Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 220 219.1 Ton of more than 5 tea eggs

Chapter 220 219. A meal of more than 5000 million tea eggs

Lu Yuanhu stood there with his mouth open.

He was waiting for Mingcheng to burst out laughing, and then told him "You really believed me when I was joking with you".

But Mingcheng didn't.

He still saw through Lu Yuanhu's "pretentious trick" expression.

"Are you kidding me?" Lu Yuanhu asked in a low voice, "A piece of tea cake is worth 5 times its weight in gold?"

Mingcheng also realized something was wrong at this time, and said, "Yeah, why am I joking about this kind of thing?"

"Why is it so expensive?" Lu Yuanhu gasped.

His heart is beating wildly now, mainly because he still can't accept the reality.

He must ask Mingcheng clearly.

"Pu'er is different from other teas. Pu'er is not bad, just like white wine." Mingcheng said, crossing his legs, "The price of this thing is expensive, which is why the price of Feitian Moutai has risen. The key is that it is rarer than Moutai."

"There is a saying in tea, that is, red wine looks at the mountain village, and Pu'er looks at the mountain top. The tea species grown on different hills are different, and Pu'er is especially famous for Yibang and Yiwu."

"Yiwu Mountain's annual output of ancient tree tea is only 650 dan in the best year. In recent years, in order to save land, it has been maintained at 450 to 500 dan. It has never been so high."

"The yield of Zhengshan seeds is even less, only one-third, that is, more than 100 dans and less than 200 dans."

"And the quality of tea is divided into grades one to ten, and there are very few teas in the tenth grade. It is thankful to have 5 tons of tea a year."

Having said that, Mingcheng picked up a tea leaf on the bottom of the bowl with chopsticks and said:
"Look at the completeness of this tea. I'm sure it's a tenth-grade product, the best kind. It must be reasonable for the price."

Seeing Lu Yuanhu's increasingly ugly expression, Mingcheng couldn't help asking: "No, are you really showing off your wealth?"

The more Lu Yuanhu thought about it, the more shocked he became, he slapped his head and shouted, "Ah!"

After speaking, he got into the kitchen.

"Sister Huang! Sister Huang!"

Lu Yuanhu frantically called his nanny's name.

When Sister Huang came out of the kitchen, she was a little surprised to see Lu Yuanhu's expression. She had never seen Lu Yuanhu lose his composure.

"What's the matter, master?" Sister Huang asked.

"Where are the tea cakes? Let me ask you, where are the tea cakes?" Lu Yuanhu was emotional.

"What tea cake?"

"My tea cakes! The tea cakes you use to make tea eggs!" Lu Yuanhu's eyes were red, "Have you used up yet?"

Sister Huang was a little ignorant, and said, "I haven't used it up, so much."

Lu Yuanhu grabbed Sister Huang with both hands, stared at her and asked, "How much did you use?"

"A little more than half..." Sister Huang hesitated.


Lu Yuanhu felt his heart was bleeding.

That's tens of millions gone.

"Where are the remaining tea cakes?" Lu Yuanhu asked quickly.

"In the kitchen……"

Lu Yuanhu asked Sister Huang to take him to the kitchen quickly, and when he arrived in the kitchen, Sister Huang let out a soft "hey".

"Where are the remaining tea cakes?" Lu Yuanhu asked.

"It was put here just now." Sister Huang pointed to the cabinet.

"Find it! Find it!"

The two searched for a long time in the kitchen. Sister Huang clapped her hands and said, "Mrs. just came to the kitchen and went out again. Did she take it away?"

Without further ado, Lu Yuanhu filled the room looking for Shi Lingyu.Shi Lingyu is applying a mask.

"Don't put on your mask!" Lu Yuanhu looked annoyed, and as soon as he got up, he tore off the mask from her face, crumpled it up and threw it into the trash can.

"Hey! What are you doing? I haven't finished applying yet! This one from Kiehl's is more than 300!"

Lu Yuanhu suddenly lost his temper, and said loudly: "You don't feel bad if tens of millions of tea cakes are thrown into the water, but you feel bad if you lose a mask worth more than 300 yuan!"

Shi Lingyu was puzzled and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Where's the tea cake?" Lu Yuanhu grabbed her shoulder and asked, "Did you go into the kitchen just now? Did you see that tea cake?"

