Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 203 202. Let Bai Yujing Say Two Sentences

Chapter 203 202. Let Bai Yujing say a few words

"Friends from afar, welcome to be a guest at Peking University in this midwinter season. Here, on behalf of the teachers and students of Peking University, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to you..."

The male host next to him gave an emotional speech.Liu Ruying stood beside her prettyly, with a sweet smile on her face, as bright as a peach blossom.

The carpet is bright red, the curtains are light, and Liu Ruying's long dress is dragged on the ground, like manjusawa swaying on the banks of the Styx River, possessing an astonishingly mysterious allure.

From her perspective, the guest seats in front of her were filled, and countless students raised their mobile phones to her, and the camera was aimed at her.

They will take pictures of her, take pictures, add words such as "Liu Ruying is so beautiful" or "the school belle is too temperamental", and post them on the confession wall or circle of friends.

In fact, she could tell what the students were talking about from the shape of their mouths.

"Wow, Liu Ruying's hairstyle today looks like a lady, it looks so good..."

"Is her dress custom-made or rented? It suits her very well."

"No wonder rich people like her. If I had money, I'd choose her too. It's good to take her out..."

...Liu Ruying is used to standing in front of people, and doesn't care about these discussions.

Ever since she was in junior high school, she has never lost her reputation as class flower and school flower.

She's used to being the moon of the stars, enjoying the wow and praise.Instead of being the little character sitting down and yelling.

She is already familiar with hosting such occasions. She knows what she should say without holding the host speech in her hand. Now she holds a card in her hand, purely to cooperate with the male host around her, and to show the neatness of the battle.

Today, however, she is acting a bit unprofessional.

Her eyes turned 45 degrees slantedly after a while, and she responded instinctively to the words of the male host next to her, which was very different from the rhythm during rehearsal, which made the male host sweat profusely in fright.

She was waiting for Chen Ya, and felt a little regretful.

Why didn't I make it clearer to Chen Ya, what is the meaning of this salon?

This is Chen Ya's first time attending such a large-scale event, which is equivalent to "appearing on stage".

I was late when I "appeared on the stage", how can I make up for it later, so as to recover the loss of my image?

She secretly looked at the few people sitting in the main seat.

Jin Rubing, who sat on the farthest east, had gray hair, wrinkled eyes, and a kind face.

No one dared to look down on this old man with a slightly fat body and a slightly protruding belly, because he was the dean of the Faculty of Letters of Peking University.

He is not only the editor-in-chief of Chinese textbooks for all grades, but also the proponent of Chinese national volumes.

For young people, such a character can be used for a long time with a few words of advice and a half-sentence of praise.

Sitting next to him is Fang Bai, the academy's new academic star.

The youngest professor at Peking University, she looks neat, has a good temperament, is capable and energetic.

Although her research direction is biased towards science, it seems that it has nothing to do with the theme of this cultural salon, but as the academic leader of the younger generation of Peking University, it is appropriate for her to come here to control the place.

In the place where the two of them were separated by a seat, sat a younger man.

The hair was meticulously fixed with a setting spray, the sideburns were not messed up, and he looked imposing in a casual suit.

The female students present are all secretly looking at this person.

His name is Wen Limin. He is not only a graduate of Peking University, but also the boss of Qunlan Culture Company. He is already worth over [-] million at a young age.

Although this achievement can only be considered mid-range in front of Peking University students who are used to seeing big names from all walks of life, Liu Ruying knows that he has a more important identity-his mother is from the Gu family.

In other words, he is actually a child of the Gu family.It is very helpful for him to make friends with the Gu family if he catches up with him.

Not only the people on the stage, but also the students in the audience are Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Liu Ruying originally planned a perfect way for Chen Ya to appear on stage, but in the end, he was late!

He gave a speech absent-mindedly, and when the opening was about to come to an end, finally, there was a sound from the closed door.

A cute head poked out furtively through the crack of the door.

Looking left and right, when he found that more than half of the people in the room were focused on him, he blushed immediately.

She dodged through the door, sneaked in, and quickly sat down in an empty seat in the first row.

This is Lu Qianzi who was late for a full ten minutes.

Chen Ya followed behind her, but he didn't look around like a thief, but strode in, and when he stood in front of Lu Qianzi, he stopped.

"Okay, then let's ask Mr. Jin to talk about the development of Huaguo culture."

