Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 223 222. I Was Originally from Your Family

Chapter 223 222. I Was Originally from Your Family

Chen Ya felt that he was very lucky. He could "pick up" a handful of Stradivari while walking on the road.

"Stradivari" is not only the name of Qin, but also the name of an Italian.This person was born in 1644 AD and died in 1737 AD. He was a very famous violin making artist.

He was so skilled that his name itself became synonymous with supreme quality, and only excellence can describe his violins.

His violin-making skills have been lost, and people have no way of knowing how his violins were made.

If a violin is called "Stradivari", it means that the price of this violin is at least 1000 million US dollars.

And it’s not something money can buy.

If this kind of piano is broken, there will be one less, and its artistic value is immeasurable.It is usually handed down by top musicians, and it is difficult for ordinary people to touch it.

There are only about 650 pieces of Stradivari that have been handed down to this day.

And one of them was placed on the terrace of Lu's Guihe Village.

Just put it casually, and there is no one around.

I'm sorry for such good luck if I don't go up and play two songs.

So Chen Ya went up and played two songs.

The first piece was copied by him and put in the music collection "Twenty Classics Handed Down". In the previous life, the piece was called "Bach Sonata for Violin Unaccompanied (BWV1004-5)". It is a touchstone for violinists and a good violin.

Only this one can fully witness the strength of this piano, so the first one is a warm-up.

The second song is more emotional. It is the well-known Spanish tango song "One Step Away", which was used in the movies "Scent of a Woman" and "Schindler's List".He personally liked this song, but he didn't copy it.

It's enough to finish these two songs.They came here in high spirits, and left when they were exhausted, leaving Gao Jinliang and the other three at a loss.

Li Siqing took the violin back, held it in his hands, and could even feel the residual body temperature on the neck of the violin.

If it wasn't for the body temperature as proof, he would have almost thought that just now was just a dream of his own.

"Who played the violin?" Li Siqing asked, looking up.

Is it an elf, an angel, or the god of the violin, a random performance descending on the world?
It was hard for Li Siqing to believe that he would hear this kind of performance in the Lujia Manor, not in the Golden Hall in Vienna or the National Grand Theatre.

Yu Shuning asked: "Mr. Li, tell me, just now this person performed at the top level in the world. At this level, is he qualified to enter the Zichen Palace to perform as a gift like you?"

Gao Jinliang said: "Can this level support me with concerts?"

Li Siqing smiled wryly.

"You haven't understood yet, what level is the top level I'm talking about."

For those who have not reached Li Siqing's level, it is difficult to tell the level of others to the full level just by listening, let alone Gao Jinliang and Mrs. Yu are laymen in music.

It is normal for them not to know what the top level is.

"The top level I'm talking about is the three greatest violinists within a total of 100 years. He must be among them!"

Mrs. Yu and Gao Jinliang looked at each other.

Both of them saw surprise and excitement in each other's eyes.

Mrs. Yu pointed to the balcony, turned her head and asked Steward Cheng, "Who was here just now? Who was playing the violin here?"

Steward Cheng looked dazed. He had just gone to the warehouse, stood there for a while, and then received another call from Grandma, and came over immediately.

He didn't see who was here just now.

"I'll ask to see if anyone has seen it," Cheng Butler said.

Grandma nodded, and housekeeper Cheng went. After walking two steps, she thought of something again:

After Mrs. Yu finished speaking, Butler Cheng came back and stood there.

"You ask all the people in the manor today, and don't miss any of them," said Mrs. Yu. "I want to know everyone's names, including guests and servants."

Cheng Butler should finish and go.Old lady Yu turned to Gao Jinliang and said:

"Except for Teacher Li Siqing, there are no visitors from outside. If it's not a servant in the manor, it's a child of the family."

Mrs. Yu thought for a while and asked Gao Jinliang, "Who do you think it is?"

Gao Jinliang thought for a while, and said: "Qingxuan from Yuanbao's family is possible, and the good minister from Hongtai's family has learned a lot abroad."

"Are both Qingxuan and Liangchen in the village?"

"It's all there."

Mrs. Yu nodded and said: "Either one of the two has a good skill, but he is too embarrassed to show it directly, so he used this method, or someone else came here to demonstrate to us while we old guys are here." gone."

