Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 213 212. With your low IQ, get out!

Chapter 213 212. With your low IQ, get out!
Xu Haoyu went back.

Went back to his box.

Chen Ya returned to his seat and sat down, and said kindly to Liu Ruying, "Let's continue talking."

Of course, he was still sitting next to Liu Ruying.

And stick very close to people.

It's just that Liu Ruying was leaning against the wall, her whole body was almost stuck to the wall.

From his expression, he couldn't see the aggressive aura just now.It's as if he turned around and completely forgot what happened just now.

But Liu Ruying did not forget.His aura overflowed just now, affecting even Liu Ruying.She still feels a little shaking now.


Liu Ruying hesitated to speak.Meimu looked at Chen Ya, her eyes kept rolling.

It seems that she didn't see Chen Ya clearly before, and now she wants to see clearly again.

This guy refreshed her understanding again.

Although she hoped that Chen Ya would drive him away just now, she didn't expect that Chen Ya would go to this extent?
"You're really not afraid, what happened to your brother Chen Hai won't make it through?" Liu Ruying said nervously, "Xu Haoyu's father is in Beichen, and he seems to have some power. He's not bragging about that."

"It's okay." Chen Ya waved his hand, "If he can really do this kind of thing, then he's a rotten fish, and he will be fired sooner or later."

"I really can't say that..." Liu Ruying considered her words for a long time, for fear of offending the other party, "You are a bit too idealistic, or rather, too optimistic..."

"It has nothing to do with optimism." Chen Ya lowered his head and straightened his hair.

While they were talking, suddenly a person came over and sat down across from them.

"Dude, let's talk."

Chen Ya raised his head, and the person sitting opposite him had a lip ring on his mouth, his mouth was full of alcohol, and his cheeks were still slightly flushed.

"Who are you?"

The man with the lip ring smiled and said: "It doesn't matter who I am, I just drank with that brother Xu just now. I also learned a little about your matter just now, so let's have something, don't vomit, I want to Have a good talk with this sister."

Liu Ruying looked at him, frowned and asked, "Me?"

"Yes, it's just you," the man with the lip ring propped his arms on the table, and said awkwardly, "Why do you think you can't think about it so much?"

"It has nothing to do with you, does it?" Liu Ruying has a good temper, but now she is a little unhappy.

"Yes, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with me, but, I have something to say to be fair, do you know what kind of expression Young Master Xu had when he came back to us just now?"

The man with the lip ring fully carried forward the spirit of social cows, and talked freely with a bit of alcohol, without treating himself as an outsider at all:

"I've never seen the expression of the old man. It stands to reason that he is also a character. I said, things like your status are not worth it for this kind of thing. Women are everywhere on the street. Every It's better than this."

"Sister Hua also said, why bother to fall in love with a single flower? Guess what he said?"

After a pause, the man with the lip ring said: "He said that he is deeply in love, and what he hates the most is the pearl dyed dust. I asked him what is the pearl dyed dust, and he said, you are the bright pearl."

After speaking, he looked at Chen Ya with disdain, and said:

"There is a sentence, maybe he thought Miss Liu's face, so he didn't say it, but I will say it for him, this person, he is a little boy."

Liu Ruying was taken aback, and the man with the lip ring continued:
"His money comes from rich women. If Miss Liu is still obsessed with such a person, then I really have nothing to say."

Liu Ruying said with a livid face, "I told you, this matter has nothing to do with you, please leave."

After seeing Liu Ruying's attitude, the man with the lip ring nodded, as if he had given up and continued to persuade her, and then slowly said: "Okay, I understand. That's good."

"I can go, but you have to do one thing." He pointed to Liu Ruying and said, "This is Sister Hua's message. I'll pass on a message for Sister Hua. She said, if you wake up, you don't have to do this." One thing, if you haven't woken up, you have to do it."

Hearing this, Liu Ruying was a little dazed, and an ominous premonition arose in her heart. Then, the man with the lip ring said:

"Sister Hua said, young master Xu is a lover, and he has given a lot, but it is a pity that he met a ruthless girl. He has devoted so much affection to you, and it is reasonable to give him a break. Go over and toast a glass of wine." , this matter is over."

Liu Ruying frowned and said, "Is this what you mean, or what Sister Hua means?"

"Didn't I just say that?" The lip ring man knocked on the table playfully, "This is what Sister Hua meant."

