Chapter 216 215. Who Are You?

Miss Hua didn't understand.

She didn't understand what just happened.

In other words, she simply couldn't believe what happened just now.

Pei Hu was still staring at Sister Hua, maintaining the posture of beating someone just now.

The door of the box was half-hidden, only a small crack was exposed, and only facing the door could one see what was going on inside. Some of the younger brothers standing next to them couldn't see the room, and when they heard the crisp applause, they immediately gloated and said:

"It's started, it's started!"

"Brother Hu's first slap wasn't loud enough, it's probably still in the making." Another person said.

"Yeah, the opening prologue, everyone understands it."

The little brother who gloated at other people's misfortune said:
"Brother Hu is notoriously bad-tempered. Someone stepped on his foot before, and he was beaten and hospitalized with minor injuries. I think this person can walk out of this door intact?"

"That's right, and Sister Hua has been in love with Brother Hu for many years. She is Brother Hu's Nilin, and she has touched Brother Hu's Nilin. If Brother Hu forgives him lightly, how will Brother Hu behave in the world?"

"At least a second-degree disability. If it was only a minor injury, I would have eaten this shoe on the spot. I can bet you."

The younger brother standing next to the lip ring man arched the lip ring man and whispered:

"Did you see it? What's the matter, tell me?"

The man with the lip ring stood in the doorway, just in time to see what was going on inside.

His mouth was wide open, big enough to fit a boot.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing that his expression was not right, the people next to him also stretched their heads to look into the room.

After watching for a long time, I only saw everyone staying there, and I didn't know what happened.

"What's wrong?" the man asked back.

"He, he..." The man with the lip ring pointed into the room with trembling fingers.

What he saw just now overturned his three views.

...In the room, Sister Hua covered her face.

She didn't turn her head around for a long time.

——I was beaten?
I was beaten by Pei Hu?

Why was I beaten? ?
After Pei Hu glared at Sister Hua for more than ten seconds, he turned his head and looked at Chen Ya, his expression changed instantly, his expression was faster than turning the pages of a book.

"Mr. Chen, this woman in my family is not sensible. What's wrong with you, you can scold me casually. If you don't want to vent your anger, you can hit me. I'm tough enough to beat a woman so that it won't spread... Hehe, it doesn't sound good."

The part of "laugh" in Chen Ya's face that seemed to be a smile but not a smile was completely removed, and his expression became serious:
"Why, have you learned how to play tricks on me? Want to pretend to be a man? Do you think I'll hit a woman? Am I so unreasonable in your heart?"

"No, no..." Pei Hu's face was greasy, and he shook his head repeatedly with an apologetic smile, then turned around and glared at Sister Hua angrily.

"What's the matter with you woman? What did you do to Mr. Chen? Are you arrogant and unreasonable again? Huh?"

Sister Hua still covered her face with her hands, and said in a daze, "He... who is he?"

"You don't even know Mr. Chen? You fucking..." Pei Hu wanted to scold but stopped, touching his forehead and couldn't speak for a long time, "You followed me before but haven't met Mr. Chen? Is it because your eyes are not good or Are you out of your mind?"

Sister Hua was completely confused by what was said, and she glanced at Chen Ya again, realizing that she really had no impression.

Pei Hu no longer had any hope for this woman, and with a look of hatred for iron, he roared in a low voice:

"Usually, there are five people and six people. How much trouble do you want to cause me? Do you know that you offended the person who shouldn't be offended in this world?"

Sister Hua felt aggrieved: "Do you know that I was used by him... Then what did you splash all over your face!"

"Splashing light on you? What is this? Let me tell you," Pei Hu said viciously to the woman, "If something happens to his old man that day, I will let you die if you can prolong his life for a few years."

After finishing speaking, under the shocked eyes of Sister Hua and everyone else, he added another sentence:
"If only one person can live in this room, I will let you all die and let him live!
"Do you know who he is?!"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Ya knocked him on the back of the head.

"All right, all right, you will do the training behind my back. I don't have time to delay now."

Chen Ya's action made Brother Pingtou terrified.

Even those younger brothers who had a close relationship with Sister Hua didn't see Pei Hu a few times. After seeing him, didn't they serve him carefully that time?

Everyone knows that Pei Hu is notoriously bad-tempered, and also notoriously violent, and he is the one who will take revenge.

How dare this guy hit Pei Hu on the head like that?
She simply does not know how to live or die... No, she is courting death!

