Chapter 233 232. Get lost!
As Lu Yuanwu slammed his cards and left, the whole office was alarmed.

The employees stood up one after another, some wanted to pull Lu Yuanwu, some wanted to come over and ask what happened.

Seeing the employees gradually gathering, Lu Qingxuan calmed down, rolled her eyes, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Chen Ya's collar.

The two of them could hear their breathing immediately, and they were almost kissing each other.

"Did I stop you many times just now? You just don't listen to me, but you are the candidate that Grandma told me to do. I just dragged you into the water by the way. I can't stop you, but what happened just now doesn't matter if you use your brain." Will you do that?"

The girl's voice was so loud that the employees in the office could hear it.

"Yunshang Jinghua is a professional team, and every part is indispensable. Even if you can't rub the sand in your eyes, you have done too much by treating the person in charge so roughly, right?

"Even if you think about the family, sitting in this seat, you are a member of Yunshang Jinghua. You should work for the welfare of Yunshang Jinghua and be responsible for those people outside, instead of just thinking about killing all those who make mistakes!"

Pretty girls are so decent when they get angry.

Frowning and complaining, her cherry lips were tightly locked, and her silver teeth were clenched tightly, just looking at her would make someone angry with her itch.

What she said just now rang in my ears.

How self-willed this guy is to make the girl so angry - everyone can't help but think so.

Some employees couldn't help but clenched their fists secretly.

Chen Ya looked at Lu Qingxuan's eyes and smiled.

"The reaction was quick, but the acting was a bit too much."

After such a reminder, Lu Qingxuan was taken aback for a moment, but then pretended not to hear, still holding on to his collar and not letting go.

Chen Ya was dumbfounded.

This girl's speech technique is very similar to her own ten years ago.

The first sentence draws a clear line, the second sentence pleases the employees, and the third round establishes a sense of identity... These superficial words can only deceive the passionate employees outside.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, his arms had already wrapped around Lu Qingxuan's waist, as if he wanted to ask for a kiss.The girl was startled, and hurriedly let go of him, took two steps back, and bumped her body against the desk.

But then she realized that it was just her illusion.

Chen Ya easily got rid of her shackles, straightened his collar, walked to the door, looked at the employees who were staring at him with hatred, and then slammed the silent door of the office in front of everyone, and closed the shutters at the same time. superior.

After finishing this, he clapped his hands, turned around, and said:

“Miss Lu, now you can speak loudly.”

"I was talking out loud just now."

"No, I mean, you can tell the truth now." Chen Ya said, "It wasn't you just now."

Lu Qingxuan raised her eyebrows.

She stretched out her hand to grab Chen Ya's hand, and seeing that there was no recording software opened on the screen of his mobile phone, she lowered her eyes, walked to the door, and listened for a while with her ear pressed against the door.

Then she came back, sat on the sofa, raised her long legs, her expression was completely different from before.

"Hmph, you're a little smarter than I thought, and you're not just a dumbass who only knows how to play the piano. Then let me tell you a little bit. Do you know whose nephew Lu Yuanwu is?"


"Lu Qingzhou."

Lu Qingzhou, the former chairman of Haiya Company.

Although Haiya was later acquired by Aihua and became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aihua, but as a company jointly created by Jiang Xinhai and Chen Ya, Haiya is definitely not a small fish and shrimp, and was easily crushed by Aihua passed.

In fact, the Lu family has been planning an internal entertainment ecosystem for so many years, and has always regarded Haiya Company as its main competitor.

Back then, as long as Haiya Company existed, Aihua would never dare to say that he dominated domestic entertainment.

After the acquisition of Haiya Company, in order to erase the imprint that Chen Ya and Jiang Xinhai had left on the company, the Lu family appointed Lu Qingzhou as Haiya's new president, fully responsible for the operation of Haiya Company.

A few years later, Lu Qingzhou became the chairman of Haiya.

Note that it was not Lu Yuanlong's brothers Lu Yuanhu and Lu Yuanbao who were sent to Haiya at that time.

It was the third son's son, Lu Qingzhou.

It wasn't because Yuan Hu and Yuan Bao had better job titles at the time, but because Lu Qingzhou's status at that time was far above others.

It doesn't matter to Lu Yuanwu, a small fish and shrimp, but with Lu Qingzhou behind him, things are different.

Lu Qingxuan sat on the sofa, her expression was completely different from before, she played with the ends of her hair with her fingers, and said:
"You handle things too much in your own way, always thinking that you have the evidence and you can manipulate others at will, but in fact, you think that you are on the second level, and you think of others as the first level.

"But in fact, everyone is on the third floor, you, not even the basement."

