Chapter 225
When everyone was walking towards the main hall, Lu Liangchen and Lu Qingxuan fell behind, and Lu Qingxuan asked in a low voice:

"What do you think?"

Lu Liangchen stared at Chen Ya's back in front of him, and whispered, "Hiss, I'm not sure, this person doesn't look like the junior high school dropout that Lu Shaohai said."

Lu Qingxuan rolled her eyes and said:

"Who asked him? That person is not important. I'm asking why Grandma Tai suddenly wants to eat at Fu Shou Tang today."

Lu Liangchen was a little surprised: "Didn't you have a pleasant talk with him just now?"

"Your eyes see that I'm happy?" Lu Qingxuan said angrily.

Lu Liangchen knew that Lu Qingxuan didn't like joking, so he quickly accepted it, and said without making fun of her:
"Seriously, did you see anyone else coming today?"

"Who? Are you talking about Li Siqing?" Lu Qingxuan asked.

"Well," Lu Liangchen nodded, "Maybe I want Lu Ningna to show it in front of us and consolidate her position."

Lu Qingxuan frowned slightly: "It's possible."

After finishing speaking, she smiled wryly again: "Grandma is biased, everyone knows it well, so why bother to make such a move, it would make us too utilitarian, and no one wants to argue with Lu Ningna."


Lu Liangchen was a little vague.

He didn't say that he didn't want to argue with Lu Ningna.

In this family, perhaps only a person like Lu Qingxuan who thinks highly of himself can say this with confidence.

Lu Ningna took up the few resources of the family by herself, who didn't feel a little careless after seeing it?

After entering the main hall, the two stopped talking in private very quickly, and unconsciously distanced themselves a little from each other, with business-like smiles on their faces.

Old Madam Yu smiled and said, "Sit down, children, sit down wherever you want."

They said they could sit casually, but no one dared to sit on top of Lu Ningna. After she took a seat, the others took their seats one by one.

Naturally, Chen Ya took the last seat.

"Okay, okay, okay." Mrs. Yu smiled kindly, watching the juniors in the seats and said three good words again and again.

The second grandfather moved beside her, his face full of displeasure.

The clock behind them showed that it was ten past twelve, and at this time, he would have finished his meal and was out in the sun in the yard.

"Our table is a table for twelve people. Now there are eleven people sitting, and there is only one empty seat. It's good. There are so many people in my Lu family eating together. I'm really happy."

Lu Ningna said from the bottom: "Grandma, what's so happy about this? During our Chinese New Year dinner, two or three tables can be filled."

Old Madam Yu said, "Have you read "A Dream of Red Mansions"?"

Lu Ningna said, "I've seen TV dramas..."

"Then you haven't read the original book?"

"Then I don't have time to look."

Lu Qingxuan said, "I've seen it."

Old Madam Yu looked at Lu Qingxuan and said:

"Do you still remember that there was a time in "A Dream of Red Mansions", when the Grand View Garden celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone in the Jia family gathered together?"

Lu Qingxuan had a thought, nodded hesitantly and said: "Remember... yes."

"I didn't understand it before, but now, I do understand it," Mrs. Yu said with a strange expression on her face, "Mother Jia lamented that there were fewer people at the table. I feel exactly the same as her now."

Lu Qingxuan was a little puzzled.

The episode Mrs. Yu mentioned was "A Dream of Red Mansions" No. 70 five chapters, "The night feast is full of omens and mournful sounds, and the appreciation of the Mid-Autumn Festival's new words will be a good prophecy", which is the only time Cao Xueqin wrote about the Mid-Autumn Festival in Jia's house.

It's just that the Mid-Autumn Festival was lively and lively on the surface, but there were signs of this big family's impending decline everywhere.

It is exactly the same as the current Lu family.

Lu Qingxuan couldn't figure out why Grandma Tai suddenly said that.

This is so inauspicious.

She has always been fearless, and has doubts in her heart and refuses to hide them. She has always felt that if there is an ominous sign, it is not considered unlucky if she points it out in person.

So Lu Qingxuan said: "Grandma, I have something to say, I'm afraid it won't please you, I don't know if I should say it or not."

Old Madam Yu smiled: "Then if you really don't like what you say, I will treat you as a child's nonsense."

On the seat next to him, an uncle of the Lu family smiled and said, "Grandma, Qingxuan is already in her twenties, so she is not considered a child."

She said: "In my eyes, you are all children. Qingxuan, tell me."

Lu Qingxuan said: "Grandma, I read Zhipingben Red Mansions. I have also read the place you mentioned. The commentary on Zhiyanzhai there is 'Before you drink, touch your heart first, it is always a sign that it will die', you Isn't it unlucky to say that?"

