch? "

After hearing Zhao Anqi's words, Lu Qianzi blushed.

Zhao Anqi came towards her, but she didn't care at all.

But if she pointed the finger at Chen Ya, she would start to panic a little.

What's more, Chen Ya's clothes were chosen by her and his mother today.

Compared with that more than 700 million watches, it is really nothing.

Chen Ya looked down at Adi on his body, and said:

"Oh, my family helped me pick out the clothes. I like them very much. Clothes are all about your heart. As long as they look good, why are they so expensive?"

Lu Qianzi looked at Chen Ya gratefully.

Now she really feels that her half-brother is a good person, which warms her heart.

It's a pity he didn't look at himself.

Zhao Anqi turned her face coldly, and sneered twice: "Hehe."

She couldn't believe it any more.

After hearing what the two sides said, Zhang Xinlei probably understood what was going on.

Or think you understand.

"Brother Lu Qianzi, the price you mentioned is the original price, right?"

"What's the original price?" Chen Ya asked.

"That's the price before the discount," Zhang Xinlei said, smiling to himself, "Is it the 700 million bid in the store, but the price after the discount?"

After hearing this, Zhao Anqi perked up her ears a little.

She suddenly felt that what Zhang Xinlei said might also be a train of thought.

Sometimes the store discounts the original price of tens of thousands of diamonds to several thousand for promotional purposes.

But in that case, the original price of the diamond is only worth a few thousand.

However, when consumers buy it, they will never quote the discounted price. If they want to show off, they must quote the original price.

Speaking out also has face.

It's all about consumption.

The reason why Zhao Anqi thinks this idea is reliable is because she has done this kind of thing herself.

"The original price was 720 million, but I got more than 720 million, and there are some miscellaneous expenses," Chen Ya said, "Patek Philippe doesn't offer any discounts."

Zhang Xinlei thought for a while and asked, "Then do you have a receipt with you?"

Zhao Anqi turned around, pointed to Chen Ya and asked, "Yes, didn't you just buy it? Did you bring the receipt?"

Lu Qianzi's heart tightened.

Only heard Chen Ya say lightly:
"I brought the receipt, but I have no reason to show it to you. The police will arrive soon, and I will naturally show the receipt to the police."

These people questioned and questioned, which made him start to get annoyed.

He doesn't intend to continue to carry out his saving spirit on Zhao Anqi.

Since her family education failed, there is no reason for him to put kindness on her.

Just use social methods to re-educate her.

He intends to turn everything over to the police and the law.

Pay as much as you should, and if you don't pay, you will entrust it to a lawyer, enforce it, and put it on the dishonesty list.

Anyway, he wasn't going to spend any more time on it himself.

Not long after, two uniformed policemen arrived and asked:

"Who called the police?"

Chen Ya walked over and explained the situation to the two of them.

The police questioned him about something.He handed the other party his watch, and found a handful of bills from his trouser pocket.

Zhao Anqi watched them talking not far away, wanted to go over to listen, but dared not go there.

She swallowed nervously.

After a while, the police came over and asked, "Which one is Zhao Anqi?"

Zhao Anqi timidly stood up and said, "It's me."

"Did you break the watch?"

"No, there are several people, not just me..."

The policeman said: "Then I would like to trouble all the parties concerned to come with us and cooperate with the investigation."

Immediately, there were complaints in the classroom, and the students involved were quite dissatisfied with Zhao Anqi.

Cha Xiaoming looked at Zhao Anqi with eyes mixed with anger and disbelief, and whispered:
"What does this have to do with me? Zhao Anqi, you are such a weirdo."

Just when the policemen were leading people to leave, Zhang Xinlei grabbed one of the policemen and asked in a low voice:

"Comrade policeman, I am the instructor of the student club. Is his watch really worth more than 700 million?"

The policeman frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Look, if it wasn't such a large amount of money, there would be no need for so many students to go to the police station together? If this gets out, the impact will be bad..."

The arrested policeman said:
"First, even if the damaged item costs hundreds or thousands of dollars, if it refuses to compensate and denies the facts, it needs to investigate clearly the responsibility. Second, the gentleman has shown us all the relevant certificates and invoices. 720 million confirmations are correct!"

After finishing speaking, the police left with Chen Ya, Lu Qianzi and several parties involved.

Zhang Xinlei felt a little suffocated.

It's really more than 700 million.

He turned his head, just in time to see Zhao Anqi who was following behind the crowd and was about to go out.

At this moment, she was turning her head and looking at him with a bit of resentment.

He turned his head and pretended not to see it.

Just kidding, I broke more than 700 million things, and I used myself as a shield, trying to fool this matter.

He feels terrified now.

Fortunately, I was not completely dragged into the water by this Zhao Anqi!
Several other students in the classroom also heard this conversation and looked at each other in disbelief.

A student murmured: "Good guy, luckily I didn't wear it just now, if it breaks in my hand..."

He spoke everyone's heart, and everyone was afraid for a while.

Someone asked, "What's the origin of that brother Lu Qianzi? He's so awesome, wearing a watch worth more than 700 million yuan?"

Another person said: "Did you see that, he also wears another piece on his hand, which is also very expensive."

Club Chairman Qin Jinna rubbed her forehead and said:

"Okay, everyone, don't discuss this matter anymore. Be careful not to spread what happened today."

A girl next to her ran over and asked, "Senior sister, I just posted a circle of friends, do you want to delete it?"

Qin Jinna said: "Delete it. It's nothing to show off. If someone finds out that something like this happened to our club, it would be disgraceful to say it."

She was very dissatisfied with Zhao Anqi.

However, it is also a good thing for this kind of troublemaker to see through his nature early and avoid the mine.


After half an hour.

