Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 232 231. Look at what good things you have done

Chapter 232 231. Look at what good things you have done

Lu Yuanwu took out a few documents at random, and when he returned to the office, he resumed his enthusiastic and smiling expression.

"It's all here, please take a look."

Chen Ya took the materials he handed over and said to him:

"Okay, pack up the three desks and come out, let's sit here and study. You can go to your work."

Lu Yuanwu gave up the supervisor's room. After Chen Ya, Lu Qingxuan and others went in, they looked outside the glass door. Lu Yuanwu secretly laughed and said:
"Seeing how serious they are, I thought it was the same as going to school."

The employee next to him said, "It's quite cute."

"Not only is it cute, but it's also pretty." Lu Yuanwu came back to his senses, gave him a sideways glance, and said, "Which one do you like?"

The employee smiled "hehe", and embarrassedly pointed his mouth in the direction of Nu Lu Qingxuan.

"That Royal Sister has a lot of flavor, I like that one very much."

Lu Yuanwu sneered and said:
"You can't move that one. It belongs to the Lu family. If your father knows you're thinking of her, he'll screw your head off."

Lu Yuanwu was able to be the person in charge of Yunshang Jinghua not simply because of his ability, he was also related to the Lu family, so of course he knew Lu Qingxuan.

When the employee heard this, he shrank his neck: "Then I'd better change to another one, another pure one, and it's also great."

"Let's not talk about that, since I entered the door, I haven't moved my eyes from that man..."


Sitting in the office, Chen Ya was flipping through the past news of Yunshang Jinghua. He was startled when he saw it.

There are a total of 7 accounts on the entire platform of Yunshang Jinghua. The relatively large ones are the public account, Weibo, Kandian, and Toutiao. The short video platform has not posted a few videos, which is a bit unacceptable. Ten thousand+.

In the articles on the official account, apart from gourmet food and restaurants in the capital, some gossip and conspiracy theories are more popular, and most of the conspiracy theories revolve around himself...

For example, some of the articles -

"Do you think JX is just a simple musician? ""Jiang Xinhai and Yiji's interests make peace" "The huge composition team behind JX"...

What they are talking about is that there is no such person as JX, and the JX incident is actually just a "man-made hotspot" created by capital.

There is a huge music team behind JX, who create various music works for him, and use the code name JX together, so JX never shows his face.

And Gu Yuqing of Yuncheng Group is actually a thug, a spokesperson in China...

In short, Chen Ya felt that these articles were quite against the sky.

But the reading volume of the article is very high, and many people believe it.

The comments below are:

"I just said that JX appeared too weird, your article is very thorough, very close to the truth! (thumbs.jpg)"

"Hush, tell the truth, don't let JX's filial son hear it, or you will be blown away."

"I miss the Chinese music scene in the past. Since Gu Yuqing took over Aihua, I feel that there is no good music anymore."

"Yeah, I was very confused before. This JX tried so hard to promote himself without revealing his true identity. What is his motive? After reading your article, I realized that the real purpose is this."

"It's outrageous that so many people believe such an obviously nonsense article."

"Going back upstairs, aren't you talking nonsense too? Why do you call the editor nonsense? Why don't you write one yourself?"


After reading it, Chen Ya took a deep breath and said:
"Isn't this official account a bit strange?"

Lu Qingxuan came over, glanced at his phone screen, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Don't you think these articles are against the sky?"

Lu Qingxuan blinked, and said: "It's okay, anyway, isn't new media just eating traffic, JX has a lot of traffic, so it doesn't matter if you rub it a little bit."

After finishing speaking, she said again: "Besides, JX is the big enemy of our Lu family, everyone can be punished if he gets it, and he won't be in vain. I have reposted, liked and commented on every article."

Chen Ya: "..."

He took the information and looked at it twice, and said:
"However, there are always problems with this. It's ridiculous that Mrs. Yu... the grandma said that don't damage the credibility of the media. If you post this kind of article every day, what credibility is there? It should be rectified as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, he continued to read the information, and said in a low voice, "Do you think Director Lu's attitude is a bit strange?"

Lu Qingxuan took a look outside, crossed his arms, and said in a low voice: "What's so strange?"

"Let's come over, he is very resistant."

Lu Qingxuan said: "That's normal. He is the original person in charge of this project. If he is suddenly parachuted to lead him, no one will be happy."

"No, he's different. His kind of resistance is engraved in his bones." Chen Ya closed the file, "He has something to hide from your Lu family."

When Lu Qingxuan raised his eyebrows, Chen Ya changed his words: "...Our Lu family."

Lu Qingxuan put down her slender eyebrows like willow leaves, and said:

"What are you going to do?"

