Chapter 229. The capital is a playground

When Chen Sheng was driving the car on the way home, he still felt like he was dreaming today.

Before returning home, Chen Ya said he had to go out for business, but he disappeared as soon as he got home.

It wasn't until Chen Ya left that he realized that he should have asked where Chen Ya learned to play the piano when he was in the car.

After what happened today, he suddenly felt that he knew too little about Chen Ya.

"Chen Sheng, come here."

As soon as he opened the door and entered the room, Chen Sheng heard his leader's voice, and he felt anxious.

Lu Ruixiang usually called him "dead thing" and "that who". If he was called by his full name, there must be something wrong.

Chen Sheng responded tremblingly, and walked up to Lu Ruixiang, only to see that her legs were crossed, her arms were on her chest, her expression was not as irritable as he imagined.

"What kind of gift did you mention about Lu Yuanhu's family?" Lu Ruixiang asked.


Chen Sheng replied subconsciously, and immediately remembered that he and Chen Ya packed Pu'er tea in Tieguanyin's packaging bags, and it was found out by others.

Too many things happened today, and that matter has long been left behind by me. After hearing Lu Ruixiang's words, I remembered that there was such a thunder, and I couldn't help but tremble a little.

"Just, just an ordinary gift, nothing wrong with it?" Chen Sheng said.

Lu Ruixiang raised her eyebrows and said, "Really? Then why did Lu Yuanhu call me personally?"


Chen Sheng's legs went limp all of a sudden.

No way, isn't it just putting a Pu'er in Tieguanyin's bag?Between relatives, is it necessary to call and complain?
Don't make it so ugly!

"It's actually like this. There was a small problem with the Tieguanyin I mentioned, and Chen Ya contributed his own tea to me, so the packaging and the contents inside didn't match. It's just such a trivial matter."

This was beyond Lu Ruixiang's expectation, and she asked, "Really? So it's Chen Ya's tea?"

Seeing that Chen Sheng attracted his wife's attention, he clapped his hands and said:
"That's right, it's that kid's tea. In fact, that tea is fine... Sigh, Lu Yuanhu's family is really careful..."

Lu Ruixiang stared into deep thought, and said after a while:

"Did you know that when Lu Yuanhu called, he was full of praise for the gift you mentioned in the past."

Chen Sheng was taken aback: "Huh?"

Lu Ruixiang said: "He also praised Chen Ya well, what did he say, he said he neglected you, and said that he would take our family to Xuanfulou for dinner another day."

This was completely beyond Chen Sheng's expectations, and he said in a daze, "Huh? He invited us?"

Lu Ruixiang looked at Chen Sheng: "He even made a special point, saying that he likes the gifts you mentioned, especially the tea."

She looked up at Chen Sheng closely, and asked, "So, what kind of tea did you mention?"

"No, I don't know..." Chen Sheng muttered.

"do not know?"

Lu Ruixiang frowned even deeper.

She thought it was because Chen Sheng finally got the hang of it, figured out Lu Yuanhu's preferences, and did what he liked, which made Lu Yuanhu so happy that he called to thank him in person.

But now that I think about it, there are too many strange things in this matter.

First of all, Lu Yuanhu is different from the second grandfather, he is not the kind of person who is greedy for petty gains.He didn't just throw in some money, and he could smile all over his face.

In all these years, she had never seen Lu Yuanhu call someone to talk about it just for a gift.

For him to call here specially, it must be a special gift.

Pulling Chen Sheng to ask for a long time, she still couldn't figure out the reason why Lu Yuanhu made the special call.

After all, she never imagined that a pack of ordinary-looking tea leaves could be worth tens of millions.

Lu Ruixiang said: "No matter what, Lu Yuanhu said this time that he is willing to fully support our family. Maybe we are also eligible to participate in the next family meeting."

"What? Really!" Chen Sheng became excited.

The family meeting of the Lu family is quite magical.

Some industry insiders are not considered secrets at the family meeting; some difficult things will become easier to solve at the family meeting.

Because the family meeting of the Lu family is a place where the core members of the Lu family control the resources, transfer and redistribute benefits.

These people already have resources in their respective fields, and when they get together, they can produce an effect of 1+1 greater than 2.

In the early years, there was a well-known female star in Haiya Company, who was kept cold by the company because she was unwilling to accept the unspoken rules of the company's top management.

The actress's own family conditions are not bad, and she has been clamoring to terminate the contract, which caused the company a lot of headaches.

Thus, at the Lu family's family meeting, a secret agreement was reached between the two bigwigs, after which the actress' contract was lost to another company.

The actress thought she was out of the sea of ​​suffering, but she didn't expect that this was a game between the two companies.

The two companies took advantage of the loopholes in the contract to claim tens of millions of liquidated damages for the actress, which immediately ruined the actress.

In the end, the actress not only ruined her star career and her family wealth, but also became the plaything of the bosses in the circle.

From then on, there was no one among the stars who dared to disobey the arrangement of the company.

For another example, in Lu’s company, if an employee has been working for a long time and wants to be dismissed, but is unwilling to pay the high dismissal fee of N+2, then the employee will be given small shoes, and another company will promise a high salary. Poach that employee.

