Chapter 217 216. Subduing Liu Ruying

"Who the hell are you?"

Liu Ruying stared at Chen Ya closely, as if she would not stop until she got an answer.

Chen Ya smiled and said:
"Didn't I say it, a retired idler."

"It's impossible for an idler to respect Pei Hu so much, and it's impossible for an idler to cut off a strong man Pei Hu's wrist with just a few words."

Liu Ruying said.

She stared at his profile, while Chen Ya looked forward with a calm expression.

One more point: it is impossible for an idler to have the temperament of him.

Whether it is Bai Yujing that the professors are talking about, or Mr. Chen that Pei Hu is talking about... Although it is difficult for Liu Ruying who has preconceived it, there is only one truth.

When all the evidence points to a fact, no matter how unacceptable that fact may be, it must be true.

Finally, she stared at Chen Ya with her beautiful eyes and made her own conclusion:
"You're lying to me, or at least hiding something from me."

"So?" Chen Ya blinked and started the vehicle, "How are you going to deal with me?"

"I won't deal with you," Liu Ruying said hastily, "I just want you to tell me what your real identity is."

Chen Ya smiled.

"It's a bit long to talk about my identity, and I can't finish it in a while."

Liu Ruying's eyes were full of displeasure: "Even if it's perfunctory, you should at least think of a logical argument, right?"

"That's exactly what it is."

After Chen Ya drove the car into the road, he said:
"Pei Hu used to be my driver and bodyguard. He escaped from South Vietnam and floated here. I saved him. So I was his savior. He can only listen to what I say."

What he said was very domineering and arrogant.

If it is heard by people who don't know the truth, it even has the meaning of repaying favor in it.

But looking into his eyes, Liu Ruying knew that there must be a deep past running through his simple words.

"He came from the famine in South Vietnam," Liu Ruying repeated, then tilted his head and asked, "Isn't he from Hua?"

"Do you know Nandu Ke?" Chen Ya said while turning the steering wheel, "His ancestor is Nandu Ke, and he is considered Chinese. At that time, the Nanyue nationality system was also in chaos. If you want to narrow it down, he can be regarded as Nanyue."

After passing a car, Chen Ya said again:
"Isn't there a rumor that he has killed people? He has indeed killed people. At that time, South Vietnam and North Korea were split by a coup, and the world was in chaos. Before he escaped and came here, he killed a bandit and was seriously injured. He almost died. Oh yes, Sister Hua is also from South Vietnam, and escaped with him."

Liu Ruying opened her mouth slightly, she never expected that there would be such a legend in it.

"No wonder I heard Sister Hua's accent, it felt a bit strange, I couldn't tell where she was from."

"She is from the Jing clan, and she and Pei Hu are childhood sweethearts. I met her once before, so I recognized her immediately, but it was many years ago, and it was only a glimpse of her. May not have any impression."

Liu Ruying was silent.

No wonder Chen Ya is so arrogant, but at the same time so confident.

"As I said just now, Sister Hua is from South Vietnam, and her family is a well-known rich family in the local area. She herself is also considered a rich family lady. Because she fell in love with Pei Hu, she eloped with him to Huaguo. After arriving in Huaguo, I got separated from Pei Hu.

"Been cheated, used to be a lady on the stage, and messed around in the rivers and lakes. Later, Pei Hu became my driver, and I found her only after I got rich.

"Speaking of which, given the difference in status between the two of them at the time, Pei Hu was still willing to marry her, and the two of them would be considered unswerving until death."

Sighing, Chen Ya said again: "This is also the reason why I didn't deal with her harshly. I only let Pei Hu take care of her. I'm still a little bit..."

"What's more, when the water is clear, there will be no fish. However, it is only for one time. Pei Hu knows my character, and only warns me once. If he can't control it, then I will not show mercy."

Liu Ruying opened her mouth wide and was slightly dazed.

She never expected that she would hear a Nanyang legend comparable to the story of the golden hairpin.

With just a few words from Chen Ya, she can imagine a 45-episode TV series.

And she began to sympathize with Sister Hua a little bit.

"You said that Pei Hu 'used' to be your secretary and bodyguard," Liu Ruying asked, "Then what did you do before?"

Before Chen Ya could answer, she thought of something and asked:

"You also said that you are going to train me to be a reserve cadre or something. Why have I never heard of it? What kind of company are you running?"

Chen Ya smiled and said, "The time is not ripe yet, so I can't tell you yet. When the time comes, I will naturally tell you everything."

Liu Ruying pouted.

"What about my plan?" she said. "Aren't you very interested in my uncle's property?"

Chen Ya smiled and nodded, "I'm really interested, but not the kind of interest you think."