Chen Ya got up, opened the door, and said to Lu Yuanwu outside, "Director Lu, come in."

Lu Yuanwu outside frowned, and walked slowly towards this side.

"What's the matter with you?" Lu Yuanwu asked, "We are very busy with work here, why don't I assign you a special person, do you have any questions to ask him?"

Chen Ya smiled and said, "It's not a problem, can you call your accountant?"

"Why?" Lu Yuanwu froze when he heard that he was looking for money.

"I want to look at the business situation and understand the profitability of the new media industry."

Lu Yuanwu felt relieved, and said, "Then you don't need to look for finance, and I understand, so shall I tell you?"

"Aren't you busy? Just let the finance come over."

"Finance is also busy."

"Is the account book not busy? It's okay to bring the account book over."

Lu Yuanwu was extremely reluctant to hand over the management situation to Chen Ya, but Chen Ya has been struggling for so many years, who hasn't dealt with it?Lu Yuanwu was dragged back and forth by him several times, so he could only obediently go to get the account book.

When Lu Yuanwu went to get the ledger, Lu Qingxuan leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Even if Lu Yuanwu has something to do, don't get into trouble with him, it won't do us any good."

"I have it in my mind."

When Lu Yuanwu brought in the ledger, Chen Ya sat down, opened it and glanced at it, then frowned and said:

"Director Lu, please bring me the receipt book as well."

Lu Yuanwu said impatiently, "I've said it all, I'm very busy!"

Chen Ya looked up at him, and said, "Just this last thing, after finishing this, I promise not to disturb you."

"Oh, I won't take it, you can see enough of this, why care so much about it..."

Chen Ya suddenly slapped the table and said loudly, "Lu Yuanwu!"

Lu Yuanwu jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, startled, but picked up the shelf in time and asked:
"what do you want?"

"Now, I am the controller of Yunshang Jinghua," Chen Ya said, "I want to see the ledger where you posted the receipts, will you give it or not?"

Lu Yuanwu's momentum weakened a little, and he said: "But I am the person in charge of this project, and I have reasons to reject your decision to interfere in the management!"

Chen Ya patted the table again, pointed at the ledger in his hand and said:

"I just want to see the account book where you posted the bill. May I ask where this request interferes with your business!?"

"But you kept making demands over and over again, and I emphasized to you over and over again that we are very busy..."

"You're very busy, aren't you? Just use your time to sit there and chat with your colleagues to get me an account book, just one! Are you going to get it by plane?"

Lu Yuanwu's expression suddenly became serious, as if the rage just now was faked, and he said coldly:

"What are you doing with that ledger?"

Chen Ya said, "I'll tell you after I finish watching."

"I'll get it after you finish talking."

"Now I'm not negotiating conditions with you. If you want to waste time with me, that's fine. After you leave, I will find it myself and bring it to Guihe Manor. I will turn it over slowly and read it slowly. "

"The last name is Chen!"

Lu Yuanwu stood up suddenly and clenched his fists tightly.

"I put up with you time and time again, and let you go, but you are still pressing me every step of the way, don't bully me too much!"

The quarrel between the two had already attracted the attention of everyone in the office. The employees gathered around and stood outside the door to watch their quarrel.

Lu Yuanwu said in a loud voice: "You doubt me, right? You don't need the account book. If you doubt me, you can go to Guihe Village now, and you can sue me in front of Grandma Lu! I'm not afraid of you!"

As he spoke, his eyes turned red, and he said loudly:

"I, Mr. Lu, stand here relying on my own strength. You are a stunned young man with no hair on your head. You want to get rid of me within an hour of sitting here. It's unheard of! I can say it's unheard of!"

"Okay, okay, Director Lu, don't get excited, drink some water and calm down." Lu Qingxuan came up to try to persuade the fight.

"I'm very calm!" Lu Yuanwu pointed at Chen Ya and said to Lu Qingxuan, "His behavior is insulting me! Even if he doesn't go to Grandma, I will complain to Uncle Lu!"

Lu Qingxuan looked helpless, pulled Chen Ya aside, and whispered:
"Forget it, don't check."

Chen Ya gently pushed her hand away and said, "I must see this account today."

Lu Qingxuan whispered: "Which cat doesn't steal fish, why are you so serious? Even if he has a problem, no one can replace him for a while. If you touch him, you can't fix Yunshang Jinghua yourself."

After a pause, seeing that Chen Ya's expression hadn't changed, he continued:
"Besides, do you think the family doesn't know about it? A person in charge of a family business like this will have some hands on his hands. This is all tacitly approved by the family."

