Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 228 227. This chapter is not broken

Chapter 228 227. This chapter is not broken
Hearing Chen Sheng's words, Lu Qingxuan frowned:
"Uncle, how can you compare him with Lu Liangchen?"

Chen Sheng was startled, and thought to himself: Sure enough...

Sure enough, this Chen Ya was still not as good as Lu Liangchen.After all, he is Lu Hongtai's son.

As a result, what Lu Qingxuan said next caused him to have a cardiopulmonary arrest:
"Anyone who has grown ears will be able to hear it immediately. What Lu Liangchen played just now is not at the same level as what he played. What you asked is simply nonsense."

Lu Liangchen immediately sat aside feeling ashamed.

Chen Sheng was a little embarrassed, he didn't want to offend Lu Liangchen so inexplicably, so he said carefully:

"I really think Lu Liangchen plays very well, I can't tell the difference."

Lu Qingxuan pressed his forehead and said:

"That only shows that you don't have long ears. Comparing Lu Liangchen with what he just played just now is like comparing elementary school students with college students. I think the difference, as long as you have ears, you can feel the most basic sensibility." come out."

Then, she said: "I know you don't want to offend Lu Liangchen, but comparing him with your son's playing just now is an insult to both parties. I advise you to keep quiet."

Sitting at the side, Lu Liangchen felt that ten thousand arrows were piercing his heart, but he couldn't say a word.

Chen Sheng stopped talking.

He had heard before that Lu Qingxuan's words could kill anger, and now he has learned it.

This straightforward girl seems to have no EQ, but she is just too lazy to use EQ to you.

"Okay, okay," Li Siqing stretched out his hand to smooth things over, "Then let me tell you about my experience."

Everyone looked at Li Siqing in unison.

Li Siqing sighed helplessly when he saw everyone looking forward to his authoritative comment.

"Actually, I'm not good at commenting. I've never heard anyone play this piece like this. In advance, I don't play the piano. I just worked with more pianists and have a little more experience than people outside the profession. I The judgment of the difficulty of the song just now may not be accurate, and what I said, this Chen Ya, may find it funny in his heart, so my opinion may not be correct, it only represents my personal judgment..."

He talked for a long time, and he was stacking armor for himself and making blowout prevention forecasts. The people next to him heard it as if they were falling into the clouds and mist, and they couldn't find where Bei was.

Is the dignified Li Siqing so humble in the face of a young man? ?

After finishing stacking armor with great difficulty, he carefully said:
"If we only talk about the feeling, it seems that only Langlang has given me this kind of shock. No one in China can give me such a feeling anymore."

After listening to his words, everyone thought it was ridiculous.

Only Langlang had this kind of shock, and the others didn't?

Does that mean that Chen Ya is No.1 under Langlang?
That was a little too shameless.

Mrs. Yu asked, "If it's 100 points, how much would you give him?"

Li Siqing said: "Of course it's 100 points, but I really don't know much about piano..."

What he meant was that his skill on the piano was far inferior to Chen Ya's, so it was a bit ridiculous for him to rate Chen Ya.

But to some people's ears, it means something else: Li Siqing is not familiar with the piano, so he may have made a mistake in his judgment, and Chen Ya's piano level may not be as exaggerated as he said just now...

Old Madam Yu nodded, and did not comment, but said to Lu Qingxuan: "Qingxuan, let's perform next."

Lu Qingxuan nodded, stood up, and picked up the violin that Lu Ningna used just now.

Putting her bow on the strings, she said:

"Let me declare in advance that my performance level is definitely not as high as that of Chen Ya just now. Don't expect too much from me. However, he is much older than me. When I reach his age, whoever is higher and who is lower , I can’t tell.”

After all, she started to play.

It is true that as she said, her performance is also very high, but the shock it brings to people is far less than that of Chen Ya's performance just now.

The beginning part is more soothing, in the middle, the emotion starts to heat up, the speed becomes fast, and in the final part, the speed is even faster.

And the whole piece lasted from the beginning to the end, she was always full of emotions, without a single mistake, and her technique was outstanding.

Even if she is not as good as Chen Ya, a layman in music can tell that her level is much higher than that of Lu Ningna.

After the song was over, Lu Qingxuan put down the violin, sat back in her seat, and waited for Li Siqing's comments.

"The technique is very mature, and the emotional control is also in place," Li Siqing said. "There is nothing to say. It is the perfect good student. You will definitely grow into a good violin player in the future."

Mrs. Yu patted him and asked, "How much do you rate her?"

Li Siqing thought for a while and said, "85 points."