After a pause, he said, "Because your 'big gamble' is doomed to fail, whether I cooperate or not, it will fail."

Liu Ruying felt as if there was a balloon in her chest, and it suddenly exploded, making her a little angry.

"Why? Tell me why? Why do you judge like that?"

Her tone was a bit fierce, because her emotions were a little out of control.

This feeling is as if you have been planning a career for a lifetime, and you are suddenly said to be worthless, so you will naturally feel unhappy.

Chen Ya said: "It's very simple, because your uncle will definitely not give you the family property."

"But, I have been adopted to him, legally speaking..."

Liu Ruying was interrupted by Chen Ya in the middle of her speech.

"From a legal point of view, he may have already made a will," Chen Ya said with a smile, "It is written in the will that his daughter Liu Ruyan will inherit all the family property, and my family property has nothing to do with Liu Ruying."

Liu Ruying couldn't help shaking her head.

She can't accept it.

She couldn't accept this fact.

Chen Ya said: "You are very talented in gathering information and thinking rationally, but you are lacking in analyzing personal emotions. You didn't think carefully—how could a traditional person like your uncle agree to put The family property is given to you who have no blood relationship?"

Liu Ruying said blankly: "But, didn't the cousin run away from home and cut off the relationship?"

"That's right, but if it is said that his property, even a daughter who has severed the father-daughter relationship, is not eligible to inherit, then why would he be willing to hand over the property to you, who is not related by blood and is only a daughter in name?"

Then, he said: "Also, according to the tradition of the Liu family, family wealth cannot flow into the hands of foreign surnames. If they don't leave the family property to Liu Ruyan because they are afraid that she will marry a foreign surname, then if I marry you , won’t the property flow into the hands of foreigners?”

Liu Ruying was silent, lost in thought.

Chen Ya said: "I belong to the Lu family, and you belong to the Liu family. Mrs. Lu's relatives did not say that they wanted the Lu family to marry into the Liu family. Your uncle only has one daughter. In this way, his family wealth will always flow to the foreign surname."

Liu Ruying raised her head suddenly.

She somewhat understood Chen Ya's way of thinking.

What's even more frightening is that his way of thinking is very reasonable.

Moreover, according to his reasoning, it means...

"So, you were tricked." Chen Ya said, "You thought you were tricking your uncle, but in fact, you were tricked."

Liu Ruying widened her eyes and said, "You mean, my uncle also used Li Daitao's trick to deal with this fingering?"

"Well, my reasoning tells me this." Chen Ya said, "It will be useless when you finish the old man Lu's kissing. He will try to recall Ruyan Liu, and you will be kicked." open."

"If you want evidence, it's that they have never given up on Ruyan Liu," Chen Ya said, "I just know that they have been trying to repair their relationship with Ruyan Liu. If they are so cruel that they don't even give her the inheritance, Why bother?"

Liu Ruying sat there blankly.

She was shocked, and her heart could not be calm for a long time.

"What should I do?" she asked.

She used a begging tone.

It's like a person who steps down the stairs with one foot, and when he loses his center of gravity, he will hold everything in his hand.

Liu Ruying is in this state now.

Before she knew it, her attitude towards Chen Ya had changed from "taking care of her mentally handicapped boyfriend" to being somewhat dependent on her seniors.

"It's very simple, come and do things with me," Chen Ya said, "If you are talented and willing to work hard, your net worth will not be lower than that of Pei Hu. At that time, will you still value your uncle's family property? ?”

Liu Ruying was silent, after thinking about it, it seemed to be true.

Although Pei Hu has not been accepted by the majority of aristocratic families because of his background, his net worth has already surpassed his uncle's.

Moreover, the speed at which he rose to fame was unimaginable. He reached his current height in just a few years, which was stronger than his uncle's lifetime accumulation.

The only thing she wondered was, is Chen Ya's energy really that great?

Liu Ruying suddenly thought that when Chen Ya told Pei Hu that he had taken a fancy to her, Pei Hu cast an envious look at him.

That look was genuine envy, not politeness or flattery.

It was just Chen Ya's fancy words, which made that hero envious of him...

Liu Ruying suddenly felt that it was more difficult for her to guess Chen Ya's identity.

In her cognition, apart from the few people she could see on TV, there was no big boss who could match Chen Ya's current strength.

"What do you want me to do?" Liu Ruying asked.

Chen Ya turned to look at her.

"I appreciate you even more."

"What's wrong?" Liu Ruying tilted her head and clenched her hands on her thighs.

"You recovered very quickly, you are very strong mentally."

"Thank you." Liu Ruying said lightly.

Chen Ya stopped the car on the side of the road with a "squeak", climbed to the back seat and hugged a thick book, and patted it heavily into Liu Ruying's arms.