Chen Ya glanced at her, did not speak, but said to Lu Yuanwu:
"I'll give you one last chance. If you take it now, then this matter will be resolved here. Otherwise, we will take this matter to Guihezhuang to resolve it."

At this moment, Lu Yuanwu calmed down. He walked outside with a windy pace, and after a while, he threw a ledger in the air, and the receipts inside were scattered all over the place.

"Look! Look! See it as you like!"

Liu Ruying squatted down quickly, and silently helped to pick up the bills on the ground. Her hand accidentally touched Chen Ya's hand. After a slight pause, she continued to pick up all the things on the ground and handed them to Chen Ya together.

Chen Ya was not angry either. He sat back on his seat and flipped through the ledger. Compared with the other ledger in his hand, the sound of turning pages was very loud.

The more he looked, the tighter his frown became. In the end, he slapped the ledger on the table angrily, and shouted:
"No reason!"

Lu Qingxuan reached out and pressed his shoulder tightly, and whispered: "Okay, that's it."

Chen Ya said to Liu Ruying, "Go and call Lu Yuanwu in."

"I'll stop here!" Lu Qingxuan amplified her voice a little.

Then, she knelt down, leaned close to Chen Ya's ear, and whispered:

"Don't piss off Lu Yuanwu. If he is in a hurry and loses his pick, the family will ask you to come and invite him back in person. Why bother?"

Chen Ya ignored her, but waved to Liu Ruying: "Go quickly."

Liu Ruying walked out quickly, and came in with Lu Yuanwu after a while.

Chen Ya lifted up the ledger, pointed to the numbers on it and said:

"Director Lu, you should hire a more professional accountant, or at least match the logic on the books. I looked at it just now, and the gap between your actual expenditure and the figure handed over to the family is unimaginable. Let me do the math for you."

He took out his phone, called up the calculator function, and compared the mistakes he wrote down on the page one by one. Finally, he lifted up the phone and showed it to Lu Yuanwu.

"7242301.92 yuan," Chen Ya said, "this is the shortfall in your books from this year to last month."

Hearing this, Lu Yuanwu's complexion was already very ugly. After hearing that number, even Lu Qingxuan's breathing stopped for a while.

"Your revenue last year was only 2000 million, which created such a big gap, but this is not the main reason for my anger just now, do you know what else I found..."

He flipped through the receipt book, selectively tore out a few invoices, threw them on the table, and showed them to Lu Yuanwu, half pointing and half patting:

"This company, you have the most frequent transactions with them, and the reason for each declared payment is to purchase consumables, but in reality?"

He took out his mobile phone, clicked a few times casually, and said, "This company is actually a company that mainly deals in the water army business! You are using the water army to gain popularity in large quantities!"

Lu Yuanwu said lightly, "So what? So what?"

"Let's scan, and then what? Who doesn't scan new media?"

Chen Ya put his hands on the table and said, "But the question is, who did you show it to? Some people showed it to Party A's father, but what about you? Who did you show it to?"

"You're showing it to the Lu family!"

Chen Ya stood up, patted the table and said, "First, do you want me to call the family right now and ask Mrs. Yu... my grandma, does she know that you are mass-scanning? Second, do you want to ask?" Don’t want me to call the police now to see if your behavior will be arrested?”


Lu Yuanwu grabbed the badge on his chest, tore it off, and threw it at Chen Ya.

"I've had enough. Don't you just hate seeing me as an eyesore? Okay, I'll give it to you! I'll see. At that time, if you can't do it here without me, I'll see. Who is going to beg whom at this time!"

After that, he pushed the door out and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Lu Qingxuan lowered his hand weakly.

It’s over.

It's all over.

Before coming, grandma told me to watch Chen Ya and not let him mess around.

Who knows, the way he acts is worse than messing around.

In just one hour, the original person in charge was squeezed out. Now, the entire Yunshang Jinghua has no leader!

Her voice changed anxiously, and she said to Chen Ya: "Look at what good deed you have done?"

Chen Ya closed the ledger, and said simply: "It's not good enough. Ruying, put these away, it's all evidence for later."

"You're not done yet!" Liu Ruying stomped her feet anxiously, "How can you do things like this? You got Lu Yuanwu away, what shall we do next?"

She whispered to Chen Ya: "Lu Yuanwu has worked here for many years, and the employees here are all for him, and I don't know how many people participated in the things he did. You get him away, you want to How will Yunshang Jinghua continue?"

She grabbed Chen Ya's arm, pulled him to her face, and said:

"Tell me! How are you going to make Yunshang Jinghua go on? With your words? Or with your passion?"

(End of this chapter)

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