Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 222 221. How can I play JX's music?

Chapter 222 221. How can I play JX's music?
After hearing Li Siqing's words, Gao Jinliang was taken aback.

Then, the hand on the lap clenched tightly.

The old man is getting old, and the daughter's mind is not very clear, but it can still be seen from the girl's reaction.

After all, everyone came from that age.

But... the girl has no reason to think about spring at this time?
Gao Jinliang looked at the seemingly peaceful Guihezhuang—under this superficial glory, the roots had already fallen.

Lu Yuanlong, his spouse, and his son Secretary Gao went in together;

The Aihua Company was robbed by the Gu family, and they took it as their own;

Brothers Lu Yuanhu and Lu Yuanbao fight against each other...

Such a large Lu family, which was thriving at first, turned into a mess overnight.

Mrs. Lu doesn't care about the world either.I am an eighty-year-old man struggling to support, just hoping to stabilize the situation.

At least the girl will have a way out in the future.

Now I don't know how many eyes are on this girl in the center of the storm... Will she feel spring at this time?

If so, who is the target?
While he was thinking about this in his mind, an old but loud voice sounded:
"Who is Nana suffering from lovesickness for?"

The two looked over together, but saw a thin, gray-haired old lady walking slowly, with a smile on her face.

Gao Jinliang immediately reached out to help, and said: "Grandma, please slow down, it's windy outside, why don't you go indoors and rest?"

The person who came was Mrs. Lu's spouse, Yu Shuning, who everyone in the village wanted to say "grandmother".

Mrs. Yu smiled and said, "Musician Li finally came here. How can I not see him? How can I hide in the house?"

Li Siqing said: "Grandma praised me, I'm just a violin player, I can't be called a musician."

Old Madam Yu pointed at him with a finger, and said with a smile: "You are not just a violin player, you are a person who is playing the violin to present gifts to Zichen Hall, so don't be modest."

After chatting and laughing for a while, the old lady asked again: "Just now I heard that my granddaughter Xiao Nana fell in lovesickness. Who did she fall in lovesickness with?"

Li Siqing said awkwardly: "I don't know, that's all I guessed."

Gao Jinliang said: "I think it makes sense to guess this way. I think the little girl's recent behavior is like thinking of spring."

Old Madam Yu smiled and clapped her hands together and said, "Sichun is thinking of spring, and the girl is going to get married. She is not too young now."

"I'm just afraid..." Gao Jinliang frowned, hesitant to speak.

Old lady Yu looked indifferent.She said loudly:
"Tonight, I'll ask her side-by-side. If it's true, I'll arrange a meeting to find out about her situation."

Gao Jinliang said: "Grandma, wouldn't it be easy for people to take advantage of the situation when talking about marriage at this time? It's not like you don't know the situation of the Lu family. If they take the opportunity..."

Gao Jinliang didn't finish.

It was an eventful time at this time, and I don't know how many people were staring at the Lu family's floating wealth.

Firstly, he was afraid that Lu Ningna would be cheated and the Lu family would be completely ruined; secondly, he was afraid that the two brothers, Hubao, would get into trouble again because of Lu Ningna's marriage, so he took the opportunity to kick Lu Ningna out of the Lu family.

It's not that such a thing has never happened before. Back then, Lu Ruixiang's parents had experienced similar things.

Mrs. Yu looked at Gao Jinliang, her old eyes were shining brightly:

"Apart from life and death, there is nothing more important than marriage. You, don't think too much about it."

After a pause, she glanced at the thermos in Li Siqing's hand, turned her head and said to the servant:
"Why don't you serve tea to the two of you?"

Gao Jinliang was a little embarrassed, after all, he was a careless old man, and he didn't have such thoughts.

The servant below responded, and quickly, holding a purple sand teapot and three teacups, and a bottle of boiling water in the other hand, they tiptoed forward and placed them on the small pear wood square table in the middle of the gazebo.

First, I rinsed the teapot once, and the poured boiling water flowed down the sink of the pear wood table (the water pipe is connected under the table, which is specially used for drinking tea), scalded the tea leaves, and poured them on the upside-down teacup. , After washing and wiping with a rag, the sewage flowed into the drain again.The third tea soup was poured into the cup, it was clear and bright yellow, and the servant brought two cups of tea to Gao Jinliang and Li Siqing.

Li Siqing hugged the teacup and laughed aloud, "At your farm, even watching people make tea is a pleasure."

Old Madam Yu picked up her teacup, frowned as she looked at the clear tea soup inside.

"Call Steward Cheng over."

