Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 204. 203. Drizzle Riding a Donkey into the Capital

Chapter 204. 203. Drizzle Riding a Donkey into the Capital

"I don't think it's better to let Mr. Bai Yujing say a few words. I don't have the qualifications to speak with a big cow like him sitting here."

Fang Bai's words fell into everyone's ears, but the reactions they triggered were nothing more than two:

Who is Bai Yujing?
Who is Bai Yujing?
The former was the reaction of most of the students. At this time, they all looked in Chen Ya's direction, but because they were in the mountains, they didn't know who Bai Yujing was referring to.

Those who sat there were just dispensable students, at most there was one Lu Qianzi and one Chen Ya.

Where is Bai Yujing?
The latter was Jin Rubing's reaction.

"Who is Bai Yujing?" He hurriedly stood up from the chair, his head was still a little dizzy because he stood up too fast, "Where is it?"

Fang Bai smiled and said, "Professor Jin, haven't you seen Bai Yujing himself?"

Jin Rubing shook his head and said, "It's a pity that I only heard his name but never met him."

"Then you will meet today." Fang Bai smiled.

Li Yinan from the Department of Literature sat in his seat with his mouth a little open.

The name Bai Yujing was active in the academic circle of the capital. It was several years ago. At that time, most of the students present were still in high school.

So, it's normal for them not to know.

Jin Rubing shook his head with an expression of disbelief:

"Is this body a poet? Xiaoyu rode a donkey into Jianmen. Back then, Bai Yujing published this little poem on the title page of the school newspaper. The scene at that time is still vivid in my memory."

Jin Rubing's eyes looked not at the front, but through the solid wall, through the barriers of the real world, as if piercing through the illusion, pointing directly to the morning when he saw the name Bai Yujing many years ago.

Fang Bai turned back to Liu Ruying and said with a smile, "Why don't you pass the microphone to him?"

Liu Ruying took the microphone and looked back at the side Fang Bai was pointing at, feeling a little at a loss.

Who is it?
Wen Limin turned his head to look at Jin Rubing and Fang Bai, frowned and asked:

"Old Jin, Professor Fang, what exactly is this Bai Yujing you are talking about?"

Fang Bai was surprised and said, "Hey, how old are you? You don't know Bai Yujing?"

Wen Limin was a little surprised when asked.

To be honest, this was the first time he heard the name today.

At first he didn't think he didn't know what the name was, but when he heard Fang Bai's rhetorical question, it gave people a feeling - if he didn't know the name, he was ignorant.

Wen Limin's momentum suddenly weakened a bit: "I, I'm in the 17th class, what's wrong?"

Fang Bai snapped his fingers and realized, "Oh! You were only a freshman when he was active, so it's normal if you don't know."

Jin Rubing said leisurely: "Speaking of Bai Yujing, young classmates may not know it, but I remember it very clearly, and I still remember it to this day.

"Back then, Xiaoyu rode a donkey and entered Beijing University alone. Because of a dispute with someone, he had a dispute over the edition of "Wei Ming", which caused a sensation in the literary world."

Hearing what Jin Rubing said, the students below were a little puzzled for a moment.

Drizzle riding a donkey?

"Unknown" contest version?
What is this all about?

The students below started talking.

"Oh, "Wei Ming" competition! I've heard of this!"

A male student wearing black framed glasses sitting next to Xia Yingji spoke suddenly, which startled Xia Yingji.

Xia Yingji slapped him: "What are you doing? What's the fuss, what's the meaning of the "Wei Ming" competition?"

The boy pushed his black-rimmed glasses: "Do you know what club I belong to? I belong to the press club."

"I know, what do you know, tell me quickly!" Xia Ying was extremely anxious, and Si Chaoliang also came over beside him.

""Wei Ming" is the literature school magazine of our school. Everyone should know this. "Wei Ming" is competing for edition. This phrase is often mentioned by my seniors and sisters."

"So?" Xia Yingji blinked.

The boy pushed his black-rimmed glasses again: "This phrase has a lot of meanings, and it is usually used when someone is about to get out of the basket or has already got out of the basket, to express vigilance to the perpetrator.

"Let me introduce its usage to you. For example, if a student did not proofread well and wrote the name of a certain school leader wrongly, the seniors and sisters would teach him, 'Do you still want to make a "Wei Ming" competition incident?" ?' and so on."

Xia Yingji and Si Chaoliang blinked their eyes: "So?"

The black-framed glasses said: "So, in my opinion, this incident should be a big terrorist incident for our press corps, which means big trouble. That's all I know."

Xia Ying endured it for a long time, but finally couldn't hold it back: "It's the same as not saying it."