Shi Lingyu had long forgotten that trivial matter, and said nonchalantly: "Oh, you said that, I threw it away."

"Where did you throw it?" Lu Yuanhu frowned.

"Trash can." Shi Lingyu said.

"Why did you throw it?!" Lu Yuanhu said loudly.

"That thing has no production date, and I don't know when it will break. What should I do if I accidentally drink it and ruin my body? Besides, tea eggs can be eaten once and tasted. How can I eat it every day?"

Lu Yuanhu stretched out his hand and pointed out, "Find it for me."


"I said you find it for me!" Lu Yuanhu was furious, "If you throw the trash can, I will pick it out from the trash can, and if you threw the toilet, I will pick it out from the toilet. I'll get my tea cake back!"

"What's wrong with you today?" Shi Lingyu slapped her face with lotion, and there was a loud "slap", "Why are you so excited? You haven't quarreled for a few days and you feel uncomfortable, right?"

"Do you know how much that tea cake is worth?!" Lu Yuanhu said, "That piece is worth tens of millions!"

Shi Lingyu paused, then continued to slap her face: "What kind of dream are you having?"

"That's what Mr. Ming said!" Lu Yuanhu jumped anxiously, dragging his wife up from the dressing table, "Find it for me!"

At this time, Sister Huang rushed over with a trash can in her arms and said, "I found it, sir, I found it!"

Lu Yuanhu didn't care about the dirt, and reached out from the trash can to take out the remaining tea cake half wrapped in oil paper.

The rest was less than half, only a little more than one-third, and loose tea kept falling from the top of the cake, and he suddenly cried out of distress.

Holding the tea cakes in his arms, he took the two of them back to Mingcheng, handed over the rest of the tea cakes, and said:
"Old Ming, take a look and see if this is the tea you mentioned."

Mingcheng took it, looked at it and said: "Yes, absolutely, look at this paper, this chapter."

He showed the oiled paper to everyone, only to see that it was stamped with a bright red stamp and a blue stamp, and the words written on it could not be read clearly.

"The red stamp is from the Mengding Tea Association, and the blue stamp is from Yiwu Tea Management. The red and blue are stacked together, so it is impossible to counterfeit." He clicked on the above content again, "These two stamps are grade certificates. It proves that this thing is a tenth-level tribute."

Lu Yuanhu tremblingly asked: "Is there any content in it that is fake?"

Mingcheng broke off a few stalks of broken tea, put them under his nose and smelled them, and said:

"Impossible, I guarantee with my reputation, this is the authentic ten-year-old Gongyi Wuzheng Mountain ancient tree tea, I guarantee it."

After finishing speaking, he said again: "I was lucky enough to drink this kind of tea once at the tea tasting party hosted by the Gu family. This taste will never be forgotten in my life. I can tell you responsibly that you can't go wrong!"

Shi Lingyu also realized that something was wrong at this time, and folded her arms, a little nervous.

Holding the tea cake in his arms, Lu Yuanhu carefully asked, "Then how much should this piece of tea cake be worth?"

"It depends on the tea cake's specifications, appearance, etc.," Mingcheng said, "but I can tell you that the latest transaction price is a little over 5500 million."

Shi Lingyu couldn't help but asked in a trembling voice: "Mr. Ming, are you sure? Are you talking about a piece of tea cake or a cart of tea?"

"Of course it's a piece of tea cake!"

Lu Yuanhu grabbed him and asked, "Then how much is my leftover tea... how much is it worth?"

Mingcheng looked at him sympathetically, and said, "Old Lu, do you want me to tell the truth?"

"You tell the truth, I can bear it."

"To be honest, I can tell you that the high value of this is mainly due to the fact that the tea cake is easy to store and collect, and even the shape of the tea cake is well pressed, which is part of the value," Mingcheng said, "Now there is only so much left , can only be crushed and sold as loose tea, it is not worth so much!"

"How much can you point to now?" Lu Yuanhu asked.

"Let's talk about it, five times gold," Mingcheng said, "a piece of tea cake is 5 grams, calculated according to the gold price of 357, and then multiplied by 390, that is..."

He took out his mobile phone and calculated for a while, and finally came to a conclusion: "696150 yuan. Nearly 70."

Lu Yuanhu sat down on the chair.

Mingcheng added, "You only have a little over one-third left, and you have to make a discount, which means you only have more than 20 left."

