Chapter 231 230. See how I fix him

Liu Ruying hurriedly followed behind Chen Ya, still worried about whether it would be a bad idea to casually enter someone's house like this.

The light blue linen curtains by the window flutter restlessly and are slightly dirty; the plastic tablecloth on the table top is greasy, with the cartoon head of Snoopy printed on it; the floor is scattered with sharp white tiles, which creak when stepped on .

This is an apartment room that can be seen at a glance. The woman is standing in the living room, gesticulating fiercely, feeling agitated.

The man was sitting on the ground by the corner wall, with broken porcelain at his feet, and he was still wearing a yellow delivery uniform.

He looked 27 or [-] years old, with a thin appearance and a prominent Adam's apple. His hands were placed on his knees, and there were thick calluses on his thumbs and jaws.

"Give flowers to the girl behind my back, right? How dare you?" The woman's voice was tearing, and it was deafening in this small room.

The man said: "I didn't send flowers to the girl. Today is her death day. I just went to worship."

"Is this the point? What I'm talking about is, do you spend money to buy flowers?" Break up with me!"

The man frowned: "I will give you the full amount of this month's money. The money spent on shopping will be saved if I skip two meals."

"If you can save it back, why don't you hand in so much more every month?..."

Chen Ya and Liu Ruying stood a little closer to the door.Hearing their conversation, Chen Ya finally remembered that today seems to be the death day of Xiao Cui's first girlfriend.

That was four years ago today, when he suddenly received a text message on his mobile phone, with only three short words on it:
"she left."

In fact, Xiao Cui's girlfriend will die soon, which is something that everyone has known for a long time.ALS is still an incurable disease that is difficult for all doctors in the world today, let alone four years ago?

After Chen Ya bid farewell to Pei Hu and Xiao Cui, he gave them a sum of money respectively. Pei Hu used the money to establish Yangchen, and Xiao Cui gave the money to the hospital.

Many years later, Yangchen Company became the industry leader, and the speed of growth made this former South Vietnamese smuggler stand out among a group of elites from aristocratic families and the pride of prestigious schools.

And Xiao Cui's girlfriend still left the world.

In this world, industries that invest in hope are always the most profitable, such as lottery, or hospitals.

Chen Ya once told both of them that if the two of you lose, you will lose to the two women, but both of you are too obsessed, and you can't avoid your own catastrophe.

Chen Ya raised his eyes to look at the woman who pointed at Xiao Cui and scolded her, the expression in her eyes seemed somewhat similar to that of Xiao Cui's first girlfriend.

He couldn't help but sigh heavily.

He pulled Liu Ruying out of the room and walked downstairs.

Liu Ruying looked at him curiously, and asked, "Have you not seen your friend?"

"He probably doesn't want to meet me on this kind of occasion," Chen Ya said, "You earn face, but protecting your friend's face is also very important. That woman is ignorant, so I won't."

He turned to Liu Ruying and said: "A man's dignity is not just vanity, it is also a source of strength. A man's gold is not just for talking, so a smart woman will always give her man face in front of outsiders."

Liu Ruying nodded, and she secretly remembered another knowledge point in her heart.

The two were sitting in the 24-hour convenience store outside the community. Chen Ya sent a text message to his friend. Half an hour later, the man in the delivery uniform appeared at the door of the store.

He stared at Chen Ya in a daze, tears came out suddenly.

"Brother Ya."

"Xiao Cui," Chen Ya said, "that's not what you wrote to me."

When Cui Lingfeng saw Chen Ya, he burst into tears with a smile. A big man burst into tears.

Chen Ya didn't cry like he did in "The True Colors of a Hero".

He only felt that as the best soldier of the 49th Reconnaissance Company of the former 7th Field Army, who killed 7 Karka mercenaries alone and avoided 8 assassinations side by side with him, he should not live the life he is now.

"Has Pei Hu approached you in the past two years?" Chen Ya asked.

"He has looked for me several times, and I, I don't want to see him." Cui Lingfeng said, "I look like this, and none of my former friends want to see him..."