Hearing this, Mrs. Yu's eyes dimmed.

When she heard Lu Qingxuan play, she could clearly feel that although it sounds good, it is not as shocking as the mysterious violinist she heard before.

But Li Siqing only gave her 85 points, which further confirmed her feeling.

Nor is she the mysterious violinist.

Who would that person be?

"...Grandma, grandma?"

A sound woke her up from her own thoughts, and she looked up to see Gao Jinliang calling her.

"Grandma, what do you think, who is No.1 in this competition?"

Looking at Gao Jinliang's eyes, Yu Shuning understood the subtext in his words.

If you only talk about acting skills, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that the first one should be the child of Lu Ruixiang's family, Chen Ya.

There is no need to ask more questions.

But the reason why Gao Jinliang wanted to ask her was because, even though the mysterious violinist hadn't been found, he still wanted to give the prize to Chen Ya?
If No.1 is not Chen Ya, it doesn't matter if it's Lu Qingxuan, it doesn't matter if Yunshang Jinghua gives it away.

With a professional team to operate, as long as they don't mess around, Yunshang Jinghua, a media company, will not be defeated in three months.

Terrible is afraid of messing around.

Chen Ya is the son of Lu Ruixiang's family, a side branch, and he is not qualified to touch the family's core business. If he wants to get Yunshang Jinghua into his hands, wouldn't it be a big deal?
I'm afraid that he will exhaust his resources and damage the credibility of the media.

In that case, the family will lose another source of income, and their voice in the capital will be greatly reduced, and they will slide even faster into the ranks of low-ranking families.

Old Madam Yu frowned and thought for a while, then said, "The performance just now is obvious to all, and the boy from Lu Ruixiang's family performed the best."

Gao Jinliang carefully asked: "Then, the lottery you mentioned earlier..."

Mrs. Yu said: "No.1 can get the control of Yunshang Jinghua for three months, and what I said will naturally count."

As soon as these words came out, the uncles and uncles next to him couldn't sit still.

"I object!" A person next to him said, "Yunshang Jinghua has a lot to do with it. Now it is the main source of income for the family. How can it be given away casually?"

Mrs. Yu patted the table and said, "Have you forgotten what I said earlier?"

The other person said in a more friendly tone, "Grandma, if you want rewards, you can just give him a few months of profits. Why should you give him the control? They don't necessarily know how to run the business, so what's the use of it?"

"Yes, grandma. Besides, in the competition just now, Lu Qingxuan performed well. If I were to judge, I think Lu Qingxuan's first place is justified."

Old lady Yu frowned: "Do you all think so?"


Chen Sheng sat aside, pursing his lips tightly.

My heart is more or less regretful.

In fact, he knew, he knew from the very beginning that Yunshang Jinghua could not be given to Chen Ya.

If Lu Qingxuan or Lu Liangchen was the one with the highest evaluation this time, it is possible to get Yunshang Jinghua.

But it is impossible for Chen Ya to gain control over Yunshang Jinghua.

Because his surname is Chen, not Lu.

If his surname is Lu, then he still has a little chance of getting involved.

But he is not even the core of the Lu family.

That's how the Lu family is.

This is a family built on the basis of blood and nepotism, and the closeness of closeness is written in the genes.

It is impossible for them to make an exception for Chen Ya.

At this moment, Chen Ya put down his teacup and said suddenly:
"Old lady, I remember you said that the performance just now was videotaped. If you are not satisfied with the result, you can complain about it, right?"

Hearing what he said, an uncle sitting next to Mrs. Yu slapped the table and said loudly, "Presumptuous!"

"Who allowed you to talk to grandma like this?"

Lu Ningna looked at Chen Ya worriedly, and secretly clenched her fists.

If he gets angry and quarrels with his uncles, it is very likely that he will never be able to enter Guihezhuang again in his life.

Chen Ya put down the teacup in his hand, put his hands together, and said slowly:
"This is the first time I have entered Guihezhuang. He said that he brought me to 'recognize my relatives'."

As Chen Ya said, he pointed at Chen Sheng.He didn't want to call Chen Sheng his father, and always referred to him as "he".

"I got to know each other today, but if they are all such people who don't believe what they say and go back on what they promise, then it's enough to just know each other."

After Chen Ya finished speaking, several people present immediately became angry.


"Little thing, who are you talking about breaking promises and going back on promises?"

Chen Ya raised his legs and said with a smile:

"Whoever speaks doesn't count, let it go like a fart, talk nonsense, double-face three swords, of course it's someone who doesn't believe what they say, and contradicts what they say. Don't you understand the meaning of idioms?"

