Chapter 227 226. He is simply a monster
Lu Liangchen raised his eyebrows: "Learn from me?"

Chai Xian smiled meanly: "This is the only step he can learn."

Lu Qingxuan squinted at Chen Ya, but her thoughts were different from the two of them.

Even though she didn't learn piano, she could tell that Chen Ya's hands were big.

Those big hands with such slender fingers are actually very suitable for playing the piano.

"Why doesn't he play?" An uncle frowned, and cast a glance at Chen Sheng who was sitting beside him.

"Your son can really play the piano?"

"I don't know." Chen Sheng was a little embarrassed.

"People say that knowing a son is better than a father, but you don't know your son?"

Chen Sheng didn't answer, but buried his head down.

If this wasn't the important place of Fushou Hall, he would be so embarrassed that he would dig out four rooms and two halls with his toes.

So embarrassing.

Li Siqing asked the old lady Yu next to him in a low voice: "This young man is from a side branch, right?"

Mrs. Yu nodded.

Her mind was not on Chen Ya.

She is still calculating the return ratio of investing in Lu Liangchen.

... Among all the people, only Lu Ningna had different eyes.She looked in Chen Ya's direction, but she had some expectations in her heart.

It's one thing to hate this guy, but it's another to believe in this guy.

After those three days they had been together, she had developed a habit:
If something happens, she thinks it is impossible to do it, but Chen Ya says it can be done, well, just listen to Chen Ya.

If Chen Ya said that he was going to do something, no matter how unimaginable that thing was to Lu Ningna, then there was no need to question it, just listen to Chen Ya.

No matter what happened, just trust Chen Ya.

Because, Chen Ya had already left a deep impression on her——


Seeing Chen Ya's fingers hovering over the keys of the piano, she bit her lower lip.

The environment in the room was far less respectful than when Lu Liangchen was playing the piano, and there were even some whispers.

Because there was always noise, Chen Ya never started to play.

Everyone in the room waited for a while. From watching the excitement at the beginning, they became a little impatient later.

Lu Liangchen looked at him with the eyes of "Come on, please start your performance", folded his arms and said:
"Play it, why don't you play it, what poss are you still showing?"

"Quiet!" Lu Ningna suddenly said loudly.

The whispering in the room finally stopped.

"Appreciating classical music, keeping quiet and not talking, is the most basic etiquette."

If it was someone else who said these words and put them on Chen Ya, the room would probably burst into laughter.

But the person who spoke was Lu Ningna from the long room.

The room suddenly fell silent.

"Dong dong dong dong!"

The piano that had been silent for a long time was suddenly struck.

Chen Ya's fingers started to move.

However, when it moved, it was a crazy typing on the keyboard, which shocked everyone.

"Dong dong dong dong!"

Just like the quadruplet just now, this same irritable chord stunned the audience.

For a moment, they thought that Chen Ya was just smashing the piano to vent his anger.

But the next scene made everyone in the room gasp.

I saw Chen Ya's fingers dancing on the piano, and there was almost an afterimage.

The continuous sound poured out from the keyboard, like flowing water, and deafening like a waterfall.

Countless notes, countless notes, at the same time, countless notes are crowded together, as if scrambling to come out, but they are not chaotic.

Lu Qingxuan murmured: "JX, Beethoven..."

What Chen Ya played was Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, which he put in "Twenty Pieces Handed Down".

In the previous life, this piece was also called "Symphony of Destiny".

And the version he played is a bit special.

The symphony is an ensemble played by many parts of the orchestra, so it is complex and magnificent.

It is difficult for a piano solo to interpret the feeling of "several violins, several trombones and cornets, standing together like a phalanx of spears".

But this version is different.

This version of the piano piece played by Chen Ya was adapted by Liszt, the disciple of Beethoven.

There are many most difficult piano pieces in the world, and Liszt accounts for half of them.

Liszt is the most suspected four-armed man in the world.

He can play what others cannot play.This is Liszt.

This version of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony he adapted can be said to have reproduced the complexity of the symphony on the piano.

The characteristics reflected are - fast and difficult.

In the eyes of everyone in the room, Chen Ya's fingers danced on the piano with an astonishingly fast speed.

Those notes hit the eardrums, as dense as raindrops, and at the same time drove the beating of everyone's hearts.

