Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 219. 218. Pretending to be invisible

Chapter 219. 218. Pretending to be invisible
Chen Sheng took Chen Ya to the entertainment room behind the living room, only to see a person.

It was a young man who was about the same age as Chen Ya. He was sitting in the entertainment room with the TV turned on, and he was lying on the recliner playing with his mobile phone.

"Mingjie!" Chen Sheng smiled honestly and called that person by his name.

Lu Mingjie looked up at Chen Sheng, and said:

"Yo, uncle, here we come."

"Yeah, come and have a look." Chen Sheng said.

Lu Mingjie didn't greet him either, he took a look and sat down on the chair next to him.

This is the entertainment room. There is a projector. Facing the curtain wall, there are sofa chairs that can be massaged. It looks like a small movie theater.

Chen Ya walked to Lu Mingjie's side, only to see that he was playing a certain mobile game on his mobile phone, and his fingers were vigorously tapping on the screen of the mobile phone.

Chen Ya also found a seat and sat down.

I have to say that lying on the massage chair is quite comfortable.

Chen Sheng sat stiffly, with his arms on his knees, and asked:

"Mingjie, didn't I tell brother Yuanhu yesterday, I want to come over today to have a look, why isn't he at home?"

Lu Mingjie didn't raise his head, and said: "My dad has something to do today, let me receive you on his behalf. I also have something to do, so I'm waiting for you at home."

"Ah, sorry to bother you."

"It's okay, family, take it easy."

Chen Sheng stood up, pulled Chen Ya to stand up too, and said to Lu Mingjie:
"Mingjie, the main purpose of my visit this time is to introduce you. My son, Chen Ya, has returned to my family today. From now on, he will also be a part of our Lu family."

Lu Mingjie looked up at Chen Ya, then lowered his head to the phone screen.

"All right, I see. I'll tell my dad when he gets back."

Chen Sheng sat down, a little embarrassed, and rubbed his hands on his pants.

At this moment, Sister Huang suddenly came in.

"Well, Brother Chen Sheng, the tea you brought here, why is the packaging bag different from the contents inside?"

Lu Mingjie looked over.Chen Sheng quickly stood up.

"What's the matter?"

Sister Huang came over with the tea leaves in her hand, and showed him the tea cakes inside:
"Look, this tea cake, this is Pu'er, and this package says Tieguanyin, they are not of the same kind."

"Ah?" Chen Sheng said blankly, "Isn't it the same?"

"Well, it's different?" Sister Huang put the tea cake in front of her nose and took a sip, "Where does Tieguanyin have such a scent?"

Chen Sheng smiled awkwardly: "Sister Huang, you are really knowledgeable."

"It's not a matter of being erudite or not," Huang said. "And look, the tea in your store has no production date or place of origin. It belongs to the three-no product. Is it safe to drink?"

Chen Sheng said: "Sister Huang, look at what you said...Can I still harm Brother Yuanhu? I can definitely drink..."

He winked at Chen Ya, and Chen Ya said lazily:
"Sister Huang, it's like this. This tea cake was originally packed in a Pu'er bag, but when we were at home, we accidentally got water on the bag. Fortunately, the tea cake was not damaged, so we changed the package. .”

Sister Huang looked at Chen Ya suspiciously, and asked, "Really?"

"That's it." Chen Ya said.

"Okay, okay." Lu Mingjie next to him put down his phone, and said to Sister Huang, his tone was a bit rough, "Isn't it just tea, it doesn't matter if you change the packaging, you can go and do your work."


Sister Huang looked a little sullen, turned around and walked out the door.

Chen Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, sat down, and said to Lu Mingjie, "Where did you just say that? Oh, yes, this is Chen Ya, and... You know that Chen Hai recently..."

Just when he was about to say that Chen Hai had become a member of the Beichen family, Lu Mingjie picked up his phone again.

"I am super, there is still a boss in the guild battle?"


Seeing Lu Mingjie immersed in the game, Chen Sheng was a little embarrassed.

"Then...then I won't bother you anymore."

He just stood up when there was a noise outside the door, Lu Mingjie got up quickly and said:

"My mother is back."

He has a portal monitoring app on his mobile phone. Just now, the monitoring at the door captured his mother's return and sent him a push.

"Oh, my sister-in-law is back." Chen Sheng got up quickly after hearing this.

The three of them went out together, and at the gate, a woman who still had charm was taking off her shoes.

"Mom." Lu Mingjie lazily walked over.

Chen Sheng also walked over and greeted in a low voice: "Sister-in-law."

