Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 226 225. As a laughing chapter, you are very good

Chapter 226 225. As a joke, you are very high-quality
After Caitou finished speaking, Lu Qingxuan and Lu Liangchen were eager to try, but Chen Ya remained indifferent.

The expression on Chai Xian's face became even more bitter.

Not to mention having a lottery, even if he didn't have a lottery, he still wanted to show off to the big guys.

For a man of heaven like Lu Liangchen and a daughter of destiny like Lu Qingxuan, standing with them is a huge pressure.

Every time he encounters this kind of occasion, people say he is ugly, and he is really ugly.He doesn't want to be ashamed either!

If it weren't for the lack of skills, who would want to be a green leaf?
But who told him not to have those two hands?

Looking at the entire banquet, the only person he could dominate was probably Chen Ya from the countryside.

Old lady Yu urged: "Chai Xian, hurry up, the people behind are still waiting."

Chai Xian begged for mercy and bowed, saying:

"Grandma, you understand me. I can only say that I can't lift the tofu tied with hemp rope. Let me tell you a joke, so please forgive me!"

The banquet was filled with a happy atmosphere, and Mrs. Yu also smiled and said:
"Okay, then if I smile, you will pass the test. If no one smiles during the banquet, you will have to drink a glass of wine."

Chai Xian's face became even more bitter, and he made a trick of the macaque to pay his respects, and said to everyone:

"Uncles, brothers and sisters, give Chai Xian a way out, everyone cooperate later!"

Speaking of this, the uncles sitting in front of me started laughing and said:

"Chai Xian, you don't need to talk about it, these ugly looks you put on are enough to make you laugh."

The old lady Yu next to her said with a straight face:
"That's okay, you can't let him go easily, Chai Xian, the joke you tell must be something that no one has heard before, if you repeat the same old tune, it will not pass."

Such a sentence made it difficult for Chai Xian out of thin air. After such a short while, how could he guess which jokes Mrs. Yu hadn't heard?

He thought for a while in silence, and soon, he realized that he had created a big problem for himself.

The jokes he is good at are all nasty jokes, which can make people laugh out loud in private, but how dare they tell them in Fu Shou Tang?
Not to mention grandma, Lu Qingxuan and Lu Ningna are still sitting here, if they are insulted, someone will have to tear him alive.

And those jokes that don't contain a little bit of meat are always not that interesting, and there is no guarantee that everyone will laugh.

After thinking for a long time, he suddenly had an idea, and he had a secret passage.

Clearing his throat, he said:
"By the way, there is such a person, he is a rural person, and it is the first time to enter the capital..."

As he spoke, he pointed his hand in Chen Ya's direction, then he swayed the gun, and suddenly pointed to the sky, as if he was pointing at Chen Ya, but he seemed to be pointing wrongly, in short, he was not well-known.

However, once he heard the elements of "countryside" and "the first time in Beijing", combined with his gestures, he understood some of them.

Chen Sheng was a bit puzzled, he and Chai Xian had never had much contact with each other, so he didn't understand why he made fun of his son.

Chai Xian continued: "He has a rich relative in the capital. Seeing the prosperity of the capital, the rich relative is willing to pay him to see the scene, so he floats up, his desire is a little inflated, and he wants to buy something more expensive so that he can go back and give it to him. The folks in the village show off.

"It is said that a man must have a watch, so he walked into a watch shop with his head held high, and patted the table, boss, bring all your expensive watches here!
"In the end, he suffered from ignorance. The watch shop he entered was Patek Philippe, which is famous for its high-end products! The boss heard him speak lavishly, and quickly brought three watches up for him to choose.

"He looked at the first watch and asked the boss the price, but the boss quoted an astonishing figure, and he asked the price of the second watch, which was even more shocking than the previous one, and then asked the price of the third watch, and the The price of the third watch exceeded all his imagination in his life.

"Finally, the boss asked him which one he liked and which one looked better. He shook his head and said, neither of them looked good, and walked out the door.

"The boss quit after hearing this, and chased after him and asked: It is impossible for our Patek Philippe watch to look bad, why do you think it looks bad?
"The rural man turned his head and said quietly: I am so poor that I don't look good on any watch."

Chai Xian really has a talent for telling jokes. It's really interesting that he interprets the jokes that are not funny at first.

In addition to the person referred to by this incident, most people at the table knew it well, and many people laughed.


Lu Qingxuan didn't want to laugh at first, so she didn't hold back and let out a soft laugh.

Then she turned her head with a stern face, and said to Chai Xian: "You played well, but your tricks are a bit despicable."

Chai Xian clasped his hands together and said, "In desperation, I can only think of this, please let me go!"

Lu Qingxuan curled her lips and said, "Okay, for the sake of your hard work, let me laugh."

Lu Liangchen laughed and said, "It's so funny, Chai Xian, you have a great talent for telling jokes, I admire you."

Only Lu Ningna looked confused, she didn't know where the joke was at all.

Mrs. Yu said: "I took a quick glance just now, and there are at least four or five people at the table who didn't smile. You are fined 5 glasses of wine."