"This piece of tea cake is more than 5000 million, and after eating a meal of tea eggs, it cost more than 20..." Lu Yuanhu hugged his head, "I am wronged!"

It was only then that Mingcheng believed that Lu Yuanhu was really not trying to force himself.

He patted Lu Yuanhu on the shoulder and said:

"Old Lu, old Lu, you should just eat more than 5000 million tea eggs."

Although Lu Yuanhu's family has a big business, more than 5000 million is not a small amount to anyone, and no one can bear it if it is just a waste of time.

In particular, Lu Yuanhu was half a self-made man who worked hard and knew that making money was not easy. Today, he was so wronged and lost tens of millions, he felt his heart was bleeding.

Sister Huang stood beside her, wanting to escape a little bit, she felt like she was about to suffocate.

Now she is afraid that the master and wife will take the anger on herself, after all, she just made a meal

Shi Lingyu asked from the side: "Mr. Ming, what do you mean, this piece of tea cake was originally worth more than 5000 million yuan?"

Mingcheng said, "Yes."

"Then how is it possible?" Shi Lingyu lost her voice, "This tea cake was given by Lu Ruixiang's family. I don't know the financial strength of Lu Ruixiang's family? How could her family afford this?"

Only then did Lu Yuanhu remember this incident, and raised his head and said, "Yeah, his family can't afford to send such expensive things."

Shi Lingyu said again: "Besides, I don't know what kind of character Chen Sheng is? If he sent a piece of tea worth more than 5000 million yuan, he would have to wait for the tweeter to shout in my community for a month. How could it be like this? Let go and leave?"

Lu Yuanhu patted his wife and asked, "Are you sure it was from their family?"

Shi Lingyu thought for a while and said, "I asked, and he said that his son bought it with money and sent it to us."

"Son, Chen Hai?" Lu Yuanhu asked.

Shi Lingyu shook her head: "It's not Chen Hai. It's really possible that Chen Hai can afford this tea cake. He's talking about another son, the one he left in the countryside, named Chen Ya."

"Chen Ya..." Lu Yuanhu fell into deep thought.

Mingcheng sat there and said, "I don't know if their family can afford it or not, but I know anyway. This piece of tea cake is definitely what I said. You can see for yourself."

Lu Yuanhu squeezed his fist and said to Shi Lingyu:

"This is indeed a woman like you. You are short-sighted and look down on people. They give you such expensive tea, and you treat it as garbage... Where are Chen Sheng and his son? They just left?"

Shi Lingyu nodded nervously and said, "Let's go."

Lu Yuanhu thought for a while, stood up and paced back and forth, sighed, and said, "I'll call and apologize."

Shi Lingyu folded her arms, frowned and said, "Isn't it necessary?..."

As a side branch, Lu Ruixiang's family has always had no status in the Lu family, and they are not considered relatives with their family, so it would be unreasonable for Lu Yuanhu to play with him.

In particular, she also married a man from the countryside. That man was married twice and had children, so her family has been the laughing stock of the family for a long time.

Shi Lingyu felt that it was a bit too cheap to suddenly treat Chen Sheng so lowly and even apologize.

Lu Yuanhu gouged out his wife.

This woman has long hair but short knowledge.

Since Lu Ruixiang's family can afford more than 5 million tea cakes, they must have made a fortune, and they must have something to ask for such an expensive gift when they come here.

If my family didn't entertain well, I would be very embarrassed, and it's fine if I don't care about it; if I give a gift and leave without saying a word, that is very confident.

If I still pretend to be deaf and dumb, like an ostrich, and don't take their family seriously like before, then maybe people secretly hate my family.

When you suddenly have strength, you can’t ask others to do what you can’t do yourself?

Lu Yuanhu took out his mobile phone and dialed Lu Ruixiang decisively.

However, at this time, Chen Sheng and Chen Ya had already left for the whole morning.



Coming out of Lu Yuanhu's house, Chen Sheng sat in the car and stared at Chen Ya.

He secretly blamed Chen Ya in his heart.

It was Chen Ya who used other tea leaves as inferior ones, thinking that he would be able to fool him, but in the end he was exposed by others and couldn't get off the stage.

The two of them were almost going to lose face at Lu Yuanhu's house.