"You want to rot in a corner by yourself, don't you?" Chen Ya looked at him coldly.


Cui Lingfeng was speechless.

"Compared to Pei Hu, I was more optimistic about you," Chen Ya said, "You have more bottom line and kindness. You should succeed. This is not your life."

"Brother Ya, I have no chance." Xiao Cui said.

Chen Ya thought for a while and asked, "Can you still drive?"

Cui Lingfeng's eyes darkened: "I lent my driver's license to my uncle, and he deducted all the points and revoked it."

"I'll give you half a month to come back from the exam." Chen Ya said, "You still come back and drive for me. I'll call tomorrow. If you don't show up at the place I designated, I will treat you as if I don't have you from now on. , never see you again."

Cui Lingfeng was still sitting there, looking straight ahead, while Chen Ya had already dragged Liu Ruying away.

"Isn't it a bit cruel to say that he is?" Liu Ruying asked in a low voice after the two walked out of the store, "I don't think he is a bad person."

"Sometimes good people are more hateful than bad people when they commit stupidity," Chen Ya said. "The weakness of good people is like an extra price in a store. It is absolutely not a necessary option, and it will make people feel disgusted."

What's more, he was not a good person, he and he were both.

They are all people who have heard the sound of bullets passing through their ears. When killing people, they would consider the sound of the bullet casing falling to the ground too loudly, so they subconsciously stretched out their hands to press it.

How could such a person be a good person?
Liu Ruying looked at his side face and suddenly felt a little flustered.

Even though Chen Ya's expression was always poker-faced, and his voice was as rational as the waveform of a stable output power supply on an oscilloscope, she could still detect a subtle hint of anger from it.

This trace of anger is like helium in the air, imperceptible but ubiquitous.This made Liu Ruying feel very insecure all of a sudden.

It was only later that she discovered that the root cause of her insecurity was that Chen Ya was too handsome.A boy who is too handsome gets angry for no reason, which will definitely make the girls next to him flustered.


The next day, Chen Ya called Lu Qingxuan and said that he was going to inspect Yunshang Jinghua.

After hanging up the phone, a slightly mean smile appeared on her thin pink lips, as if the man's actions were all expected.

First dragging myself into the water to create a common topic, and then asking myself out in the name of working together, one set after another, it's really unrecognizable.

It's just that she has experienced these tricks many times, and if someone else uses them, it won't surprise Lu Qingxuan, it will only make her feel tired.

After dressing up for a while, she went out in a royal blue dress. Chen Ya's Lexus had been parked at the door and had been waiting for a while. She stretched out her hand and opened the passenger's door, only to find that there was still a woman sitting in the passenger's seat.

Liu Ruying, who was sitting in the co-pilot, nodded cautiously to Lu Qingxuan and said hello.

"Who is she?" Lu Qingxuan frowned and asked Liu Ruying unceremoniously.

"My intern secretary." Chen Ya held the steering wheel with both hands, without looking at her, and pointed to the back, "You sit in the back."

Lu Qingxuan felt very unhappy, so she huffed arrogantly, opened the rear car door and sat in, crossing her legs, feeling comfortable.

In terms of benefits, the space at the back is bigger, isn't it more comfortable to sit on?

"You actually have a secretary, I admit that I underestimated you," Lu Qingxuan said, keeping her eyes on Liu Ruying on the co-pilot through the rearview mirror, "Your secretary doesn't look very old."

"Same age as you."

After Chen Ya finished speaking, Liu Ruying turned her head, looked at Lu Qingxuan and said seriously:

"My name is Liu Ruying. I have heard of my senior sister's name before, and I have long heard that you are a very handsome person."

Lu Qingxuan raised his eyebrows and said, "Really? Which university did you go to?"

"Beijing University. If I remember correctly, the senior is in Berkeley?"

"Hmm, you're a student at Peking University? Why can't you learn, and come to be his secretary?"

"It's just a part-time job, and it won't affect your studies."