The servant immediately rushed to call for someone. Hearing Gao Jinliang's tone, Li Siqing felt that it was not a good thing, so he didn't dare to ask more.

After a while, Steward Cheng came over, called Mrs. Grandma, Mr. Gao and Mr. Li, and stood there with lowered eyebrows.

Old Madam Yu said softly, "Butler Cheng, when did you buy this tea?"

Steward Cheng bowed his head: "I recently went to Xiangmingju to purchase."

"Then let me ask you, in the past, the Liu'an melon slices were all made of Neishan first-class slices. Why did I drink this cup of tea, but it was plum slices?"

Steward Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly: "Really? I didn't notice the difference."

The old lady's face suddenly darkened.

"Chengdong, I can't taste the inner mountain and the outer mountain, but I can still tell the difference between the tea slices and the plum slices. Tell me, why is this tea plum slices?"

This pot of tea is Lu'an Guapian, one of the top ten famous teas in Huaguo. The price of Lu'an Guapian varies according to the quality and grade.

The tea picked before Guyu is of the best quality and is called "Ti Pian"; the tea picked after that is called "Guapian".

There is a big difference between mentioning slices and melon slices. The number of mentioning slices is rare, so the price is quite high, while the melon slices are a bulk product with average quality, so there is no such price.

As for the "plum slices" that the old lady mentioned, it refers to the tea leaves picked during the rainy season.

Steward Cheng has been in charge of tea purchases, and it stands to reason that there shouldn't be a difference. The old lady is worried that he is shoddy and greedy for money from the Lu family.

Upon hearing this, Steward Cheng knew that he couldn't hide it, so he could only bite the bullet and say:
"Grandma, it's you who said that the village wants to reduce the funds. It's not that it can't be done. It's just that the east side has been dismantled and the west side has been leaked. This tea can only be wronged a little. Who knows that you can taste it as soon as you taste it."

When Yu Shuning heard this, she understood in her heart.

Butler Cheng didn't hide it deliberately just now, but pretended not to know it in front of Li Siqing, afraid of losing his identity in front of outsiders.

It's just that I didn't think about it in that direction.

Thinking of this, she was also quite helpless, saying:
"Although it is true that you can save as much as you can now, how can you make do with it if you live like a day? It's better not to drink tea instead of good melon slices."

Steward Cheng's forehead was sweating: "You have taught me a lesson."

"Is there any other tea at home?"

"No more, I bought a dozen cans of plum slices like this, do you think I took them back?"

Yu Shuning frowned and waved, saying:
"Don't do that kind of embarrassing thing. Since you bought it, you should drink it carefully. We can't do things that waste things."

After finishing the lesson and becoming the housekeeper, Grandma Tai turned her head to Li Siqing and said, "Mr. Li, the people below are ignorant, and you are laughing at me."

Li Siqing waved his hand and said, "It's okay, grandma, I don't know much about tea, so I can't tell the difference between them, they all taste the same."

While the three of them were talking, they suddenly heard the sound of a violin drifting over from the terrace not far from Kazuki.

"Ah," Li Siqing was startled, "my Stradivarius is still on the terrace over there, who played my piano?"

"It's Nana," Grandma Tai said, "Nana is back."

Stradivari is very valuable, except for Li Siqing's personal disciple Lu Ningna, no one should dare to touch his piano.

Gao Jinliang frowned: "Why did you go to play the piano? Didn't I tell her to come see Teacher Li as soon as she came back?"

Li Siqing waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I'll hear about her progress during this time."

That terrace is where Lu Ningna practiced the piano, not far from here, there is a row of trees in the middle, and a person can be vaguely seen playing the piano there.

"Well, not bad," Li Siqing nodded immediately after listening to it, "This is "Bach #3: Sonata for Unaccompanied Violin", a work by JX."

After a pause, he continued: "This so-called encyclopedia of the violin contains all the chords that the violin can play, and even contains some counterpoint skills that are almost impossible to perform. Nana dares to challenge such a violin without seeing her for a few days. It's a difficult song, it's amazing."

Gao Jinliang who was at the side frowned secretly.

Not for anything else, just because I heard the name JX.

Unlike other places where the sky is in full swing, in Lu's house, you can hardly see anything about JX.

After all, the chief culprit who caused the Lu family to decline to this point is this JX.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was the culprit who caused Lu Ningna's parents to be imprisoned.

How could Lu Ningna play this person's music?
The grandma beside her didn't say anything, she just closed her eyes and listened.

After listening for a while, Li Siqing slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "This episode is amazing, how did Nana's level improve so quickly?"

