Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 210 209.1 A qualified hacker should not be swayed by prejudice

Chapter 210 209. A qualified hacker should not be swayed by prejudice

"Being investigated by the organization you created yourself, how do you feel now?"

Chen Ya didn't speak for a long time.

It was as if Yang Kang had met Yang Tiexin—his father didn't know him anymore.

I laughed angrily and didn't want to talk.

After a long time, Chen Ya asked the question he was most concerned about at the moment:
"What floor did they find?"

"The third floor." Xia You said.

Chen Ya was silent for a while, and then said:
"This is the worst class, isn't it? Before, the lowest level was checked to the fourth floor."


Xia You couldn't help but nodded.

Chen Ya was investigated by Eagle's Nest, which he founded by himself. What he cared most about was not why they investigated him, but—these people's level was too low.

Kind of lost him.

Only cracked to the third layer, the level of technology is relatively low among hackers.

It can only be regarded as an entry-level hacker level.

Of course, this "getting started" needs to be enclosed in double quotation marks.

Judging from Chen Ya and Xia You's level, 90% of the hackers in this world can only be considered "entry" level.

"Eagle's Nest needs to be rectified," Chen Ya said, "When will you go to Beijing University?"

"Next year." Xia You said.

She is only a senior in high school this year.

"When you go to Beijing University next year, you should clean up Eagle's Nest. These guys are too bad." Chen Ya repeated.

Technically speaking, food is the original sin.

Xia You suddenly thought that her grudge relative was also from this year's Eagle's Nest, so she couldn't bear to find an excuse for him:

"Maybe I have a deeper prejudice against you, so I thought I got the real answer when I checked the third floor."

"A qualified hacker should not be influenced by prejudice." Chen Ya said.

"Okay. You have a point."

Xia You took a thick leather-covered notebook from the table next to him, wrote down what Chen Ya said just now, "Qualified hackers should not be influenced by prejudice", and then said:

"They are too stupid. They are still college students in Beijing."

"That's it."

Xia Yingji, who was far away on the campus of Peking University, suddenly sneezed.

"What's wrong? Are you weak?" Si Chaoliang gloated beside him.

"Climb, climb." Xia Yingji responded roughly.

Wu Zun at the side was busy sending messages to First Young Master Xu.

He just packed up all the materials and sent them to Xu Haoyu, but there was no movement from Xu Haoyu for a long time.

It wasn't until just now that they sent three words to Wu Zun:
[It must be reported. 】


Cao Cao has 72 suspected graves.

There will only be more false news about Chen Ya's identity circulating on the Internet than this number.

Moreover, every false news has been encrypted multiple times.

Including the thing that Eagle's Nest just found out.

As a result, every fake identity information is made to be the same as the real one.

"Which floor" is a secret cut that only Xia You and Chen Ya know.

One encryption is called "one layer" by the two; three layers of encryption are cracked, which is the "third layer".

Xia You added a little "seasoning" to each level. As long as one layer is cracked and hands and feet are not cleaned, it will be hacked in, allowing Xia You to obtain all the information of the intruder.

If it is cracked to the 10th layer, it will be regarded as a professional team or a master.

In this case, a certain department that cannot be named will be dispatched.

Generally, it will either lead to an offensive and defensive battle on the Internet, or an unsuspecting wild master will be arrested.

As the person with the best hacking skills in the entire capital, Xia You said that he was playing with technology, but he was actually playing with psychology.

Those who searched for Chen Ya's identity would think that they had found the truth of the matter every time they cracked a layer.

The more you crack, the more convinced you are of the false information in your hands.

This move was originally used by the two of them to deal with those external forces that were just around the corner.

Later, the external forces were afraid of being beaten, and these crooked organs gradually failed to play their original role.

Now it's more of an IQ evaluator.

Wu Zun and the others were evaluated as "idiots who only found the third floor".

Chen Ya thought of something, and asked, "How many floors are there in total?"

Xia You smiled coldly: "I forgot."

"You forgot to sneer, I thought you would say the answer coolly."

"Hmph, I don't remember the exact number, anyway, there must be more than twenty floors."

Xia You dragged the mouse, and a camera output screen appeared on the computer screen.

In front of the screen was Wu Zun who was full of pride, and Xia Yingji who was sitting beside him.

There are two girls next to him, both of whom are still pretty.

Xia You adjusted it again, and the sound of the screen was also transmitted.

"... Qianzi, you brother, you should always be careful, usually such a face-saving person likes to cause trouble."

"I'll pay attention."


Xia You wrinkled her nose disdainfully and curled her lips.

Wu Zun was still bragging to Liu Ruying, unaware that all his actions had been exposed under Xia You's nose.

The girl moved her fingers lazily, and several frames appeared on the screen, capturing the faces of several people several times.

She pressed a few more buttons, and the database immediately recognized it.

Soon, the identities of Wu Zun and the others were clearly displayed in front of the girl.

"Wu Zun, male, a high-achieving student from the Eagle's Nest, a 'master' hacker... well, this guy needs to be hit hard."

"Xia Yingji, male, an idiot, from the Xia family, he is my cousin."

"Si Chaoliang, male, the chairman of the student union, seems to be a newcomer to the Eagle's Nest today. How did his IQ allow him to come in?"

"Lu Qianzi, female, a student of Jinghua University, do you know this person? Oh, you do, she is your half-sister."

"Liu Ruying, female, from the Liu family, known as the school belle. Well, she is really pretty..."

Chen Ya immediately said:
"Is it beautiful? I don't think it looks as good as you."