"You, you are simply presumptuous!"


Several people were blushing, and they were about to quarrel, but when Mrs. Yu slapped the table, the scene immediately became quiet.

"What kind of place is this? You're making noise here too. Why is it proper?" Mrs. Yu looked around at the people around her, "The Lu family's face will be completely humiliated by you!"

A few uncles and uncles next to him lowered their heads, not daring to make a sound.

"I have already said before, whoever has the highest evaluation will take Yunshang Jinghua away and return it to me after three months. When will I say nothing? Or is it that my Lu family is such a talkative person?" And the unbelieving family?"

Several uncles around were unable to lift their heads under the old lady's stare. Only then did Old Madam Yu look away, turned to Chen Ya, and said:

"Young students, I didn't say I wouldn't give you Yunshang Jinghua, but I ask you a question, can you really manage this platform well?"

Chen Ya smiled and said, "To be honest, I'm good at business."

Madam Yu was about to say something, but Chen Ya immediately said:
"However, lend her to me. I believe that I should be able to take care of that Yunshang Jinghua."

His finger pointed directly at Lu Qingxuan.

Lu Qingxuan's eyes slowly opened wide, staring at Chen Ya, not knowing what he was planning.

Mrs. Yu didn't understand what he was talking about, so she asked, "Lend it to you? What do you want?"

"I came to be the boss of Yunshang Jinghua for three months, and she will be the general manager for three months. My every move is under her hands, so you can rest assured?"

After listening, Mrs. Yu fell silent.

Chen Ya's proposal could only be said to be in her favor.

She is not worried about the management of Yunshang Jinghua, there is a very reliable team there, but she is afraid that Chen Ya will mess up there.

It would be great if Lu Qingxuan was also there.

Chen Ya turned his head to look at Lu Qingxuan who looked surprised, and said, "I'll give you a monthly salary of [-] a month, will you come and do it?"

Lu Qingxuan was taken aback, not knowing how to answer.

Old Madam Yu somewhat agreed in her heart, and asked Lu Qingxuan, "Qingxuan, what's on your mind?"

Lu Qingxuan hesitated for a while, then said, "I can agree."

Mrs. Yu nodded and said, "It would be great if you have no objection, then this matter is settled."

After speaking, the attendants came to the table with a sumptuous meal, and the second grandfather impatiently picked up the chopsticks. He almost fainted from hunger after delaying eating for so long.

Lu Liangchen looked at Chen Ya secretly, feeling a little sore in his heart; Chai Xian wanted to toast Chen Ya and talk about the things he had offended before, but he couldn't hold back his face.

Chen Sheng's food was tasteless, and he still can't believe it now, that Chen Ya became the president of Yunshang Jinghua in just one meal.

He felt that he really underestimated him a little bit.

He ate without knowing what he was thinking.

Lu Qingxuan looked at Chen Ya's face from time to time with her beautiful eyes.She had wanted to go to Yunshang Jinghua for a long time. The influence of that media platform in the capital was astonishing. If she could have a good relationship there, it would be very helpful for her future development in the capital.

It's just that she didn't know what Chen Ya wanted to do and why he suddenly wanted to sell her favor.

After the meal, this doubt developed into a big question that could not be restrained.After the meal, she found Chen Ya alone and held him back.

"You can exchange contact information with me." Lu Qingxuan said.

Chen Ya nodded and took out his cell phone.

After reporting her mobile phone number, she asked, "Where did you learn your piano?"


"If you don't want to say it, don't say it. This kind of mystification will only make people annoying."

After the evaluation, Lu Qingxuan asked again: "Why did you suddenly drag me to Yunshang Jinghua together? What do you mean?"

Chen Ya called Lu Qingxuan and said, "It's nothing interesting, I just think it's fun."

He didn't lie this time.

Lu Qingxuan was indeed quite amusing.

Moreover, when he stood with her, he realized that this girl was really tall.

He was over 1.8 meters tall, but this girl was only a little shorter than him.

Especially her pair of legs, they look amazing when standing up, and they are very suitable for wearing high boots.

Lu Qingxuan let out a "hum".

She noticed the way Chen Ya looked at her legs, and she was even more sure of her guess.

She didn't believe that Chen Ya pulled herself over just for fun.

He should be chasing after himself, deliberately creating opportunities for the two to get along.

But Lu Qingxuan didn't bother to expose this point.

 It will be updated at nine o'clock in the evening.I coded [-] characters yesterday, but today I got hurt, and today there are only two changes.

(End of this chapter)

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