Chapter 218 217. Chen Hai is Back

"His company has successfully passed Beichen's review and has become a designated partner!"

Chen Ya nodded: "That's really congratulations."

"Tsk, your expression doesn't look like congratulations at all."

Lu Qianzi rolled her eyes and despised him for a while for his insincere congratulations, but she immediately smiled again:
"Come, come, come in, let's eat cake together."

Chen Ya finally knew where the cream on her face came from.

Before knowing the "truth" of Chen Ya's identity from Yingchao, Lu Qianzi's attitude towards Chen Ya has not changed.

After all, this half-brother was just a new family member to her. Before he came, he must have had a very complicated past, and she was already mentally prepared for it.

Even though he was a "little boy", a little... No, it was completely beyond Lu Qianzi's expectations, but she would not just put an emoji on Chen Ya out of prejudice in her heart.

After all, no matter what he is, he is Lu Qianzi's half-brother, so there is no choice.

Therefore, Lu Qianzi decided to forget about it, how she treated her brother before, and how she treated him now.

She took Chen Ya's hand, pulled him into the room, and shouted to the restaurant:
"Guess who's back?"

Lu Ruixiang stretched out her head and asked, "Chen Ya is back?"

Neither father nor brother spoke.

Chen Ya walked to the dining table and saw his younger brother Chen Hai at a glance.He was looking up and down at himself.

This was the first time Chen Ya saw his younger brother Chen Hai since he arrived in the capital.

Chen Hai's appearance is three to four points similar to his elder brother Chen Ya.When the two brothers were young, their looks were more imaginative. Neighbors in the village often said that they looked like twins. It may be that one went to the capital after growing up and lived a pampered life, while the other took a different life. Trajectory, appearance and temperament gradually showed a difference.

Now, his younger brother Chen Hai looks even more fashionable. Whether it's the elegant suit he is wearing, the carefully dyed hair, or the faint smell of Darjeeling men's perfume, he looks different from the plain Chen Ya. .

Chen Ya's last memory of his younger brother was that he was chasing his father's figure, crying and running after him, getting up and running again when he fell, and touching his face black with his dirty hands.

"Dad, take me away! I don't want to stay here..."

The voice of childhood still echoed in his mind, Chen Ya didn't know if his younger brother felt the same emotion.

After Chen Hai sized up Chen Ya, he turned to Chen Sheng and said:

"So, in the current situation, OEM is definitely no longer possible. We have no advantages in people or land. The shareholder wind of poverty alleviation can last for a while..."

Chen Sheng had a glass of white wine in his hand, and a bottle of sky blue beside him.It seems that the two are drinking and chatting, very happy.

The old man was very happy to hear that.Although he couldn't understand it, he was very happy to hear it.

He waved to Chen Ya, and said with a smile on his face, "Chen Ya, sit down, and listen to your brother's business map. He spoke wonderfully and vividly."

As soon as Chen Hai toasted, Chen Sheng touched one and said:
"The advanced stuff stops here, and outsiders can't understand it."

Chen Sheng rubbed his hands and said, "If you don't understand, you will understand after listening more. From now on, let Chen Ya go to work with you and learn everything."

Chen Hai was holding a cup and was feeding wine into his mouth. When he heard this, he was slightly taken aback. He obviously didn't think of such an arrangement. His tone was a little weaker, and he said:
"That depends on where his own interests are..."

Chen Ya dragged a chair and sat down, and said, "I have no intention of working in the capital."

When Chen Hai heard this, he felt relieved immediately, and said, "Actually, I don't care. If you want to go to work, I can arrange a job for you."

Lu Qianzi secretly glanced at Chen Ya, a little embarrassed, smoothed things over and said:

"Brother Chen Ya has his own ideas, and he doesn't have to listen to other people's arrangements. Can't he find Hongtu's job by himself?"

Chen Sheng frowned, as if he wanted to say something to Chen Ya. At this moment, Lu Ruixiang slapped her husband and stared at him. Chen Sheng didn't know what was wrong with him, and his momentum immediately withered.

"Family dinner is just a good meal. This kind of thing can't be discussed later? The children have their own ideas in their hearts."

Chen Sheng nodded quickly and poured wine for himself: "Yes, we'll talk about it later, let's think about it in the long run."