"Who asked you."

The girl arrogantly put the laptop on her lap, and it was actually indescribably beneficial in her heart.

"All in all, these incompetent guys checked you, and just sent your information to a person named Xu Haoyu. Your identity is at risk of being exposed. To be on the safe side, do you want to 'wake up' the team and raise the security level by one?" Grade?"

Chen Ya sighed and said, "No, that's enough for now."

After finishing speaking, he said again: "Before, my security level reached the top level, didn't I still almost have my life in danger? There is only a thousand days to be a thief, no thousand days to guard against a thief, just blindly defending, always a little passive."

Xia You frowned: "Then you can't be defenseless, right?"

"So now I have changed my way of thinking about self-protection," Chen Ya said, "To some extent, revealing part of my identity makes myself safer."

"I don't quite understand."

"Know Iron Man?"

"You mean the one Downey played?"

"Yes, I can actually develop a set of battle armor for myself like him. But it's not necessary," Chen Ya said, "What is wrapped under the iron sheet is actually the spirit, and the spirit and thoughts are the most difficult to destroy. "

"So what do you want?"


After hanging up the phone over there, Xia You smiled slightly.

It was his usual perfunctory method just now, and he suddenly started talking nonsense.

Xia You didn't care too much.She is used to it.

Then, her smile froze slightly, and she frowned.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but before she hung up the phone, she seemed to hear a woman's voice on the other side of the phone.

She struggled a lot in her heart, and it took a long time before she made up her mind.

Moving his fingers secretly, he opened an unspeakable page on the laptop.

A string of numbers on the page is the machine code of Chen Ya's phone.

His fingers hovered in the air, hesitating for a few seconds, and finally tapped heavily on the carriage return.

After a while, a white noise of "rustling" came from the speaker of the laptop computer.

Xia You was excited, nervous, excited and looking forward to it. After a while, Chen Ya's voice came from inside:

"Xiaoyou, if you hear this, it means that your listening skills are not good enough and you need to go home and practice hard; if you are not Xiaoyou, then your equipment has been hijacked by me..."

Xia You closed the program as quickly as possible.

She covered her red face, buried herself in the pillow, and let out a cry of "Wow".

Chen Ya must have caught her monitoring just now, and she was embarrassing in front of him again.



In the afternoon, Chen Ya came out of the Feilong Prince Hotel, his steps still light and light.

He found a random ramen restaurant on the side of the road. While waiting for his meal, he took out his mobile phone and turned off the Do Not Disturb mode. Many messages flooded into the screen in an instant, like shoppers scrambling to be the first.

He first clicked on three missed calls from Lu Qianzi, and called back:

"Are you still in the capital?" asked the other side.

"Yes. I'll be back in a moment. What's the matter?"

"Oh, Ruying wants to date you."

Chen Ya heard the girls slapping and slapping from over there, and Liu Ruying seemed to be protesting her statement.

He had a better impression of Lu Qianzi.

This girl maintained a decent sense of distance, and even though what happened yesterday, she still treated him as usual and never asked about his private life.

"Then let's make an appointment." Chen Ya replied, "When? Where?"

"Then 30 minutes later, we'll see you at No. 43, Back Street."

Back Street No. 43 is the name of a bar, which is near Beijing University and quite famous among college students.

Its atmosphere and board games are very good, and there are very small games, such as Warhammer, Educational Reform, Viscount West, World War II Frontline... etc., so it is very popular with some history and strategy fans, and has a good reputation among students. good.

Chen Ya drove Liu Lizi's new Lexus to the car.

This car was "gifted" to him by Liulizi (it was originally bought with his money).

The woman was about to leave the capital, and she said that she was too lazy to drive hundreds of kilometers and took the high-speed rail instead.So I just gave him the car.

Chen Ya knew that this was just her excuse.

Perhaps she had bought the car in a hurry, intending to give it to him.

I drove the car and found a vacant space in the parking lot. When I was about to park and enter, a Maserati stabbed out, took a quick step, and moved its butt in.

Fortunately, Chen Ya's driving skills are superb, and he stepped on the sudden brake, otherwise he would definitely make a hole.

This behavior of blocking and driving dangerously made everyone angry. Chen Ya rolled down the window and poked his head out.

The Maserati just in front also rolled down its windows.

Sitting in the opposite car was a young man who looked like a college student. He was wearing a leather jacket and looked a bit tough.

"Hey, step back a little bit, I can't pour it in, wipe yours."

Chen Ya stared at him.

The man asked impatiently, "What are you looking at?"

"I came first." Chen Ya said.

"I'm faster than you, okay? If you want to grab a seat with me, you grab it. At worst, I will compensate you and you will compensate me. Do you think your car is more expensive or mine?"

Chen Ya looked left and right, and found that there was still an empty space not far away, so he didn't bother with him, backed up the car, and parked elsewhere.

The boy in the leather jacket smiled triumphantly. He felt that he had won.

The leather-clothed boy entered the bar in a hurry, opened the curtain of the box on the second floor and walked in. Everyone inside said:
"Yo, First Young Master Xu is here."

"Master Xu! Have you finished your review?"

The leather-clothed boy Xu Haoyu cursed and said:

"Write a chicken feather review. Just now I met an idiot outside who robbed me of a parking space."

Chen Ya walked into the bar, and saw Liu Ruying's figure in the dimly lit place.

The girl with a beautiful face raised her hand high at him: "This way!"

 In the afternoon, vote for the monthly vote to help the author

(End of this chapter)

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