As a result, an even more unbelievable scene happened next.

In the meantime, Pei Hu turned his head back with a smile on his face, shrunk his neck, and looked at Chen Ya.

That look is like a naughty student being beaten by the teacher, turning around and begging for forgiveness with a hippie smile.

The flat-headed man had never seen such an expression on Pei Hu's face.


Chen Ya stood up and said to Pei Hu.

After walking two steps, I turned around and found that Liu Ruying was still sitting on the seat.

"What are you still sitting on? Let's go."

"Huh? Ah? Oh..."

Liu Ruying stood up, a little clumsily.

Since Pei Hu came in just now, her whole body has been in a state of brain failure.

Stop thinking.

She couldn't understand that Chen Ya wasn't afraid of Pei Hu at all, he shouted at Pei Hu like he was directing a child.

She also couldn't understand why Pei Hu was so careful with Chen Ya's company, he looked like a child.

This was completely beyond her comprehension.

It can feel like a legendary figure suddenly comes to your house and tells you to clean it up.

The whole thing was too bizarre to comprehend.

So, now she just gave up thinking, and she will do whatever Chen Ya asks her to do.

Following the two of them out of the box door in a daze, Liu Ruying saw that the younger brothers were standing upright, as if they were welcoming the leaders to inspect.

Then, they all showed doubts on their faces.

Chen Ya walked in the front, and Liu Ruying followed behind him.

After Pei Hu opened the door for the two of them, he stood at the end and was responsible for closing the door, as if he was doing service.

The little brothers looked at each other in blank dismay.

What's going on here?
Is this the latest form of psychological torture?Hold first, then kill?

In an atmosphere of suspense, Chen Ya led the two of them out of the bar and walked straight to his Lexus.

He turned his head, waved his hand, and threw the car keys to Pei Hu.

The key crossed a parabola in the air, and landed in Pei Hu's hands accurately, with a tacit understanding.

It was as if the two had done this countless times.

"It's still the same as before, you drive and go for a drive in the capital."

Pei Hu pressed the car door, opened the co-pilot's door, and asked in a low voice, "Where are you going?"

"If you don't go anywhere, just walk around, mainly to tell you something."

"Hey, good!"

Pei Hu graciously blocked the roof of the car with his hands to prevent Chen Ya from knocking his head on it. After Chen Ya sat in and made sure that he was seated firmly, Pei Hu gently closed the door.

Then, he looked at Liu Ruying, opened the car door, and said politely, "Miss..., get in the car?"

"Ah? Oh..."

Liu Ruying was stunned for a while, before realizing that she was talking to herself, she clumsily climbed into the back seat, and sat down in the car.

She was in a daze.

There is still the desire to urinate, but I dare not say it, and I can hold it back.

The legs clamped tighter.

"Hey, this car is not bad, but I need to get familiar with it first... I haven't driven a car for several years, and my hands are a little rusty..."

While fiddling with the steering wheel, Pei Hu looked at the central control with a smile on his face, marveling at the interior of the car.

Chen Ya leaned comfortably on the back of the chair and said, "You can't forget your roots in life, don't lose your roots."

"I didn't lose it, I didn't lose it, but I dare not lose it," Pei Hu said humbly, "As you said, be prepared for danger in times of peace. I have been thinking about it. If my little broken Yangchen company goes bankrupt one day, I will go back , and be a driver, and drive for you.”

Chen Ya snorted, and said, "Okay, I'll be an electric car driver."

"Look at what you said. If you want to ride an electric car, I will be the driver of the electric car. If you want to make a tricycle, I will be the driver of the tricycle. This is called mastering all fields and developing in an all-round way..."

The two sitting in the front row teased each other, while Liu Ruying, who was sitting in the back row and gradually regained her ability to think, was stunned again by Duang.

It was as if she had been hit by a speeding truck on the highway, and her whole body was overturned by the amount of information the two talked.

Be a driver?Give you a car? ……What's the meaning?
Pei Hu used to be... Chen Ya's driver?
Liu Ruying only felt that she was dizzy, and she was still a little light-headed.

She was sure it wasn't because the vehicle had just started.

Chen Ya asked, "What have you been up to lately?"

"It's not just the directions you pointed..." Pei Hu shook the steering wheel, and the car got out of the parking lot neatly. He turned his head, pointed at Liu Ruying, and said:
"This pretty lady is...?"

"My name is Liu Ruying," Chen Ya said, "I'm going to train him to be a reserve cadre."