"Eat vegetables, eat vegetables." Lu Qianzi picked up a lamb chop with her chopsticks.

A table of steaming meals, including lamb chops, duck feet, spring rolls, and ground delicacies.Chen Sheng's cooking skills are not directly proportional to his family status. He has been cooking dishes in the countryside of Jiangcheng for more than ten years, and he has not let go of his cooking skills in the capital. These are still the flavors of their hometown.

Chen Sheng poured himself some wine, raised his head and asked Chen Ya, "Have some?"

Chen Ya shook his head: "No. I don't drink."

"You don't drink, do you smoke? You don't smoke, you don't smoke, you don't drink..." Chen Sheng said.

Lu Ruixiang glared at Chen Sheng: "It's a good thing not to smoke or drink."

Chen Sheng pointed with his finger and said, "It's a good thing, but as a man, you don't have to drink, but you can't stop drinking. In the future, there will always be a place to drink in the business world."

Chen Ya shook his head: "Drinking alcohol hurts your brain."

Chen Sheng smiled and said, "Today's family banquet is different from drinking outside. You can drink a little. Look, Lu Qianzi has already drank a little."

Upon hearing this, Chen Ya said, "Okay, then I'll do as the Romans do, and I'll have a drink with you."

He generally does not give in to his principles easily.

But for the sake of his family, he can violate the principle.

For him, this is already a great sacrifice.It's a pity that Chen Sheng will never know this.

After filling Chen Ya's glass, Chen Sheng raised his glass and said:
"Come on, let's have a drink together. I wish our Chen Hai successfully passed the Beichen review and became a member of the Beichen Department!"

Lu Ruixiang interjected, "I also want to congratulate Chen Ya for returning to the family. We have a new member in our family."

"Yes, yes, yes," Chen Sheng said happily, "Double happiness."

"Double happiness." Chen Hai raised his glass flatly.



Chen Ya took a sip, and everyone put down their glasses.

Chen Sheng said to Chen Ya: "You still need to learn more from your younger brother, he is upright now and can call himself the Beichen family, how much face will he get by talking about it?"

"It can't be counted as Beichen Department, I can only say, touch the edge." Chen Hai said modestly.

"Scraping the edge can be considered as the Beichen family. How many people want to do it, but they don't have this kind of class." Chen Sheng stared, "Look at that Lu Pinyuan, doesn't he publicize that he is from the Beichen family every day, but actually says that he is for Beichen? Doing odd jobs in the department is regarded as flattery."

Chen Hai Yourong raised his glass: "In this generation of the Lu family, I really don't have many people I can admire."

Lu Qianzi held her face and said:
"Brother Chen Hai is indeed very powerful. Wow, the Beichen family, for us, we didn't even dare to think about it before. It was a legend in legends, but today I suddenly found out that the legend is by our side. It's exciting to think about it!"

"That's right." Chen Sheng nodded, then turned his head and nodded at Chen Ya, "Look, your fate is different because of the different platforms. Do you have to learn?"

Chen Ya nodded: "It makes sense."

Chen Sheng said: "In the Historical Records, there is a "Biography of Li Si", have you read it? It is said that when Li Si was young, he saw rats in the toilet and was so thin that only his skeleton remained. The mice are all fat as cats, with sleek hair, and what do you think he said?"

"How do you say it?" Lu Qianzi turned her head and asked.

"He sighed, whether a person is promising or not depends on the environment he lives in. They are all rats. One is in the warehouse and the other is in the toilet. It makes a huge difference. This shows how important the platform is."

After speaking, he said again:
"Look, what kind of platform is the capital city? It's incomparable to Jiangcheng city. It's not that the capital city earns more money, but that what you see and hear in the capital city is different. Standing taller, you can naturally see far away. Over time , it is completely different from those from small places, do you think this is the truth?"

Chen Hai nodded slightly, he had a deep understanding of this.But Chen Ya was indifferent, and took a sip by himself.

Chen Sheng talked for a long time, just to hint that Chen Ya would toast Chen Hai, to put it nicely, and let Chen Ya go to work with him, let his younger brother take care of his elder brother, it would be easier to say a lot.

In the end, this kid just couldn't get on the road.

How can I sit there and drink by myself when drinking!

