Chapter 211.
Liu Ruying is wearing a pure white sweater on her upper body today, with her chest protruding high;

The lower body is matched with a khaki long skirt, which is simple in style and intellectually elegant.

Seeing Chen Ya coming, she reached out to open the menu next to her and asked, "What would you like to drink? I'll treat you."

"Lemonade will do."

The girl glanced at him, with a faint smile between her brows and eyes, and said:
"Won't you have some wine? Don't save me money, I still have some money."

"No, I have a car with me."

"Do you drink watermelon juice?" The girl's face was blocked behind the menu.


She rang the table bell and said to the waiter, "Two glasses of watermelon juice."

Chen Ya's eyes stopped on her chest, and asked:
"Has it been a long time?"

"Ten minutes." Liu Ruying said, "It's okay."

Chen Ya nodded slightly.

Came for 10 minutes and waited until he arrived before ordering drinks for both.

This girl is careful in everything she does.

He felt more and more that she was a very suitable candidate to be a secretary.

... Liu Ruying also secretly looked at Chen Ya.

Today Chen Ya changed back to the clothes he didn't have a brand before. He was wearing a gray work jacket, showing his working-class qualities.

The dreamy starry sky watch on his wrist gave the overalls an indescribable charm.

Liu Ruying regretted it very much.

Because she found that she was completely wrong about the person in front of her.

With the straw in her mouth, Liu Ruying looked at him with the upper part of her eyes and said:

"I heard from Qianzi yesterday that you have a 700 million watch and it was broken by her classmate?"

"En." Chen Ya nodded.

"How did you deal with it later?"

"Repair, lose money." Chen Ya smiled.

Liu Ruying narrowed her eyes.

If it was an ordinary boy, if she asked her this question, he would definitely start talking non-stop.

Talk about how the other party did not believe in the price of the watch, how they clamored after learning the price of the watch, how you brought the other party to justice, and how the other party ended up...

But he just said simply, dryly, and directly, "Repair, lose money."

It’s over.

Just like boiled water with steamed buns.

It seemed to him that there was nothing to talk about in such matters.

How could it be possible for a person with such a temper to be just a phoenix man flying out of the countryside?

Yesterday, when Wu Zun found out Chen Ya's identity, Liu Ruying applauded and praised you on the surface, saying that you are amazing, but in fact, she didn't believe it for a second.

Because of his character, it is impossible for a poor person who has just made a fortune to pretend to be.

Liu Ruying's tone suddenly turned cold, and she said:

"Actually, you are an executive of Hongtu Company, and you are the one with equity in your hand. Am I right?"

After saying this, Liu Ruying stared at Chen Ya's expression.

Chen Ya's expression was expressionless.

There was neither the panic of being told about his privacy, nor the slyness of being guessed wrongly in his eyes.

Chen Ya put down the watermelon juice and said leisurely, "How did you find out?"

Liu Ruying secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I found out through a detail."

"Tell me?" Chen Ya raised his eyebrows.

She dropped the straw into the glass and said:
"You have two watches, one with more than 700 million yuan and the other with more than 300 million yuan. The one you wear is more than 300 million yuan. Why don't you wear the 700 million yuan watch?"

Chen Ya said, "Because Lu Qianzi said that the one with more than 300 million yuan looks better."

"Well. If I were Lu Qianzi, you would have been exposed a long time ago," Liu Ruying said, "Poor people who suddenly become rich will not wear it like this. Because of Lu Qianzi's preference, I chose that watch worth more than 300 million yuan. Explain one thing..."

After a pause, she said, "—300 million and 700 million, in your opinion, there is no difference. You must have a net worth of over [-] million."

Chen Ya's expression suddenly became serious, he sat up straight, nodded his head, and said:
"Indeed. It seems that I should wear the more than 700 million yuan."

"No," Liu Ruying said, "The real nouveau riche will choose to wear two pieces together."

"Is there really such a person?"

"Yes, I have seen it." Liu Ruying said, "I regret it now."

"What do you regret?" There was a hint of a smile on the corner of Chen Ya's mouth.

He was curious about the way the girl thought.

"I regret that I should have handed over my cards to you so soon." Liu Ruying glared at him.

Her trump card was the "big gamble" she had with the Liu family.

If she loses, she will have nothing.

The first impression Chen Ya gave her was that he was wearing a sportswear that didn't match at all. At first glance, he looked like a Phoenix man who had just arrived in a big city.

