Chapter 221. 220. Lovesickness
Guihezhuang is designed in a northern garden style, solemn and majestic, and rigorous in law.

Southern gardens are mainly composed of gardens in the south of the Yangtze River, which are elegant in style and focus on one scene at a time.The northern gardens were born out of the royal gardens, so there are fewer places that are small and interesting, and more places that are serious and neat.

When the car enters the gate, there is a 100-meter-long trail in front of you. There are phoenix trees on both sides of the road, and there are lawns on the left and right. There is a pond on the east side. You can see the rockery below the pond, and a person is fishing there.

Going further in, there is a courtyard in the front, with separate buildings on both sides, and there seems to be a villa behind.Chen Sheng parked the car a little far away, and said to Chen Ya:
"Follow me when you go in, don't look too much, don't ask too many questions, just laugh when you see people, don't wander around at will."

Chen Ya nodded superficially, but didn't take it seriously.

He has never been to any of the manors of the four major families. This time he has entered the Lu Family Guihe Manor. It is definitely not worthwhile not to wander around. Just to see what the living conditions of the aristocratic family that everyone praises are like.

After walking a few steps forward, Chen Sheng nodded to the people who came up and said, "Steward Cheng." After speaking, he tugged on Chen Ya's clothes.

Chen Ya looked at the man and nodded.

The man was thin, with no flesh on his face. He looked about 40 years old, dressed in black, and he didn't look like a housekeeper. His eyes swept across Chen Ya's face, quite sharp.

"Is the old man okay?" Chen Sheng asked cautiously.

"Okay, what's wrong, I'm still fishing in the pond outside today. I told him that there are no fish in the pond at all."

Butler Cheng couldn't hear the ups and downs in his tone, nor could he understand what he meant.

"Is grandma alright?"

"Not good. I just came out of the hospital some time ago, and I have a heart attack."

"Ah, you have to be careful," Chen Sheng asked again, "Where's Committee Member Gao?"

"Commissioner Gao is accompanying a distinguished guest and has no time to see you."

First ask Mrs. Lu, then Mrs. Gao, and finally Mrs. Gao. This is the etiquette that Lu Ruixiang taught Chen Sheng.

Whenever you enter the manor, you must ask these two questions.

This so-called senior committee member is not from the Lu family, but he is better than the Lu family. He has been with Mr. Lu, the three sons of Mr. Lu, the last two of whom were raised by him, so he has a special status in the Lu family.

Chen Sheng asked again: "The old lady still doesn't see any guests?"

"No." Steward Cheng said coldly, and nodded at Chen Ya after speaking, "He has a very sweet face."

Chen Sheng quickly apologized and said with a smile: "This is my eldest son, named Chen Ya. I am here this time to bring him to meet his relatives, and also to bring him to meet the second grandfather."

"Then you go and see. The second grandfather is in his own room."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Butler left.

Looking at the man's back, Chen Ya smiled.

It seems that everyone who works for the family has this temper.

Lu Yuanlong's previous Secretary Gao was also very uncooperative at the beginning, and had a very arrogant temper.

Then it was slowly "corrected".

It seems that even though the decline of the Lu family is certain, people's personalities will not change easily.

Chen Sheng then led Chen Ya into the courtyard, knocked on the door of the wing room, and a hoarse voice came from inside:

"Who is it?"

Chen Sheng said with a smile on his face through the door: "Second Master, it's me. I'm from Lu Ruixiang's family. Chen Sheng, I'll come and see you."

The door opened quickly, and a dry old man appeared at the door, with a rosaceous nose, big ears, triangular eyes, bald hair with only a few tufts above the ears, and drooping mouth corners.

He first looked at the two people at the door with scrutiny. Because of the drooping triangular eyes, he looked a little unhappy, but after seeing the things Chen Sheng was carrying, his smile immediately bloomed like a flower.

"Come here and mention something!"

That's what he said, but he immediately took away the things Chen Sheng was carrying with both hands, as if he was afraid that Chen Sheng would change his mind and not give them away.

With that said, he let the two of them enter the house.After entering the room, Chen Ya looked around.

In the room, there are not many things on the surface, but the cushions on the sofa are crumpled, and there is a ball of blankets thrown there randomly. It seems that there are usually servants to help clean up.

The other furnishings are no different from those in ordinary elderly homes.

It seems that the second grandpa should be living alone, but I don't know if his partner passed away or something happened.

The second grandpa didn't greet the two of them, and went into the back room with Chen Sheng's gift.The moment he opened the door, Chen Ya happened to see that the inner room was dark and full of various sundries, and there was a box of melatonin lying down by the door.

He couldn't help grinning.