The girl in the front row kept leaning her body while they were talking, trying to hear what they said clearly. After the boys finished speaking, she secretly discussed with the girl next to her:
"Actually, I really want to know what Xiao Yu rides a donkey... Does he really have a donkey?"

Fang Bai looked at Jin Rubing curiously, and asked, "I've heard a little bit about the competition for the edition of "Wei Ming". What is Xiao Yu riding a donkey? He has a donkey?"

Jin Rubing's lips moved a few times, and he said:
"In a sense, he does have a donkey."

"Little electric donkey."



Stormy weather.

On an afternoon that means nothing to most people.

Except for the swaying drizzle that stained the clothes, there was a lot of gloom, which was a bit annoying.

Other than that, there was nothing special about this day.

With a "squeak", an ordinary-looking electric car stopped in front of the Beijing University Library.

"Are you a poet in this life? Xiao Yu rode a donkey into the capital..."

Beijing University is known as "a picture of a lake with a tower", the tower is Yuanya Tower, and the lake is Weiming Lake.

As for the picture, it is the Beijing University Library in front of you.

The young man hurried up the steps, and under the eaves, wiped off the rainwater on his body.

Through the half-closed glass door, the young man said politely:

"Hi, I'm the new librarian..."

...The middle-aged man with thinning hair and wearing an old gray suit jacket put away the umbrella outside the library door and shook off the rain on the umbrella.

"Professor Yang."

"Professor Yang, come to check the information again?"

Yang Changshuo raised his wide gold-rimmed eyes and squinted at the management desk for a long time.

He pointed to that side and asked, "Who is that handsome young man over there who is reading a book quietly? I haven't seen it before."

"Oh, that's the new librarian."

"Not a part-time student?"

"Not a student, but a social person who dropped out of school."


Yang Changshuo nodded, turned around and went behind the bookshelf.

... Peking University is an amazing place, and librarians are also a very important job.

Since the implementation of the electronic lending system, librarians have little to do.

So young people often sit in his seat to write and draw, and sometimes read some books.

The characters here and there are too busy to care what a dropout librarian is reading and writing.

If one gets close, one might hear him muttering mindfully.

"It's still 1800 points away to get the scholar points, and only 100 fucking points are rewarded for publishing a theory... You can save 1 point by sitting in the library for a day."

"If you don't publish a theory and sit for 1800 days, wouldn't you be a scholar who changed jobs in place?"

"Ah no, that's close to five years."

"Let's compare the theory of electromagnetic force first. This will soon be applied, and it is estimated that it will have enough influence."

"The next step is to combine some medical technologies, such as tumors and AIDS, which have a higher impact."

"What controllable nuclear fusion, let's save it for last, that thing is too risky, if it is sent out, we will probably be on the assassination list..."



The past has long been blown away by the rain and the wind. When it comes to "Drizzle Riding a Donkey", it is estimated that no one will immediately think of the quiet young man in the library, but many people remember this poem.

Jin Rubing said: "This is the most talented poet I have ever seen. Not only is he the most proficient in ancient prose, but he also has the most precise control over language. I can still recite some of his poems."

Fang Bai nodded and said, "That's right, but the name Bai Yujing is more famous in the field of scientific research. He is an all-rounder."

After all, her eyes turned more eagerly to Chen Ya who was sitting there innocently.

Liu Ruying finally couldn't help but asked, "Professor Fang, may I ask... Who are you talking about?"

Fang Bai raised his eyebrows and said, "Nuo, isn't it the one who you moved a small stool for him and let him sit there?"

After all, for a while, the audience was silent.

Liu Ruying looked at Chen Ya, and a thick cloud of doubt rose to her cheeks.


She was slightly surprised.

Not only did she have this reaction, but most of the people sitting at the scene had this reaction.


The boy who was talking nonstop just now and stepped on Chen Ya by the way, is now staring over there, a little dazed.

Si Chaoliang and Xia Ying looked over, and then looked at each other in blank dismay.

Wen Limin still rested his hands on the armrest of the chair. After seeing the person Fang Bai pointed out, he suddenly felt that the seat was not very stable.

Lu Qianzi's eyes were round, she first glanced at the stage, then at Chen Ya who was sitting next to her, because it was a small stool, she was two heads shorter than herself, looking a little cute.


Finally someone couldn't help but ask:

"Is it a mistake?"

This is what Liu Ruying wanted to ask the most right now.

Got it wrong?

"Professor Fang, Fang," Liu Ruying said, pointing at Chen Ya, her face blushing slightly, "You mean... him?"

"Yes, that's him."

"You're not kidding me?"

"Why is this a joke?" Fang Bai was surprised.

Jin Rubing quickly put reading glasses on his face, and raised his head tremblingly:
"Why don't you add a more comfortable seat to Mr. Bai Yujing? He is too aggrieved to sit there."