Everyone in the Lu family knows the basics, and it is absolutely impossible for anyone to suddenly understand the unique art of the violin, but among the younger generation, Lu Qingxuan and Lu Liangchen both studied music.

The one who could get Li Siqing's high evaluation could only be one of the few juniors.

The entire Lu family was about to rain, and the family naturally put all their resources on Lu Ningna at this juncture. The other juniors were unwilling, but they knew it well.

But that's something that can't be helped. The family's resources are limited now. If Lu Ningna can't grow up quickly and take on the mission of maintaining the bond of the entire family, the Lu family will only collapse completely.

Mrs. Yu tapped the table with her hand, and then said:
"If it's Qingxuan, then it's easy to say. I, Lu Jiaxing, are hopeful, but if it's a good minister, it's a pity. Liangchen has talent, but it's a pity that his grandfather is the second great master."

Gao Jinliang frowned and said: "It's not good if Qingxuan, her father Yuan Bao had a bloody fight with Yuan Hu, if she did it, would you be interested in Yuan Bao?"

The old lady shook her head: "To be honest, my two children, Yuan Hu and Yuan Bao, one is playful and the other is lustful, neither of them has the character to keep the family business, but Qingxuan has her own ideas since she was a child, and she is better than Ningna. If she develops top-level violin skills, my Lu family will not hesitate to lose all of my wealth, but I will also praise her."

Gao Jinliang said again: "But after all, her identity is different from Lu Ningna, even if she is promoted, others may not obey her."

Mrs. Yu sneered and said, "It doesn't matter if others don't accept her, it's enough for my family to accept her."

Having said that, Gao Jinliang understood.

Li Siqing watched from the sidelines, kept silent, and just drank his own Lu'an Guapian.

This is all about the Lu family's affairs, as an outsider, it is absolutely not allowed to get involved.

Any words can only be held in the heart.

However, he felt some sympathy for his apprentice Lu Ningna.

After a while, Steward Cheng came alone, bowed his head, and said:
"Apart from the usual people in the village today, Xiaojie, Shuying, Shengzhi, and Mingjie are not here, only Qingxuan and Liangchen are here. In addition, there are still visitors today. This is today's guest list."

Hearing that Qingxuan and Liangchen were here, Old Madam Yu's heart skipped a beat again. She took the order, glanced at it, then pointed to it and said:
"I know this Chen Sheng, I understand, who is Chen Ya?"

Cheng Guanjia said: "Chen Ya is Chen Sheng's son, he was born with his first wife."

Mrs. Yu said, "Isn't his son's name Chen Hai?"

"Chen Hai is his second son, and Chen Ya is the eldest. Before that, he only brought his second son to Beijing, and the eldest son stayed in the countryside. Recently, he brought the eldest son back, saying that he would accept him back home."

Old Madam Yu frowned and said, "Doesn't Lu Ruixiang have any objections to what he's doing?"

Steward Cheng said, "That's not so clear."

The old lady Yu said angrily: "This is a bit too disrespectful to the Lu family. Back then, it was the tolerance of tolerance to accept Chen Hai. Now there is another eldest son. This... Sigh."

Gao Jinliang reminded from the side: "Grandma, think about it, with Lu Ruixiang's character, if she disagrees, can you let another person into the house?"

Mrs. Yu asked him, "What do you mean?"

Gao Jinliang chuckled and said, "Who knows, but I'm sure this is definitely not what Chen Sheng meant."

Mrs. Yu asked Steward Cheng, "How old is this Chen Ya? How is he? What degree and where does he work?"

Steward Cheng told the old lady everything he had found out, and the old lady sighed and said:
"It's not a talent either."

Gao Jinliang said: "The origin of this person is a bit vague, could it be this person?"

Old lady Yu looked at Li Siqing, who shook his head.

"First, he didn't study music, and second, he didn't have enough education," Li Siqing said, "The level of the piece just now is not something that a person who hasn't graduated from junior high school can do."

After hearing this, Mrs. Yu sighed again.

Gao Jinliang said with a smile: "Grandma, I can understand your thirst for talent, but you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Now that our family is in such a situation, it is useless to count on foreign aid. We only hope that our children and grandchildren can live up to their expectations."

Mrs. Yu nodded: "Yes, others are looking forward to their son Jackie Chan, but I am looking forward to Sun Chenglong. It is enough to worry about my age."