When Lu Qianzi walked out of the questioning room, Chen Ya was already sitting on the bench outside, drinking milk tea with his legs crossed.

Lu Qianzi was very depressed.

She was interrogated by the police for more than 20 minutes, asking all kinds of details carefully, which almost broke her down.

I never expected that the first trip to the police station in my life would happen under such circumstances.

"I brought you a cup here, do you want to drink?" Chen Ya handed her a cup of milk tea.

"No, no, you'll gain weight if you drink it... Forget it, it's okay to drink a cup."

Lu Qianzi took the milk tea and looked at the packaging, a little surprised.

"How do you know I like to drink this kind?"

"Did you forget?" Chen Ya put a straw in his mouth, "At the Grand Hyatt, didn't you stare at the poplar nectar on their display board for a long time?"

Lu Qianzi poked open the cup with a straw and looked at him with watery eyes.

"To be honest, if you date someone, you will definitely be the envied boyfriend of many people."

Chen Ya stood up and said, "Let's go."

Lu Qianzi followed behind him step by step.

"Why did you come out so soon?"

"I just explained everything to the policeman, so I don't need to ask any more questions," Chen Ya said.

"Even took the time to buy two cups of milk tea?"

"I even found time to buy two cups of milk tea." Chen Ya repeated his affirmation.

Lu Qianzi felt that Chen Ya was getting more and more strange.

"Hey," Lu Qianzi asked after walking out of the police station and standing under the sun, "Are the two watches really yours? Did you buy them yourself?"

Chen Ya changed the subject and said, "Did you know that just now Zhao Anqi got into an argument with the policeman who was questioning her?"

"What?" Lu Qianzi's eyes widened, "Is she so brave?"

"I think so too." Chen Ya said, "It seems that she had an argument with the police inside, and then she was yelled at, saying that if she interferes with official duties again, she can be given security management, and she fell silent."

Lu Qianzi sighed, "How did she pass the Jinghua exam?"

"She is a native of the capital." Chen Ya looked at his watch.

Lu Qianzi was not happy when she heard this: "Hey! I'm also a native of the capital, okay! It's not too difficult to get into the elite class!"

"Ah, yes, yes, yes." Chen Ya walked to President Yang's electric car, "Whether it's local or out of town, as far as I'm concerned, the IQ is about the same, and the difference is negligible."

Lu Qianzi nodded in satisfaction.But after a while, she realized that he was saying that his IQ was too high to ignore the gap between others.

"How did I find out that you are such a stinky fart?"

Chen Ya got on the electric bike and said, "Come on. I'm going to be late for the appointment with Liu Ruying."

Lu Qianzi was startled, and said, "That's right! We're more than ten minutes late...how about we don't go?"


"It's late, isn't it embarrassing to go in front of so many people?"

"What's that."

Chen Ya's face was indifferent.

Sitting on an electric car, the wind blows across your cheeks.

It was only then that Lu Qianzi remembered that Chen Ya had fooled the key question.

"What will happen in the end?" Lu Qianzi asked, "How much does it cost to repair the watch?"

Chen Ya said: "The watch has been sent to Patek Philippe. The repair cost is 38 yuan, which can be reimbursed by insurance, but Zhao Anqi still has to pay."

Hearing the fee, Lu Qianzi was speechless.

This fee is not particularly high, but it is not something that can be called by moving your fingers.

"What if she doesn't pay?"

"I have already communicated with her parents," Chen Ya said, "I agree that she will pay 20 yuan in installments, and the rest will be paid 5000 yuan per month. The compensation will be paid in 36 months, and there will be some more. Interest."

Lu Qianzi stuck out her tongue.

Zhao Anqi's life as a celebrity all along seems to be coming to an end.

For three full years, she had to live in debt.

"If you still don't pay, apply for compulsory enforcement and put her on the list of dishonest persons," Chen Ya said, "I hope this incident can teach her a good lesson."

Lu Qianzi was silent.

In fact, for Zhao Anqi, the biggest blow should be the relationship between classmates in the school.

After everyone sees Zhao Anqi's true nature, they will definitely keep her at a respectful distance.

In the future, she will be isolated in school.

I don't know if she can continue to read this book after being hit like this.


In Jingda Yanyuan, there is a Lanfang Yashe, which is a place to drink tea.

Naturally, students do not have such high-end consumption needs, but the school sometimes invites some celebrities from all walks of life to hold various activities such as tea houses and salons here when they are not giving big reports in the lecture hall.

In the elegant house, the warm room was fragrant, and the guest seats were already full of students, forming a semi-arc.

At the top of the arc, several seats were lined up, and some scholars such as Fang Bai were sitting there.

One of the positions is vacant, which is reserved for the person in charge of Haiya Company.

Liu Ruying, who was wearing an off-the-shoulder black dress and long dress, stood in the center, looking left and right, stepping lightly with small steps, a little anxious.

"Ruying, what's the matter? Who should I look for?" asked the host next to him.

"No, nothing." Liu Ruying smiled awkwardly.

She was dying of anxiety.

According to the schedule, the activity has already started.

He clearly promised Chen Ya to come over on time, but he and Lu Qianzi are still missing!

If you are late for such a big event, even if you wear a high-end watch on your wrist, it will definitely leave a bad impression on people!
Fortunately, the person in charge of Haiya Company did not come either, so the event was postponed for a few minutes.

How embarrassing would it be to barge in carelessly after the event officially started?
The host came over and whispered in Liu Ruying's ear:
"The time has dragged on for too long, there may be another change at Haiya, the teacher told me to start the activity first."

After finishing speaking, he added angrily: "It's a well-known company, why is the person in charge so casual? Are you so busy?"

Liu Ruying looked at the door.

There was still no sign of Chen Ya appearing there.

She had no choice but to nod her head: "OK."

(End of this chapter)

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