Chapter 207 206. Young Master Xu, Fallen
Liu Ruying and Lu Qianzi suddenly heard the whine of electric vehicles mixed with some cracking sound from around the corner twenty meters away.

The two looked at each other, and walked over with many other students, just in time to see Xu Haoyu and Wu Zun standing there.

Xu Haoyu had a bat on his shoulder, and Wu Zun was holding a laptop in his hand, one left and one right, like a certain combination.

"Brother Haier?" A student next to Liu Ruying said dryly.

"Whose car is this?" Xu Haoyu put the bat on the ground and smiled crookedly, "I'm sorry, we were practicing baseball, and we accidentally broke it."

The two turned slightly sideways, and the little eDonkey lying on the ground appeared in everyone's sight.

Lu Qianzi suddenly covered her mouth, tears flickered in her wide-eyed eyes.

The small electric car that Chen Ya sent her over fell into a mess at this moment.

The flimsy body of the car itself has been rusted, and now it is even more broken. The front shell and body of the car representing the door face are peeled off, and the tires are bent into strange shapes.

The plastic fragments splashed from the car body are all over the floor, and the headlights are still flickering stubbornly, as if they are saying a final affectionate farewell to the world with warm eyes.

Lu Qianzi felt very sad for no reason.

The posture of this little electric car lying in a pool of blood is similar to the death posture of Yamcha in "Dragon Ball".

Its damaged body clings to the land, to the Yan Garden, to the wide and tidy Jingda Avenue.

On the land where it had galloped all its life, it fell.fell into the hands of his students.

"Electric car!" The tearful Lu Qianzi rushed over and stared at the two boys angrily, "What did you do?"

Young Master Xu shrugged.

"I said I didn't do it on purpose, do you believe me?"

"Do not believe!"

"Really? But that's your business."

First Young Master Xu tilted his mouth, and a sinister smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

So what if you don't believe me?He hadn't expected an answer.

It's a big deal to lose money, but he already has money.

Although in the eyes of others, it seems that he has lost money, but he just likes to do this kind of thing.

Anyway, I like to do it, and there is no particular reason.

Young Master Xu twirled his bat in his hand (this bat was borrowed from the baseball club next door), lazily put it in his pocket, and asked:

"Liu Xiaohua, where is the owner of this car? You tell him to come over, and I will apologize to him face to face."

Liu Ruying bit her lower lip:
"Xu Haoyu, can you stop messing around? Always targeting me, what do you mean?"

Xu Haoyu spread his hands, as if he heard something very funny:

"Did I target you? Did I target you? How good I am to you, the entire Beijing University, does anyone not know?"

Pointing at the car on the ground with his bat, he asked:
"Is this car yours? It's not your car. Why is it targeting you? Could it be that you have something to do with the owner?"

Liu Ruying frowned and stomped her feet: "What does my relationship with the car owner have to do with you?"

Xu Haoyu seemed to be drunk, and the bat in his hand was shaking, as if it was about to fall.The corners of his eyes and brows are dark and fierce, but amidst the fierceness, there is a bit of tenderness.

"What I just want you to understand is that I'm about to be broken by you. And a broken heart is like the fragments of electric cars in this place, which can never be recovered."

Lu Qianzi helped the car up with difficulty, when she suddenly realized something...

This car doesn't seem to be the same car as the one that Chen Ya borrowed from the food delivery stand in the morning...

"Dong Dong" Young Master Xu tapped the ground twice with his bat, and asked again:

"I'll ask again, whose car is this? Why don't you dare come out and claim it? Do I look fierce?"

At this moment, a muffled voice suddenly came from behind the crowd:

"This is the principal's car."

The students turned their heads one after another, and when they saw the person speaking, they unconsciously stepped aside and called her name:
"Professor Fang."

"Hi, Professor Fang."

Fang Bai stared at the electric car behind the two boys, his face was as black as something.

Young Master Xu hadn't heard what she said, so he lowered his voice and asked, "Professor Fang, what did you just say?"

"I said, this is the principal's car!" Fang Bai said.

All the students watching looked over and took a closer look.

Hey, it seems to be the principal's car.

"I'll go, I also said that this car is exactly the same style as the principal's, so it's the same car?"

"Yes, I thought it was the twin of the principal's car."

"Then where is Principal Yang?"


The bat in Xu Haoyu's hand fell to the ground.

Fang Bai's eyes moved back and forth between him and Wu Zun.

"Who did it?"

Wu Zun took two steps back consciously.

Xu Haoyu's palms were sweating, he reached out and grabbed two handfuls on his trouser legs, wiped off the sweat, and whispered:


Fang Bai turned to look at Wu Zun: "You didn't participate?"

Wu Zun lowered his head and buried his eyes on the laptop:
"As we all know, my computer is also fragile... I don't have the tools to spare."

Young Master Xu turned his head and glared at Wu Zun.

Although he intends to take the blame alone, it's too smooth for this guy to sell his teammates!

"Okay, okay..." Fang Bai nodded angrily, and then said, "I'll call Principal Yang."

Xu Haoyu walked over, flustered: "Professor Fang...don't, don't call his old man, I really didn't mean it."

"Hehe," Fang Bai sneered unceremoniously at him, "You explain it to the deans of your departments."

"Don't, I really didn't mean it...Professor Fang, Professor Fang!"

Fang Bai has already answered the phone: "Hey, teacher, your little electric car has been smashed."

An angry voice came from the other end of the phone: "How dare Bai Yujing!"