Jin Rubing spoke, and the student union became chaotic at this time.

Not for anything else, but they don't know where to find another chair.

Liu Ruying walked over to Chen Ya with a bit of suffocation, and was still full of hesitation when she handed him the microphone in her hand.

Is it true that Fang Bai misunderstood it?

With a gloomy expression on his face, Chen Ya took the microphone and said, "What else do you want me to say? Didn't you say enough in Yinlu Xiaozhu today?"

Fang Bai smiled and said, "That's telling us, why don't you tell the students as well?"

"Oh, are you tired?"

Chen Ya sighed for a long time.

Finally, he lazily said into the microphone: "I'll just say a little bit."

All the students looked at him.

Except for the student council.

The student council is still looking for chairs.

The students were all curious about how good this Bai Yujing, who was praised by the two professors and regarded as a heavenly man, was.

"The student just said that the entire Department of Literature went to apply for the Beichen Department's recruitment, and only a dozen people were accepted in the end.

"I think everyone should think about whether it is the literature department's problem or your own problem.

"Actually, as far as I know, Beichen's recruitment direction over the years has gradually downplayed the direction of specialization and technology. It is more inclined to comprehensive talents with both arts and sciences.

"I think students in the Department of Literature should not ask themselves 'what's the use', just like philosophy, some places just need the use of uselessness. But while you are majoring in 'use of uselessness', you must also Repair 'useful use'.

"Or to put it in a more understandable way, just like the popular concept of 'Internet +' before, students in the Department of Literature should learn to do 'Literature +'. In fact, especially in the field of culture, we are very lack of literature talented.

"Literature plus fine arts is an art with a humanistic perspective like the Renaissance; literature plus music is like Liu Yong, a great poet like Liu Yong; literature plus management, isn't that like Zhuge Liang and Su Dongpo?

"So, students of the Department of Literature, don't panic, enrich yourself, explore more possibilities, like water, find your own golden waterway, and flow into the ocean, which is the best way out."

After speaking, the people present fell into silence.

Except for Li Yinan, who spoke just now, and a few other students from the Department of Literature, their faces were flushed and a little excited, the other students were not moved at all.

Seems... a bit ordinary?
Judging from what he said, it seems that there is nothing special.

At least not as amazing as they imagined.

Chen Ya returned the microphone to Liu Ruying. At this moment, Yang Gangchen who spoke before suddenly stood up:

"Student Bai Yujing, I didn't know the situation just now, so I made a joke. I apologize to you. But I have a question to ask you."

Liu Ruying suddenly became nervous.

Chen Ya stretched out his hand to beckon, motioning for her to pass the microphone to him, and then said, "You can ask."

Yang Gangchen also took the microphone that was handed over, and said confidently into the microphone:

"Just now you only talked about some of the questions of the colleagues in the Department of Literature, and the other professors did not comment on my speech. I don't think this is a dialogue? Our salon should be a form of democratic dialogue, right?

"Mr. Fang Bai gave you the right to speak, so I have no choice but to ask you for an explanation. What do you think of what I just said, the behavior of part of the capital setting up the stage to perform? I hope you can use your truth Level answer."

Chen Ya thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid it's not appropriate to use the real level. Let me tell you something that you can understand."

After a pause, he said: "Because the situation of capital setting up the stage and cultural singing is just a beautiful illusion, it is difficult to exist in reality.

"As long as cultural people don't have the capital, the capital will always be more willing to sing by themselves, because they don't have one mind at all, and they prefer to let their own people who are easy to control sing, and they can't sing indiscriminately.

"Also, you are admiring the current Haiya, I think this is a bit one-sided.

"Some problems are deeply rooted. The company Haiya is not just a one-person company. It has spent 5 years eliminating the old business model and turning to the flow-only theory. .

"Now it's just a random person to preside over the overall situation. It's just a coincidence that some achievements have been made. It can't be said that there are any big achievements. It will take a long time to achieve comprehensive reform."

As soon as these words were said, the audience was in an uproar.

Liu Ruying quickly reached out and turned off Chen Ya's microphone.

"Fortunately, the people from Haiya Company haven't come yet. If they hear what you just said, it won't have a good impact."

She whispered in Chen Ya's ear.

Wen Limin's voice, who was sitting on it, suddenly came from the stereo:

"I don't agree with what you said. Do you know who the person in charge of Haiya is? How can you say that you just sent someone there?"

 Today is [-], can I vote for the monthly pass? (crying)

  Thank you Xiaomo for the 10000 point reward~~~
  Thank you for the reward of 1500 points from Youletian~
  Thanks to Qianmeng Xinghe and jytjlh for the 500 point reward~
  Thanks to the book friend 20221013210012048 for the 186 rewards~
(End of this chapter)

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