"This is the original owner of this car, which can be regarded as your predecessor. The information collected for me, you should sort it out in the past few days and find out the content about the Lu family." He said.

Looking at this thick stack of documents, Liu Ruying felt dizzy.

"Especially Lu Yuanlong's two brothers," Chen Ya said, "their social relations must be sorted out completely."

After turning a few pages, Liu Ruying took a deep breath, raised her head and asked, "When do you want it?"

"The sooner the better."

After finishing speaking, Chen Ya said again: "The phone has set my contact information as special attention, and I am on call 24 hours a day. I may ask you questions at any time. In addition, there is no salary during this period, but if you need funds, you can apply with me .”

After speaking, he started the vehicle again.

"Is that all?" Liu Ruying asked, flicking her hair.

"That's it for now."

"OK." Liu Ruying said freely and without delay.

She didn't ask much.

Don't ask the boss's intention, just implement it.

From this point of view, she was born to be a good secretary.

After putting Liu Ruying in Beijing University, Chen Ya handed her a USB flash drive.

"What is this?" Liu Ruying lifted the USB flash drive and asked.

"The server key of the Eagle's Nest." Chen Ya said, "Go and tell the person in charge of the Eagle's Nest that the Eagle King will be re-elected next year, and the key of the Eagle King will be temporarily kept in your hands."

Although these are terms that Liu Ruying doesn't understand, she doesn't need to think about it, she also knows that this thing is extremely important.

"Then why is this thing on you?" Liu Ruying asked.

Chen Ya didn't answer, but just rolled up the window and drove away.

Liu Ruying stood where she was, with the body of Lexus reflected in her jet-black and crystal-clear eyes.

After watching for a long time, she left after watching the car disappear at the end of the long street.

Holding a pile of documents in her arms, Liu Ruying turned and walked into the school gate.

A tall person who walks well, especially with her well-tailored clothes on.Liu Ruying's skirt and hair swayed in the air along with her body, and the rate of turning her head back was extremely high.

After locking the materials in the dormitory cabinet, she called Wu Zun.As soon as the phone was connected, she asked:
"Is First Young Master Xu here?"

On the other end of the phone, Wu Zun was sitting in the Eagle's Nest and playing computer. He looked back at Xu Haoyu who was holding his head there, and whispered:

"Didn't something happen to you?"

"Give him the phone." The girl said without emotion.

Wu Zun swallowed, and said to First Young Master Xu:

"Young Master, Liu Xiaohua is looking for you."

First Young Master Xu raised his head suddenly, his eyes were full of tears, and his hair was messed up.

"Ruying looking for me? Are you sure it's Ruying looking for me? Not someone else?"

The muscles on Wu Zun's face moved: "I can still hear Liu Xiaohua's voice..."

Xu Haoyu rubbed his face vigorously, with a look of shock remaining on his face:
"...Yes, she must have been sent to Sister Hua's side... Now she has regretted her original choice, so she was the first to think of calling me."

He took the mobile phone from Wu Zun's hand, brewing emotions for a long time, and still harbored a little indescribable pride and hope in his heart.


"You're a bitch." Liu Ruying said.

Liu Xiaohua never swears.But today she cursed.It was also the most vicious word she could utter.

"From today, every time you appear in front of me, I will ask someone to beat you up. I will do what I say."

First Young Master Xu was so shocked that he couldn't say a word.

"Give the phone back to Wu Zun." Liu Ruying said on the phone.

After Young Master Xu returned the phone to Wu Zun in a daze, Wu Zun asked cautiously on the phone:

"Liu Xiaohua, do you have any orders?"

"The Eagle King key is in my hands, and I will keep it until the next Eagle King is elected." Liu Ruying said right away, confidently.

"Ah?!" Wu Zun was shocked, "This is the secret of Eagle's Nest, how do you know?!"

"Don't ask me anything, I don't know." Liu Ruying continued to be confident.

Then she hung up the phone.

After doing all this, she lay on her bed and couldn't help but raise her legs.

Looking at the ceiling, I suddenly felt...

What a joy.

Just when Liu Ruying gave up her reserve of being a school girl and acted recklessly like a Lu man, she was so happy, Liu Xiaohua suddenly remembered something:

Before that, Chen Ya said that he was interested in himself, not in his body, nor in becoming his husband...

Just want to train yourself to be his subordinate?

Is that what you mean?

Thinking of this, the little feet wrapped in black stockings that were happily swaying in the air suddenly stopped swaying.

The girl climbed out of bed, sat upright on her seat, found a piece of paper, drew a pen, and wrote two words neatly in the middle of the white paper:
Chen Ya.