No one answered him.After a while, the fluttering sound of the violin continued to come, and Li Siqing realized something was wrong.

"No, this is definitely not Nana."

Old Madam Yu said in a low voice: "Hold down, I've already found out that it's not Lu Ningna. She was practicing piano at home yesterday, and I've heard her before. She's not at this level at all."

Although the old lady loves her granddaughter, she is well aware of her own granddaughter's ambiguity. She can hear the difference in this level of performance with one ear.

Li Siqing listened to the sound of the violin, but his eyes became more and more trembling.

"Bach #3" is precise and rigorous, like a math problem, with a strict logical beauty, but at the same time, it is quite difficult to play.

Even the top musicians are not easily challenged to play Bach #3 live.

According to legend, JX once mentioned in an interview that when he played this "Bach #3" in the Golden Hall, there were two small mispronouncements.

You know, the one who played the violin for JX in the Golden Hall at that time was one of the greatest living violinists in the world—Palman!

It's not that Perlman's level is not enough, but that this set of unaccompanied violin suites is too difficult and unreasonable.

Perlman's playing version can be called the "original version".Even the original version is like this, let alone post-scholars?
But now, the player who played the violin, the technical difficulties were just like playing, and he passed them smoothly, without any surprises, dangers, or waves.

Even while going through all the difficulties, this person even has his own interpretation in the performance.

Li Siqing dare to say that this person's "Bach #3" is the best version he has ever heard!

Even letting him do it by himself may not be able to pull so well!

After a period of time, the sound of the violin stopped, and Li Siqing was still a little unsatisfied.

At the beginning, Gao Jinliang saw that he was listening seriously and didn't dare to disturb him. After the performance, he asked his old friend:
"Mr. Li, how is this playing?"

Li Siqing only said three words: "It's great."

His voice was a bit choked, maybe this performance brought him a strong impact.

"This player, his interpretation of "Bach #3" is so good, he fully interprets the divinity and balance of the "Bach" series, it reminds me of a sentence 'Some kind of ultimate quiet feeling comes from In perpetual motion, the only constant is change itself'..."

He talked a lot, Gao Jinliang and Yu Shuning were a little confused.

"Mr. Li, what is the level of this performance?" Mrs. Yu asked.

"The world's top level!" Li Siqing said loudly.

Gao Jinliang and Mrs. Yu were taken aback when they heard this.

Gao Jinliang asked: "Mr. Li, the world's top level, is it a bit too much?"

Li Siqing stared at him and said, "Even if it's me, it's impossible to play so well."

What he said before made it difficult for the two of them to understand, but this sentence, the two of them understood.

Even better than Li Siqing.

Who is Li Siqing?It is a musician who played a tribute to the Republic in Zichen Palace.

He even admits that he is not as good as he is, so how high is the level of this performer?

Gao Jinliang and Mrs. Yu looked at each other.

"Where did the expert come from to visit Guihezhuang, but I don't know?" Mrs. Yu waved her hand and said again, "Call butler Cheng to come."

As soon as the words fell, the sound of the violin sounded again.

The three quickly remained silent and concentrated on listening to the performance.

This time, the piece I played was much lighter and more emotional than before.

Listening to the song just now, Gao Jinliang and Mrs. Yu still felt a little boring, but when they heard this song, their emotions were aroused.

It sounds good.

It's not the good-sounding that people in the musician industry praise, but the general public can intuitively feel the good-sounding purely from the emotional point of view.

But to the professional Li Siqing, he can hear more content in this song:

It can be heard that this is a dance song, and the whole movement has been pulled in a loop, just like a young man, facing his beloved woman, cautiously, trying to get closer, but flinching at the end...

A word came to Li Siqing's mind - "one step away".

This piece of music is very short, only five or six minutes. After playing, Li Siqing took a deep breath.

"Mr. Li, what's the matter?"

Li Siqing looked at the two of them and said, "This is an original new song."

"What?" Gao Jinliang was a little puzzled.

"This is a new song," Li Siqing said, "I have never heard of this song. A song of this level should be very popular, but I have never heard of it."

After a pause, he said: "I have reason to believe that this piece of music should have never been published, and it is a brand new original piece of music."

Gao Jinliang carefully asked: "What do you mean?..."

"It may be created by the performer himself, or it may be created by others." Li Siqing said, "A real great musician has come to your family!"

The three of them got up together and walked towards the terrace.

Passing through the row of evergreen trees, the three people, none of whom were too young, could only see a violin slantedly placed on the table on the terrace, and there was no one else.

 and also.More later.

(End of this chapter)

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