Chapter 205 204.surprise
"I originally thought you were some big cow that I didn't know, but what you said is a bit out of level."

Wen Limin sat up straight on the chair, an impatient wrinkle opened between his jade-like eyebrows and eyes.

The girls in the front row saw him frowning and held their breath.

Senior Wen is usually idle, quiet, and cold. As a talented graduate of Beijing University with a net worth of over [-] million at a young age, he has been very wealthy since he was a child...

He is rarely so direct with people.

So his tone made some girls in the front row feel arrhythmia.

Fang Bai glanced at him.

With a sharper mind, she noticed it.Wen Limin was really, as he said just now, coming for the belated female speaker of Haiya Company.

His current reaction was the same as the little boy who suddenly became angry when his classmates slandered the girl he liked in front of him when he was in school.

Fang Bai said: "Student Wen, Bai Yujing may not mean what you think, I think you may have misunderstood."

"No, no, no, it's not a matter of misunderstanding or not." Wen Limin frowned, "Now that the person in charge of Haiya Company is not present, I'll take this opportunity to say something, lest when he comes later, someone wants to say something." I kiss ass."

He took a deep breath and asked Chen Ya, "Do you understand Haiya's strategy well? How much do you know about operations? Do you know what the current head of Haiya has done since he took office?"

Chen Ya smiled slightly, and said something into the microphone.

But those present did not hear clearly.

Because his microphone had already been turned off by Liu Ruying.

Chen Ya looked down for the microphone switch, but a jade-like palm held his hand, which felt cold to the touch.

He looked up and saw Liu Ruying's beautiful face shaking his head in front of his eyes.

Not far behind her, Wen Limin was still talking endlessly:

"The situation in Haiya Company at that time, not everyone was able to stabilize it. It was like a giant running at full speed, and now you have to stop him and make him turn around 180 degrees and run back. Not everyone can do this Arrived. The reason why I said that I came here for her is not only because I admire her style and skills very much, but also a very important point——

"—Do you know the age of the person in charge of Haiya Company?"

Chen Ya held Liu Ruying's slippery palm, slowly put it down, and lowered the hand holding the microphone, looking up at Wen Limin.

Wen Limin looked closely at Chen Ya, asked himself and answered:

"Early twenties.

"She is only in her early twenties, and she is about the same age as the fellow students present here."

After the voice fell, the audience was a little silent, only meaningless white noise rustled from the stereo.

Afterwards, there were murmurs on the field:
"Being the head of Haiya Company in your twenties? I'm so envious..."

"I just heard the senior praise me for a long time. I thought she was a woman in her thirties or forties, just like Dong Yuzhu..."

"I'll go. No wonder Senior Wen is a little bit aggrieved. He doesn't like him a little bit, does he?"


Fang Bai picked up the microphone and smoothed things over jokingly:

"Student Wen, if the person in charge is only in his twenties, he's just a little girl. From this perspective, it's not unreasonable for Haiya to choose someone randomly..."

Wen Limin's tone softened a little, leaned on the back of the chair and said:

"I can't say that. If you haven't dealt with them, you really can't understand her swiftness and ability in doing things."

Fang Bai pursed his lips, but couldn't say anything.

She is actually a little tired now.Bai Yujing's conversation in Yinlu Xiaozhu today was enough to exhaust her mind.

She wanted to make up for Wen Limin's impulsiveness next to her, and wanted him not to be too rude to Bai Yujing, and tried her best to give him a step down, but obviously Wen Limin didn't understand what she meant.

Indeed, Wen Limin also had difficulty understanding her intentions.

Because at this time, on and off the court, two boys of similar age, one in a suit and leather shoes, were sitting on the sofa, and the other was wearing a sportswear, sitting on an uncomfortable bench.

This kind of gap is easy to be overlooked, how terrible Bai Yujing's personal identity is.

Chen Ya lowered his head, turned on his microphone, smiled lightly, and asked Wen Limin, "Have you met the person in charge of Haiya Company?"

Wen Limin restrained his temper a little, and said, "I met once."

"Did you appreciate her because she is beautiful?"

Whispering voices sounded in an uproar.

Chen Ya's words made Wen Limin very astonished, and made the students present even more astonished.

Why did it suddenly involve people being beautiful?

"Have you ever heard the saying, My fair lady is a gentleman." Wen Limin frowned.

Chen Ya nodded: "Okay."

... This performance made the students a little confused.

"Why is he talking like that? It's as if the senior has a crush on someone else."

"That's right, it's obviously about business, why did you say this all of a sudden. I feel like he's not as good as the two professors boasted?"

