Chapter 224 223. Lu Qingxuan

"Where are you from the Lu family? I've never seen you before!" Lu Ningna glared at Chen Ya, her mouth was fuzzy, and a terrible possibility had already occurred to her mind.

"You came to my house again, obviously for...for..."

Although the girl has been upset recently, a figure of a certain person will appear in her mind every day, and this person has appeared in front of her eyes, which really makes her feel like falling into a dream.

But in the face of the family's future and her own emotions, she chose to be more backbone.

She now seriously suspects that Chen Ya is an undercover agent and came here to cause more trouble for the Lu family.

As a result, before she finished speaking, Chen Ya pinched her mouth into a fish's mouth shape, opening and closing there.

"For what? To meet you. Do you think I like to meet the children of these aristocratic families? I'm upset when I see it."

Chen Ya's words directly made Lu Ningna wronged, and her eyes even got a little moist.

Lu Ningna is wearing a black outfit today. The upper body is a small fragrant tweed jacket by Letmoe, and the lower body is wearing a basic black pleated skirt. It is matched with Balenciaga’s slightly transparent thick black pantyhose, and the shiny crystal earrings on the earlobe shake Shaky, mature and generous, one can tell at a glance that she is the daughter of the princess of the aristocratic family.

However, the girl's expression at this time was as if she had encountered her own natural enemy. She tried to shoot out anger with her eyes, just like Cyclops in the X-Men, shooting the man in front of her with laser light.

Growing up, no one has ever been so rude to me.That is, the man in front of him dared to do such a thing.

Holding the girl's chin, he actually made a comment:
"Have you gained a little weight recently? It feels great to pinch your little fleshy face."

"You are simply rude."

Lu Ningna shook off his hand, took two steps back, stared at Chen Ya, then quickly lowered her head and rubbed her face.

His face was hot.

Chen Ya lowered his voice and said, "I'm not here this time to deal with your family. I'm just here for fun."

Lu Ningna felt wronged in her heart.

Play?Come to my house to play?
Would you like to see, thanks to you, what my family has become?

Looking at the girl's eyes, Chen Ya seemed to guess what she was thinking, and said with a smile:

"Don't look at me like that, I was just following orders. Besides, if your parents did nothing wrong, how could they be locked up?"

Lu Ningna said quite seriously: "If I really hated you, I would have called the guards in by now."

Pointing to the door, the girl said word by word: "I don't hate you, but Fushoutang means a lot to my Lu family, you are not welcome here, please go out."

Chen Ya didn't take her words to heart at all, and looked as if he was already convinced of her.

Whenever she saw his expression like this, Lu Ningna would feel very angry.

He put his arm around her shoulders and whispered, "Come with me."

After finishing speaking, he dragged her all the way to the entrance of the main hall, stood by the door, pointed to Chen Sheng inside and said:

"Did you see the man inside? That man is my biological father."

At this time, Chen Sheng was sitting on the table, listening to the conversation of the people beside him cautiously, with a confused look on his face.

He had never received such honors in his life, and he seemed to be listening to the speeches of the people around him, but in fact, the thoughts in his mind had drifted to the order in which toasts should be made later.

Lu Ningna glanced at Chen Sheng, stared and said, "You're not kidding, are you?"

"Do normal people recognize their father casually as a joke?" Chen Ya shrugged, "Although there is no emotion, objectively speaking, it is true."

Looking at his expression, Lu Ningna didn't seem to be faking it. After being shocked, she began to believe it.

"Are you really Chen Sheng's son?" Lu Ningna blinked.

"Yes, you know him?"

Lu Ningna nodded, and said: "He is Aunt Lu Ruixiang's husband, and he is very famous in the Lu family. It's just...not a good name."

Chen Ya nodded: "I can imagine."

In fact, Chen Sheng's reputation in the Lu family is far more than the understatement the girl said.

To put it lightly, people don't want to see this person, but to put it more seriously, they treat him as a clown.

Lu Ningna suddenly felt a little gratified, it was the gratification of successful revenge, although her revenge was a bit insignificant.

However, after the brief pleasure, she felt a little guilty again.

She was ignorant before, and when chatting with those uncles, she also made fun of Chen Sheng.

If she knew that that person was Chen Ya's father, she would definitely not make fun of him like that.

Thinking of this, Lu Ningna shook her head, as if she wanted to get rid of the thoughts in her mind.

This person is an enemy of his own family, how can he sympathize with him?

She stared at Chen Ya, trying to make an angry expression, but not very successful.