"Why did Sister Hua do this for Xu Haoyu? What does this matter have to do with Sister Hua?"

"Master Xu, you're Sister Hua's friend." The man with the lip ring knocked on the table and said, "Since you're in this bar, you're in Sister Hua's territory, and you dumped her friend in her territory. If there is a relationship, then there is a relationship.”

Liu Ruying said angrily: "Sister Hua also needs to be reasonable. From the beginning to the end, I didn't make any demands on that person. He did everything by himself. I never had any relationship with him!"

The man with the lip ring shook his head and said, "Then I can't control it, anyway, Sister Hua said so."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Liu Ruying and said, "Sister Hua said that, do you dare not listen? I don't dare anyway."

After speaking, Liu Ruying hesitated.

She bit her lip nervously.

Inwardly, she felt the request was unreasonable.

From this moment on, she really hated Xu Haoyu to the extreme, saying that an infatuated man meets a flirtatious woman - he is thick-skinned enough to reverse black and white to this extent.

But she didn't dare to refuse directly, because she knew how powerful Sister Hua was.

Don't say that she has severed ties with her family now, and uncle will not invest much in her. Even if she has not severed ties with her family, she will have to weigh a few times when Sister Hua speaks.

Fortunately, she just asked her to go over and toast a glass of wine.

Although it was a loss of face, it was not too difficult to swallow the matter once, and the matter passed like this.

"If I go to toast a glass of wine, can Young Master Xu let me go?" Liu Ruying asked.

"This is Young Master Xu's business, it has nothing to do with me," said the man with lip ring, "I'm just in charge of spreading the word."

He lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth leisurely, facing Liu Ruying's face, he puffed out a puff of smoke ring.

"Cough cough cough..."

Liu Ruying coughed from the cigarette smoke, obviously she was not used to the smell.

"Put out the cigarette." Chen Ya said, "There are people who don't smoke here."

The man with the lip ring glanced at him, held the cigarette in his hand, and asked, "What if I don't put it out?"

"If you don't extinguish it, I'll help you extinguish it later. It's not the same way to extinguish it." Chen Ya said.

"Hum hum……"

The man with the lip ring sneered and said, "Okay."

He took a deep breath into his lungs, then opened his mouth arrogantly, and the smoke rings shot straight into the sky.

"This is Sister Hua's shop. I've never heard of it. Anyone else dares to set rules for us here. I just heard you talking and thought you were very brave. Now it seems that you are really stunned."

All of a sudden, the man with the lip ring suddenly felt a shadow flicker in front of him, and suddenly his fingers were empty.

At some point, his cigarette ran into Chen Ya's hand.

The cigarette butt that was still burning was turned down, and then pressed down hard, the ash fell on the glass plate on the table.

"Quick hand? There are two skills. You practiced it when you were in the society? You don't go through the door picking lock?"

The lip ring man didn't take it seriously, but took out the cigarette case from his pocket and lit another one.

"Come on, try another one and see if you can take it away."

Liu Ruying pushed Chen Ya's arm and whispered:
"Forget it, I'd better go to toast."

"Why?" Chen Ya looked at her in surprise, "Are you really going to toast?"

Liu Ruying bit her lip and said, "That's Sister Hua... Forget it, you don't understand her strength."

Chen Ya said: "I have never heard of such a character."

Liu Ruying stood up, pushed Chen Ya, and said:

"You don't have to go, I can go by myself."

Chen Ya pressed her shoulders and pushed her back to the seat.

The man with the lip ring raised his eyebrows: "Hey? You have the guts, don't you dare not listen to what Sister Hua said?"

Chen Ya said slowly, "You don't need to go anywhere today, as I said."

After finishing speaking, he said to the man with the lip ring: "I also said, you put out the cigarette. I never warned twice before. This is the final result of my two years of self-cultivation."

The lip ring man grinned and said, "Does that mean I have to thank you?"

He flicked the cigarette butt into Chen Ya's watermelon juice.

The cigarette butts are rippling on the bright red watermelon juice, the black ash is slowly rippling away, and the yellow cigarette butts are still floating on it, which looks very disgusting.

Chen Ya stood up, reached out and took out the cigarette butt from the cup.

Then, before the man with the lip ring could react, he felt a huge force and opened his mouth.

He watched as Chen Ya stuffed the cigarette butt into his mouth with a big hand.

He pushed hard with his tongue, but the harder he pushed, the more painful his tongue became.