Perhaps for the convenience of Chen Ya's understanding, she spoke very slowly:
"I stopped you before, you didn't understand, and you might laugh at me for being weak in your heart, then I'll explain it to you again patiently, listen carefully.

"The political world has its own rules, and the business world has its own rules. Similarly, the Lu family has its own rules. Note, it's not the rules, it's the rules. If you want to survive in the Lu family, you must understand these rules.

"Grandma Tai said one thing in the family, even Uncle Yuanlong would listen to her, but what she said was always what Uncle Yuanlong liked to hear, and there was nothing that Uncle Yuanlong didn't want to do.

"I can tell you with certainty that even if you hand these evidences to Grandma Tai, the people next to them will rush to accept them, so as to prevent Grandma Tai from getting angry and hurting her body.

"And then? Then I will ask you, what should Yunshang Jinghua do next, whether it is still operating normally, and what is the current revenue.

"Of course there is nothing, because Lu Yuanwu has already left. This team is led by him. You sit in this position with a chicken feather. You only need to say a word on the phone, and you can't do anything. No one will listen to you.

"And then what? Naturally, Lu Yuanwu will be invited back.

"Lu Qingzhou can also take this opportunity to fight against you. From then on, Lu Yuanwu's position will be more secure, and no one will care about his corruption, and you will be branded as a loser. You will also be blamed for letting Grandma make a mistake. And the blackest black pot on his back.

"It's the simplest truth, as the line said: 'Can this city have no ICAC, or can it have no police force?'"

Lu Qingxuan stared into Chen Ya's eyes and said:
"You will definitely blame me, why I didn't make it clear before, and then I used your acting to buy people's hearts, but you are already out, defeated by your own self-righteousness. And I didn't, and I don't need to accompany you out, so I might as well borrow you to use it .Did I make it clear?"

Chen Ya smiled.

Of course Lu Qingxuan was not out of the game, she just stomped her feet in a fit of rage just now, it was nothing more than a show for the eyes of the public outside.

Let everyone see their cracks, see that she is not the Lu family who turned her elbows in, and see that she should not stick to the pot at all.

However, she made several mistakes.

Even Liu Ruying, who was silent at the side, knew that Lu Qingxuan had made a mistake.

The large pile of materials that Liu Ruying had sorted out for Chen Ya before had everything in it.Naturally, it also includes Lu Qingzhou, and Lu Qingzhou, a good nephew who is in charge of Yunshang Jinghua.

How could Chen Ya not know about this relationship?
"First, you think the family cares more about Lu Yuanwu's ability than his corruption, but in my opinion, his ability is not worth mentioning."

"Second, I'm actually on the fifth floor."

After saying this, he pushed open the door and said to all the employees in the office: "Everyone go to the conference room for a meeting, right away."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to Lu Qingxuan who was in the room, "Including you."


Five minutes later, there were only a few people sitting in the conference room.

Chen Ya and Lu Qingxuan were sitting in the front row, Liu Ruying was standing beside them, and Cui Lingfeng was sitting in the corner with his eyes closed.

And sitting opposite them, there were only four people, who just happened to form a rivalry with the four of them.

Chen Ya glanced at his watch, and asked Liu Ruying next to him, "Aren't the rest of you coming?"

Liu Ruying couldn't bear to answer: "Anyway, they all sat in their seats and didn't move."

"Then consider them all absent." Chen Ya said.

Sixteen of the twenty people in the office were absent, which is so embarrassing. The four people sitting in the conference room were shy and uneasy, and they all wanted to go back to the office.

Lu Qingxuan who was sitting on the side covered her face.

Sure enough, as she said, she guessed it right.

Thinking that you will be listened to if you say it in the workplace is pure delusion, especially when you are in an awkward position.

Chen Ya's identity was very embarrassing.The person in charge, but not fully in charge, came by airborne and stayed for three months before leaving.

Putting this kind of identity on anyone else would be an empty fate.

When he came here for a day, the conflict with the original leader became public. Who among the employees below knows what your route is?If I follow you, you will fly up later, and Lu Yuanwu will come back again. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for them?

Generally speaking, it is the best choice to accept fate and be gilded, so that you can get together and leave well, and live in peace with the original person in charge.

But this person just doesn't think there are too many things to do, so he insists on doing it himself.

Lu Qingxuan felt that Chen Ya was too stunned.I don't know what he is trying to figure out.

Now he said to have a meeting, but no one took it seriously, Lu Qingxuan felt that it was purely his own fault, and he deserved it.

Chen Ya said to the four people sitting in front of him:
"Just now I looked at the recent content of Jinghua Cloud, and found a problem. Jinghua Cloud's operating ideas are seriously outdated and will soon be eliminated by the trend.

