Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 215 214. Say something, my husband!

Chapter 215 214. Say something, husband!

Sister Hua yelled "ahhh", her hair was still dripping with wet hair.Once Liu Ruying thought of how many people's saliva was contained in these liquids, Liu Ruying felt nauseous.

At this time, her hair is like aquatic plants like waterweed. If you think about it like this, it looks a bit like a sea monster like a siren.

Chen Ya dragged the chair out from the table and sat on it, sitting between the screaming Sister Hua and the disbelieving Young Master Xu.

He picked up the Zippo lighter on the table, crossed his legs, and took another peanut from the cold dish on the table, peeling it and saying:

"Stop calling, call and call your background."

Sister Hua stopped, panting for a while.

Chen Ya looked at her while knocking peanuts.

"Aren't you going to deal with me? Come on, call, ask your background to come over, and I'll see how he deals with me."

"I'll kill you." Sister Hua announced, "I'm going to shave you alive and cut you into pieces!"

No one dared to move on the table.

Sister Hua's younger brothers wanted to rush up, but were stopped by a man with a crew cut.

From what he'd seen just now, Chen Ya had a bit of brute force. If they rushed forward, they could certainly capture him, but if they hurt Sister Hua, they would definitely die.

Moreover, Sister Hua is still covered in alcohol, and Chen Ya is playing with a lighter in his hand. If he can't think about it and lights Sister Hua, what should they do?
Therefore, you must not act rashly.

A table of people sat like this, and no one dared to move.

Chen Ya played with the lighter for a while, seeing that no one dared to come up, he nodded for their wisdom, then turned to Sister Hua and said:

"You call."

Chen Ya took the scarf on the back of Young Master Xu's chair next to him, threw it to Sister Hua, and said:
"Come on, wipe it off."

First Young Master Xu stared at him, but didn't dare to speak.

Every move of this person is unexpected.Liu Ruying thought so.

Sister Hua moved her lips, and finally used the scarf to dry the liquid from her hair little by little.

Young Master Xu looked at Sister Hua.He wanted to remind her that his scarf was a limited edition of Hermès, but in the end he didn't say it.

"Clear the venue." Sister Hua moved her lips and said to the boys in front, "Clear the venue! Did you hear me! I told you to go and clear the venue!"

The short-haired man moved his mouth, and said in a low voice, "Sister Hua, brother, he may be meeting the leader right now..."

"His women are being bullied like this, what business is he talking about?" Sister Hua said loudly, "Clear the place now! Within 3 minutes, I want only our people to stay here!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to First Young Master Xu, "You go too."

The expression on Xu Haoyu's face changed a bit, first he was puzzled, then stunned, and finally panicked.

He looked back at Liu Ruying who was huddled in the corner, and then turned to Sister Hua and said:

"Sister Hua, can I...take Miss Liu away?"

"No, the two of them will stay. You go."

Sister Hua said clearly.

The expression on Xu Haoyu's face became worried and helpless.

If Sister Hua wants to clear the scene and call that person over, maybe...the two parties will not end up with a "good death".

Speaking of which, what happened today was also caused by me. If he hadn't been going to meet Liu Ruying, if he hadn't asked my younger brother to help suppress Chen Ya's arrogance, Sister Hua wouldn't be in front of everyone today. Embarrassed.

Hate the house and Wu, Sister Hua is blaming herself too.

Young Master Xu understands.

Now that he understood this, he didn't dare to stay any longer.

"Sister Hua, then...then I'm leaving." First Young Master Xu immediately raised his buttocks and packed up the rest of his clothes.

As for the scarf...he just pretended he didn't have it.

Finally, he glanced at Liu Ruying again.

Then he sighed deeply inwardly.

His eyes said: This is what you chose.

You were supposed to be with me, full of friends and drinking wine.

Now, I am a guest, and you are a prisoner.

Xu Haoyu sighed deeply:
"Just do it yourself."

After he finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Since it was time to clear the venue, it was time to welcome "that one".

In this way, "that person" has been dealt with, and if he is lucky, he may find Liu Ruying's name on the roster of a certain prison in the future.

If she is unlucky, her name will appear on social news.

Whether the luck is good or not depends on the mood of "that one" and what Sister Hua told him.


He nodded to the boy from the Astronomy Club who had already been frightened into a wooden man, and the two walked out the door together.

At this time, the interior of the bar has been cleared urgently.Be it diners or drinkers, they were all kicked out of the door at this time.