"No, Bai Yujing didn't do it," Fang Bai said, "a student did it."

"Student? Which student? I always love students like my son, why does he treat my electric car like this?"

"I do not know either."

…Xu Haoyu pretended to be pitiful for a while, then suddenly realized something, turned around and grabbed Wu Zun who was about to run away, and said in a low voice:

"You boy, didn't you say that the electric car belonged to that man? Why did it belong to Principal Yang? You betrayed me!"

Wu Zun was sweating profusely:

"I don't, Young Master, you know, I always follow the chastity archway wherever I go, how could I betray you? It's clear from the surveillance that it's this car and that person, unless the surveillance lied! "

Fang Bai had already hung up the phone, and turned back to Xu Haoyu and said, "Don't guess! This car was lent by Principal Yang to others."

After a pause, she said again: "I don't care if you have a grudge against President Yang or the person who borrowed the car. Anyway, I just called the dean of your department and told him that he was very angry. You should think about it carefully." Think about how to explain it to him. I guess the least serious demerit has to be recorded, so you should think about what to do so as not to be persuaded to leave. "

First Young Master Xu... fell down.


At this moment, "that man" who caused a lot of trouble in Jinghua and Beijing University at the same time was sitting in a brand new Lexus, holding the steering wheel with one hand.

"Is this the hotel where you stayed?" Chen Ya asked.

"Yeah." Liu Lizi nodded.It looks very well-behaved.

"It's not too far away," Chen Ya said, "Why do we have to drive? This distance is enough to walk, and now we have to find a parking space."

"I just want you to see the new car I bought." Liu Lizi put her hands on the window sill with a proud face.

As soon as she got in the car, she dragged her shoes, and now her two little feet wrapped in black stockings were rubbing against each other, like two little rabbits.

"I don't like Japanese cars." Chen Ya stopped the car and unbuckled his seat belt.

"It's okay, as long as I like it." Liu Lizi also unbuckled his seat belt, "I bought it with the money in your card."

Just as Chen Ya was about to speak, his limp body leaned towards him, and then his cool, fragrant lips pressed against his face.

Forced to deal with it, he hugged the girl's waist, moved her to his lap, and rubbed his ears and temples for a long time.

"Go up and talk about it, people will see it here."

"I see it when I see it, and I don't care."

The two thin lips were fiercely asking for something, and the temperature rose rapidly, becoming warm.

His hands groped in the clothes, clinging to the smooth body, the cold touch came, very familiar.

"Huh—" Liu Lizi closed her eyes slightly, raised her head, and let out a sound of relaxation, her body became a little softer.

"Okay, okay, go up, go up."

Chen Ya slapped her ass with a "slap".

The girl wrapped her smooth and white arms around his neck and whispered, "Miss me?"

"Haven't I only been here for two days?"

"But in Haiya before, there was no way to be together properly." Liu Lizi said seriously, "The accumulation of such long-term dissatisfaction has turned into the current slime monster."

"Then, Ms. Asai, what method do you usually use to vent your dissatisfaction? Do you just use my bank card for crazy shopping?"

Liu Lizi stretched out her cat's claws, grabbed his face, pinched it back and forth, gritted her teeth and said:
"You are not allowed to call me Ms. Asai, I should have told you? You can only call me by my first name, Liu Lizi."

After a pause, she said, "Also, isn't your bank card my compensation? Why did you take it away? Return it."

"That's your living expenses..."

Liu Lizi is a sticker person, if she doesn't post every day, she will accumulate irritability, and the next day she will post even more.

This is also one of the reasons why Chen Ya always brings her by his side.

So during this period of time, she was sent (deceived) to Haiya to take charge of the power. Although she would go home every day, it was hard for her to spend less time together.

Chen Ya said: "It's hard work for you, I will make it up to you."

"Well, then please make it up to me tonight."



At 9:[-] in the evening, when Chen Ya was lying on the soft pillows of the hotel, he suddenly remembered that when he was leaving, he forgot to tell Lu Qianzi.

I definitely won't be able to go back to sleep tonight.

He got up and turned on his phone, but found that he hadn't received any message from Lu Qianzi, only Liu Ruying sent a small "?".

He turned off the phone.

Liu Lizi yawned next to her, she turned her head, her disheveled hair was still sticking to the corner of her mouth, her blushing face looked pretty.

"なんじ? (What time is it?)"

"9 じはん. (9:[-].)"

Liu Lizi turned over and lay down on the bed for a while, then turned around again and hugged him.

"I dreamed that you met a new girl, and you were doing shy things in the bathroom."

Chen Ya glanced at her and found that her eyes were closed and her voice was hazy.

After confirming that he didn't install a bug on himself, he said, "Then what?"

"And then, very angry."

After a pause, Liu Lizi suddenly opened his eyes and said, "When I entered that place, the two girls standing next to you were new acquaintances to you?"

"That's it."

"You have a good relationship?"

"Not on good terms with you."

Liu Lizi wiped her face against his body, feeling a little more awake, and asked again:
"Hey, how long are you going to stay in the capital?"

"One month."

"Is there something that important?"


Chen Ya nodded and frowned slightly.

On his mobile phone, just now, he suddenly received a message.

It was a message from someone I hadn't seen in a long time.

"Duck Ya, your aunt is getting married soon, and I sincerely invite you to come to the capital for a banquet.

You don't have to follow suit, just come and play, my aunt just wants to see you.After's been a long time, right?

If you can, bring Xixi and sister-in-law with you!
——Chen Wanzhu"

(End of this chapter)

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