Several uncles covered their hearts tightly.

They felt the heavy sound of those keys hitting, almost causing their arrhythmia.

Lu Liangchen, Chai Xian and Chen Sheng raised their heads at the same time and opened their mouths wide.

Chen Sheng doubted his eyes a little.

This person is Chen Ya?
Was this song played by Chen Ya?

Could this be popped up by Chen Ya?
But the one sitting there was undoubtedly Chen Ya.

His eyes are closed and his hair dances with his body.

Although his appearance is handsome, but the aura of opening and closing at this time reminds people of tigers and lions.

People seemed to see a phantom emerging from behind him, it was a squinting, sleepy and lazy lion.

Eagles stand like sleep, tigers walk like sick, lions are lazy most of the time.People who really have strong energy often cannot see their explosive power in normal times.

And when that explosive power is displayed, it seems like a sharp knife is unsheathed and a bullet is ejected from the chamber. The moment you see it, you are already dead.

This was the feeling Chen Ya gave to everyone in the room.

The figure who was holding the teacup and lazily opening his eyes just now transformed into a lion fighting rabbits and a tiger hunting sheep.

Lu Qingxuan felt that she was about to lose her breath.

Madam Yu didn't pay much attention to Chen Ya's performance.

She originally thought that even if Chen Ya wasn't pretending, his level would definitely not be worth watching.

Because raising a musician is hard.

For example, Lu Ningna and Lu Liangchen, these two children were raised by her.

She can see how much effort the family puts into them.

A child from the countryside wants to learn piano?Sorry, the piano isn't for poor people's kids.

This truth is almost cruel, but it is true.

However, Chen Ya's performance told her eloquently that she was wrong!

He played it really...too fast!

This speed is too fast, faster than Lu Liangchen just now, and much faster!

Mrs. Yu panicked a little.

She has conceived countless times in her mind, if Lu Liangchen or Lu Qingxuan is that genius, how should the family arrange it.

The only thing she never considered was that the son of a side branch's son-in-law had such a talent.

She had never thought about what to do in such a situation before, and it was too late to think about it now.

She wanted to ask Li Siqing beside her what kind of talent this child was, but she turned her head, only to see that Li Siqing had a big mouth and looked stupid.

The shock that Chen Ya brought to Li Siqing was only deeper than the others.

Lu Liangchen played very well. Even so, the difference in Chen Ya's performance can be heard with one ear.

He played so shockingly.

Li Siqing didn't even know how he did it.

Li Siqing didn't learn piano, but he had seen many people play piano.

But he had never seen anyone so crazy...

The adjective is correct, it is crazy!

At such a fast speed, there is still such explosive power and such strong emotion.

The tremendous pressure that this music brought to him almost made him breathless.

There was only one word that came to his mind—anger!
This person's music is full of anger, roaring, screaming and resistance.

His unwillingness, even a complete layman, can feel it!

The roaring heat wave almost hit everyone's face!
The weather is full of anger, the spirit is angry, and the wilderness is abandoned.

Among the crowd, everyone was shocked, only the corner of Lu Ningna's mouth showed a faint smile.

She wanted to say: look.

Let's just say this guy can do anything.

Although she had never seen Chen Ya play the piano before, when Chen Ya was sitting there, she knew he would definitely be able to.

However, she couldn't tell others about her complacent attitude, it could only become an eternal secret.

Chen Ya's performance continued.

Beethoven's soul is still roaring in the open space of Fushou Hall.

For Chen Ya, there are two special musicians.

One is Bach, the other is Beethoven.

This is also the reason why he ranked the two of them in front of "Twenty Songs Handed Down".

Bach gives people the feeling of rigor, rich in mathematical rhythmic beauty, and absolutely rational sense of logic.

Beethoven, on the other hand, was the exact opposite.

He is synonymous with emotion, and his music is full of extreme emotions.

But Chen Ya's feelings towards the two were more subtle.

In Bach's rationality, he can always feel the gleam of human freedom.

And Beethoven's emotions are not unreasonable anger, under the desperate and bursting emotions, there is an eternal spirit of resistance.

The ups and downs of Beethoven's life far exceeded everyone's imagination, and it would be contrary to common sense for readers to criticize him when writing a novel.