The phrase "touching a person before drinking is always a sign of death", scared the expressions of several uncles and uncles, and even Lu Liangchen looked at her in surprise.

"Tongyan Wuji, Tongyan Wuji!" said the uncle, "Qingxuan, if you punish yourself with a drink, it will not count as your wrong words."

Old Madam Yu stretched out her hand to block the uncle's words.

"Qingxuan is right, it is unlucky, but what I was about to say just now is that it is unlucky," Mrs. Yu said with a serious expression, "An incident that happened not long ago reminded me of the scene in "A Dream of Red Mansions". This time, my Lu family looks like the Ningguo Mansion and Rongguo Mansion!
"Do you know what happened this morning?"

After finishing speaking, her gaze became serious, and she glanced around the people on the table, saying:

"When I was drinking tea in the morning, I suddenly discovered that the Lu'an melon slices in my family had changed from ti slices to plum slices. I asked the butler Cheng, and he said that the farmer wanted to save money, so he had to be wronged on this tea. a bit."

"I was very angry. After I was angry, I thought sadly of this time in "Dream of Red Mansions", 'a clever wife can't make porridge without rice', just because there is an extra girl, and even the rice is tight. Baba, it can be seen that this family has been defeated to the root."

The people in the seats listened to Mrs. Yu's words, except for Chen Ya, they didn't dare to show their anger.

Mrs. Yu shook her head and continued:
"So at noon today, I said, recruit all the family members, especially the juniors. I want to see if the juniors in the family are not doing business, and whether they all want to be idle people. , I can’t afford the home supported by the old people.”

Upon hearing this, several "junior generations" all replied that they would never disappoint grandma's expectations.

Lu Qingxuan's voice was crisp and clear: "Grandma, sister Lu Ningna is not Lin Daiyu, nor am I Wang Xifeng. The future of the Lu family will not decline in our hands."

"Okay." Mrs. Yu nodded, "Then our Lu family has to change the rules, just like reform, we have to blow a new wind before we can stand up again. From now on, we will only select people based on their talents. Grandma, I am today. , play a game with everyone."

She waved her hand, and the servant poured a glass of wine for everyone at the table. Mrs. Yu said:
"You have to drink wine today, but you can't just drink. Each of you juniors must perform one of their best talents, let uncles and Teacher Li Siqing see, whoever performs the best will be rewarded by grandma. "

Hearing this, Lu Qingxuan and Lu Liangchen looked at each other.

Both of them said in their hearts: Sure enough!
There are so many foreshadowings ahead, and it is said that it depends on the juniors to show their talents. It is clear that they do not want them to compete, but they clearly want Lu Ningna to show her skills in front of everyone!
It seems that Lu Ningna has succeeded in studying with Li Siqing, and she is already a little hot on the violin.

Recently, everyone has witnessed the resources the family has invested in Lu Ningna:

First, Li Siqing, a national-level violinist, was invited to serve as her violin teacher, and then she was sent to participate in various competitions, where she won several prizes.

Some media that have a good relationship with the family have started to publish articles introducing Ning Na, saying that she is a "rookie in the classical world"... No one is more familiar with this method than the children of the Lu family.

In the past, if Aihua wanted to make a celebrity popular, he would always do this.

Since the family lost Aihua Company, there are not many resources left. They want to gather the family's last influence in the entertainment industry, push Lu Ningna into a traffic hotspot, and make her a "violin goddess".

In this way, she will become the family's cash cow, which is more conducive to the smooth transition of the position of the head of the family.

However, these arrangements of the family will naturally cause some people to be slightly dissatisfied.

Therefore, Old Madam Yu wanted to use this noon to beat and beat them, so that Lu Ningna could sit firmly in her seat.

Thinking of this level, both Lu Qingxuan and Lu Liangchen lost interest.

They were not interested in serving as a foil for Lu Ningna.

Mrs. Yu clapped her hands, and the servants came up with a lot of musical instruments.

She said: "Then...start with Chai Xian."


Chai Xian never expected to point to himself, so he could only say with a bitter face:

"Grandma, you know me, I don't know anything!"

The old lady Yu said: "People always have their own specialties, and they are not monkeys. How can they know nothing? I think you are the best at talking with a smooth tongue. You can always tell a story, right?"

Chai Xian frowns.

Without preparation, how can we tell any stories?

Seeing Chai Xian like this, Mrs. Yu's face darkened, and she said:
"Okay, I don't think everyone is very interested. Maybe I said that the reward is too general, so I'll make a lottery. Are you all happy?"

After a pause, she continued: "If anyone can be recognized as the best performer, I will take out a property of the Lu family and let that person run it for three months. What kind of business is it? Let me think about it..."

Everyone immediately held their breath.