A few college students who had just played half of the board game stood with their heads tilted, frowning in protest, and some people yelled "complain" and "never come again". After being stared at by Sister Hua's men, I dare not speak too much.

First Young Master Xu and the boys from the Astronomical Club walked all the way to their car without saying a word, and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did they realize that their foreheads were covered in cold sweat.

The sense of oppression just now was too strong.

"Brother Xu, what's going on, what should we do next?" the boy from the Astronomical Club asked.

"What to do? Not much to do." Xu Dashao sighed, "Go home, wash and sleep, wake up tomorrow morning, forget about this matter, forget about that bastard, and forget about Liu Ruying .”

The boy from the Astronomical Club looked at him incredulously: "Damn it, it wouldn't be so extreme, would it?"

"What do you think?" Young Master Xu glared at him, lit a cigarette, and his hands were still shaking.

"Young master, um, who is Sister Hua's background?" the boy from the Astronomical Club asked cautiously.

Young Master Xu glanced at him, as if he was weighing whether he was qualified enough to know the news, and after thinking about it for a long time, he whispered something in his ear.

"I rely on!"

After listening, the boy from the Tianwen Club flicked back and jumped like a frightened cat.

"Isn't it, so hard?" The boy's mood was shaken, and his tone was exaggerated, "I've only heard of this person's name in the legend, and I've never seen it with my own eyes."

"Then you will see it with your own eyes." Young Master Xu said quietly.

"Master, don't we run?" the boy asked.

"What are you running for? I'll park the car here and take a look from afar, okay?" Young Master Xu said, "Otherwise, what do you think I'm hiding in the sports car?"

The boy nodded; "You make sense."


After First Young Master Xu left, there were only three or five people left in the room: Chen Ya, Sister Hua, Liu Ruying, and two younger brothers of Sister Hua.

Even the ladies and sisters who were invited to town were blown away.

Chen Ya was sitting very close to Sister Hua, still eating clean food from the table, the peanut shells piled up on the table in front of him into a small bulge.

Liu Ruying sighed and sat down beside her.

Chen Ya turned to look at her and said, "Aren't you afraid?"

Liu Ruying said blankly: "If fear can prevent everything from happening, I can be afraid now, and I will be so scared to death."

Chen Ya smiled: "You are calm."

Liu Ruying was helpless.

She actually understood the look in Xu Haoyu's eyes before he left, "You chose this yourself".

Yes, she chose it herself.

If it can be argued, she will definitely say for herself, "I am not guilty!"

It's a pity that she didn't have this opportunity.

She knew that Chen Ya was a man who had worked hard in the countryside to be half-wealthy and free now, so he must have some skills, but it was too much to look down on the people in the capital.

For any person here, if they get Jiangcheng, they will be a giant Buddha.The competition of fish and dragons here is definitely beyond the imagination of people from a small place like Chen Ya.

She also thought about whether she would leave if she had the chance to leave with First Young Master Xu.After struggling in her heart for a long time, she still didn't come to a conclusion.

If I had known that it would be like this, when Xu Haoyu invited me, would I have sat quietly and peacefully at this table with him, facing Sister Hua's smiling face?
Of course, all of this has been groundless, and there will never be an answer.

Where she sat, her heart was very sad.

"Unfortunately, I don't know who that sister Hua is." Liu Ruying said.

At this time, Sister Hua's mood had calmed down, but her complexion was terrible, it looked like a piece of black iron that had been completely icy after being quenched.

"You will know soon." Sister Hua said indifferently, "However, I can tell you in advance that my man's name is Pei Hu."

"Pei Hu?!" Liu Ruying was startled.

She had heard that Sister Hua's background was very powerful, but she didn't expect that it would be Pei Hu.

Compared to Liu Ruying's sudden surprise, Chen Ya was indifferent.

Sister Hua looked at Chen Ya's expression and found that there was no fluctuation in his expression, so she laughed secretly in her heart.

Or how to say the ignorant fearless.

This guy should be said to be from a small place, and his vision is shallow.I don't even know Pei Hu's name.

Chen Ya turned his head and asked Liu Ruying, "Do you know Pei Hu?"

Liu Ruying nodded and said, "Don't you know? Pei Hu is the chairman of the Yangchen Group, and he...is very powerful."

"Great energy? What kind of Dafa?" Chen Ya tilted his head and asked.

