Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 206 205. The strong want to humiliate the weak

Chapter 206 205. The strong want to humiliate the weak

In the Japanese Roman accent, the pronunciation of the letter "R" is the same as that of "L", so "surpris" and "supplies" are the same word to some Japanese people.

This joke was very cold, so cold that Liu Lizi wanted to add an extra coat to herself.

Of course, Liulizi, who received an elite education since she was a child, is very good at English, whether it is "surpris", "supplies", "samurai" or "sabisu", it doesn't matter.Absolutely no confusion.

It was as if he would never confuse the person in front of him with anyone else.

"Why are you here?"

Liu Lizi raised her face, her eyes were filled with mist.

"Because you are here." Chen Ya said.

"Obviously because you are here, I came here."

"Because you're here, I'm here too."

"Then why didn't you answer my call?" Liu Lizi had a bit of resentment on her face, "I thought you didn't want your hostage anymore."

"That's why it's called a surprise." Chen Ya said.

Liu Lizi jumped on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek.

"OK こう (let's go)." Liu Lizi said.

"どこ (where)?" Chen Ya asked.

"どこでも (anywhere)."

So he took her hand and disappeared outside the door under the eyes of everyone.

Liu Ruying and Lu Qianzi glanced at each other.

"This is……?"

"what's the situation?"

The two looked at each other, a little foggy.

It feels like living a dream.

"Just like that... gone?"

Lu Qianzi looked outside the door.

She was suddenly a little worried, would that guy come back?

In Yasheli, all the students in the audience were blown up.

"Damn! Show your affection on the spot! What are you doing??"

"I felt like a dog that was sleeping soundly on the side of the road and suddenly got kicked..."

"Where is the key person? After showing off your love, you left?"

Si Chaoliang grabbed Xia Yingji's collar, shook it from side to side and said:
"Did you see it? Did you see it? How exasperating is this? After flirting with Liu Xiaohua, you are still showing affection to others!"

Xia Ying said helplessly: "Obviously he has known others before, he obviously has a partner, and he came to flirt with Liu Xiaohua."

"I don't care, this is really too angry, why can't I kiss beautiful girls in public?..."

The girl in the front row turned her head and looked at Si Chaoliang with disgust.

Wen Limin was still standing in the center of the entire elegant house.

He was still standing there with his hand outstretched for a handshake.

Wen Limin's shoulders began to tremble slightly.

Although not many people noticed that he was still standing there at this time, he felt that the eyes of the whole world were on him.

Today is the most serious setback he has suffered in his life.

He felt that all his dignity was being treated as a used aunt's towel, and it was not enough to throw it into the trash can in a ball, and it had to be pressed to the bottom of the trash bag.

Wen Limin walked out of the elegant house quickly.

I don't want to stay for 1 minute.


"Old Jin, it seems that Bai Yujing has left the capital for so many years, not because he has faded out of the academic world, but also blossomed in both career and emotion." Fang Bai sighed.

Jin Rubing said slowly:
"If I want to be honest, when he said that he also came for the person in charge of Haiya Company, I expected this situation now, because he was in the capital back then, and he lived among thousands of flowers, lingering and dancing, and he was at ease. Jiaoying just cries."

After finishing speaking, he paused and added: "It's just that I didn't expect that he would take people away so quickly."

Fang Bai covered his mouth and smiled: "Obviously he knew someone before. Wen Limin was completely played by him. He pretended to be confused... Eh? Where's Xiao Wen?"

The two looked around and found that Wen Limin could not be found anywhere.

"Professor Jin, Professor Fang, Senior Wen went out from the door just now." A minister of the student union next to him ran over and said.

"Have you left? When did you leave? I didn't notice it." Fang Bai said.

"I'm sorry, it's a good event, and it turned out like this..." The head of the student union was sweating profusely.

"It's okay, it's okay," Jin Rubing smiled, "I know Bai Yujing's temper very well, the noise he made back then was much bigger than this..."

Both guests ran away, and the whole event naturally came to an end.

The senior sister from the Propaganda Department of the Student Union, who was in charge of organizing the event, covered her face and cried on the spot, and many people from the Student Union went to comfort her.Liu Ruying put on her coat, and walked out together with the students who were leaving.

Lu Qianzi followed beside her.

"Is he really your brother?" Liu Ruying asked suddenly.

"Yes." Lu Qianzi said sullenly, "However, he didn't grow up with me. He just came to my house a few days ago. So I don't know what he does outside."

"Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?" Liu Ruying thought of a word.

"It's possible." Lu Qianzi said, then she clapped her hands suddenly, and thought of something:
"Oh yes, he said that he has an ex-girlfriend, and he also hinted that this ex-girlfriend is in good condition. Could it be Miss Asai?"

Liu Ruying thought about it: "Then how did he get into... oh no, how did he become Ms. Qianjing's boyfriend?"

Lu Qianzi continued, "Also, what are the professors talking about about Bai Yujing?"

Liu Ruying thought for a while, and said, "He is 28 years old this year. A few years ago, counting 3~5 years ago, he was 23 to 25 years old, which happened to be the age when he graduated from graduate school..."

Lu Qianzi said, "Wait, didn't he say that he dropped out of junior high school?"

"Do you believe what he says? It's obvious that he's pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger." Liu Ruying looked forward, "So he should be studying in BJ's university. Study abroad in Japan."