She thought that the pie she threw was tempting enough to make him follow her with all his heart.

Who would have guessed that this guy was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

If he was wearing today's outfit yesterday, Liu Ruying could tell something was wrong at a glance.

"Now, I can only let you decide." Liu Ruying said.

"I don't want to touch anything about you..." Chen Ya scanned her body up and down.

Liu Ruying didn't care about his gaze, but let him look at it generously.

"What is your origin?"

"It's a little bit of money," Chen Ya said, "and a bit of fame in certain circles. But that's all in the past, and now I'm living a semi-retired life."

"Wealth is free?" Liu Ruying asked.

"Probably." Chen Ya said.

Just when Liu Ruying was a little discouraged, his words rekindled her confidence:

"However, I am quite interested in your big bet."

"You want my uncle's family property?"

"No, I'm interested in you."

Liu Ruying nodded with a flat expression, and said, "I understand, lustful. But it's normal. After all, I'm the belle of Peking University."

Chen Ya froze.

He said he was interested in her because he wanted to train her to be a secretary.

I didn't expect her to misunderstand like this.

But he thought about it and didn't correct her.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Chen Ya got up.

Liu Ruying looked at the direction he was leaving, and looked down at her own attire.

If I had known that he was lecherous, I should have dressed less conservatively today.


Xu Haoyu opened the door and entered the box, the smell of powder mixed with the smell of cigarettes rushed straight to the sky.

In the private room, there were more than a dozen people sitting at the table, forming a circle, half male and half female.

Most of the men were sitting in disarray, with gangster expressions on their faces;
The women all have waists, buttocks and long legs, and they wear short hot pants.

Looking at the past at a glance, the jade legs are like a forest, and the silk feet are disturbing.

This shocking scene almost suffocated the boy next to Xu Haoyu.

He belongs to the Astronomical Society, and the only black and smooth object he has touched is the astronomical telescope.I haven't seen so many beautiful legs in stockings in the past summer, let alone winter?

First Young Master Xu patted him, and said, "I told you to come here to open your eyes, I didn't ask you to come here to embarrass yourself, to put your mind to it, your eyes are straightened."

The boy was startled, and then he heard Xu Haoyu leaning over and whispering in his ear:
"They are from underworld laundering and turned into corporations. They have a strong sense of power. These women are called here to fill up the show, which is their practice. Those sisters can be teased with words, but they can't get involved. Those who ask for money, understand? "

The boy nodded nervously.

The girl next to her consciously leaned over, her legs under the hot pants were full of light, as well-proportioned and perfect as the rings of Saturn, and she was fat and thin.

And the boy has already learned Tang Seng to recite the Heart Sutra silently, so he posted it for fear of being unable to hold his hand.

The person sitting at the top was still laughing and asked:
"Master Xu, I heard that your Maserati was confiscated by your father?"

"Don't mention it." Xu Haoyu put a cigarette into his mouth, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"There was a phoenix man from the countryside who took away the girl I liked. I'm worried."

"Who is so bold that he dares to pick on our Young Master Xu's girl? He's still a phoenix boy."

The person sitting at the top said with a smile: "There is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world."

"I'm just in love with this flower." First Young Master Xu waved his hand, "Don't persuade me, just asking is what I love, and I love you deeply."

"Love, it's romantic enough, young and old, come on, I'll give you a toast." A man next to him with black and blue stubble in his hair and a lip ring on his lips raised his wine glass.

"This is the beginning?" Xu Dashao looked surprised, the sister next to him had already filled him with wine, and he hurriedly put a peanut in his mouth and raised his glass.

"Come on, let's go."

"Go one."

The person sitting on it frowned slightly and said:
"We didn't even have a drink together, so we started it in private. What does that mean? First Young Master Xu must think that we don't understand the rules."

The little lip ring hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to speak.A fat man next to him helped him with a smile and said:
"Sister Hua, you don't know. He fell in love with Eldest Young Master Xu at first sight, and fell in love with him. He couldn't hold back anymore!"

Only then did the person sitting at the top break into a smile and said:

"Fathering is not such a way of chasing and beating hard. If you want Young Master Xu to remember you, you have to pour yourself three cups first."

Hearing this, the lip ring brother stood up abruptly and said, "Young master, I didn't know the etiquette just now, so I'll pay you three cups."

Xu Haoyu stretched out his hand: "Don't!"