"Ah, that's really a young talent. It's really enviable to be favored by Mr. Chen..."

There was an undisguised envy on Pei Hu's face, and there was absolutely no false courtesy.

Liu Ruying was even more confused.

Now she gradually began to suspect that she had entered a completely different dimension and world line.

Otherwise, why didn't I hear what they were talking about?

Didn't Chen Ya plan to use her as his wife?

When did you become a reserve cadre?

The vehicle gradually drove into the fast lane, and Pei Hu's chatterbox was completely opened up:
"I just follow the path you pointed out to me before, starting from infrastructure construction, to real estate, investing in new media, and then entering finance. These years, not to mention prosperity, can also be said to be smooth..."

Chen Ya nodded and asked, "Where's Xiao Cui?"

"Xiao Cui, alas..." Hearing this name, Pei Hu heaved a long sigh, and then said, "Xiao Cui is a bit obsessed, this kid is really serious about death, his ex-girlfriend is suffering from frostbite, and all the money he earned has been invested in it. Later, when the money was gone and the person was gone, I asked him to work in my company and still be a driver, but he refused..."

"Yes." Chen Ya nodded, but did not express his opinion.

Pei Hu and Xiao Cui used to be Chen Ya's two drivers.

When he started his business, these two people drove in shifts, and they were the two people who had the most contact with Chen Ya.

Maybe because he lamented that the times have changed, Chen Ya let out a long sigh and said, "The old man is barren..."

Pei Hu immediately said: "Don't you still have me?"

"You are also desolate," Chen Ya said, pointing in the air with his hand, "Look at the people you lead and what they do."


Liu Ruying could just see Pei Hu's face through the rearview mirror.

She could see that Pei Hu's facial muscles were stiff at this moment, and he looked terrible.

At first, she thought that it was Chen Ya who said something that made him unhappy, which made him hold back his anger, and he was about to get angry at any time, so he showed this expression.

But after a closer look, she realized that it wasn't like that.

He was looking tense.

And it could be seen that he was very nervous.

"I told you a long time ago," Chen Ya said, "Your sister Hua, and Xiao Cui's girlfriend, one is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and the other is the oil that ruins the lamp, you have to cut it off as soon as possible. Both of you don't listen. I said, if you lose, you lose on women. "


Pei Hu still had that expression.

After a pause, Pei Hu still opened his mouth and said: "Mr. Chen, my wife has been growing up for so many years. Although she hasn't made much progress, she has made some progress. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been with her for so long. If she didn't take care of her , I may not have achieved what I am today..."

Chen Ya glanced at him and said, "Okay, I don't want you to leave."

After saying this, Pei Hu immediately smiled, and his eyes were even a little moist.

Liu Ruying keenly captured this change in his expression from the rearview mirror, this kind of expression can only be seen on the face of someone who has received amnesty.

This once again stunned Liu Ruying.

Chen Ya said again, "Don't run that company of hers."

"Okay, I'll execute it right away." Pei Hu replied decisively.

"The group of people under my command are not people who do things. If they can be dismissed, they will do some mechanical work. If you can't manage them, I will let the relevant departments take care of them and re-educate them." Chen Ya said .

Pei Hu's expression was serious: "I will definitely investigate thoroughly, and catch all problems."

"I heard that you have a shotgun?" Chen Ya turned his head and asked.

Speed ​​up.

"I've had a hobby since I was a child. I like watching western movies. That's good. It's a compensation. I also sometimes feel that the influence is not good, but you see, I don't have children..."

Pei Hu's voice became smaller and smaller, until it was as thin as a mosquito gnat, almost inaudible.

Chen Ya said lightly: "I'll invite you to go to the United States to shoot later. What's the name of the one you shoot. Some shooting ranges are fun."

Pei Hu nodded again and again, and said, "Okay. I'll throw away my shotgun when I go back. There are Yankee targets, so why should I play with a shotgun? It's outdated."

"All right. That's all."

After Chen Ya said this, the atmosphere in the car became harmonious.

A smile returned to Pei Hu's face.

During this process, Liu Ruying was always on tenterhooks.

She was even more nervous than she had been in the bar box.

The two of them were back and forth, and the seemingly ordinary conversation, to her ears, was all confrontation.

Moreover, to her, Chen Ya's aggressiveness was completely different from the Chen Ya she knew.

In just a few short sentences, he asked Pei Hu to disband Sister Hua's company, deal with Sister Hua's younger brother, and even give up his hobbies.