Shi Lingyu looked up at Chen Sheng and said, "Old Chen is here?"

"Well, I'm here." Chen Sheng pushed Chen Ya out from behind him, "The main purpose is to visit your home, and let me introduce you, my son, Chen Ya."

Shi Lingyu took a look at Chen Ya and said, "Oh, I know, it's the one you stayed in the countryside, right?"

"That's right, my sister-in-law has a really good memory, you can remember all these little things..."

After finishing speaking, she swept her eyes over Chen Ya's face, nodded and said, "He's quite handsome."

"It's too much of an award, even being handsome can't be eaten as a meal." Chen Sheng said.

Shi Lingyu giggled and said, "Is this gift from you, or from your son? Or did you give it on behalf of your son?"

"It's a gift from my son, it's all from his own money, with all his heart, I brought him here, so it's a recognition." Chen Sheng said quickly, lying without batting an eye.

Shi Lingyu looked at Chen Ya, nodded, and said, "Very good, very good."

Chen Sheng suddenly thought of his mission, and said:
"By the way, it's my house. Recently, that Chen Hai..."

Before she finished speaking, Shi Lingyu turned to the kitchen and asked, "Is lunch ready?"

Chen Sheng waved his hands quickly: "If you don't eat, don't eat, I'll leave right away."

"Huh? Let's go now? Don't you stay for lunch?"

"No more."

Seeing the gift in the corner, Shi Lingyu smiled and said, "Come here, why are you bringing so many things here?"

"Then you definitely can't come to the door empty-handed, isn't it sister-in-law?" Chen Sheng said with a smile.

Shi Lingyu waved her hand and said, "Then you are really wasting money, you really don't want to keep it for lunch?"

Chen Sheng thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I won't stay, I'll leave now."

Shi Lingyu nodded, and said bluntly: "Okay, then I won't force you to stay, so be careful on the road."

"Hey," Chen Sheng walked to the door, "No delivery, no delivery."

Shi Lingyu stood at the door, watched Chen Sheng and his son leave, then closed the door, and immediately turned to the corner to pick up the wine bottle on the ground.

"Hey, it's still XO, this Chen Sheng is willing to spend money." Shi Lingyu said.

Lu Mingjie also came up next to him and asked, "foreign wine?"

"This bottle seems to cost more than 8000, and two bottles cost [-]." Shi Lingyu said, "It's not very expensive."

Lu Mingjie said: "I haven't tasted this yet."

"Go." Shi Lingyu gave her son a sidelong glance, and said, "You are not allowed to drink, and you will look like your father, drinking every day."

After finishing speaking, she picked up two red flowers on the ground: "This cigarette is a good one, but the price of the cigarette can't exceed one thousand, and it's not expensive."

After finishing speaking, she put down Honghua and said, "Is that all?"

Lu Mingjie said: "It seems that there are some tea leaves in Sister Huang's hands. Ask Sister Huang... Sister Huang!"

He yelled the last sentence into the kitchen, and Sister Huang had already come out with the bag of tea in her arms.

"Ma'am, look, there is something wrong with the tea they sent."

"Is there a problem? What's the problem?" Shi Lingyu frowned.

Sister Huang took the bag with the tea cake and said:

"Look, Tieguanyin's bag contains Pu'er tea, which is not the same kind at all."

Shi Lingyu frowned, and said, "Tieguanyin with Pu'er? Show me?"

She took the tea cake, put it under her nose and smelled it, then lifted the wrapped cloth and took a look.

"It's definitely not Tieguanyin."

"It's definitely not Tieguanyin," Sister Huang said. "This is Pu'er, and it has no production date. Who would dare to drink it?"

Shi Lingyu couldn't help being a little angry: "He really brought this up? He just mentioned this?"

Sister Huang patted her leg: "Yeah, I said that there is no such gift-giving. If there is a problem with drinking, who is to blame?"

Shi Lingyu stared at Lu Mingjie and said, "Mingjie, in this case, you should return it to him on the spot and say you don't want the thing he gave you."

Lu Mingjie picked his chin, but didn't speak.

Kind of embarrassing.

Sister Huang hurriedly said: "You can't blame the young master. Those who come to my house to give gifts, who can't wait to pick the stars and the moon, are all high-end good things. How can they shoddy like theirs? Young master Definitely have no experience with this sort of thing."

Shi Lingyu told Lu Mingjie:
"Mingjie, remember, my family always looks up and accepts gifts from anyone who comes to my house. People also look at the gifts. They don't accept people who are bad, and they don't accept gifts if they are bad. Otherwise, they will drop my family's class."

