Chapter 214 213. Sister Hua: Ahhhhhhh!
"Get out of the way." Chen Ya said coldly.

"Sister Hua invites you to go."

The crew-haired man repeated it again.

The content of this time is the same as the previous time, but the tone is a bit more serious.

"Sister Hua is angry." The crew cut man added.

For him, the last sentence is enough.That's enough to explain everything.

Since Sister Hua said "please" you go, then you have to go.

The last time I didn't go, Sister Hua got angry, so the matter was very serious.

"I must remind you," said the flat-headed man, "you are still a hundred Lu family away from being able to bear Sister Hua's temper. I advise you to be more obedient. Otherwise, you can directly experience how Sister Hua is angry, maybe you want I can't pay the tuition."

"In addition, I suggest that you be honest and conscious. You go there on your own initiative, and you are 'invited' to go there. There are two ways to drink that wine."

Chen Ya's face darkened at first, but immediately, he calmed down and said:
"What did she ask me to do?"

"It's still the same thing, toast." The flat-headed man said, "But, it's the two of you, give us a toast."

He pointed at Chen Ya, and said, "You just made a move on our brother, you have to pay back to our sister Hua, and also to our brother. Isn't that too much to ask?"

"Excessive, very excessive." Chen Ya said, "I said just now that I want to toast, come to me and I can return the toast. If you ask for a drink like this, I can only regard it as your family's dead."

Brother Pingtou's face darkened completely: "So, do you want to toast instead of fine wine?"

"No, that's not what he meant." Liu Ruying stopped in front of Chen Ya and said, "Let's go to respect, let's go."

Brother Pingtou smiled: "Miss Liu still knows the general idea."

Liu Ruying blinked desperately at Chen Ya, and squeezed his hand hard, desperately trying to keep him from talking.

Then, she grabbed Chen Ya and forcibly dragged him to the private room.

Chen Ya was about to take her away, but suddenly he changed his mind, smiled, and followed her.

Surrounded by a dozen or so people, the two entered the box and saw Young Master Xu and Sister Hua sitting inside.

Both of them were sitting in the upper seats, facing the door, one on the left and one on the right, looking at them coldly.

"Someone is here?" Sister Hua said in a tone.

Chen Ya sized her up and said, "Are you Sister Hua?"

"What? Are you disappointed?" Sister Hua stared at him and asked.

"No, I'm just curious, what is your identity as a man that allows you to be so unscrupulous in the capital."


Sister Hua seemed to have heard something very funny, and she laughed so hard that she almost burst into tears.

After laughing for a long time, she stopped and said:
"Since you don't know farts, just keep your mouth open and don't always like to cause trouble, and then go out and find out, otherwise you will die without knowing how you died in the capital..."

After finishing speaking, she said to Eldest Young Master Xu next to him, "Young Master, tell me how you want them to respect you."

Young Master Xu stood up and put a wine dispenser on the table.The wine dispenser is also a cup, or ten bottles to be precise, which is enough to hold a large number of bottles weighing one catty.

Putting the bottle on the table, he took a bottle of Moutai next to it, poured a glass bottom into it, and then took a bottle of beer from the side, poured even less into it. a little bit.

Then, he poured a quarter each of Qiliangye and Daosuixiang, and finally poured some Cabernet Sauvignon into it.

Finally, this bottle of "cocktail" with everything is adjusted.

He put the bottle on the turntable on the table and said:
"Drink this in one breath, and I won't hold you accountable. What do you think?"

"Okay! Drink it in one gulp!" The people next to him applauded.


The man with the lip ring suddenly stood up and said angrily, "This is too cheap for him."

Young Master Xu was surprised and said, "It's still cheap? Brother, tell me, what should I do."

The man with the lip ring turned the bottle of "cocktail" in front of him, held up the bottle of wine, and said:

"Look, let's add more ingredients!"

After that, he aimed at the inside, "Heh, bah", and spit out a big mouthful of thick phlegm.

"it is good!"

The surrounding people clamored and applauded.Those women with heavy make-up laughed even more wantonly.

Liu Ruying's body was trembling, and she couldn't help but glance back at the door of the box.

Sure enough, it was tightly closed, and there were two people blocking the door.

Brother Pingtou also said: "I'll add some ingredients too, heh, bah!"