From this, Chen Sheng knew that it turned out that Chen Ya was not lying when he said that he didn't drink, but he really didn't drink.Not only can't drink, but also can't use drinking to build relationships with people.

Lu Ruixiang kept looking at Chen Sheng with a black face, but Chen Sheng didn't pay attention.

She has been married to Chen Sheng for many years, and she knows exactly what Chen Sheng is thinking and thinking.

However, she had already told Chen Sheng to take into account Chen Ya's feelings and not always compare him to Chen Hai.

This Chen Sheng had promised well at the time, but he forgot about it when he turned around.

"Cough cough!"

After coughing twice, Chen Sheng finally realized that his wife was about to speak, so he decisively shut his mouth, looked at his wife humbly, and waited for her to speak.

"I asked you to prepare a gift before, how are you doing?" Lu Ruixiang said in a high tone.

Usually, when she wanted to check Chen Sheng's work, she would use this tone. If Chen Sheng did something that dissatisfied her, she would get mad on the spot and not give Chen Sheng any face.

Having been a couple for many years, Chen Sheng naturally knew what this tone meant, so he didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly replied:

"It's all well prepared. Yuanhu's family, Zhankui's family, Haohai's family, three families and three levels, the gifts are all ready, just waiting to be delivered."

After listening, Lu Ruixiang didn't say anything, and leaned forward enough to say to Chen Ya:

"Chen Ya, haven't you come back now? I think it's best for you to follow your father and go to some relatives' homes to meet your relatives. From then on, you will be considered as a member of the Lu family. In this way, no one else will Dare to bully you."

Chen Ya nodded and asked, "Do you want to see all relatives?"

"Not all relatives, mainly two key relatives." Lu Ruixiang said.

"First of all, Lu Yuanhu's family." Lu Ruixiang introduced him, "Lu Yuanhu is the second son of Mrs. Lu, the three brothers of the Lu family, Yuanlong, Yuanhu, and Yuanbao. The three families are the core of the Lu family."

"Now that Yuanlong's family is in decline, Lu Ningna is young, and Yuan Hu is in charge of the affairs of the head of the family, so he must see her."

"The second family is Lu Zhankui's family. Lu Zhankui is the younger brother of Mrs. Lu. He is in the family and has a high status. He must not be seen."

"The third family is Lu Haohai's family. His family is relatively close to ours, so we should go see him."

After finishing speaking, Lu Ruixiang said: "So, these three families, you will come to visit tomorrow, and the gift will be given in your name, what do you think?"

Chen Ya nodded: "Okay."

Anyway, he doesn't have to worry about it.

Lu Ruixiang turned to Chen Hai again and said, "Tomorrow, you go with your brother, and by the way, tell me about your joining the Beichen Department, how about it?"

Chen Hai immediately said: "I can't, I have work at the factory tomorrow, so I can't go."

Lu Ruixiang knew that he thought it was troublesome, so she didn't care about it, so she turned to Chen Sheng and said:
"Then you, when they ask later, you must help Haihai to spread the word."

Chen Sheng nodded: "Definitely."

"No, no matter whether they ask or not, we must publicize it more!"

"Yes Yes……"


On the second day, Chen Sheng woke up early in the morning and knocked on Chen Ya's door, waking him up.

After preparing for a while, the two got into Lu Ruixiang's red Audi, and Chen Sheng drove.

"At home, our family was so poor that we only had one pair of shoes left, and anyone who went out could wear them," Chen Sheng said to Chen Ya while starting the car, "Now we only have one car at home, and whoever goes out drives it. Upgraded."

Chen Ya didn't speak.

What he thought was that when he was so poor back then, his mother was still willing to follow him, but he couldn't stand being poor and ran away.

If it is said that this is also a decision inspired by Li Si's mouse theory, it is also possible, but it is a little too Chen Shimei.

"By the way, order some more gifts."

Chen Sheng got out of the car and opened the trunk.

Chen Ya also got out of the car.

He wanted to see what kind of gifts Chen Sheng had prepared for these relatives.After all, it was sent in my own name.

"This is from Yuanhu's house. A pair of XOs, two pairs of Honghua, a box of tea... I'll go, why did this tea get out?"

He was holding a wooden box of Tieguanyin in his hand, only to see that the small iron lock on the box was rusted, and it was half-open. When it was lifted, it bumped, and a few bags of tea fell into the outer packaging bag.