Lu Qianzi turned her head and looked at her in surprise: "Then... I met Miss Qianjing there!"

"That's right," Liu Ruying nodded, "then they became a couple and returned to China together. Then Ms. Qianjing became the person in charge of Haiya Company, and he went to Hongtu to work."

Lu Qianzi said: "Then he said that he earns five or six thousand a month, is that a lie?"

"Of course it's a lie. With a monthly salary of five or six thousand, how can you afford a multi-million watch." Liu Ruying touched her forehead and said, "Oh, we were both deceived by him."


Lu Qianzi felt very uncomfortable.

It's like a cat that has been raised for a long time, suddenly one day it turned into a Siberian tiger, broke into the house and ran away.

"I was deceived so badly today." Lu Qianzi said with a sigh.

Liu Ruying glanced at her: "You miserable? You don't know how much I sacrificed..."

"What did you sacrifice?"

"It's nothing." Liu Ruying shook her head, "It's really nothing, I'm mentally strong."

The two walked out of Yashe and stood on the road outside the Liyuan.

With their hands in their pockets, they couldn't find their purpose in life for a while.

Lu Qianzi secretly looked at Liu Ruying.

Just now, she was secretly thinking about one thing.

Chen Ya embraced that Miss Qianjing in public today, would he still be with Liu Ruying?

If the two of them are strangers like this, what will happen to the marriage contract arranged by Mrs. Lu?
What she didn't know was that standing beside her now, Liu Ruying, who looked expressionless, was actually more anxious than her.

Liu Ruying's mood is very complicated now.All she could think about was Chen Ya's promise to her to pretend to be husband and wife.

As a result, I don't know if the person will come back, leaving me alone, what should I do in the future?
The person in charge of Haiya Company, and his uncle's property... It seems that there is not a big gap between the two.

At this moment, a loud noise came from a corner not far away.

It seems that there is the whining of electric vehicles and the sound of some broken things, and they sounded together...



Maserati stopped, and Young Master Xu jumped out of the window.

"Park the car for me, I'll go first."

The students who stayed in the car nodded quickly.

Xu Haoyu's face sank like water.

After a long traffic jam, his temper wasn't worn down, it was sharpened.

He is now like a sword, with two sides sharpened, shining like ice and snow.

After making a phone call, Xu Haoyu strode into the school.

A couple passed by him. The man was handsome and dressed in Adidas. The girl next to him was beautiful, who could surprise people at a glance, and was dressed in Lolita attire.

The woman is completely hung on the man's arm, and she even walks lightly. It looks like a couple in love.

Young Master Xu passed by them without paying much attention.

Not far away, Wu Zun came up with a computer in his hand.

"Young master, that man is in Lanfang Yashe. I found out clearly that Liu Xiaohua is hosting it, but you came back late, and the salon has closed the meeting."

"How long has it been since the meeting?"

"Not long ago, just now, if you go now, you may meet Liu Xiaohua. If you are lucky, maybe that man is still pestering Liu Xiaohua." Wu Zun said.

Xu Haoyu started to run.

Wu Zun ran panting behind him.

His skin was fair, his arms and legs were thin, and it took a lot of effort to keep up with a muscular man like Xu Dashao, not to mention he was holding a computer in his arms.

"Young master, I heard that something happened in the salon. There was a lot of noise inside, and there was everything. I haven't figured out what's going on yet."

First Young Master Xu frowned: "Ruying will be fine, right?"

"She's fine... Anyway, she's not the main character." Wu Zun said, a little gloating, "Some say Wen Limin is a clown, and some say that an outsider present is messing around."

Xu Haoyu was not interested in other things, so he ran forward quickly: "Can you recognize that man?"

Wu Zun hesitated for a moment, and then said: "It's difficult, but I guess that person must be pestering Liu Xiaohua, if you see Liu Xiaohua, you will see that person."

"I agree with your judgment." Xu Haoyu said.

The two ran to the door of Lanfang Yashe, but Liu Ruying and Lu Qianzi hadn't come out yet.

"Just go in like this?" Wu Zun asked.

"No, there are so many people, it's easy to miss." Xu Haoyu said.

Wu Zun suddenly patted Xu Haoyu and said, "Master, look at that electric car."

"What electric car?"

"That car was ridden by that man," Wu Zun said eagerly, "I saw it when I adjusted the monitor, and he was riding this car."

Xu Haoyu glanced at the tattered little e-Donkey, and only said one simple word:


"Smash?" Wu Zun turned his head in surprise, "If this is reported to the police..."

"What are you afraid of? How much is this little piece of trash worth?" Xu Haoyu said, "I can pay him any amount. Smash it."

Realizing what he wanted to do, Wu Zun nodded with a smile on his face.

After all, he rolled up his sleeves and passed.

Xu Haoyu also sneered and strode over.

For such a broken electric car, even if the compensation is doubled or tripled, it is completely out of the question for him.

But the car was smashed face to face, and the man was compensated face to face. Liu Ruying would naturally see his character clearly after the man's prestige was swept away like this.

The reason why First Young Master Xu is called "Eldest Young Master" is not because he is really the young master of a rich family, but because of his style of acting.

His principle of action is - the strong must humiliate the weak!
 There is another chapter today, which will be updated at 8:30 p.m.

  Thank you for the 5000 points rewarded by Sleeping God~!

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  Thank you for your reward~
(End of this chapter)

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