Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 212 211. With a sharp sword in my hand, I wiped out all the chicken tile dogs

Chapter 212 211. With a sharp sword in my hand, I will wipe out all the chickens and tile dogs

First Young Master Xu narrowed his eyes, staring greedily at the girl opposite him:
"What? Did I make you unhappy when I called him a bum? Hillbilly, phoenix, boy, whatever you want to hear, pick one."

"Xu Haoyu!"

Liu Ruying put the cup in her hand heavily on the table, and said "Boom": "You are enough!"

"I'm enough? I'm not enough!" Xu Haoyu stared at her, "How long have I known you, how long has he known you? You will be angry for him, have you ever been angry for me?"

Liu Ruying took a deep breath, suddenly took out a hair rope from her handbag, and tied her hair into a ponytail.

"it is good."

She nodded, and then said: "Okay, then I'll be angry for you once."

"You have always regarded me as your property. I have always tolerated you and let you not dare to offend you. But what do you mean by insulting my friend in front of me?"

"I tell you, I'm pissed!"

The girl's anger, just like the watermelon juice in the cup being shaken up, maintained the last restraint of a lady, and was still contained in the cup, without splashing all over the table, very decent.

Xu Haoyu was not shaken by the girl's anger, but turned cold:

"Hold me, let me... Unexpectedly, you look at me like this, I am very sad."

"Otherwise, what do you think? What should I think of you?" Liu Ruying was so angry that her hands trembled.

"Don't you want me to thank you for hanging my name on the car without my consent and displaying flowers at the entrance of the teaching building? Do you know how many times I have been invited by the teacher to have a heart-to-heart talk? You know How many times have I been told about green tea behind my back?"

"But, if you promise me, won't these things happen?" Xu Haoyu said with a smile.

Liu Ruying stared at him, unable to speak for a long time, finally parted her lips, and said in a low voice:

"You are shameless."

Young Master Xu laughed: "Thank you for the compliment. I like pretty girls to say that I am shameless, because being shameless is the privilege of a person like me. Sooner or later, you will like a shameless person like me."

"Less self-love."

"Well, it's cool, it's useful, let's curse a few more words."

Liu Ruying stopped talking, just stared at him sullenly.

There was nothing she could do about this kind of person's stalking.

Young Master Xu put his arms on the table, smiled playfully, and said:
"The reason why you are guarding him now and not letting me tell is because you don't know the real identity of that person. If you know his real identity, you will find that what I said is the truth..."

"What is my real identity?"

A voice sounded behind Xu Haoyu, he turned his head, just in time to see Chen Ya's unfazed face.

He opened his mouth and quickly realized:
"You're the one driving the Lexus?"

It turns out that the person they were talking about just now is the person in front of them?

Xu Haoyu rolled his eyes twice, and his brain began to work rapidly. Soon he understood the crux of the problem, and he finally matched the enemy he "thought about day and night".

"Oh it's you?"

This is really... the enemy's road is narrow...

Chen Ya sat down beside Liu Ruying, put his hands on the table, and asked with a smile:

"Come on, tell me, what is my real identity?"

Seeing Chen Ya sitting down next to Liu Ruying naturally, Young Master Xu's first reaction was to fly into a rage.

Even he didn't sit beside Liu Ruying so casually, but he just sat so casually, and the two of them were still very close.

His heart was filled with jealousy.

But after thinking about it, if I lost my temper at this time, it would be in the hands of the other party. After taking a deep breath, my expression returned to normal.

Young Master Xu looked at him, thought for a while, then had a plan in his mind, narrowed his eyes, smiled evilly, and said:
"You really want me to tell you your real identity? Are you not afraid?"

"Why should I be afraid?" Chen Ya asked.

"Stop bluffing in front of me."

"What bluff?"

"Don't you want to pick on Liu Ruying?" Young Master Xu looked at the girl beside him, and then said, "Do you think your real identity is worthy of the girl beside you?"

Before Chen Ya could speak, he said again:

"Do you know that we and you are people from two worlds?"

"Are you from another world?"

When asked by Chen Ya, Xu Haoyu froze for a moment, then became more emotional, and said loudly:
"If it wasn't for the good intentions of the Lu family to take you in like a wild dog, you don't deserve to sit here or talk to us at all, do you understand?"

"I drive a Maserati. Liu Ruying's younger brother owns a Ferrari. Do you understand? Do you know the difference?"