"Ruying, we should go down." The male host next to him turned off the microphone and urged in a low voice.

"……Oh well."

Lifting her skirt, Liu Ruying walked slowly to one side, and stood quietly beside her.

At the same time, his eyes were fixed on Chen Ya's side.

Jin Rubing took the microphone, coughed lightly, and said with a smile:

"Actually, I am a writer. There is a thousand miles between literature and culture. I am also a novice in culture. There are many well-known tutors and professors who study culture in the academic world, such as Fei Liqing and Fu Zhengyin. They What we study is traditional costumes and folk customs, which is considered culture, but I know that our theme this time is culture in a broad sense, so as a novice in culture, I would like to take the liberty to talk about indirect aspects of this aspect. I hope everyone The students tapped on the bricks, my old arms and legs can't bear it (laughter). Then, I want to start talking about the recent hot word, 'cultural export'..."

At this time, Liu Ruying did not listen to Professor Jin's speech at all.

Her eyes were completely absorbed in Chen Ya.

Already she was starting to regret having him over.

I saw that this guy was actually lip-syncing with Lu Qianzi because he didn't have a seat.

Just standing there in public, many students stared at him curiously.

The seats in Yasheli were tight. Lu Qianzi's seat was originally occupied by the staff of the student union, so she found a vacant seat and sat down. There was no other vacant seat next to her.

I saw Chen Ya looking around for a while, then quickly walked to the only empty seat on the field at this time and sat down.

——Sitting between Fang Bai and Wen Limin.

For a moment, Liu Ruying suffocated.

That seat is the seat in the center of the entire Yasheli, and it is the focus of everyone's attention. It is the seat reserved for the person in charge of Haiya Company.

He just sat down on it.

Jin Rubing's speech was not interrupted at all; Fang Bai showed surprise and seemed to want to talk to him, but it was difficult to speak because Professor Jin was talking; Wen Limin looked at him curiously.

Liu Ruying covered her face with her hands.

It seems that they completely regard Chen Ya as the person in charge of Haiya.

It was only now that Liu Ruying realized that she had made a huge mistake—she still underestimated the power of dropping out of junior high school.

The style of Yashe is relatively democratic, and the seats are very friendly. The teachers and students sitting on it are relatively close, and the seats also look similar to round tables——

Probably because of this reason, Chen Ya, who didn't know the person sitting on it, couldn't tell where a student should sit and where a high-status person should sit.

In this seemingly democratic seating arrangement, there is a great mystery. Even in the student seats, the positions of students with professional titles such as the student union are completely different from other students.

The reserved seat happened to be the most central position in the room, and he just sat on it...

The male host next to him frowned and whispered, "Is he the person in charge of Haiya Company? Didn't I hear that the person in charge of Haiya Company is a good-looking Japanese woman?"

With a livid face, Liu Ruying walked quickly to Si Chaoliang and Xia Yingji, who were still in a daze, and whispered:
"Go get Chen Ya a stool and drive him off!"

Only then did Si and Xia realize that something had happened, and they were in a hurry.

At this time, the students sitting below also noticed something was wrong, and discussions gradually started:
"Who is that? Isn't that a late student?"

"Did he sit in the wrong seat? It seems to be someone from outside the school."

"I'll go, isn't he the male protagonist who hugged Liu Ruying at noon today?"

"Hey, really! Why did he sit there?"

"Pfft, hey! The one in front, come down quickly, that seat is not reserved for you!"


I don't know who was the first to laugh out loud with a puff, and the whispered discussion developed into a low snicker, which soon swept through the entire elegant house.

"What's he doing? He doesn't think there's just sitting there, does he?"

"Hahahaha... this buddy is too funny..."

"That's ridiculous, did he not see the professor next to him?"

"He's from outside the school, and it's normal not to know the professors, but I'm still curious about his mental state, how he can get to that position naturally after seeing this formation."


Liu Ruying felt like sitting on pins and needles listening to these discussions, the male host next to him narrowly came over and asked:

"Ruying, what is the relationship between that person and you? It can't be your boyfriend, right?"

Liu Ruying didn't want to talk, but the male host added a knife and said: "Well, at least his watch is pretty, pretty good, hahahaha..."

Liu Ruying gouged him out with knife-like eyes, and the male host was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak for a moment.