She looked down at the guest list again, and said:
"Forget it, looking at it this way, you can't see any tricks. In this way, Steward Cheng, you listen to my arrangement."

After a pause, she said again: "Isn't it almost lunch time? You go and inform everyone, and everyone gathers at Fushoutang, and we all have lunch together."

Hearing her plan, Gao Jinliang immediately gave a thumbs up: "Grandma, this plan is very clever!"

He already knew about Mrs. Yu's plan.

The old lady took a sip of tea and said, "During the meal, I'll visit these young people to see who played Mr. Li's violin without saying hello."



When Chen Sheng received the notice to go to Fu Shou Tang for lunch together, Chen Sheng felt that happiness came so fast that he almost fainted.

You know, only during the Chinese New Year every year, he will receive an invitation to come to Guihe Village to have a New Year's Eve dinner with the whole family.

And you can't enter the Fushou Hall to eat at the main table, you can only eat outside the hall.

After being married to Lu Ruixiang for so many years, he doubted whether Mrs. Lu remembered his face.

Who would have imagined that taking Chen Ya here casually today would lead to such a good deed!
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but find Chen Ya much more pleasing to the eye.

Before Chen Ya didn't listen to him and ran around, he didn't care about it, but going to Fushou Tang for dinner was no small matter, he specifically told Chen Ya repeatedly to be careful, which made Chen Ya impatient.

It was the second grandpa who was cursing.He didn't want to go to dinner with his family at all.

Grandma's dining table has many rules. If she doesn't pay attention, she will be stared at. He eats in his room alone, so he is free and easy, isn't it good?

However, the people who came to Tongchuan repeatedly emphasized that the grandma must have arranged for it, and it was impossible not to go, so the second grandpa obediently resentfully, and the three of them went to Fushoutang together.

Fu Shou Tang refers to the banquet hall in the middle of Guihe Manor. It is surrounded by green water, has a wide view, and has the best scenery in the entire manor.

At the same time, the entire building was designed by a well-known architectural design master. The appearance of the entire building is very grand, and the internal Fengshui pattern is excellent.

Chen Sheng had never been in the Fushou Hall before, but after entering it, he couldn't help but "tsk tsk" in amazement.

Seeing the people entering the house one after another, Chen Sheng didn't dare to show his anger. Fortunately, these people didn't want to talk to him as a son-in-law. He stood there dryly, his mind began to wander.

It was almost time for people to come, but no one dared to sit down.In the end, Mrs. Yu, Gao Jinliang, and Li Siqing came with Lu Ningna for the finale, and the noise in the room subsided.

The old lady Yu smiled and said, "The old man doesn't want to come, so I'll host it. Second brother, can you sit down?"

The second grandpa walked up in dismay, and sat down at the place pointed by Mrs. Yu.

She pointed to a few older ones one after another, filling up the first half of the seats, and Chen Sheng took the last seat, and then she said:

"Young children, dinner is not served yet, and you can't sit still, go to the side hall to play first, and call you when dinner is served."

After hearing this, she pushed Lu Ningna, and Lu Ningna followed the young people to the side hall.

She had just come home and was suddenly notified to have lunch together, she was still a little dizzy, and didn't look carefully at the people around her.

The person walking in front of her, she only felt the back was strange and familiar, strange because the relatives in the family didn't match up, familiar because it felt like she had seen it somewhere before.

It's just that there are many rules in Fushoutang, and she is too embarrassed to walk forward quickly, and then turn her head to see who is in front of her, that would be too impolite.

When he got out of Fushou Hall, the person in front suddenly turned around, saw Lu Ningna, and smiled at her.

Lu Ningna's eyes widened immediately.

"Yes, is it you?"

Chen Ya stretched out his hand and pinched her chin, and her mouth was squeezed into the shape of a fish, opening and closing, but unable to speak.

"It's me, what's the matter, did you miss me?"

The girl's face was a little red, she struggled to free his hand, took two steps back, stomped her feet, frowned and said angrily:

"How did you sneak into my house?"

Turning his head around, Chen Ya saw that everyone in front had left, and no one was paying attention behind him, so he casually put his arm on the girl's shoulder and said:
"I don't need to sneak into your house, I'm from the Lu family."

Lu Ningna's eyes widened: "Where are you from my family? Don't talk nonsense, I've never seen you before!"

(End of this chapter)

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