Finally, he knew why Chen Sheng felt that the second grandpa could spend 5 yuan.

In the history of Western literature, this is a typical Eugenie Grandet, miser, hoarder, as long as he has money, he can say anything.

I don't know if this person was used to being poor when he was young, anyway, Chen Ya has never seen this kind of characteristic in any descendant of an aristocratic family.

After a while, the second grandfather came out from the back room again, this time with a bigger smile on his face.

It seems that he discovered the "little meaning" that Chen Sheng put in the gift bag.

"You boy, what do you want me to do here?" The second grandpa sat on the grand teacher's chair, holding a big tea mug in his hand.

Chen Sheng hurriedly said: "Second Great Master, this is my eldest son, Chen Ya. From today on, he is a member of my Lu family. I brought him here for you to meet."

Lu Zhankui took a sip of tea, nodded "hmmm", swallowed the water and said slowly, "You have a heart, and you still care about me, a bad old man."

"Look at what you said, Ruixiang is always your granddaughter."

...The two chatted about the daily life, and Chen Ya listened for a while, combined with the analysis of various materials, he had a little understanding of his past.

Although the old master Lu and the second great master of the Lu family are brothers, the difference in status is that of heaven and earth.

Mrs. Lu is a person who has been included in history textbooks.

A combat hero during the liberation period, he participated in the battle into the DPRK, and made countless great and small achievements in his life.

After the war ended, he was demobilized and returned home. The organization arranged him to be a leader in a coal mine in Jinzhong, and his treatment was extremely high.

The years when he was in the mine were the years when the industrial construction of the Republic was in full swing, and the iron man Zhang Xishun was born under his leadership.

Industrialization requires electricity, and electricity generation requires coal.During those years when he was in charge of the coal mine, with his sweat and wisdom, he turned it into dark gold and electricity, supporting the country's road to large-scale industrialization.

He devoted almost all of his life to the coal mines. His subordinates have experienced countless workers and technicians, dealt with countless factories and state departments, and have contacts all over the world.

After re-opening, he retired from the mine. In order to find a way out for the laid-off miners, he took the workers to start a business. His three sons, Lu Yuanlong, Lu Yuanhu, and Lu Yuanbao also showed their talents, and finally established a commercial territory.

This is how the Lu family made their fortune.

However, Old Master Lu is a great man with great talent and a magnificent life. In comparison, the Second Grand Master pales in comparison.

The second grandpa was a farmer, and he had been a farmer all his life.

The reason is that when the old man Lu left home to join the army, the mother was still there, and the younger brother followed the mother to take care of him.

One step difference, step difference, therefore, the two brothers opened an infinite gap in the end.

It's just that, even though they have been farming all their lives, the two brothers have reached the same goal by different routes, and they both live together in this big yard.

And compared to the old man who is full of troubles now, the second grandfather has more simple and happy happiness.

Because of the presence of the Lu family, no one dared to look down on him, who has been a farmer for half his life, and from time to time, filial sons and grandsons would come to "filial piety".

If you think carefully about the fate of the two brothers, you can only sigh that good luck makes people fool.

"Why don't you stay and eat." The second grandpa held Chen Sheng's hand happily and said.

"No, no, no..." Chen Sheng waved his hands repeatedly.

"Come on, I don't have many more chopsticks than you two."

There was hope in Chen Sheng's eyes: "Will you eat with the old man?"

"How can that bad-tempered guy eat together? I'll just ask the kitchen to bring some dishes to my room, and we'll just eat together."

Chen Sheng's eyes dimmed suddenly, and he said with some lack of interest: "That's fine."

He thought that the second grandpa wanted to keep them and eat with the other families in the manor.

All the core members of the Lu family lived in this manor. If he, a marginal son-in-law, could bring his son to the table, it would be an honor.

Even making those core members remember the faces of himself and his son is a great achievement, and Lu Ruixiang doesn't know how happy he will be.

Unfortunately, this is just a dream after all.

After agreeing to come down to have dinner together, the second grandpa took Chen Sheng and talked all the time.

After the old man got old, he had no partner around him. Those people in the manor were all famous people, and no one wanted to listen to an old man's rambling.

Finally, someone came and was willing to listen to him, and when the conversation started, he couldn't stop talking.

Everyone in Chen Ya was sleepy, so they made an excuse to go out for a walk, and under Chen Sheng's questioning gaze, Shi Shiran walked out of the room.

When they first came over, Chen Sheng told him "don't look too much, don't ask too much, don't wander around" Yunyun, he didn't pay attention to a single word.

After going out, he walked on the road for a while, and soon, he lost his way.

It's too big here too.