He moved Chen Ya's cup to the middle, pointed to it and said:

"If you invite Liu Ruying, just invite her to drink this. Do you know what we drink on that table? The men drink 53 Red Star Moutai, and the women drink Black Horse Villa Cabernet Sauvignon. What about you? Watermelon juice!"

He slammed the cup on the table, and finally ended with a resounding sentence:
"Let's be more clear, want to pick up Liu Ruying? You, no, deserve it!"

His voice was so loud that the other people sitting in the bar heard it and cast their gazes in this direction.

Others stood up, wanting to see what was going on here.

Some people whispered and laughed from time to time, as if they heard what they were saying.

Even the two people who were in the private room of Young Master Xu came out with their hands in their pockets, watching the fun there.

Liu Ruying only felt that her face was red and white, her eyes were moist, and she didn't catch her breath for a long time. After a long time, she opened her mouth and said:

"I invited him to drink the watermelon juice."

Xu Haoyu hesitated, and then said: "It's not important, what's important is that I want him to understand the gap between us."

He slammed his key on the table and said:
"Ruying, I don't want to be fooled anymore. To tell you the truth, he is just a local turtle from the countryside, not even the Phoenix man. The Phoenix man came out with good academic performance and high scores in the exam. What about him? He has no knowledge at all. Go to school, a dirt loach crawling out of the mud."

"This soil loach even went to Japan to work illegally there. If his father hadn't made his way in the capital and married into the Lu family, he would have died in this life, and he wouldn't even have the qualifications to sit here."

Xu Haoyu leaned over, stared at Liu Ruying and said:

"Ruying, it doesn't matter if you reject me, I am willing to be rejected by you ten thousand times, but I am very unwilling to choose this man."

"You are willing to sit on the back of the bicycle and laugh, I don't care, I can buy you a hundred bicycles to experience that feeling, but if you follow this person, you will only be underestimated and said, why do I, Xu Haoyu, like it?" A woman, she will be with such a person, why does Peking University's schoolgirl look at her like this...I can't accept this."

"Do you know who I am here to eat with today? Sister Hua. I brought my classmates to help me hold the wine. Originally, the one sitting next to me should be you, and I should be the one who will hold the wine for you. You should be The focus of the banquet is to enjoy the admiring gazes of those in positions of power, instead of sitting here with this miscellaneous branded person and being lowered to a lower level."

Xu Haoyu pointed to the keys he slapped on the table and said:
"I'll give you a choice. If you want to stay with him, you can continue to sit here. I'll leave right away and don't bother you anymore. If you don't want to be with him anymore, you can take this bunch of keys. , follow me to Sister Hua's banquet."

After finishing speaking, he blinked and said, "I've had a drink, and the dinner will be over later, you can help me drive my Maserati and send me back. You leave the key, and from now on, you can drive that car as you like."

He said this in a moderate voice, and he could hear it within ten meters.

The lip ring boy who had had two sips of wine with him was standing not far away, and asked the flat-headed brother next to him:
"Tell me, how did the girl choose?"

"I don't know how to choose, anyway, Eldest Young Master Xu is really domineering, and he is a lover!" Brother Pingtou said.

"Yes, damn it, you must be an idiot if you don't choose him."

"The idiot is sitting opposite him." Brother Pingtou looked disdainful.

... If it is placed in the domineering president's article, most of the girls will fall if Mr. Xu's tricks are followed.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, First Young Master Xu is just Liu Ruying's licking dog.

But in fact, before he met Liu Ruying, he had never lacked a woman by his side since he was a child.

He is a man with a high love IQ.

For some girls who value material things more, they generally cannot resist his offensive.He used this trick to pry past many girlfriends.

But Liu Ruying is not that kind of girl.

Liu Ruying's scheming is far more tenacious than girls who only look at immediate interests.

She looked at each other and just asked, "Are you eating with Sister Hua?"

Young Master Xu smiled triumphantly: "Yes."

"Why eat?"

He casually smiled and said, "Sister Hua and I have completed a business together, and it will develop into a long-term partner in the future. This time, it was negotiated purely by myself, and I didn't ask my father to do anything. "

Chen Ya suddenly asked, "Who is Sister Hua?"

"Fuck, you don't even know, Sister Hua? How dare you come to the capital?" First Young Master Xu made an exaggerated expression.

Chen Ya asked lightly, "Is it famous?"