He also spat a mouthful of thick phlegm into it.

As a result, everyone joined in one after another, and one by one, they all took the wine vessel and spit into it one by one.

Not only did the men finish spitting in it, but the women who had been invited to "suppress the place" were also urged to add some to it.

Soon, a colorful bottle of "cocktail" mixed with liquids of various flavors was brought to Chen Ya and Liu Ruying.

Liu Ruying almost vomited.

When she saw this bottle, she felt her stomach was overwhelmed, and she wanted to vomit everything she ate.

So she simply closed her eyes tightly and didn't look at these.

But the voice in my ear keeps reminding me that this is true.

"Okay, everyone's opinions have been combined to form a very new opinion." Sister Hua said, "Then I think it's like this, you drink this in one go, and I don't care that you are in my place and hit me What happened to the brother, how is it?"

Liu Ruying covered her face from the side.

She didn't dare to look, nor did she dare to think about what was about to happen.

She neither dared to think about what she would face after Chen Ya drank it, nor did she dare to guess what would greet them if they didn't drink it.

She has heard that someone was drunk to death, but in the end she was testified that she drank to death; she also heard that someone was dragged to a hotel and raped after being drunk, but there was no evidence in the end.

She was sure that some of the urban legends she had heard had something to do with the people in front of her.

"What will happen if I don't drink it?" Chen Ya asked.

"Don't drink," Sister Hua looked at him and said coldly, "Close the door now, and I'll open the skylight to tell you the truth. I won't let you die, but I will let you experience what it means to be worse than life. Death, I have hundreds of ways to deal with you."

"Do you know that I can cut off your hands and feet, but there is no way to find out that we did it? You stay in bed all your life, but we only need to pay some money, or even no money."

"Officials? Sister Hua's friends are all over the world, and they are brothers all over the world. Do you think they will make things difficult for you, Sister Hua?"

"Court? I'm sorry, Sister Hua has probably gone to court more times than you have to go to women. What do you think I can do? Am I not sitting here properly?"

"Some time ago, my brother ran into someone with his car. One died and the other was injured. The death is easy to deal with, and the compensation is hundreds of thousands. "

"As for people pursuing the appeal later, so what? I drive a Mercedes-Benz, but I don't have any money. Do you think I can get the money?"

After talking about her classic case, Sister Hua smiled and said, "So, do you still dare to fight with Sister Hua?"

Chen Ya smiled.

"Don't dare, how dare I?"

He picked up the bottle of "cocktail" from the table, turned around and said to Liu Ruying:
"Come on, let's toast to Sister Hua. To show respect, let's go over to toast."

After speaking, he pulled Liu Ruying's hand.

Holding her hand, he led Liu Ruying over to Sister Hua.

Liu Ruying was confused, she didn't know what he was trying to imply, and she was afraid that he would do something irrational.

Sister Hua was not afraid, she put one hand on the table, playing with a zippo lighter, and looked at him playfully.

"Before the toast, according to the usual practice, I'd like to say a few words," Chen Ya said to everyone with a smile, and then looked at Sister Hua, "Sister Hua, can you give me this time?"

Sister Hua smiled, very gently.

"Yes, you say, before you finish drinking, you have enough time, everyone will be here with you, as long as you don't make me lose patience. You say."

Chen Ya smiled and said, "Thank you everyone, everyone has shown me how arrogant a group of ignorant and confident people can be."

As soon as she finished speaking, Sister Hua's expression changed.

Chen Ya still smiled at Sister Hua, but what he said was as cold as winter:
"In you, I saw arrogance, arrogance, ignorance, and vulgarity. Your despicableness opened my eyes and felt more enjoyable than watching a movie."

"In order to commend your interestingness, I decided to ask everyone's beloved sister Hua to give everyone a good understanding."

After he finished speaking, he held the bottle of cocktail in his hand, and poured it all over Sister Hua's head.

Not a single drop was wasted, it was all poured on Sister Hua.

The cold liquid slowly crawled down her permed hair and flowed onto her cheeks, ruining her carefully painted makeup.

The black eye shadow flowed down the liquid, it was black and looked like a ghost.


Miss Hua screamed.

 The last change, a total of 12000 words was changed today.It's the last day, the monthly pass is about to expire!Vote for me!
(End of this chapter)

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