Even in winter, there is no withered color everywhere, the lawn is green, and there are evergreen trees dotted around.

The gardeners were still busy in the garden, and unknown identities would pass by from time to time. Some of them stared at Chen Ya, an unexpected visitor, but no one came forward to ask him what he was doing.

In this ordinary scene, Chen Ya inexplicably saw the feeling of the end of the Grand View Garden in "A Dream of Red Mansions".

It's a little strong in the inside.

He clicked a little bit, and estimated that the daily expenses of the manor, including labor, flowers and plants, food and living, should not be less than [-].

When Aihua was still in the hands of the Lu family, the family could still stand up to such troubles, but now it's hard to say.

It's just that I don't know how long this big family that supports their arrogance and refuses to bow their heads can persist.

Walking around and looking around, I soon walked to the pond rockery I saw when I entered the door, and there really was an old man sitting there fishing.

The old man's face was dark, and his appearance was somewhat similar to that of the second grandfather he had just seen, but his body was obviously tougher. The two white sword eyebrows on his face with Chinese characters gave him the appearance of a tough old actor.

He sat on the ponytail, staring intently at the water. Chen Ya stood behind him, not hiding his steps, but he didn't turn his head.

Chen Ya stared at him, he didn't move, neither did the pole, only the buoy swayed in the wind on the water.

After watching for a long time, Chen Ya suddenly asked:
"The water is clear and there are no fish, what are you fishing for?"

The wind blew between the two of them, taking away a moment of silence.

"How do you know there are no fish?" said the old man. "You can see the bottom of the pond?"

"This is arguing." Chen Ya said bluntly.

"You're the one raising the bar." The old man was also tit-for-tat, refusing to give in.

Chen Ya smiled slightly, put his hands behind his back, and walked slowly:

"Fishing, fishing, fishing for loneliness, it's better to go back, besides, it's windy and easy to catch cold..."

As the sound faded away, the old man sitting by the pond suddenly heard a "crack" sound.

That was gnashing of teeth.

After a while, the wind really got stronger and stronger.

The weather forecast shows that there will be a northerly wind today.

The old man put away the rod, put the expensive and expensive rod in the bag, and walked alone in the wind.

Then... sneezed.



There is a lawn outside the pond rockery, and there are weeping willows outside the lawn.Stepping on the bluestone slabs on the lawn, you can go all the way to the opposite side of the weeping willow. There is a gazebo opposite, and the two are sitting in the gazebo at this time to enjoy the scenery.

There was no falling snow, only the wind blowing, and there was nothing to see, the two of them just looked at the sky a little lonely.

"It's windy," said the old man on the left.

"Well, it's windy." Said the gray beard on the right.

The person sitting on the left is the so-called "high commissioner".

"Commissioner Gao"'s real name is Gao Jinliang. The reason why people call him Commissioner Gao is that before the opening, he was a member of a certain committee in a coal mine in Jinzhong.

Before he assumed this position, he was a bodyguard.Grandpa Lu's bodyguard.

Before that, when he entered the court, he was a soldier under Mrs. Lu.Mrs. Lu was the platoon leader at that time.

In Shangganling in 52, only the two of them were left alive in that platoon.

Gao Jinliang was 17 years old at the time.

Therefore, he has always had a good relationship with the Lu family.The good relationship is also reflected in the fact that he has a son who has been helping Lu Yuanlong with things. People call his son "Secretary Gao".

It's exactly the same way as calling him a "high commissioner".

And the person sitting on his right is named Li Siqing.

Hua Guo... No, a world-renowned violin master.

At the same time, he is also Lu Ningna's teacher.

"Ning Na is still talented." Li Siqing said, "However, she has a kind of vigor, a kind of violinist's vigor."

Committee member Gao sighed, and said, "I know what you mean, you mean, the child is restless and cannot be a first-class violinist."

"I didn't say that." Li Siqing smiled wryly.

After a pause, he said again: "Maybe the child is still young and hasn't been honed."

Gao Jinliang sighed again.

"It's not called tempering after this incident, then this child will be useless in the future."

After a pause, he looked at the world-renowned violin master next to him and said:

"I just want to know, if the child takes this path, can it be considered a way out?"

Li Siqing took a sip of tea.

"It's hard to say." He said, "Who said that one must become the world's top violinist to be a way out?"

Gao Jinliang looked at the breezy water and said:
"Usually after that kind of thing, you should at least grow up a little bit, but this child doesn't know why, and his mind is lost every day, and he doesn't know what he is thinking..."

Li Siqing thought for a while, still holding the steaming teacup in his hand: "Could it be... lovesickness?"

(End of this chapter)

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