...Wen Limin crossed his hands and said:
"Listen to you, have you seen her in person?"

"Yes." Chen Ya nodded sincerely, "Actually, I also came to this salon because I heard that she was coming."

Wen Limin spread his hands and said with a smile, "Oh? So, I have one more competitor?"

Some students laughed lightly, Chen Ya also laughed and shook his head:

"Competitors? Don't dare to be."

Wen Limin also smiled mockingly and said:

"Of course, I'm just joking. What I told you just now was that you were talking about the person in charge of Haiya Company. You got emotional. I interrupted you, so you continue to talk."

Chen Ya held the microphone, thought for a while, didn't say anything, just put the microphone in Liu Ruying's hand.

"I'm done."

Fang Bai glanced at Wen Limin and sighed.In the end, he didn't say anything.

Originally, I thought I would hear a speech similar to that of Hermitage Xiaozhu, but in the end, I was disturbed so hastily and got distracted.

I don't know how much Wen Limin would regret what he did today after knowing the other party's identity.

But Fang Bai adhered to the principle of seeing the truth but not telling the truth, so he didn't say anything.

She suddenly turned her head and looked at Jin Rubing at the side:
"Old Jin, what exactly is the competition for the edition of "Wei Ming" that you are talking about?"

Jin Rubing exhaled at his glasses and wiped them with his shirt:

"Want to know?"

"Want to know."

"I'll tell you when the meeting is over."



The male host stood on the stage and said: "...Then, the next session we originally planned is to invite the person in charge of Haiya Company to speak, but...hey, we have received the news that they will be here soon, so please invite the classmate Don't be impatient, just wait a little bit."

There was a commotion in the audience.Taking advantage of no one's attention, Lu Qianzi pulled Liu Ruying over and grabbed Chen Ya's clothes at the same time:
"Chen Ya, what is your identity?"

Chen Ya looked at her innocently: "I am your brother."

"Stop pretending," Lu Qianzi said with a small mouth like a machine gun, "What are they talking about about Bai Yujing?"

"That's my pseudonym. I've written a few articles under that pseudonym before."

Liu Ruying put her hands on his face, pulled his mouth away, and looked up and down.

"What are you doing?"

"I was wondering if you are the twin brother of that person just now." Liu Ruying frowned, "Why don't you feel that you are not the same person?"

"Ah?" Chen Ya didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Lu Qianzi also said angrily from the side: "Yes, you are too suspicious. Tell me honestly, do you have a brother who looks exactly the same in terms of voice, clothing, and clothing?"

"Huh?" Chen Ya smiled and pushed Liu Ruying's hand away, "That's not the case."

Liu Ruying stared at him suspiciously.

Not far away, the male host suddenly ran over with small steps and said, "The person in charge of Haiya Company has arrived."

"It's here?" Liu Ruying suddenly became nervous.

"Yes, people are already outside now. I went out and saw it just now," said the male host. "The teacher said let us make a foreshadowing, so that people from Haiya Company will not directly push the door in. It would be a bit embarrassing."

The male host seemed to want to say something, opened his mouth, paused, and then blushed and said:

"It's really pretty."

Liu Ruying was noncommittal, and said to Lu Qianzi: "Xianzi, take good care of him, we will interrogate him later."

Lu Qianzi nodded heavily: "Yes, yes, yes!"

Liu Ruying took the microphone to the instructor's side, and looked back at Chen Ya.

Those eyes were full of warning meaning of "you wait for me".

The news of "the person in charge of Haiya Company has arrived" spread like a foot, making the room noisy again.

Si Chaoliang patted Xia Yingji's arm: "How good-looking is the person in charge of Haiya Company? The two big men did not hesitate to fight on the spot. I will take a closer look later."

Xia Yingji borrowed someone else's laptop and was searching for information while saying:

"Beautiful girls can be found everywhere, but the so-called Bai Yujing... I'm researching, but there's very little information."

"I think it's better to look up the photo of the current person in charge of Haiya Company." Si Chaoliang said while looking ahead.

"I found it," Xia Yingji pointed at the screen, "There is an article on HowNet, let me take a look."

He operated the touchpad and clicked with the cursor.

"Huh? He wrote this?" Xia Yingji raised his head suddenly, his eyes widened.

"Look, look!" Si Chaoliang grabbed his clothes and forcibly pulled him over, "Here comes the man!"

"Wow! It's really beautiful!"


Black Lolita-style high-heeled shoes with thin straps knocked on the hallway floor, echoing crisply.