After that, the man drank it all in one gulp, and pointed the bottom of the cup at him: "One cup!"

"Okay, okay, can't you drink slowly?"

"Two cups!" The man drank it down again.

Xu Haoyu waved his hands at the first person: "Sister Hua, enough is enough. In the beginning it was one cup, now it is two cups, adding up to three cups, let's drink the rest slowly."

Sister Hua then said to the lip ring brother: "Okay, Young Master Xu has already spoken, so stop drinking, there is one glass left, let's toast together!"


In the small box, everyone stood up, raised their cups to their chests, and said loudly, "Damn!"

After the drink was full, the boy from the Astronomical Club sat down and looked at the lip ring boy with a little worry.

I saw that the other party's face was flushed and he looked uncomfortable.

Only then did he carefully look at the woman sitting at the top.

The woman had her hair in a bun and looked about 34 years old. Although she wasn't particularly good-looking, her eyebrows and eyes were extraordinarily charming.Wearing an off-the-shoulder dress, she is extremely slender, with a huge rose tattooed on her left shoulder, with branches and leaves, extending from her back to her collarbone.

The boy swallowed quietly.

This woman must be a ruthless character who can control so many men.

Sister Hua said: "Our company has never made such a good money before. It's like feeding it to your mouth. It's all thanks to Young Master Xu. Young Master Xu, you are considered a young hero. "

Xu Haoyu ate, his mouth was slick, and he said calmly:
"Didn't I entrust Sister Hua's contacts and face? If it weren't for you, how could I be able to make waves? Regardless of black and white, as long as you are on the road, you know that if you want to get things done in Gongti Square, you have to go through Sister Hua. "

"Hahaha, I'm just a girl, it's all for face." Sister Hua giggled charmingly.

"You are not a girl, you are a son and daughter of the rivers and lakes, this is it." Xu Haoyu gave a thumbs up.

"Okay, sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, I like this title. Everyone is floating in the rivers and lakes, they are all sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, come and go."

"Come, respect the children of the Jianghu."

Sister Hua raised her glass with a cigarette in her hand, and the two of them bumped into each other and drank it down in one gulp.

Although Xu Dashao was a college student in Beijing, his father ran around doing business and lacked supervision, so he had been able to enjoy himself on the road since he was a child.

A little older, he even showed his business talent, selling snacks in the class, selling mineral water during the sports meeting, and selling umbrellas at the school gate on rainy days.

Later, when his father entered Beichen, he became even more prominent, and his friends on the road respected him even more, and they called him "Young Master" when they met.

Not only respecting him for having a father in Beichen, but also respecting him for being ruthless and able to get along.

That's how the name "Master Xu" came about.

However, the students in the school must not know the reason for his name.

... After drinking for three rounds, the boys from the Astronomical Club also let go.

The more he drank, the more frightened he became, and the more unpredictable the identity of the person above him became.

He was terrified when he heard the past events they talked about at the wine table.

After pleading guilty, he went out to take a urinate first, passing by the stairs, and suddenly saw a scene that shocked him heart and lungs.

After urinating indiscriminately and returning to the box, he leaned over and whispered something to First Young Master Xu, Xu Haoyu was suddenly startled.

"She's there too?"

After finishing speaking, he cupped his hands and said to the people at the dinner table: "Everyone, I'm sorry, I heard that a friend is eating here, I'll go out and meet you."

The crew-cut man next to him said, "Have friends? Let's eat together?"

"No, it's inconvenient. She came with someone else." As he spoke, his face darkened.

Seeing his expression, Sister Hua giggled and said, "Could it be your passionate love?"

Young Master Xu nodded, and said darkly, "I'm sorry, I'll go and say a few words, and I'll be right back."

After all, he came out alone, followed the direction the boy had just mentioned, and quickly found Liu Ruying.

"Like a shadow."

Young Master Xu called out, and sat down opposite Liu Ruying as he spoke.

Chen Ya happened to go to the bathroom at this time, Liu Ruying looked at him and frowned slightly.

"What a coincidence, you're here too." Young Master Xu said with a smile, "I just happened to be here to discuss business. Who do you think it is with? Do you know who owns this store?"

Liu Ruying looked bored: "It has nothing to do with me."

"Who did you come with?" he asked again.

"It's none of your business."

"Could it be that Chen Ya?" First Young Master Xu's smile turned cold, "That bum?"

Liu Ruying looked at him: "Keep your mouth clean."

(End of this chapter)

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