...Although Liu Ruying scratched the ground with her toes, she was so embarrassed that she wanted to pick out a four-bedroom apartment and move in directly to ignore the hustle and bustle of the world, but her embarrassment was not one-tenth of Lu Qianzi's.

Now Lu Qianzi can't wait to throw a flash bomb on the spot, blind everyone in the audience, and flee with Chen Ya at high speed, and then find a way to get the qualification to be an astronaut, take a rocket to Mars and start a new life.

Si Chaoliang ran to Lu Qianzi's side, dragged a small stool from nowhere in his hand, and whispered to Lu Qianzi:
"Sister Qianzi, can you persuade your brother to let him come down? You know, it's not very suitable for him to stick around. When the time comes, the person in charge of Haiya will come..."

"Okay, okay, stop talking." Lu Qianzi interrupted him, covering her face.

She ran to the stage with her waist bent, and dragged Chen Ya's arm down with her hands.


"Get down quickly." Lu Qianzi said quickly and softly like a squirrel, "The one who stays for one more second and loses one more second."

Fang Bai watched in amazement as Chen Ya was dragged off the stage by Lu Qianzi, and sat on the small stool next to her.

After sitting down, some students laughed even harder.

Si Chaoliang didn't know where to find that stool, it was two sizes smaller than the other stools, a bit like a child seat in a kindergarten.

He was taller, and sitting on that stool, he looked like a big kid, and he looked very funny. Many girls looked at him, and their eyes were bent into slits when they laughed.

Fang Bai looked at Chen Ya who was ridiculed by everyone, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

At first, she really thought that Bai Yujing was invited to the salon.

In the end, he actually came to listen?

This discovery made Fang Bai slightly uncomfortable.

Xia Yingji was standing next to Liu Ruying, coughed lightly, and said in a low voice:
"Your friend... has a very lively personality, um, very funny."

Liu Ruying turned her head.

... She didn't want to say a word.

Amidst the laughter, Jin Rubing's speech came to an end.

His temper was extremely good, and he remained unmoved by all kinds of unexpected situations in the audience, without being affected in the slightest, and even his tone of voice remained unchanged.

After Jin Rubing finished speaking, the male host said: "Then, next, we invite our student representatives to talk to Professor Jin, everyone applauds and welcomes."

Amid the sparse applause, a boy in a Japanese-style student uniform stood up with a smile on his face.

"Hello everyone, I am Li Yinan from the Department of Literature. I am ashamed to be a student representative this time, especially when I speak in front of professors, tutors, gifted scholars and beauties. I am deeply frightened.

"But even so, I still have to say——the future era is the era when Huaguo culture is exported to the world, and it is the era of our literati!"

There was a burst of laughter from the audience, and Jin Rubing on the stage also smiled, unscrewed the teacup and took a sip.

"Why do I say that? It's not because our literature department is full of crazy students. Everyone knows that Chinese language and literature is not a major that is easy to find a job.

"The seniors and sisters of the previous class even complained to us. The last time the Beichen Department came to the school to conduct school recruitment, the whole school ran away, and in the end only a dozen or twenty people were selected. This is the case with the literature department of the dignified Peking University. Of course, this is also related to the recent economic situation, but thinking about the current situation of the literature major in Huaguo, we writers should all have sympathy.

"In fact, when I chose this major, I knew that this is not a technology and craft that can make us eat well, live a good life, and become powerful. '.

"Why do you come to the Department of Literature? I believe there must be a little bit of ambition in it, right?" What about Han Wengong, who is drowning in the world?

"As far as Confucius and Mencius Laozhuang, as close as Luguo Balao, we have been illuminated by the spirit of these stars shining in the long river of history. We have inherited the secrets of the past, and we may not be able to shine like those stars. , but we can settle down and become the foundation of Chinese civilization.

"Why do I say that the future era is the era when Chinese culture is exported to the world? What you can see is that the mysterious writer who wrote "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "War and Peace" is from Hua; JX of 20 Classic Records is also from Huaguo.

"The former is the fruit of literature, and the latter is the achievement of cultural edification. Their existence has verified the fact that our civilization and culture can lead to all cultures and all civilizations, and are extremely compatible. Although the national power of Hua is still slowly recovering, Hua, with such writers and musicians, is culturally powerful, and can stand upright among the nations of the world!..."

After Li Yinan finished speaking, there was heartfelt applause from the audience.