"So, how did our pianist Chen Da choose you? There must be a reason for it?"


"You do not know?"

"I'm only responsible for carrying out what the boss wants. I never ask more about what the boss means."

The two women confronted each other with each other, probing each other's bottom, each with its own splendor.

At the same time, they are also carefully observing each other's appearance and makeup.

The two girls were secretly amazed at each other, where did Chen Ya find so many beautiful girls.

Chen Ya didn't pay attention at all.

As he drove, he kept an eye on the side of the road.

After seeing Cui Lingfeng standing by the side of the road, a smile finally appeared on his face.

He rolled down the car window, and Cui Lingfeng came over, panting, and said:
"Brother Ya, I understand now, I still want to do it with you."

"Okay." Chen Ya said, "Get in the car."

Without further ado, Cui Lingfeng came over and opened the co-pilot, and was slightly taken aback when he saw Liu Ruying on the co-pilot.

Chen Ya said to Liu Ruying, "Go and sit in the back."

"Huh?" Liu Ruying was slightly taken aback.

"Go to the back."

Liu Ruying decisively loosened her seat belt, and ran to the back to sit in the same row as Lu Qingxuan.

The two women looked at Xiao Cui who was wearing a seat belt in front of him with depressed expressions. They both felt that they had never been so undervalued in their lives.

"Wu Yi has been put aside for a few years, can you still fight?" Chen Ya asked.

Cui Lingfeng chuckled and said, "Yes."

"It's fine if you can fight, maybe you will fight later."

The two girls sitting in the back row became more and more outrageous.


"Huh? Come over right away? Okay, problem...then of course you are welcome..."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yuanwu, the person in charge of "Yunshang Jinghua", turned dark.

The employee next to him asked, "Boss Lu, is the family really going to send someone over?"

His voice was not too loud, and everyone in the office heard him, and almost everyone looked at Lu Yuanwu.

Lu Yuanwu waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I'll ask about the situation and see what's going on."

The employees below have said:
"This family is too disgraceful, we are doing well, why don't we send people over to pick peaches?"

"That's right, if the people sent here don't know how to play football, how can they carry out their work in the future?"

An employee ran over and expressed his loyalty to Lu Yuanwu:

"Director Lu, no matter what the newcomer's background is, I'll hang out with you! I'm your soldier!"

Lu Yuanwu patted him on the shoulder with a slightly relieved expression on his face, and then connected the phone.

"Hello, uncle? It's me, I just want to ask you something..."

After the phone call, Lu Yuanwu's expression became much better: "It's alright, it's fine, we're all gone, and we're all doing our own thing."

The employee next to him asked: "The person who came here doesn't have a strong background?"

"Not much," Lu Yuanwu said with a relaxed expression, "We misunderstood this matter. The family just asked people to come over and plate it with gold. There is no other meaning."

Then, his expression darkened: "If there are few things, everyone will be happy. If there are too many things, then we will be empty."

The employee next to him was taken aback: "Huh? Make the family's children empty?"

Lu Yuanwu's expression brightened, he patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "What are you afraid of, I'm just joking."


The car drove to the Tianhong office building in Jinghu District and stopped. There are many well-known studios in this office building. Yunshang Jinghua rented half a floor on the 12th floor.

When Chen Ya and the others went up, one of them greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Lu Yuanwu, the person in charge here. I heard that the family is coming to inspect the work. We're all ready today, and we're just waiting for you to come."

The man was wearing a gray suit, with a round face, short, with a lot of flesh on his face, and he looked greasy.

Chen Ya put his hands behind his back and said, "I'm not here to inspect the work, I'm here to take over the work. Didn't Grandma Yu tell you?"

Lu Yuanwu touched his head and said with a smile:
"Oh, look at me, I said I told me, but I didn't say it so fast. Our account update task is very heavy every day, and we can't do without people every day..."

Chen Ya waved his hand and said, "You got it wrong."

After finishing speaking, he didn't explain much, and continued to walk inside, into the office, where about a dozen people were busy with their own work in front of the computer.