Chen Sheng quickly opened the box, only to see the tea bags inside were crooked and loose.

Chen Ya picked up a bag, read the label on the back, and said, "Where did this tea come from?"

"It was during the Chinese New Year. A well-connected relative of the Lu family brought it over. Tieguanyin is a good tea. I don't want to drink it. I keep it as a gift."

"What year is Chinese New Year?" Chen Ya asked.

Chen Sheng frowned and thought: "...Is it just these few years?"

"It's at least 4 years ago," Chen Ya pointed to the production date, "It's been 18 years, and it's already expired."


Chen Ya somewhat understood why Lu Ruixiang wanted to torture this guy when he was at the dinner table.

What he does is a little unreliable.

Chen Sheng patted his forehead: "What should I do?"

Chen Ya said, "You should first check to see if the others have expired."

After hearing this, Chen Sheng searched the trunk quickly, and finally raised his head in disgrace.

"Only this tea has expired."

"That's okay." Chen Ya said, "Let's buy it on the way. It's already 9 o'clock, if we come later, people will think we are there for lunch."

"No, no, no," Chen Sheng shook his head, "Yuan Hu's family has the highest standard, so you must not neglect it. How can you buy this kind of good tea in the store anytime soon?"

"Then we can't send tea." Chen Ya said, "Just bring cigarettes and alcohol."

"That doesn't work either." Chen Sheng said, "Tobacco, wine and tea are indispensable. If one is missing, it's better not to give it away."

"It's a big deal to be particular about it," Chen Ya commented.

Chen Sheng ignored his son, held his chin and thought for a while, and said, "Why don't you embezzle the other gifts... that won't work, the specifications of the other gifts are not enough, and the quality is mediocre, so it's better not to buy them."

Chen Ya thought for a while, then suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

He went straight away, went to his Lexus, and took out the Pu'er that he had plucked from Principal Yang.

Turning around, he threw it to Chen Sheng and said, "Use this, this is definitely good tea."

Chen Sheng watched his son throw a piece of tea cake wrapped in cloth, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"what is this?"

"Good tea." Chen Ya said.

"you sure?"

“Absolutely good tea.”

According to Yang Changshuo, this tea cake was given by a certain academic leader.

How could it be so bad?
I just sent it out before it warmed up in my arms, feeling a little distressed.

It seems that I have to go to Yang Changshuo's house to squeeze the wool again.

Yang Changshuo has a lot of treasures in his family, so he can digest them all by himself.

This old boy still pays great attention to the quality of life.

But Chen Sheng didn't know it. He looked helpless at the tea cake without any packaging and label in his hand.

After thinking for a long time, he suddenly thought: "Oh, throw this in this packaging bag, who knows if it belongs to the same family."

After carefully putting the tea cake into the bag, he closed the trunk.

"Let's go, don't delay. If it's later, it will really be a meal and go to someone else's house."

Speechless all the way.

Soon, Audi drove into a high-end neighborhood.

Fengqinghuayuan is a well-known villa area in the capital.

Those who live here are either rich or expensive.

Chen Sheng took out the collection from the trunk of the car and said to Chen Ya: "Let's go!"

After speaking, he led Chen Ya to the door of a villa and knocked on the door.

Soon, a woman answered the door.

"Hey, Miss Huang, I'm here to see Brother Yuanhu today."

The woman looked at Chen Sheng, then at Chen Ya behind him, nodded, stepped aside and said:
"Come in."

Chen Sheng walked in, and Sister Huang took the gift from him, put it in the corner at random, and said without looking back:

"The master is not here today, but the young master is."

"Mingjie is there?" Chen Sheng was still smiling.


Sister Huang turned her head and pointed casually: "Shoe covers."

After finishing speaking, she said again: "I'm still cooking vegetables in the pot, so I won't greet you anymore, you go see the young master by yourself."

"Yeah, okay." Chen Sheng responded quickly.

After Chen Ya put on the shoe covers, he followed Chen Sheng into the house slowly.

He secretly thought in his heart that he deserves to be a big family.

Even the nanny is so awesome.

 It has been updated today.Please vote for some monthly tickets, there will be another update later.

(End of this chapter)

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