Mrs. Yu thought for a while, and said, "Then, let's take "On the Clouds" as a prize!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of almost everyone present changed.

An elderly man of the uncle generation said: "Grandma, isn't this inappropriate? "On the Clouds" is not a small media!"

Mrs. Yu waved her hand domineeringly: "If the lottery head is too small, won't they pay less attention to it? That's all! How you should behave is up to you!"

"Jinghua on the Cloud" is a well-known cross-platform media with 4000 million fans on the whole network. It is operated by a small team of 20 people.

Moreover, it is a local account, more than half of the fans who follow it are from the capital, and it has a huge influence in the circle of the capital.

For the Lu family in the past, such a vast amount of media was in their hands, and a small "Jinghua on the Cloud" was nothing at all.

However, with the acquisition of Aihua, the closure of the naval organization, and the division of assets, the remaining media in the Lu family are very few.

In this way, "Jinghua on the Cloud" has become a rare asset in the family that can be called high-quality.

In addition, "Jinghua on the Cloud" is small in size but loud in volume, and is well-known in Beijing.Those who master this media will become very powerful in the entire capital.

A year ago, before the Aihua company changed hands, a son of a big family in the capital once contradicted the Lu family. It happened that the father of the Lu family was the controller of "Jinghua on the Cloud" at that time.

After the Lu family went home and filed a complaint, "Jinghua on the Cloud" started to dig up black information about the children of the big family.

In less than half a month, the son of that big family was ruined, and carrying an expensive gift, he came to the Lu family in desperation to apologize.

This is the power of the media.

Hearing that Mrs. Yu took this thing as a prize, Lu Qingxuan and Lu Liangchen couldn't help but feel their hearts beat even though they were sober.

The uncle next to him persuaded again: "Grandma, I really can't do it. "The King on the Clouds" is very important, it is very important to our Lu family, it's too child's play to use this as a lottery..."

Mrs. Yu slapped the table and said loudly:
"Don't try to persuade me. If I speak out and pour out water, what prestige will I have in the future?"

She looked at the people at the table and said coldly:

"Listen well, too. The old woman says one thing is the same. Don't think I'm joking. This time I will give you an equal chance. If you want to prove yourself, you have to do your best. Don't regret it later!"

Chen Sheng was trembling when he heard it.

When he heard that Mrs. Yu took Yunshang Jinghua as a lottery, he felt that he was the unluckiest of luck, and he was the most unlucky kind!
Yunshang Jinghua, their whole family is almost a fan of this account, and they watch the feed every day.

Most of them learned about what happened in the capital from this account.

And now, is the moment he is closest to this legendary account!
As long as the junior has the best talent, he can gain control of this account. Such a good thing, he dare not even dream of!

But, what he brought here today was Chen Ya!
How much he hopes now that what he brings here is not Chen Ya, but Lu Qianzi or Chen Hai!

Lu Qianzi can compose and sing, and Chen Hai can play the guitar, both of which can be said to be talented.

But none of them came today, but it happened to be Chen Ya!

Lu Qingxuan raised her hand and asked, "Grandma, as long as it is a talent, any talent is fine?"

Mrs. Yu nodded: "Yes, you can just come up with what you are best at, as long as it can make people wow, you can do anything."

"Then what is the best way? Are there any judges?"

Mrs. Yu pointed left and right, and said: "Here, Mr. Li Siqing, Commissioner Gao, and me, the three of us are the judges, should it be enough to evaluate you?"

After finishing speaking, in order to prevent them from thinking too much, she added:
"As I said before, the three of us are absolutely fair. We only look at talents and not people. You set up a video camera, record a picture, and keep a record. If you think our judgment is unfair, any of you can take the video and tell the family. Everyone listen and cry for their injustice."

Having said this, everyone finally realized that the old lady was really serious this time.

After Madam Yu finished speaking, she glanced left and right at Li Siqing and Committee Member Gao, and they nodded secretly.

In fact, this plan was not something that Mrs. Yu came up with.

That's what she planned from the beginning.

The purpose of their performance was purely to find out who moved Li Siqingqin.

According to their prior discussion, no matter whether it was a tactful self-recommendation or a demonstration, at least it showed that he was not satisfied with his treatment.

So, Mrs. Yu came up with this plan.

If you want to introduce yourself, want to show your face?Row!

Give you the stage!

If you are dissatisfied, want to improve the treatment?also!

I regard "Jinghua on the Cloud" as a lottery!

If the family really produced the greatest violinist in the past 100 years, then a mere "Clouds on Jinghua" will not be too much to win people's hearts.

It's worth it!
Old Madam Yu's cloudy eyes circled back and forth between Lu Qingxuan and Lu Liangchen.

Mysterious violinist, show me up!
 The next update is at 12 noon.

(End of this chapter)

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