Lu Yuanwu followed behind. Hearing what he said, his face collapsed as soon as he turned around, thinking to himself, what are you pulling.

Then he saw Liu Ruying following behind Chen Ya, his eyes lit up again.

Pretty girls are pleasing to the eye everywhere, but they don't know what their relationship is with Chen Ya.

Chen Ya went directly to the manager's seat at the front and sat down, leaned on the chair and turned half a circle, saying:

"Tell me about your organizational structure."

Lu Yuanwu's smile was already a bit forced, he only heard that the Lu family would come to the Supreme Emperor, but he never heard that the person who came would ask such detailed questions, and said:
"We implement flat management. There are four groups in total, the writing group, the art group, the copywriting group, and the planning group. There are an average of 3 to 6 people in each group, and I am directly responsible for them."

Chen Ya asked again: "You show me the account strategy and planning plan, and by the way, show me the wonderful cases in the past."

Lu Yuanwu hesitated and said: "Those are very old materials, and they don't have much guiding effect on the current account operation, so should we also read them?"

Chen Ya nodded and said, "Yes, to understand your account, of course you must start from the source."

Lu Yuanwu sat on the table next to him, twiddled his fingers, and said:

"Actually, I heard from the family that the two of you have no experience in new media operations. This kind of thing is just a formality, and it's enough to understand a little bit. There's no need to make too much noise."

Chen Ya frowned, and said, "What's this called? I've never heard of it being said. If you tell me, I'm here to take over. If you don't let me know about your business, what kind of takeover is it?"

"Hey, what you said...can I find it for you?"

After finishing speaking, Lu Yuanwu lazily got up and went to the office next door.

Looking at his back, Chen Ya frowned.

"It seems that this one is a little uncooperative."

"Ahem." Lu Qingxuan cleared her throat from the side.

Chen Ya looked over and asked, "What's the matter, do you have anything to say?"

Lu Qingxuan said: "Actually, according to the meaning of the family, you don't need to make any achievements when you come here. Director Lu's meaning just now is closer to Grandma's meaning."

"You didn't say that in front of Lu Yuanwu, I really thank you." Chen Ya said.

Lu Qingxuan said: "Isn't it?"

"No," Chen Ya said, "I didn't come here to experience the feeling of being ostracized."

"Do you really want to do something here? Do you understand new media?"

Chen Ya said, "I understand a little."

"Heh." Lu Qingxuan smiled disdainfully, stretched out two fingers to grab his sleeve, and whispered in his ear with her slender neck smooth and white:
"Don't forget, you promised not to mess around here."

Chen Ya put his hands together, crossed his fingers, and said:
"Aren't you watching from the side? If any of my actions is unreasonable, you can report it to Grandma."

Lu Qingxuan looked at Chen Ya with suspicion.

She didn't understand what he was thinking.

And Liu Ruying just stood aside with her hands together, silently observing Chen Ya's every move.

On the other side, Lu Yuanwu walked into the office next door, and an employee next to him came up.

The employee asked in a low voice, "What's the matter? Why did they come so fast?"

Lu Yuanwu whispered: "The children of the family are like this. Their eyes are higher than the top. When they come here, they want to show off their power. Didn't you notice just now? He came here to find something to show his power."

The employee said: "I understand, knocking, right?"

"Yes, you can see that he is holding the information to read, but what he doesn't understand is just for show."

After finishing speaking, he glanced back, lowered his voice and said:
"That is to say, they were a little caught off guard when they came here. I was not prepared, otherwise they would fight back high and low."

The employee looked at him worriedly: "After all, they were sent by the family, so they won't give us the bottom line?"

Lu Yuanwu smiled disdainfully and said:
"Don't think about it too complicatedly. I've got all the details about that man, but he's actually very ordinary."

"Don't worry, isn't he here for only three months? If he can be the Supreme Emperor with peace of mind, he won't offend anyone. If he is restless, in these three months, you can see how I will punish him." It's over."

(End of this chapter)

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