Then, she said: "For a relative like Chen Sheng, he gave you a gift, and you still have to tell people about it later, and you can still give him a slapstick. You should refuse him face to face, and don't accept his gift. Let him take it, go away, understand?"

Lu Mingjie nodded: "Understood."

At this moment, there was another sound from the gate, and everyone turned around, only to see Lu Yuanhu, the head of the family, appearing outside the gate.

"Master, you are back!"

"Dad, you're back."

"Yuanhu, are you back? Come here quickly."

The three said in unison, Lu Yuanhu looked up at them and said:
"What's the matter? This is a group meeting?"

"Yuanhu, you came back just in time, let me tell you something," Shi Lingyu tapped the tea cake in her hand, "Look, Chen Sheng from Lu Ruixiang's family, what good things did he bring?"

"What's wrong? What is this?" Lu Yuanhu picked up the tea cake and looked at it.

"Didn't he get back the seeds he left in the countryside before? He said he brought something to visit us. Look, what did he bring? Pu'er tea is packed in a Tieguanyin bag, with no production date and no brand Without labels, the entire Sanwu product is."

Lu Yuanhu looked carefully, smelled it again, frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

"He's a little confused." Shi Lingyu frowned.

Lu Yuanhu returned the tea cake to her casually, and said:
"You are being a little narrow-minded. When someone brings something, it's all because of their own intentions, so just keep it."

Shi Lingyu said: "You are always such a good person, you don't care about people fooling around and bullying our family like this, right?"

"How is this bullying?" Lu Yuanhu was surprised, "You are doing nothing to make yourself uncomfortable. He came all the way and brought things over, so just put them away. Whether the things are good or not, I will keep it in mind and think about it next time." Way to pay back."

Shi Lingyu was a little annoyed: "Then what should I do with this thing? It doesn't have a production date, and if I leave it there for a few years and forget it, why not throw it away?"

Lu Yuanhu sniffed it and said, "It's not bad."

As he spoke, he sniffed again, and said, "It's quite fragrant."

This tea smells really good.

Take a sip and feel the fragrance still swirling in your nose.

"You are not allowed to drink this." Shi Lingyu snatched the tea leaves and held them in her arms. "There is nothing here. What if something goes wrong after drinking?"

Lu Yuanhu was amused: "Can this still make people drunk? Do you think it's a spy war drama?"

"That's not necessarily true. You don't know what the situation is now?" Shi Lingyu said dissatisfied, "What if Chen Sheng was sent by Lu Ningna?"

Lu Yuanhu smiled, but then thought that it was not impossible.

"Then you have to drink this tea, it's a waste of things." He felt a little pity.

Mainly it smells really good.If his wife hadn't stopped him, he would have taken him to the company for a drink.

Son Lu Mingjie said: "Mom, didn't you want to eat tea eggs a few days ago? It's okay to use this tea to make tea eggs, right?"

Shi Lingyu thought for a while and said, "That's right, Sister Huang, can you make tea eggs?"

Sister Huang wiped her hands on the apron with a smile: "This is what I do."

After finishing speaking, Sister Huang took the tea cake and went into the kitchen. Lu Yuanhu looked at it with reluctant eyes.

"By the way, Miss Huang, you should prepare one more meal for one person at noon. I have a friend who wants to come over to eat."

"Okay!" Sister Huang replied from the kitchen.


The guest Lu Yuanhu mentioned was Mingcheng.

Mingcheng is a well-known poet in the capital's literary world.Sao Ren means poet.But in the capital, he is more famous for his drinking than his poetry.

He has a self-titled "Three Wonders of Tea, Wine and Books".It means the three unique skills that I am best at - tea tasting, drinking, and calligraphy.

The reason why he can live such a happy life is mainly because in his early years, he wrote poetry seriously, and then happened to have a house in the second ring road at home that was demolished.

Mingcheng and Lu Yuanhu were old friends, and they came to eat at their house twice in three days. As soon as they entered the house, they sniffed their noses and asked:

"What kind of smell is this?"

Lu Yuanhu smiled and said, "It's better to come early than coincidentally. It just so happens that our family is making tea eggs. I'll give you one later."

Mingcheng rubbed his hands excitedly: "I haven't eaten tea eggs for a long time, but what kind of tea do you use? It smells so good?"

Lu Yuanhu said, "A relative brought it up."