After finishing writing, the girl pressed her fingers to her lips while tapping on the paper with the pen tip.

As she tapped, dots of ink appeared around the name, like sharp swords, stabbing at the owner of the name with the shame and anger of a girl.

"You don't like it, you just want to be my boss, right, right?..."

The girl muttered to herself, the black resentment almost took shape, and it was about to spread out from this small corner of the dormitory.

"Hmph, let's see if I take you down sooner or later."

... At the same time as the girl was making up her mind, in the underground classroom of Eagle's Nest, Young Master Xu was sitting in a daze, facing the equally dazed Wu Zun.

"Didn't you say that Liu Xiaohua will be punished?" Wu Zun asked, "Not only has she not been severely punished, but she has also become the acting Eagle King. We need to call her the boss, yes, do you understand?"

Young Master Xu shook his head.

He doesn't understand.

He doesn't understand anything now.

What he didn't understand the most was that Liu Ruying came back safe and sound?

What about that bum, Chen Ya?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but took out his cell phone and called Liu Ruying.

After hearing the busy tone from the phone, he finally realized:
"Fuck, blocked me."

"Normal," said Wu Zun, "so she didn't call you, she called me. By the way, tell me, why did she become the Eagle King? Could it be that Pei Hu was the last Eagle King?"

First Young Master Xu did not answer Wu Zun's question.

He didn't want to talk to Wu Zun.

Not only his mobile phone number was blocked, but also WeChat, Koukou, and all contact methods, he was blocked.

The messages sent in the past are all small red exclamation marks, and I can't make it, I can't make it.

Just as I was about to try Weibo again, the screen of my phone went black suddenly, and a call came in.

The contact person is Miss Hua.

First Young Master Xu quickly picked up the phone and said courteously:
"Hello? Sister Hua? Is your anger gone? Are you in good health?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was unexpectedly low.

"Miss Liu today, what is her contact information?"

First Young Master Xu was taken aback: "What's the matter? Didn't she just leave from you?"

"I asked you what her contact number is."

Sister Hua's voice became a little more serious, Young Master Xu became flustered, and immediately reported Liu Ruying's phone number to her, and then said cautiously:
"Sister Hua, why do you want her contact information?"

"Apologize." Sister Hua said decisively, "I'm going to apologize to her and admit my mistake."

First Young Master Xu was shocked.

"Is Mr. Pei not here?" He asked in a trembling voice.

"Here it is." Sister Hua said, "He took me to the door to apologize."

Young Master Xu almost fell off the chair.

"Also," Sister Hua's voice came from the phone, "from now on, don't let me see you, or I'll beat you once I see you."


A monotonous busy tone came from the phone.

Young Master Xu put down the phone with a pale expression.

"Our Liu Xiaohua, it seems, the background is not simple." His tone was also pale.

Then, he regretted it.

If he had known that Liu Xiaohua's background was not simple, he should have been infatuated to the end.

What did you run before!

First Young Master Xu slapped himself loudly.

"What background do you think this Liu Ruying has!"

Young Master Xu's voice echoed in the Eagle's Nest.

Wu Zun, who was listening to everything from the side, rested his hand on his chin with a deep expression on his face.

Obviously, he has come to the truth after careful judgment just now.

"I understand. Liu Ruying's father is the previous Eagle King."



When Chen Ya returned home, he realized that he did not have the key to this house.

I don't know whether Chen Sheng forgot to give it or did it on purpose, but he didn't.He rang the doorbell, but no one came to the door after a long time.

When he was considering whether to call Lu Qianzi, the door suddenly opened, and Lu Qianzi himself appeared in front of the door.

"Ah, you're back." Lu Qianzi was a little surprised, her white teeth were cute, and there was still a little cream on her cheeks, "We thought you ran away from home."

Chen Ya shrugged: "Am I that rebellious?"

"You look rebellious."

Lu Qianzi let him in, brought him a new pair of slippers, and said:

"I have two pieces of news to tell you, one is good news and the other is still good news, which one do you listen to first?"

"Is there a difference?"

"The first good news is that Chen Hai is back, and everyone is celebrating for him."

Chen Ya was indifferent after listening.Because this is not good news for him.

Chen Ya asked, "What are you celebrating?"

Lu Qianzi said: "This is the second piece of good news—his company has successfully passed Beichen's review and has become a designated partner!"

 There is something wrong with the code word software today, the update is late, there will be another chapter soon.

  The update time of this book is usually at 8:30 p.m. If there is no update, please go to the Heartbroken Boys shelter group to ask about the situation (generally there will be no unreasonable updates, if it is missing, it will definitely be added the next day).

(End of this chapter)

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