"...I searched all the places you mentioned, but I didn't see anyone. I really annoyed this person."

The girl chattered endlessly, and there was a bell on the small smart phone in her hand, which "ding-ding" along with her steps.

A lazy female voice came from the other end of the phone:
"But I did talk to him last night. Didn't you call him?"

"I don't answer anyway, and I don't respond to messages. I guess I want to complain to him about Haiya Company, and he is still putting me away."

The girl got a little tempered, and stepped on the floor with a little force.

If the hard heel is stepped on the human body, it must be particularly painful.

"Do you think he has lost his composure? He came to the capital and thought about fishing for girls again."

A voice came from the other end of the phone: "Impossible, right? I've only been in the capital for two days. Where can I meet a girl? Besides, I just played games with him yesterday."

"Hmph..." The girl pondered for a while, then rolled her eyes. "It's so annoying. I still have some other activities. Hurry up and leave. I wanted to come to the capital to surprise him, but it turned out to be a waste of time."

Put the mobile phone in the small purse, turn around and ask the Haiya staff behind him: "What time is it?"

"3:45," the employee replied, "45 minutes late."

"Hmph, it doesn't matter, it's not an important event anyway." The girl raised her hand and smoothed the hair on the back of her head.

Haiya employees remained silent.He has long been used to the waywardness of girls.

The young lady in front of me is the leader of the faction, and she is very talented in ordering people. Today, she directed the car to four or five places before arriving at the scheduled event location.

If it wasn't for running around and taking risks all over the city, Missy wouldn't be late for a class.

He even apologized to the teacher in charge of the docking at Peking University.

"Crack", the door opened, revealing a boy's face, said softly:

"You can come in."

After finishing speaking, his eyes were still on the girl for a long time.

But the person concerned perfectly ignored this line of sight, and walked straight past him into the room.

As soon as she entered the room, the lights suddenly brightened, a heat wave hit, and the air was somewhat humid, causing the girl to frown slightly.

"...Because of the traffic jam on the road, she came a little late, I hope the students will understand. Then, let us give a round of applause to Ms. Asai from Haiya Company."

When the applause came, Liu Lizi stood there gracefully, and hundreds of eyes in the audience were all focused on her.

Soon, inhale inhale, sigh in sigh.

Because she is really pretty.

And her good looks are completely different from the imagination of the students present.

The students' understanding of the so-called "beauties" in the business world is entirely derived from Qin Yunchu.

That cold, elite expression, orthodox attire, rigorous makeup, this is their impression of the beauties in the business world.

But the young lady in front of them was completely different from what they had imagined.

Wearing a black lace-trimmed dress and a light gauze jacket, she looked like a princess from a comic book.

Satin-like long hair hangs down to the waist, the skin exposed on the chest is whiter than milk, and a pair of long legs wrapped in black silk stockings are longer than life.

Si Chaoliang pushed the impatient Xia Yingji, and said excitedly:
"Now I fully understand why Senior Wen likes this one. It's really beautiful."

The girl in the front seat let out a soft "hum".

A little sour.

But he couldn't say anything.


"Miss Asai, it's a pleasure to meet you again."

On the seat next to the girl, Wen Limin stood up with a smile all over his face, and stretched out his hand to her from a distance.

The smile on his face was as warm as the atmosphere in the room at this moment.

"The last time we met was at the Kalia restaurant in Shanghai, remember? It was a reception... Come here, please sit here."

Liu Lizi took a look at the man who was walking over with his hand outstretched.

Only had time to take a look.

Because in the next second, she stopped breathing, turned her head and looked straight ahead, at the bottom of the first row.


At this moment, she suddenly remembered a poem that this man often recited—looking back suddenly, that man was in a dimly lit place...

The sparse applause was still ringing from behind, the man was talking, his voice seemed a little weak in the noisy applause, she couldn't help but took two steps forward, trying to hear it more clearly.

"There's a bad joke in Japan," the man sitting on the stool with his legs folded hilariously said to her with a smile, "that a Japanese is going to work in a mine.

"The owner of the mine is an American. He told the Japanese that you are responsible for the supplies, and the Japanese said yes. But the next day when he went to work, the boss couldn't find any Japanese anywhere.

"Finally, when the boss returned to his office, the Japanese jumped out from behind the chair and shouted in Japanese English with enthusiasm: 'surprise'!"

Chen Ya stood up with a smile and opened his arms: "surprise."

Liu Lizi jumped up and hung on him.

 Something unexpected happened today, the code word is late, only this update.

(End of this chapter)

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