"It's not just famous." Young Master Xu disdained Chen Ya's ignorance, knocked on the table with his hand, and said, "That's all, if she frowned a little, a person like you would be like ashes and be thrown away." Blow it out of sight, understand?"

Liu Ruying replied to Chen Ya:

"Sister Hua is the legal person of Fenghua Enterprise. She came from the underground to the ground. She is very powerful and famous in the world. Moreover, her man is said to have a very deep background."

After listening, Chen Ya nodded.

As a college student, Liu Ruying doesn't do business, so she can even speak clearly about this kind of character.

He admired her more and more.

Xu Haoyu took the opportunity to say to Liu Ruying: "Look, I put aside such an important banquet, and came here to talk to you so much, do you know how much I have paid for you?"

Liu Ruying frowned and said: "You have paid a lot for me, I understand, but... a twisted melon is not sweet, do you understand?"

"Just have melons, why do you need sweetness? What you desire for you is not sweetness, but water. I need to quench my thirst."

Xu Haoyu spoke affectionately, but there was something strange in his eyes.There was something else wrong with his words.

Liu Ruying was suddenly very tired, she looked at Chen Ya.

This is the first time she has a sense of dependence on him - she hopes that he can drive Xu Haoyu away, just like fulfilling his boyfriend's duties.

But obviously, her mental activities did not reach Chen Ya.

He just smiled lightly, and asked Xu Haoyu:
"Tell me, you and I are not from the same world. Liu Ruying belongs to the Liu family, which family do you belong to?"

Xu Haoyu put his feet on the chair, smiled disdainfully, and said to Liu Ruying:
"Ruying, did you see that, the soil loach is like this, he doesn't understand anything, even if I tell him, he doesn't understand either."

After finishing speaking, he looked down at Chen Ya and said:

"Then let me tell you, my father is a high-level executive in Beichen, so I won't brag about it, but I want to introduce my aunt to you."

"Do you know the four major families? My aunt's husband belongs to the Qin family."

After speaking, he looked at Chen Ya, as if he wanted to enjoy his shock.

But Chen Ya disappointed him.

"Do you know which family I belong to?" Chen Ya asked.

"Which family are you from? Aren't you the stepson picked up from outside the Lu family?" Xu Haoyu was taken aback.

He thought that he had collected and missed information, and what background was there behind Chen Ya.

Chen Ya said: "I belong to the Chen family. King Wu of Zhou granted Shun's descendant Chen Hugong Guiman in Chendi, and the descendant's surname was Chen. Counting 4000 years ago, my family's ancestors were three emperors and five emperors."


First Young Master Xu laughed, and was so teased that he burst out laughing. He widened his eyes, pointed at Chen Ya, and said to Liu Ruying:
"Did you hear what he said? He thought I was messing with him, and I'm still here, laughing at me to death..."

Liu Ruying frowned, and said to Chen Ya: "This is not a joke, the family he mentioned can really make you... Sigh, you don't understand now, but you will understand later."

She was a little disappointed.

She just wished that Chen Ya would not be so bland.Even if his hole cards were still not good enough in front of Young Master Xu, she still hoped that he would be tough and push him back hard.

Maybe for First Young Master Xu, his little bank deposit is not enough, and he doesn't have any power, but at least...she can see that he really cares about her face, doesn't he?
But now, he remains calm, not only doesn't care about his face at all, but also makes himself ridiculed.

Liu Ruying was really disappointed.

But soon, she also looked away.

Before choosing this person, she was already mentally prepared.

At first they were sure to be laughed at by more than one person.

But when they get the uncle's family wealth, those who laugh at them will be dumbfounded.

She will have the last laugh.

Young Master Xu laughed crazily, hysterically, and rocked back and forth.

But soon he stopped smiling.

He narrowed his eyes, licked his lips, and said:

"I thought you learned something in the Lu family. It seems that you really don't understand anything. Someone like you who doesn't understand anything is considered the best in this era, so I'm going to have a good time. You. Let me think about how to play..."

After a pause, he said, "By the way, let's start with that Chen Hai from your family. Didn't he want to get Beichen's cooperation qualification? Then let's guess, if I go back and talk to my dad, you Is he still able to do it?"

Chen Ya smiled and asked, "Do you still have this ability?"

First Young Master Xu stared at him, then licked his lips again, his lips were bright red: "Guess if I can?"