How could there be such a person in the world?
How could it be possible for someone to stand up angrily and claim the title of the greatest musician in the world after suffering so many blows and under the near-impossible adversity?
What kind of supernatural power made this great soul so miraculously move from the darkness of despair to the light of glory, and enabled him to overcome one adversity after another and create one miracle after another?
It's hard for anyone to imagine without seeing the man in person.

A human being can actually stand strong and become a giant.

For a musician, deafness often means the end of his career as a musician.

The Fifth Symphony was created after Beethoven was deaf.

This symphony is also called "Symphony of Destiny", which is the irresistible sense of power of fate, and at the same time, it is also an even more irresistible roar of those who fight against fate.

At this moment, Chen Ya was using the keys of the piano, only black and white, to summon Beethoven.

This unique soul is breaking through the long river of time, breaking through the barriers of history, breaking through the barriers between countless worlds, and roaring towards everyone in this room!

The trembling ripples in the teacup on the piano, like a never-ending struggle, roared along with the sound.

The song is over.

There was a sudden silence in the room, like the land after the flood, utterly lonely.

There was still a faint ringing in everyone's ears.

Chen Ya got up and picked up the cup of tea that he put on the piano.

He took the teacup and walked slowly to his seat.

"Clap, clap, clap..."

The sound of his footsteps echoed throughout the room.

No one spoke, no one applauded.

These people forgot to even breathe.


Chen Ya walked to his seat, dragged out his chair, and sat on it.

After he sat down, everything was the same as before he stood up just now, even his expression didn't change.

It's as if he just went to the toilet, or did something trivial.

Everyone in the room looked at him with shocked eyes.

"Clap clap clap..."

Lu Ningna took the lead in applauding.

She drummed for a while, but no one applauded along with her, so she stopped timidly.

At this time, someone finally took the lead and started applauding, and then everyone applauded sparsely.

"You play well." Lu Qingxuan said to Chen Ya calmly.

Lu Liangchen looked at Chen Ya with a strange expression.

He seemed to be looking at a monster.

Spanning two octaves, the difficulty of the piece he played just now, he couldn't believe it could be played by humans.

Either he can pause time, or he has four hands.

Otherwise, how to explain that he can play the song just now?
This guy is just like a monster... no, he is just a monster!

He looked at Chen Ya's eyes, unknowingly tainted with a trace of fear.

He was afraid that Chen Ya would talk to him.

Because talking to him means that everyone will echo what happened before he played the piano.

Before, he was clamoring that Chen Ya was pretending to be aggressive, but now, he wished he could crawl under the table so that others could not see his face.

However, Chen Ya didn't look at him at all, as if he didn't care about him at all, or didn't care about him at all.

And his inner self pulling and entanglement at this time made him really look like a joke.

Lu Qingxuan stared at Chen Ya, with his slender legs tightly together, put his hands between them, and said:

"I admit you play well, but you have a problem."

Chen Ya looked at her and narrowed his eyes.

"what is the problem?"

"You played JX's "Beethoven," Lu Qingxuan said calmly, "You shouldn't let JX's song appear in Fushoutang."

After she finished speaking, many uncles and uncles echoed her.

"Yeah, it's a bit inappropriate."

"JX is the enemy of our Lu family."

Chen Ya looked at Lu Qingxuan, holding a teacup in his hand, looking very harmless to humans and animals.

"How do you know which JX song I just played?"

Lu Qingxuan froze, a little stunned.

"Do you often listen to JX?" Chen Ya asked.

Lu Qingxuan opened her mouth to retort: ​​"I just, just listened to it once. My memory for music is naturally very good."

"Oh." Chen Ya said.

Lu Qingxuan's face turned even redder.She was even a little angry.

She wanted to say "it's none of your business who I listen to", but she calmed down.

"I'm too lazy to argue with you," Lu Qingxuan said, "I'm learning the violin, and I don't know much about the piano. Let's listen to Teacher Li's evaluation."

"Mr. Li, how is he playing?" A man of the uncle generation leaned forward and asked.

This question was also what Chen Sheng wanted to ask.

He asked in a low voice: "He or the good minister just now, who plays better? Teacher Li, you can just evaluate objectively."

 Thanks to the book friend 20181129151722262 for the 800 rewards~
  Thanks to the book friend 20221103201117906 for the 600 rewards~
  Thanks for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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