"How are you doing recently?" Chen Ya asked casually.

"It's not so good. The uncles who treated me well in the past seem to be different people, and my grandma is also terribly strict." Lu Ningna sighed, "The family has lost the flavor it used to have."

Although she was still trying to educate herself on self-hatred just now, when Chen Ya asked her, her chatterbox opened up, and the defense that had been built up with great difficulty broke down on its own.

Chen Ya nodded and said, "I also know that you used to be the jewel in the palm of the head of the Lu family, but now you are just a monster who eats the family's resources, and is a stumbling block on their way to control the Lu family."

Lu Ningna was taken aback, and said blankly: "You think too badly about people."

The elders' worries about the Lu family have never been disclosed to her, and Lu Ningna still has no sense of being put on fire.

Chen Ya plucked his ears: "Have a little time, you will gradually find out that what I said is right in the future, and now I have no experience arguing with you. By the way, who was that beautiful girl just now?"

As soon as Chen Ya asked this, the girl's expression immediately turned cold: "That's Lu Qingxuan. Why are you asking this?"

"Lu Qingxuan, she is Lu Yuanbao's daughter, right?"

Lu Ningna curled her lips and said:
"Her father is the president of the Water Fen Chamber of Commerce. The people chasing her range from the chairman of the Jinghua Student Union to the counselor of the US Consulate. The line is longer than the line at the Jianwei Milk Tea Shop. I advise you not to get her idea. You have no chance." of."

When she spoke, she kept staring at Chen Ya's expression, but Chen Ya didn't care what she was thinking, and continued to ask:

"Who is that man next to her?"

"Are you asking about the younger one? That's Lu Liangchen, Uncle Hongtai's son."

"Lu Hongtai is the second grandpa's son, that is to say, Lu Liangchen is the second grandpa's grandson, right?"

"Well," Lu Ningna nodded, and couldn't help asking again, "What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing," Chen Ya said with a smile, "As the Lu family, it's okay for me to get to know my relatives, right?"

"It's not a problem..." Lu Ningna lowered her head.

"What about the last man? The older one?"

"That's Chai Xian, from grandma's side."

Chen Ya nodded and didn't say anything more.

He had been investigating the Lu family before.

Liu Lizi collected a lot of information for him through the channels of Haiya and Aihua, he had a rough look at it, but didn't have time to look carefully.

But I have a slight impression of the few people I just mentioned.

Find out about the relationship between the man and the facts that help his plan.

Said that Cao Cao arrived, and the two were chatting, when Chai Xian suddenly poked his head out from the side hall door and said loudly:

"Ning Na, what are you talking about with that person? It's still early to leave the banquet, come and sit with us for a while."

Lu Ningna nodded, then turned to Chen Ya and said, "Then let's go together?"

The two entered the side hall together. At this time, Lu Qingxuan and Lu Liangchen were already sitting on their seats, looking at them.

"Miss, what are you chatting with him so happily?"

A pleasant, clear and soft voice said lightly.

Chen Ya looked at the person who was speaking, and saw the woman who was speaking with her slender legs resting on the other leg, holding a cup of tea in her hand, and looking at the two of them with stern eyes.

Her nose is straight and her hair is black and smooth like a cloud.She looks beautiful, but what is more eye-catching is her temperament, which is pure and refined, and she looks like a kind of romantic who does not eat the grains of the world.

She was wearing a green woolen coat, and black leather boots were tightly wrapped around her slender legs.Even sitting there, you can see that the two long legs are surprisingly long.

This woman is Lu Qingxuan.

Lu Ningna sat down with a blushing face, and said, "I didn't talk about anything, but you guys seemed to have a good chat just now."

Lu Qingxuan's voice was ethereal, without a trace of fireworks, she said:

"We're talking about you guys. How come the eldest lady and this student are so chatting? Did they know each other before?"

Lu Ningna's heart tightened, she felt that Lu Qingxuan had discovered something, but she didn't dare to make a conclusion, so she hesitated and changed the topic:

"This, this is Aunt Lu Ruixiang's family, Uncle Chen Sheng's son, have you met?"

Lu Liangchen was a handsome man, a bit like a movie star, he stared at Chen Ya and said:
"I haven't seen it, but I've heard about it."

"I've seen the photos posted by Lu Shaohai in the group," Lu Qingxuan said, "It's very individual."

Lu Qingxuan said it in a rather cryptic way. In fact, the whole group was mocking Chen Ya at that time, pretending to be a model with chicken feathers.