Once you get the job done, you can find any reason to dismiss them, and then you only need to pay the employee a very meager compensation.

Someone will ask if they are not afraid of being sued?not afraid.

The Lu family has worked in the local area for many years and is known as the "Pizza Hut in Xicheng". As long as it is a local lawsuit, there is nothing they can't win.

Back then, the Lu family dominated the entertainment industry and acted unscrupulously. Any conversation at a family meeting could be described as sensational.

Since Aihua changed hands, the status of the family meeting has also plummeted, but being eligible to attend this meeting is still a symbol of status within the family.

In the past, Lu Ruixiang's family had never been accepted into a family meeting, and they were not even eligible to attend.

Lu Yuanhu's sudden willingness to support their family is naturally a great thing, and it means that the status of Lu Ruixiang's family in the family has taken another solid step up.

After being happy for a while, Lu Ruixiang said:
"I reckon that Lu Yuanhu's willingness to bring us into the family meeting this time has something to do with Chen Hai becoming Beichen's partner. If it wasn't for Chen Hai's promising future, we wouldn't be able to make Lu Yuanhu look up to him."

Then, she sighed: "Things in this world are like this. Only when you are strong can someone be willing to look at you."

"Yeah, Chen Hai is a good kid, after all he was carefully cultivated, but..."

"But what?"


Chen Sheng hesitated to speak.

He wanted to tell Lu Ruixiang that when he went to Lu Yuanhu's house, he didn't actually mention anything about Chen Hai.

But after thinking about it, maybe Lu Yuanhu heard about it from other places.

So, when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them down.

Lu Ruixiang didn't care, and said happily:
"In the future, if we can really attend the family meeting and bring this kid Chen Hai along, maybe we can find valuable information or help for his company."

After finishing speaking, she suddenly remembered that she hadn't seen Chen Ya, and asked, "Where's Chen Ya? Didn't he come back with you?"

"He said he went out for something, but he didn't know what he was doing."

"Tell him to come back for dinner tonight," Lu Ruixiang said, "Isn't he on good terms with his sister-in-law? Your sister said today that she will bring her fiance over."



Chen Ya drove his Lexus quickly on the streets of the capital.

When the car was parked at the gate of Beijing, Liu Ruying was already waiting at the gate of the school, as cold as a dog. When getting into the car, Chen Ya kept staring at her.

"Aren't you cold?" Chen Ya asked after getting into the car.

Today this girl is dressed very frugally, with a low-cut dress under the coat, and the ditch can be seen.

"It's okay, isn't there an air conditioner in the car?"

Liu Ruying stretched out her hand to adjust the wind direction of the air conditioner in the car, and stretched out her palm to keep warm, her fingers turned red from the cold.

She dressed conservatively last time, and after finding out that Chen Ya was indifferent, she changed to the current style.

It seems to be useful.

While driving, Chen Ya asked, "Did you tidy up last time?"

"It's been sorted out," Liu Ruying took out a small notebook and said, "I sorted out the situation of the core members and core industries of the Lu family, and drew a pedigree table."

Chen Ya nodded and said, "Do you understand the situation of Lu Yuanhu and Lu Yuanbao?"

Liu Ruying immediately answered fluently: "Lu Yuanhu is currently the legal representative of Hupo Game Company, and Lu Yuanbao is the controller of the Wansha live broadcast platform."

"The representative game of Tiger Soul is "Wind Thunder Kaidou". In the past three years, the company's revenue is..."

"Marusa's live broadcast platform has a market share, which has increased from 23% last year to 31% this year. The latest news is that the big anchor of the Kuaisha platform has been poached to its banner..."

After listening to Liu Ruying's introduction, Chen Ya smiled.

"A hundred-footed worm, dead but not stiff."

Compared to Aihua in Lu Yuanlong's hand, the two brothers Yuanhu and Yuanbao were nothing.

However, judging from the information collected by Liu Ruying, both of them took actions after Aihua changed hands. Not only did the revenue not decrease, but it actually increased.

The reason is that after Lu Yuanlong and his wife were imprisoned, all the properties under his original name were urgently "rescued" by the family.

This "rescue" saved a lot of property for the Lu family, among which Lu Ningna certainly took the lion's share, and Lu Yuanhu and Lu Yuanbao also ate a lot.

There is no way to do it, a stick can kill the wolf, but the fleas on the wolf may not be killed, maybe it will make the wolf jump more happily.

And he didn't have the time to fight fleas either.It doesn't matter if it's an amber game, or a live broadcast of Wansha... There are three or two kittens and puppies, and they don't even have the interest to look directly at them.

Liu Ruying's eyes stared at him, probably because of the cold wind blowing just now, it looked very moist:

"Do you want to deal with the Lu family?"

Chen Ya manipulated the steering wheel: "Think too much, I just came here to play."

"The capital city is a big playground."

Liu Ruying: "..."

She found that this person could always come up with some confusing big words, which sounded extremely arrogant and twitchy at the same time.

After a while, Liu Ruying asked again: "Where are we going next?"

"To see an old friend." Chen Ya said.

 There is another chapter, released around 10:[-]
(End of this chapter)

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