After forcibly stuffing the whole cigarette butt into his mouth, the big hand pressed his jaw firmly, pinching his mouth firmly so that he could not spit it out.

He wanted to resist with his fists and feet, but his wrists were cut all over by the man, and he became limp and weak. The same was true for his feet. His toes were so painful from being trampled on, but because his mouth was pinched, he couldn't make a sound.

The man with the lip ring only felt a tearing pain in his entire mouth, and his tongue also felt a pain as if it had been twisted.

The whole mouth, including the nasal cavity, is filled with a strange smell of watermelon juice mixed with soot.

"Listen," Chen Ya whispered in his ear, "Maybe you haven't learned from what happened just now, so I'll tell you clearly, I'll give you a free lesson, if you don't have the skills, don't jump around. If you do too many things, you will be stewed and eaten sooner or later, because you are not a tiger."

The man with the lip ring stared round his eyes, but his mouth was held down and he couldn't say anything.

"Then, go back and tell you that sister Hua, what kind of thing is she? If you want to be toasted, come over to toast first, and we can return the toast. I have never heard of asking for a toast. Did someone die in her family?"

"How dare you say that about Sister Hua!" ——The man with the lip ring wanted to say that, but because his mouth was caught, he could only make a sound of um, huh, huh, huh.

"Also," Chen Ya continued, "this is a society ruled by law. What era is it? They are still here to build your territory and mine. What do you think of the M-Zone? Go talk to the police and ask if they belong to your Sister Hua."

"All in all, her behavior is so disgusting that it makes people laugh."

"It's over, remember? It's best to repeat what I said exactly, I don't know how much you can restore with your IQ."

After finishing speaking, he pushed the man with lip ring: "Go away!"

As soon as Chen Ya let go of his hand, the lip ring man lay on the ground and vomited out.

"Ugh! Pooh! Pooh! Pooh... poof, poof..."

The man with the lip ring lay on the ground, spitting out everything in his mouth.

Liu Ruying covered her mouth at the side, watching all this in surprise.

Because it happened too fast and at the same time too bizarre, she couldn't understand what happened. When she realized it, Chen Ya had already stuffed the cigarette butt into the opponent's mouth.

She didn't even have time to stop it.

"You have the guts! You have the guts!" The man with the lip ring raised his head from the ground, and said with red eyes, "You dare to make such a fuss in Sister Hua's shop, okay, I think you really don't want to live!"

"You wait for me, don't go!"

While pointing at Chen Ya, he backed away, and as he spoke, he disappeared from Chen Ya's sight.

"You got into a big disaster."

With the lingering fear still on Liu Ruying's face, she whispered to Chen Ya.

"You have caused a big disaster. Sister Hua, you can't offend her, not even my family. Besides, you offended Young Master Xu and Sister Hua at the same time. The Lu family may not be able to protect you."

Chen Ya's expression was not concerned, which made Liu Ruying even more anxious.

"Let's go quickly. This is someone else's territory. A good man doesn't want to suffer in the immediate future, so hurry up and leave, and we'll talk about the rest later."

Chen Ya thought for a while and stood up, but before the two of them could leave the door, a dozen or so people hurried out from the box, blocking their way.

The headed man with a crew cut looked serious and said to the two of them, "Sister Hua invites you to go."

In the bar, everyone noticed this situation. Some bold people poked their heads to see what happened. What's more, they took out their mobile phones and started recording, while some clever ones ran out the door.

The waiters and staff at the bar seemed to know what was about to happen and kept their mouths shut as if they hadn't seen what was going on.

A dozen or so people surrounded them, some stood in the corridor, some stood at the door, surrounded the two of them, and blocked all the openings that could leave.

It can be seen from the cooperation that these people have cooperation and have fighting experience.

Chen Ya glanced around at these people.

Liu Ruying yelled in her heart: It's over, it's over.

Now she is starting to regret why she came to this bar.

He also began to secretly blame Chen Ya, why he repeatedly reminded him and provoked others in front of him.

You are obviously a person who has been in society, but you are more student-minded than yourself. You are too optimistic in this kind of place, and I believe that others will not dare to touch you.

Others can not move you, but if they want to punish you, there are many ways.

Chen Ya stared at the crowd and said, "Get out of the way."

 Ask for a monthly pass~
  8:30 p.m. and one more

(End of this chapter)

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