At that time, Chen Ya was buying watches at Patek Philippe, and Lu Shaohai spread his photo to his group.

Now it seems that Lu Qingxuan is also in that group.

I just don't know, whether the people in the group know about Lu Shaohai's kneeling later.

Judging by Lu Qingxuan's reaction, he probably didn't know.

It just so happened that Chen Ya didn't wear his Patek Philippe watch today.

His wrists are now bare.

"What group?" Lu Ningna asked.

Lu Qingxuan put down his glass, and said coldly: "The group where the children of the family usually share some good things, do you want to join?"

"Oh, no need."

Lu Ningna refused.She knew that Lu Qingxuan didn't really invite her.

Lu Qingxuan raised her head, looked at Chen Ya and said, "Chen Sheng really left you in the countryside and brought you back now?"

"What countryside?" Lu Ningna opened her mouth slightly and asked.

"Lu Shaohai said that he is the child of Chen Shenghe's original marriage. He has been staying in the countryside and only brought him back recently."

"Really? And this thing? I said why is he a stranger, I thought it was Chen Hai who had plastic surgery." Chai Xian laughed.

Lu Qingxuan stared at Chen Ya with eyes with long eyelashes, and asked:
"Lu Shaohai has a big mouth. Sometimes he likes to exaggerate. He said that you didn't graduate from junior high school. Is that true?"

"Qingxuan!" Lu Ningna frowned, she felt that it was not good to say this in front of Chen Ya, "Don't, don't say this..."

After speaking, she glanced at Chen Ya worriedly, but found that he had no expression.

Lu Qingxuan said: "Miss, don't get me wrong. The question I asked didn't mean the slightest discrimination. It was just curiosity. I never had any prejudice against education. On the contrary, you think his thoughts and actions are easy to hurt people."

Lu Ningna's face flushed red.

She has never been able to cope with this cousin who is a little older than herself.

Lu Qingxuan turned to look at Chen Ya, and said:

"Don't take it to heart, I'm just curious about you, because I've never been to the countryside."

Chen Ya sat down beside him, poured himself a cup of tea, drank it with a "gulp", and said:

"Then you really have to go there. After staying in the city for a long time, it is easy to forget your attributes as a natural person."

Lu Qingxuan raised her eyebrows slightly: "Natural people are not born as natural people, they are socialized animals. I don't think the countryside is not a society."

Chen Ya glanced at her and said, "Schutz's sociological philosophy, right? But what I said has nothing to do with this theory, that's why I suggest you go and see it."

Lu Qingxuan became serious, folded her arms and said, "Your conversation doesn't look like you haven't graduated from junior high school."

"I just read some miscellaneous books." Chen Ya smiled. "A few years ago, I worked as a library administrator."

Chai Xian smiled and sat up straight, saying:

"Then my opinion of you has changed a bit. You can still learn by yourself. Why don't you take an adult undergraduate course?"

"There's no time to spare."

"Ahem," Lu Qingxuan coughed lightly, and said, "I'm talking to him now."

Chai Xian grinned in embarrassment, and immediately fell silent.

Lu Liangchen didn't react at all, and there was always a smile on his face, as if everything was as he expected.

All of this was seen by Chen Ya, and he immediately understood the structure of the Lu family and the status of these younger generations.

Lu Qingxuan put her hands on her chest and asked, "Can you tell me what the countryside is like?"

"If it is limited to China, the countryside is a living pearl that has failed to break free from the eggshell, and the city is a countryside wrapped in cement."

Lu Qingxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a chuckle: "Which scholar said this?"

"That's what I said."

"Then there is no reference value," Lu Qingxuan said, "Actually, what I want to hear is experience, not judgment."

"Then I suggest that if I trouble you, go for a walk by yourself."

"I don't have that much free time."

Lu Qingxuan responded to Chen Ya with the same words, but Chen Ya only smiled when he heard it.

Lu Ningna looked left at Lu Qingxuan and then at Chen Ya. The two of them were back and forth, and she suddenly felt a little incompatible.

"Chen Ya... he's actually very powerful."


Lu Qingxuan put her hand in front of her mouth, squinted her eyes, and held back her smile gracefully, then opened her eyes, which seemed to be foggy, and asked with a smile:

"Really, what a powerful technique?"

Just as Lu Ningna was about to say something, a servant came over from outside the hall and said, "It's already started, Grandma told me that it's ready to serve."

 I hope that readers will leave a message about their impressions of this female supporting role. I want to write like a villain, but she is a bit out of my control.I want to hear everyone's opinions

(End of this chapter)

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