Mingcheng sat down at the dining table, sniffed, and said to himself:
"It is fragrant in the nine wan orchids, round like the bright moon in three autumns...Pu'er is undoubtedly, your family is quite generous, and Pu'er tea is used to make tea eggs."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and continued to savor the sweetness:
"Well, after the superficial orchid fragrance, if you look closely at the root, there is still a light, elegant, deep and lingering fragrance, like old wine mellow, hidden in history, surrounded by rosemary, smelling like drunk... What the hell is Chen Xiang? Tea!"

Sister Huang brought a small bowl with an egg in it from the kitchen, and brought it out with a smile on her face.

"It's ready, let's try one first."

The bowl was placed in front of Mingcheng.

Sister Huang rubbed her hands, smiling all over her face, wanting Mingcheng to praise her craftsmanship.

Mingcheng looked down at the bowl with a daze on his face.

"The soup is golden yellow, transparent like amber, isn't this egg yolk?...No."

He picked up the bowl again, took a sip of the water remaining at the bottom of the bowl, and his tone became urgent:

"The taste is strong and mellow, the sweetness is long-lasting, and the thirst is quenched. This is a good Pu'er, a good Pu'er!"

After finishing speaking, he smacked his lips and continued:
"The fragrance is like an orchid, mellow and sweet, and it returns to sweetness very quickly. At the same time, it is delicate in water and has a strong bitter taste. At the same time, the bitter taste dissolves very quickly, and the astringent taste is weak, so weak that it is almost non-existent..."

Then, he picked up a tea bud stuck to the bottom of the bowl with his chopsticks, and said:

"The color is maroon, the color is very positive, the cord is fat and tender, and it is extremely tender..."

Mumbling to himself for a long time, he slapped his chopsticks on the table:
"Old Lu! You fucking come here!"

Lu Yuanhu was watching TV, when he heard his call, he came over and asked, "What's the matter? Are you surprised?"

"How rich you kid is!" Mingcheng said loudly.

"Why are you losing your temper?" Lu Yuanhu looked strange, "How rich I am, you come to my house every day to eat, don't you understand?"

"Hehe," Mingcheng said with a gloomy face, "You boy, are you showing off your wealth with me?"

"Why did I show off my wealth to you? Where did you start talking about it?"

Mingcheng pointed to the tea eggs in his bowl and said:

"You boy, you use this kind of tea to make tea eggs. Should you say that you are low-key and luxurious, or domineering? Or are you pretending to be invisible? Well, yes, you boy, you have reached the realm of being a king. The technique has reached its peak..."

Ming Cheng was a riddle, and Lu Yuanhu couldn't help being rude:

"What the hell are you trying to say? Put your farts!"

"You are simply reckless!" Mingcheng slapped the table, "What kind of tea do you use for your tea eggs? Tell me yourself!"

Lu Yuanhu wondered: "What kind of tea? Just Pu'er as a gift from a relative?"

"You still pretend to be me?" Mingcheng asked, "Tell me, what kind of Pu'er is this?"

"What Pu'er?"

"Still pretending, still pretending, you can't hold back your face, you are still pretending here." Mingcheng looked disdainful, "All right, all right, if you want to pretend to me, then I will satisfy you."

After a pause, he said: "You actually use Yiwuzhengshan ancient tree tea to make tea eggs, you are making a fortune!"

Lu Yuanhu was completely dumbfounded: "What is Yi Wu, what is an ancient tree..."

Mingcheng looked surprised: "You don't know?"

"what do you know?"

Mingcheng ordered some tea bowls with chopsticks, and said:

"The tea you use for your tea eggs is the ancient tree tea of ​​Yiwuzheng Mountain, and it is also a senior tribute of the tenth grade. Do you think I can't taste it?"

Lu Yuanhu asked, "Is this tea good?"

"Not only is it good?" Mingcheng said, "Not long ago, this tea was sold at a sky-high price. Have you heard of it? A piece of tea cake was sold at a price of 2490 million. That is this kind of tea."

"How much??" Lu Yuanhu's eyes widened.

Mingcheng knocked on the tea bowl and said, "What's so strange? Pu'er tea gets better and better with age, and it will never expire. A piece of tea cake can be passed down from family to family. It is said to be worth more than gold. A piece of tea cake is worth five times its weight in gold. joke?"

 Thank you for the 1000 point reward for the spring breeze of reform~
  Thanks to Yu Wufei and the beautiful scenery of my hometown for the reward of 500 points~
  Thank you Zhongyao for telling the story three times, book friend 20211001123327471 for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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