"Lv Yuanwu's approach is to set templates, create content, and scan volume. I don't know how long it has been since you read real reviews. Now the audience calls you 'marketing accounts'.

"Marketing is no problem, all accounts are marketed. But the key is that they can't catch the audience's attention. Except for the official account, the content of Yunshangjinghua's other platforms has been completely defeated. Every time a new content is released, it loses a wave of followers. Therefore, many platforms Both stopped updating.

"In order to maintain the popularity, Lu Yuanwu has been buying followers of the Zombies of the Sailor Army, resulting in extremely high operating costs and a huge gap.

"At the same time, he has long seen the downward trend, so he has been using his account to cash out. I don't know if you are clear about this.

"But that doesn't matter anymore, because I'm here," Chen Ya said, "Next, Jinghua Yunshang will start from scratch. My plan is to use a week to match the popularity of Jinghua Yunshang before."

"The new Jinghua on the Cloud will be centered on the eight people present here. I suggest that you be mentally prepared."

The four people sitting in front looked at each other.

The new leader, it sounds like...

Kind of outrageous.

Chen Ya said to the four people in front of him: "I just read the resumes of the four of you. Two of you are in the copywriting team, one is in the art team, and the other is in the writing team. Is there anyone who can take pictures?"

One raises his hand.

"Will it be edited?"

The two raised their hands and looked at each other.

"Has anyone made a short video?"

This time no hands were raised.

"That's enough." Chen Ya closed his notebook, "It's enough, there's no need to bring people in, those people outside, let them fend for themselves."

Lu Qingxuan folded her arms and looked at him coldly from the side: "Do you want to make a short video?"

"Well, a short video." Chen Ya looked at Lu Qingxuan, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face.

"What are you laughing at?" Lu Qingxuan was full of dissatisfaction. She didn't know why, and wanted to punch Chen Ya in the face. "The key to the question is what kind of short video do you want to make, shop visits? Food? Or cute pets? You all need popularity." Accumulated, how can a week be enough?"

After a pause, she continued: "Besides, in less than a week, you will be sued by Lu Qingzhou to your grandma. No matter how good your cooking is, you will be picked on by others. There is no time to stand up."

From her point of view, Chen Ya is completely out of the game, and everything he is doing now is dying.

Why don't you think about it carefully, how can you bow your head and admit your mistake when the time comes in front of the grandma, bring something to Lu Yuanwu's house, and invite him back so as not to lose face.

Chen Ya didn't seem to think about it at all, he just smiled wickedly, and after laughing, he leaned into Lu Qingxuan's ear and whispered something.

After listening, Lu Qingxuan's entire face turned red.

"This is impossible!"

"No, it's possible."

"Dirty! Vulgar!" Lu Qingxuan looked at Chen Ya with a flustered expression, "Pervert!"

Liu Ruying unconsciously pricked up her ears.

"You don't accept it, do you? I feel like you're going to regret it."

Chen Ya stood up, squinted at Liu Ruying, then looked at Lu Qingxuan, compared them, and said:
"Actually, let Ruying go up."

Liu Ruying blinked her eyes, not knowing what he said just now, she was a little curious and felt ashamed.

Lu Qingxuan grabbed the clothes on her chest and stared at Chen Ya with an ugly expression.

"Is this what you want to shoot?"

Chen Ya said: "This is just the first one. In the next two days, we will produce more than 5 short videos and put them on various platforms. The time is tight. We will start preparing from now."


"No reason!"

Old Madam Yu slapped the table with her hand, with anger still shining in her eyes.

Lu Qingzhou sat aside with an unfathomable expression.

Lu Yuanwu was sitting at the bottom right now, his round face looked innocent, but his eyes turned a round of sly light from time to time.

"This Chen Ya, appreciate his talent, let him go to Yunshang Jinghua, I am Qian Dian and Wan, and I ask him not to interfere with the normal operation. Unexpectedly, he treats this as a child's play!"

Lu Qingzhou remained calm and whispered beside him:

"It's secondary to Lu Yuanwu's grievances. The main thing is that if he messes up the signboard of this account, then we will become sinners of the Lu family."

Lu Yuanwu said with a weeping expression: "Yes, I have repeatedly advised him not to go his own way, but he just refused to listen, and even threatened that as long as I stay in the company, Yunshang Jinghua will not work for a day. I really have no choice but to leave. people."

Old Madam Yu's eyes flashed with anger, she took a few breaths, raised her cell phone, and made a call.


After a few rings, a surprised voice came from the opposite side: "Grandma, why did your old man call me?"

Old Madam Yu's tone was surprisingly severe: "Lu Ruixiang! You take your godson named Chen Ya and get the hell out of here! Go to Guihe Village!"

(End of this chapter)

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