Liu Ruying said: "Every time Peihu gets off the plane, the chiefs of more than a dozen counties and districts must run over to wait in advance; he also has a few of the best shotguns in the country. The local area will block it in advance and inform him that he will take a private plane to go hunting for fun; even if Pei Hu is placed in the capital, he is still the number one person. When he is mentioned, even if he is a member of the Gu family, he has to give some face. "

"So that's how it is." Chen Ya said, and then he asked, "Do you know all the famous people in the political and business circles in the country?"

Liu Ruying sighed helplessly: "What time is this, and you are still talking about this."

After a pause, she added, "I also heard that he killed someone."

After speaking, there was a long silence.

Finally, she added: "But I don't know if it's true."

"Oh." Chen Ya nodded, looking thoughtful.

The crew-cut man who had been standing across from the round table, who seemed to be confronting Chen Ya, was also sitting in front of the table, with a cruel smile:

"What, are you starting to get scared?"

"That's not it."

"You're still talking hard, your fucking cremation burned all the ashes, and you probably still have a mouth." The flat-headed man said, "Now you start kneeling and begging for mercy, kneel and lick twice, maybe Sister Hua's heart softens, and later Tell Brother Hu less about the stupid things you did."

Sister Hua shook her head greatly, her face still indifferent: "I will not soften my heart."

"Sister Hua, I know you won't be soft-hearted, I'll trick him and see if he'll freak out in advance, hahaha..."

Liu Ruying looked at Sister Hua with a complicated mood.

The reason why she was so shocked that Sister Hua's background was Pei Hu was mainly because the difference in their identities was too great.

How could a person like Pei Hu have a concubine like Sister Hua?

If Sister Hua is just an unimportant woman to Pei Hu, how can she be confident that she can call him with just one phone call?
Thinking of this, Liu Ruying couldn't help but ignite a glimmer of hope.

Maybe Pei Hu won't come.

The man with the crew cut just now also said that Pei Hu has an important meeting today.

He may not come.

With a gloomy face, Sister Hua lowered her head to look at her phone, then looked at Liu Ruying, as if she had guessed what she was thinking, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of her mouth:

"He's nearby, and he'll be here soon."

Liu Ruying's heart sank to the bottom.


Young Master Xu sat in the car with that boy, leaning over and looking ahead.

After a while, Young Master Xu patted the boy and said in a loud voice, "Here we come, we come!"

In front of their eyes, a shiny black vehicle slowly drove into the parking lot.

"Rolls Royce, the car of a king." First Young Master Xu said.

The boy held his breath, not daring to let out any air.

Soon, the car drove into the parking space, and then there was the sound of closing the door.

Several people got out of the car, and the leader was a man in a suit and leather shoes, who seemed to be walking like a tiger.

One look at that aura, it is the aura of the superior.

Young Master Xu started the vehicle.

"Young master, are you leaving? Don't you want to watch?" the boy asked.

"Just look at the feathers, let's go, and something will happen later, don't affect us." First Young Master Xu scolded.

In fact, he didn't want to leave for this reason.

Later, he might see Liu Ruying being pushed out in a panic.

And that might be the last time I saw Liu Ruying.

Since it's the last one, let her keep a better one in her memory.

After all, he didn't want his goddess to give him a final impression of being so embarrassed.

"Listen well, you can't say anything about what happened today." He said with a livid face, "No one can tell. If you miss something, you can expect to have your legs broken!"

"Yes, Young Master Xu." The boy said.

"If the Liu family or the Lu family know that this matter is related to us, then you will know what it means to have no good fruit." First Young Master Xu emphasized again.

The boy nodded quickly: "I understand, I understand."

As Maserati was running on the road, a tear rolled down Xu Haoyu's cheek.

"Damn it!" He slapped the steering wheel, making the boy next to him jump.

Xu Haoyu sniffed, and said, "Damn it, that bastard, if this guy wasn't so tough, how could this happen?"

The boy from the Astronomical Club said in a leisurely voice: "There are always some people in this world who are stupid in a way you can't imagine."

"Why did Liu Ruying fall in love with this kind of person?" Young Master Xu had a distressed expression on his face, "Sometimes women's thoughts are really difficult to understand. But she also paid a price for her choice, but the price was too heavy. "


"I've already thought about how to arrange for you later." Sister Hua said.

She stared at the faces of Chen Ya and Liu Ruying, as if a poisonous snake was examining its prey.

Her gaze was like a snake letter, licking their faces.

"Later, each of you slaps the other one hundred times," Sister Hua said, "Let's see who slaps harder. If anyone doesn't slap harder, he will continue to be punished."

The crew-haired man sitting below said, "Sister Hua, that's not reasonable. This man has great strength, so he will definitely use more force."