He originally wanted to reprimand Chen Ya, but after thinking about it, his son had been in the countryside for a long time, and he was already so rustic and stupid that he didn't know the twists and turns in the city.

You can't just blame him either.

After sighing, Chen Sheng said:
"You can't do this in the future, you know?"

"What's wrong?" Chen Ya didn't know what he was talking about, and looked at him.

"What else? Shoddy tea leaves!" Chen Sheng's voice became louder.


Chen Yahun didn't take it seriously: "Didn't you explain it to that servant?"

"Oh, you don't understand," Chen Sheng said sadly, "that sister Huang, she must tell Shi Lingyu about this, and Shi Lingyu will tell Lu Yuanhu about it again. After a while, the family will Who knows what to say about our family!"

Chen Ya shrugged and asked, "Does Lu Yuanhu drink tea?"

"Drink." Chen Sheng frowned, "Why are you asking this?"

"If he is a tea drinker, he will not fail to recognize the quality of the tea." Chen Ya said.

Chen Sheng's brows frowned even deeper: "Didn't you say it earlier? Knowing that people can see it, you still use tea leaves as good ones?"

Before Chen Ya could speak, he said again:

"And where did you get that tea? It's fine if it's serious. It doesn't even have a production date. I didn't check it when I left in a hurry. Why are you so unreliable?"

Chen Ya didn't want to waste any more time, so he put on his seat belt and said, "I brought it from the countryside."

Chen Sheng got even more annoyed, and finally waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, just pay attention next time. Next, go to the Second Great Master's house."

The second grandfather is Lu Zhankui, the younger brother of the old grandfather, so he is called the second grandfather.

After he started the car, he warned again: "Reminder in advance, the second grandpa lives in Guihezhuang, and lives with the old grandpa Lu and the master's house. If you go there and meet someone, no matter who it is, you should smile." Greet you, you can no longer be as foolish as you were just now, you understand?"

Chen Ya asked, "Why don't you go directly to see Mrs. Lu?"

Chen Sheng said angrily, "Master Lu can see you whenever he wants?"

After speaking, he found that his son lacked a little common sense, so he patiently explained:
"Grandpa Lu has a weird temper. He hates being disturbed by others. If we go to see him, we will definitely not see him. In comparison, the second grandpa is more easy-going. He is easy-going, but in fact, he is more greedy for money."

After a pause, he said again: "So I put a red envelope in the gift for the second grandfather, which contains 5 yuan. He must be happy to receive it. His character, as long as he has money, he will not give it to you." Make a face."

Chen Ya nodded: "It's easy to pass."

Chen Sheng said again: "However, Guihe Village is different from other places. Old Mrs. Lu and Lu Ningna from the master's family live in Guihe Village. Everyone there is not something you can look up to. You must give I'm getting cautious, understand?"

Chen Ya asked, "Lu Ningna also lives there?"

"Well," Chen Sheng thought for a while, and then warned, "Lu Ningna is young, a few years younger than you, but don't look at her young age, just treat her casually. Let me tell you, although Lu Yuanlong's family has fallen, Lu Ningna You have always been treasured by the old lady, your whole body may not be worth a finger of someone else, if you offend someone, you will have good fruit to eat."

Chen Ya sat there lazily, not taking it to heart.

Just mentioning Lu Ningna, he remembered that when he participated in the hunt for Lu Yuanlong before, he had a relationship with Lu Ningna.

At that time, the girl was put in the rented house for three days, and the two lived together for three days.

Chen Ya tried all kinds of insinuations, but found no evidence that Lu Ningna participated in illegal business competition.

After getting along, he also discovered that the little girl is actually a simple person.

And Chen Sheng wanted to describe him as an old witch.

How could it be that exaggerated?

Chen Sheng drove the car to the suburbs, and soon arrived at Guihe Village.

The four major families, Gu, Lu, Qin, and Xia, had a reason for listing these four families separately and forming a category of their own.

Looking at the Guihe Village in front of you, you can know the background of the Lu family.

This Zhuangzi is located in the outskirts of Beijing. Although it is in the outskirts of Beijing, it occupies a large area, equivalent to half of the Old Summer Palace.

Such a style is not something that any family can have.

There was an automatic pole at the gate of the manor. Chen Sheng told the security guard at the gate why he was here. After the security guard called, he lifted the pole and put them in.

 Outline, a little late, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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