Another student stood up:
"I'm Yang Gangchen, the colleagues in the Department of Literature gave a speech just now that boosted morale, but I'm here to slap him.

He took a deep breath, and then said: "JX is from the music department! How can you get into the field of literature?
The students below suddenly roared with laughter.

After the laughter was over, Yang Gangchen smiled and continued:

"Actually, when I first heard about this salon and that some of our business celebrities were invited, I was not very happy and didn't like to come."

"But when I heard it again, it was the person in charge of Haiya Company and our senior Wen Limin who went out to start a business. I immediately came here. Do you know why?"

All the students focused on listening to what he had to say.

"Because I am quite dissatisfied with some entertainment companies in our country before."

"We said, capital sets up the stage, culture sings the opera, but what are our previous entertainment companies like? The capital sets the stage, the capital sings the opera, to put it bluntly, they know a shitty culture!
"Those capitalists, they simply raise the people like pigs, thinking that they will eat whatever they feed them, and they don't even see that the people have vomited all over the floor.

"The vomit in this place has become a subculture, and it has become an obstacle that affects the cohesion of culture and civilization. Let's talk about it, can you be angry?
"However, since Gu Yuqing acquired Aihua Company and the current person in charge took over Haiya, this phenomenon has been reversed rapidly. There is only one sentence to express my current mood——Hi Da Pu Ben."

Yang Gangchen spoke amusingly, causing bursts of laughter from time to time. Then, he changed the subject and said:

"Actually, when I saw that buddy sitting in the middle just now, I was a little puzzled: whose general is this?

"And then I realized, oh, he was sitting wrong.

"I hope that the current capitalists can reflect on whether they have put themselves in an incorrect chair and sat in the wrong position.

"The seat in the middle should be given to culture."

This sharp turn caused laughter again.

Lu Qianzi covered her face with her hands.She almost forgot about the embarrassing experience just now.

Why did you suddenly cue here again?Please let him go!He's just a kid who didn't graduate from junior high school!

Liu Ruying said embarrassingly: "The following is our senior, Mr. Wen Limin, the president of Qunlan Culture, to speak."

The laughter gradually subsided, Wen Limin took the microphone, with a face full of innocence, narrowed his eyes and said lazily:
"Actually, I came back this time mainly to see my juniors, and mainly to be alone."

He pointed to the empty seat next to him and said:

"It's for her, this woman who hasn't arrived yet. The current person in charge of Haiya Company."

"Oh~~" The students in the audience made a clamor of understanding.

Wen Limin has now reached the age to be married, and he has a reputation for flirtatiousness. The students' reaction to his speech is naturally full of mutual understanding among like-minded people.

Only some girls cast a little jealous look at the empty seat.

Wen Limin continued: "Just now that buddy was sitting in this seat, I was taken aback. Didn't you say that the person in charge of Haiya Company is a gentle, beautiful and capable Japanese girl? Why is he such a big man?"

There was another roar of laughter from below.

Liu Ruying frowned, unable to bear to see Chen Ya's expression.

On the bright side, at least Wen Limin remembered Chen Ya.

It's just that the impression may be a little too serious.

Wen Limin said again: "I'm an art student, but I don't have much culture. I've been exposed to many dark sides in society. I talk too much for fear of affecting the pure students. In short, I won't talk much. Looking forward to Haiya's story The lady in charge is here, I want to have a... exchange with her."

After he finished speaking, he returned the microphone to the staff.Liu Ruying hesitated for a moment, then said:

"Then, now I invite Professor Fang to speak."

Fang Bai took the microphone.

She looked at Chen Ya who was sitting below with a serious expression, and cleared her throat slightly.

"My major and culture have nothing to do with each other. I feel that my speech is not good at all. There is a big bull sitting here. You don't have to sacrifice the big for the small. Just let Mr. Bai Yujing say a few words."

She looked at Liu Ruying, pointed the microphone at Chen Ya from afar, and motioned her to take it over.

Most people in the audience frowned suspiciously.

 I'm sorry, the content of this chapter's planning far exceeded my expectations. I originally planned to send it out yesterday, but it turned out that I didn't finish writing it until just now.

  In addition, I recommend a friend's seedling "Rebirth I'm Really Pure".Urban Love Rebirth.Interested friends can take a look ~ the portal is below:

(End of this chapter)

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