And what about Pei Hu?He accepted all these orders, and even felt extremely lucky because Chen Ya didn't let him divorce!
This operation reminded Liu Ruying of a historical event——

A glass of wine releases the military power.

Chen Ya's behavior can only be compared with this historical event.

Pei Hu touched his nose and asked, "Brother Chen, what are you doing here in the capital?"

"I just wanted to witness the demeanor of Mrs. Lu," Chen Ya said, his eyes turned cold, "I didn't expect that every day, the more things I saw, the more things I had to do. Can’t make it through.”

"What are you going to do?" Pei Hu asked cautiously.

When he asked this sentence, his heart rate rose and fell like a dashboard.

He knew in his heart that Chen Ya's sneaky visit to the capital was such an important event that if it got out, it would stun everyone.

If he can get some news in advance, it can be said to be invaluable.

Chen Ya thought for a while and said, "Recently, the aristocratic families in the capital are a bit noisy."

"Isn't it!" Pei Hu immediately said after hearing Chen Ya's words, "You don't know that the layout of those aristocratic families has been rearranged now, hey, that sounds interesting."

"Oh? How did you arrange it?" Chen Ya asked.

"Their current aristocratic families are divided into lower aristocratic families, upper aristocratic families, and super aristocratic families." Pei Hu said.

"The next family, such as Song, Liu, Yan, Han, and other messy things, I forgot.

"The high-ranking family is Xia, Qin, and Lu among the original four families, but the Lu family is in danger now, and will soon lose its position.

"As for the super family, there is only one, and that is the Gu family."

Pei Hu drove Chen Ya for a long time, and no one knew Chen Ya's rhythm better than him when it came to chatting.

So he can always be just right, insert the topic like a joke, and the things he said are also fresh, which can make Chen Ya interesting to listen to, and won't overwhelm the main subject.

Chen Ya thought for a while and said, "Is it good or bad for such an aristocratic family to be big?"

Pei Hu said: "Hey, what's so good about this kind of existence? Who doesn't want to seek benefits for their descendants, and who doesn't believe in relatives more than outsiders. Once this kind of nepotism goes up, it will be endless. Today is Wang's family. Well, if the Wang family falls tomorrow, it could be the Li family, people, their nature is like this..."

"That's the nature..." Chen Ya thought for a while, then smiled, and didn't say anything else.

"This time, Mrs. Lu's birthday is not small." Pei Hu said suddenly.

"Oh? Tell me more specifically?" Chen Ya asked.

Pei Hu said: "This time, almost all the aristocratic families are going to celebrate Mrs. Lu's birthday. There is a huge momentum. Those who are famous in the capital have also received invitations and are preparing gifts. I think the Lu family seems to want to borrow this opportunity this time." Thing, restore the decline."

Chen Ya asked, "Then have you prepared a congratulatory gift?"

Pei Hu chuckled and said, "I am a country bumpkin who climbed to this position. Although I have money, in their eyes, I am still a bumpkin? How can people think highly of me, and why would they invite me?"

He looked very sour when he said this, and after finishing speaking, he went on to say:
"The Lu family still has a bit of heritage. If there is something missing on Mrs. Lu's birthday this time, it feels like the business world will change again, and business will be difficult..."

"It's okay." Chen Ya said simply, "I said no change."

So Pei Hu was relieved.

Because Chen Ya said he couldn't change it.

...The Lexus circled around the capital, and finally stopped at the gate of Yangchen Company. Chen Ya put Pei Hu off the car and got into the driver's seat by himself.

Liu Ruying struggled for a while before she said, "I want to go to the bathroom."

Chen Ya was startled, and said, "Okay, then you go, I'll wait."

Liu Ruying walked into the bathroom quickly, and took off her skirt as quickly as possible.

Let this be her happiest time going to the toilet.

When she got back to the car, her hair had already been meticulously arranged, and her hands were well washed.She was sitting on the co-pilot, leaning her body, her slender waist tightly grasped, and her long legs could hardly be put down.

She looked at Chen Ya, her beautiful eyes did not blink:
"I ask you, who are you?"

 Thank you Shenhaodai for the 3000 point reward~
  Thanks for the 1000 reward points for the beautiful scenery in my hometown~
  Thanks to Steven Xiao for the reward of 500 points~
  Thanks for the rewards of 怴慽, Yu Wufei, Man Youran, and book friends 20200928091737659~
(End of this chapter)

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