"Stop making trouble." Chen Ya said suddenly, changing his sitting position.

He took out a bright yellow object from his wallet, held it in his hand, put it in front of First Young Master Xu, and asked:
"You know, what is this?"

First Young Master Xu squeezed his eyes and looked at him: "I don't know, and I don't need to know."

"This is a bullet casing." Chen Ya said.

Xu Haoyu said: "Have you ever been a soldier? Or do you want to show off what you can touch? Let me tell you, as long as I want to, I can touch a real gun. This little thing of yours..."

"In 1942, the Japanese army carried out a large-scale raid aimed at eliminating the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, and strictly strengthened the control over bullet casings. Copper-zinc synthetic brass, self-made shells."

Chen Ya interrupted Xu Haoyu's words, and said something completely irrelevant, which made both Xu Haoyu and Liu Ruying a little confused.

He didn't care about the emotions of the two of them, and continued:
"Because there were no mines, the Eighth Route Army began to purchase coins for remelting and refining. Ancient copper coins contained a lot of zinc, which was very suitable for making bullet casings. So they looked for rich landlords to buy copper coins with square holes."

"The output of these homemade bullets is very small, but it is by no means non-existent. These few homemade bullets may include Dahan's five baht coin, Kaiyuan Tongbao, Ming's Hongwu Tongbao..."

"These copper coins may have seen China's most prosperous era. They may have traveled thousands of miles with Zhang Qian, they may have followed Zhu Di to conquer Mobei, and they may have followed Wang Yangming to quell the rebellion..."

"And later, they all turned into bullets and shot at the invaders to defend our homeland."

Holding the bullet tightly in his hand, Chen Ya looked at Xu Haoyu and said:

"My grandfather is not a high-ranking official. He used to be a cattle breeder in Shan area. He once saved a Eighth Route Army. This bullet case was left by that Eighth Router."

"He left this bullet in his hometown. When I left my hometown, I only took three things with me except my clothes. One of them was this bullet casing."

"Because it is a sharp blade, a great sword that has been forged for 5000 years. I hold the sharp sword in my hand. In front of me, everything is like a chicken and a dog. It can be broken with a single sweep, and it can be defeated in one battle."

Chen Ya put the bullet casings into his wallet, closed the wallet, and slowly chanted:
"Looking at the dilapidated building, sigh this meaning, how many people in the past and present have met?"

"Ghosts set up divine emissaries, and recognize them as beings, and the sky is limited to the northern and southern borders."

"One water stands horizontally, and the hills are connected on three sides, making a contending situation."

"What happened in the Six Dynasties? It's just a private scheme of the sect?"

When he reached this point, he sighed and repeated again: "What happened in the Six Dynasties, it's just a family plan..."

First Young Master Xu frowned and said, "What do you want to say..."

"To shut up."

Chen Ya said lightly.

His tone was neither light nor public, and his voice was neither loud nor soft.

But the imposing manner all over his body was on the verge of breaking out, like a lion fighting a rabbit, the deterrent power that burst out in an instant made Xu Haoyu who was facing him terrified, his beard and hair all stretched out, and his voice disappeared like a broken thread.

"If it was 5 years ago, facing someone like you, I might have punched you, slapped you twice with my wallet, and then left with a long smile."

"But now that I'm older and have experienced a lot, I don't have the motivation to pretend to be aggressive anymore. I'm not the high-spirited mad student I was back then."

He walked in front of Xu Haoyu, the shadow cast by his body gradually covered his face.

First Young Master Xu trembled a little.

His hand pinched Xu Haoyu's chin with force like steel pliers, so that he couldn't make a sound or move a little bit.

"Now I just want to tell you that your so-called aristocratic family or relatives are just like pieces of dust in front of me, not worth mentioning, meaningless, and worthless."

He squeezed Xu Haoyu's chin and said, "Now, with your pride in your family background, get out."

After all, Xu Haoyu was pushed and pushed, and the whole person flew upside down, staggered for several steps, and finally bumped into another table with a "bang" before stopping.

 Let me explain to everyone that something happened at home yesterday. My grandmother was pushed and shoved. The old man is 90 years old and is not in good health.But because of this yesterday's update was delayed.

  Today will make up yesterday's update. There are 3 updates in total today, with more than 1 words. I hope everyone who has a monthly ticket will vote more.It's the last day.

(End of this chapter)

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