Chai Xian's face suddenly became bitterer than bitter gourd: "Grandma, can you...drink it separately?"

"Have a drink first."

Seeing Chai Xian as if drinking medicine, after swallowing a glass of wine, Mrs. Yu said:

"You tell a good joke, but the content is inexplicable. How can a rural person go to Patek Philippe? Besides, even if you go, you can tell that Patek Philippe is expensive."

As soon as she said this, many people at the table laughed louder than when Chai Xian said it just now.

Lu Qingxuan covered her mouth, patted her chest, suppressed her laughter, and said:
"Grandma, this matter is true, but don't ask about the details."

Old Madam Yu was baffled by their laughter, but after hearing what Lu Qingxuan said, she didn't delve into it, clapped her hands, and said:

"Is the next one ready? Can you play?"

The people below were all sitting still, Old Madam Yu scanned around, thinking to herself: That person seems to be quite determined, maybe he still doesn't believe that I will fulfill the promise.

That being the case, let's add another fire.

Mrs. Yu said, "Nana, let's do your next performance and show your teacher how you've improved recently."

Lu Ningna blushed and stood up nervously.

Someone had already fetched her qin, she took the qin, bowed cautiously to everyone, and then began to play.

Because she has been learning the piano since she was a child, she is quite proficient in playing, playing very smoothly and without mistakes.

But the disadvantage is that it is too standard and lacks eye-catching processing.

This is also related to her talent and experience, after all, she is still young, and she is not a genius.

After the performance, everyone applauded, and Mrs. Yu said, "How is Lu Ningna playing, let's ask Teacher Li Siqing to tell me?"

Lu Liangchen didn't expect to comment on the spot, held his breath, and listened to Li Siqing's words.

Li Siqing said: "Overall, there has been improvement, but not much. It is just a little more proficient. The selection of songs is also relatively conservative, not amazing enough, and did not show more skills. Although Ning Na is my disciple, I will not give high marks. , can only give passing marks.”

Mrs. Yu nodded and said, "It's in my heart, Nana, you have to work hard."

Hearing this comment, Lu Ningna was a little sad and lowered her head.

But Lu Liangchen and Lu Qingxuan were encouraged.

They didn't flatter Lu Ningna blindly, which shows that Mrs. Yu is serious.

She probably really wanted to give them a fair chance.

Mrs. Yu then nodded to Lu Liangchen and said, "Liangchen, it's your turn."

Lu Liangchen stood up and said, "Grandma, I want to play the piano."

Hearing that he wanted to play the piano, Mrs. Yu's face was a little disappointed for some reason.

But she still said: "It doesn't matter what the piano is, it's in Fushoutang, just let them push it over."

Lu Liangchen went on to say: "And I still need to brew some emotions. Why don't we let our new friend Chen Ya perform for everyone? How about it?"

Chen Ya didn't know why he suddenly mentioned himself, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Lu Liangchen patted him on the shoulder and said, "How about telling a joke to cheer everyone up?"

Chen Ya leaned back on the chair and said calmly, "I can only read jokes, not tell them."

Lu Liangchen didn't expect him to disrespect himself so much, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "No, you still make jokes."

After finishing speaking, he himself couldn't help laughing first, and Chai Xian broke out into a burst of laughter that almost toppled the roof.

Lu Qingxuan gave a soft "puchi" laugh, and then stopped laughing immediately. She felt that it was not decent to mock others face to face.

Chen Sheng lowered his head, wishing he could bury his head in the bowl.

Chen Ya was being ridiculed in such a face-to-face, he didn't dare to stand up and say a few words to help, everyone here counted as one, and they all had a higher status than his son-in-law.

Chen Ya also laughed, crossed his legs, and said quietly: "As a joke, you are indeed very high-quality."

Lu Liangchen didn't expect that he would dare to confront him face to face, and stared at him, but then realized that he didn't need to confront him, so he lowered his eyebrows again, hummed, and sat down with his sleeves thrown.

Old Madam Yu frowned.Lu Liangchen was going to play the piano, so it seemed that he was also ruled out. In other words, the mysterious violinist could only be Lu Qingxuan.

She just wanted to quickly verify whether that person was Lu Qingxuan, so she said, "Qingxuan, do you want to perform first?"

Lu Qingxuan said: "Grandma, the sound of them playing the piano is too loud, I want to perform seriously in a quiet environment."

Old Madam Yu nodded and said, "Then let's not waste time, Chen Ya, you go up and perform a performance first."

Lu Qingxuan didn't want to give in, so she had to let the people in front pass quickly, so she urged Chen Ya to go up and play first.

Sitting there, Chen Ya took a sip of tea while holding the teacup, and said:

"I also want to play the piano."

Hearing what he said, everyone present was surprised, and Lu Liangchen even opened his mouth and said, "Do you know how to play the piano?"

Chen Sheng couldn't bear it any longer, and said with an apologetic smile, "Everyone, don't take offense, he doesn't know how to play the piano, he's just joking."