"Don't worry, no matter how hard he tries, he won't be able to escape punishment." Sister Hua said with a smirk, "Do you still remember 'roll melon down'? Let's see how hard his bones are, and he can bear the weight of several people."

The so-called "rolling the melon down" means putting people in sacks and others jumping on top.

Generally, after being jumped a few times, the person in the sack should be dying.

A more advanced version is to stand on a table and press upwards.

Anyone who has been subjected to such a set, if they can survive, their minds will become not quite right.

Because this kind of punishment is extremely terrifying to the tortured.

"Isn't he able to fight? Give him a hand and break it, and see if he still wants to use it." The flat-headed man continued to fight.

"No," Sister Hua said, "I want to pull his fingers one by one."

"Picking nails, breaking hamstrings, cutting off children and grandchildren's feet, sister Hua, if you get tired of doing it, we brothers are willing to do it for you," said the flat-headed man. "I promise to let him suffer the worst crime without dying."

Listening to these people's words, Liu Ruying's expression changed.

Originally, she had already convinced herself and prepared herself for all kinds of psychological construction, but now her shoulders were still trembling uncontrollably.

And, she wants to pee.

But she dared not say it.

She wished she could hold her breath and erase her own existence so that no one would notice her.

"Have you finished fantasizing?" Chen Ya looked at the watch in his hand, "You don't have much time left to fantasize."

The flat-headed man laughed and scolded: "Damn it, this guy doesn't know Brother Hu's methods at all."

"Brother Hu is here, if he knows that he has touched his woman like this, I'm afraid he will have to walk on his knees for the rest of his life." Another younger brother next to him said sadly.

Before the words were finished, the door of the box was pushed open with a "huh".

Several men wearing sunglasses walked in surrounded by a short and fat man.

"Old Pei!"

Sister Hua stood up with a "huh", feeling a little excited, tears welled up suddenly.

"Brother Tiger!"

The two younger brothers in the room stood upright, eager to salute the man.

Outside the room, the younger brothers brought by Sister Hua were all standing upright against the wall, with their hands behind their backs.

"That boy is done."

The lip ring man whispered to the person next to him.

He looked into the room, licked his skinned lips, and felt a sense of revenge in his heart.

"Who says it's not?" The person next to him looked into the room, his eyes filled with the expression of a happy man watching the fire from the other side.

"That kid still has a face full of indifference. I really want to see what his expression will be after a while." The speaker licked his lips, "I can't wait."

"Old Pei," Sister Hua stared at the visitor with a frosty expression on her face, and pointed at Chen Ya beside her, "I want you to immediately let this guy know who he has offended!"

The visitor looked at Sister Hua, and after seeing her still wet hair, his eyes narrowed slightly, with a few flashes of cold light, and then turned to Chen Ya.

But after seeing Chen Ya's appearance clearly, his body paused again, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

With a flick of his hand, Chen Ya threw the leftover peanut shells back on the table.

The peanut shells fell gently on the pile of hills, forming a mountain peak.

Pei Hu swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Originally he came aggressively, but after seeing Chen Ya, for some reason, he suddenly ran out of words.

"Old Pei!" Sister Hua's voice was high-pitched, "What are you waiting for? Say something!"

"Brother Hu, this guy not only insulted Sister Hua, but also looked down on you. With a bit of brute force, he took Sister Hua hostage. No one dared to do anything. We just wait for you to show him some color." The flat-headed man said. .

Pei Hu looked at Chen Ya, but the expression on his face was somewhat incomprehensible.

"Huzi," Chen Ya looked at Pei Hu with a smile that was not a smile, "You are not good now."

Hearing the familiar title of "Huzi", Pei Hu was struck by lightning.

He hadn't been called that in years.

"You, you..."

Pei Hu's mouth was dry, and after a long time, he managed to utter a single sentence:
"You old man, why did you go back to the capital? Why didn't you tell me?"

After finishing speaking, he bowed his waist, walked up quickly, bowed in front of Chen Ya, and said with a little excitement in his voice:
"Mr. Chen!"

Sister Hua next to her was anxious, her neck was red, and she said, "What's the matter with you, Old Pei? I asked you to teach others, what are you talking about..."

Before she could finish her words, Pei Hu slapped her across the face.

"Shut up Laozi!"

Suddenly received a slap, Sister Hua stood where she was, her eyes widened.

 This is nearly 6000 words, and there is one more. 8:30 Polished and released.

(End of this chapter)

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