Then, he turned his head and said to Chen Ya: "Don't make jokes, don't pretend to know if you don't know, or it will be even more embarrassing, just tell a joke and forget it."

Chen Ya squinted at him: "Who said I can't?"

"Would you like me to..." Chen Sheng swallowed his words halfway, and then turned around and smiled at everyone.

"Haha, I'm sorry, his temper is a bit aggressive. If you are a donkey, you have to go along with it. If you tease him, you will become stubborn."

Mrs. Yu raised her eyes slightly, glanced at Chen Ya, and said nothing.Gao Jinliang was thinking about other things, but he didn't make a sound.

Lu Qingxuan said with a serious expression:

"It's okay to have a temper. All capable people I've met have tempers. If a man doesn't have a temper, it's still contemptible. It's just that the temper has to match the ability. Only with great ability can one lose his temper."

Lu Liangchen played with the paper clothes with chopsticks in his hand, and said leisurely:

"That's right, those who are capable of being stubborn are not called being stubborn, they are called having personality; those who are not capable of being stubborn are not called being stubborn, they are even more despicable..."

Chen Sheng wanted to cry but had no tears.

He screamed in his heart, knowing that good things will not fall on his head out of thin air.

How do you say that?Misfortune depends on blessing, blessing comes from misfortune, today this is called misfortune because of blessing, sitting in my own home honestly, how can I suffer such humiliation?

Lu Liangchen rolled up the paper clothes of the chopsticks, threw them on the table, and said:

"It's okay, if he wants to play the piano, let him play, but if he plays the piano indiscriminately, I won't agree to it! Grandma is too old and can't stand the torture of noise."

Lu Qingxuan held the teacup with her white and slender hands, and said, "It's okay, I will pull him down."

The two stared at Chen Ya's expression, but found that he was indifferent and a little confused.

He didn't look like he was being puffed up.People who are angry will not be so emotionless.

Lu Ningna on the side saw it, and hesitated to speak.

She wants to tell everyone that Chen Ya is actually very powerful.

However, that exposed the fact that he knew Chen Ya.

Besides, she didn't know how to help Chen Ya out.

So she had to say nothing.

Soon, the piano was pushed into the main hall.

It's a nearly new Steinway, expensive and a sign of the Landing's heritage.

Lu Liangchen glanced at Chen Ya, patted the wrinkles on his body, walked forward with his head held high, and sat down in front of the piano.

Use the mobile phone software to start tuning, and after the tuning is over, put your hands on the keys, as gracefully as if you are stroking your lover's body.

The entire Fushou Hall was silent.

After that, the notes seemed to flow out from under the fingers, covering the entire room in an instant.

He played very fast and his fingers were nimble enough to show his skills on the piano.

At the same time, his expression seemed to be immersed in the world of music, moving and deep.

"He doesn't have a score." Lu Qingxuan whispered.

Others naturally found that he didn't read the score.

It was played blindly from memory.

The song is over, and the lingering sound lingers.


Lu Liangchen stood up proudly and scanned the crowd.

Then, with some sarcasm, he looked at Chen Ya provocatively.

"It's really good." Li Siqing nodded, "Although I don't play the piano, objectively, from the perspective of appreciation, I will give him a higher score than Ning Na, because it can be seen that he is very talented in the piano. "

Mrs. Yu asked: "Mr. Li, if you were to judge, how far can he go?"

Li Siqing thought for a while, then lowered his voice and said:

"He can serve as a pianist for a well-known orchestra, with an annual salary of more than 60 yuan. If he holds a concert, the appearance fee will be at the level of [-] yuan. If he is slightly packaged and becomes a well-known pianist, it may be more than this amount, depending on his future. development of."

Mrs. Yu was slightly pleasantly surprised.

She devoted her heart and soul to Lu Ningna for many years, and paid little attention to the growth of these offspring.

If it hadn't been for such a test today, she would not have known that Lu Liangchen was so outstanding.

However, what Li Siqing said made her feel a little dissatisfied.

If you can only take this number, even if you pack it, you can't grow to the point where you can cover the entire family.

If it was in the past, the Lu family would definitely invest a lot in Lu Liangchen, but the current Lu family is no longer what it used to be.

Limited resources must be invested in those with the highest output ratio.

Lu Liangchen walked back proudly, looked at Chen Ya, and said:

"Then, brother joke, it's up to you now."

There was a burst of laughter below.

Then, he said: "To be serious, let me remind you in advance that if you just play the piano indiscriminately, I may go up and grab you with my own hands, because it is a Steinway, and Steinway should not make blasphemy sounds."

Chen Ya shrugged.

Holding the teacup, Shi Shiran walked to the piano and put the teacup on the piano.

Then, he also stretched out his hand, and placed his slender fingers on the keys, the same as Lu Liangchen's action just now.

Lu Liangchen frowned: "Learn from me?"

 The next update will be at 9:8 p.m. (it may be brought forward to [-]:[-] p.m., depending on the modification and polishing).

(End of this chapter)

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