Chapter 234 233. I am more than 400
Lu Ruixiang felt like she was about to suffocate.

When she picked up the phone and dialed Chen Sheng's number, she couldn't hold the phone firmly with her fingers, and the brand new Fruit 14pro fell on the desk, making a loud noise.

She has suffered cold stares and ridicule, and she has also endured ridicule from behind the back of family members, but she has never been scolded like that face to face by the grandma on the phone!
"Hey, Chen Sheng, let me ask you, what did Chen Ya do?..."

... After hanging up the phone, Chen Sheng was in a daze.

Chen Hai and Lu Qianzi were eating at the side, and they both heard the fragments on the phone.

"Dad, what's the matter?" Chen Hai put a spoonful of egg custard into his mouth.

"Chen Ya got into trouble." Chen Sheng swallowed with difficulty, "Grandma Tai wants your mother to take Chen Ya and go to Guihe Village immediately to apologize to Lu Qingzhou's nephew."

Lu Qianzi looked worried, and Chen Hai gave a soft "hum".

"His character will cause trouble sooner or later."

After finishing speaking, he threw the spoon into the bowl, made a "boom", and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief.

"Dad, I'm not talking about you. Since you brought him home, he has been freed. You haven't taught him any rules. It's too late to make a big fuss about him now."

Chen Sheng frowned and said: "It's too late to say anything now, let's quickly think of a way, how to prepare things to come to the door to apologize to others."

Chen Hai looked disgusted: "Let him prepare by himself, no one in my family can afford to lose this person."

Lu Qianzi asked, "Dad, what happened?"

Chen Sheng said: "I'm not very clear. I heard from your mother that after Chen Ya arrived at Yunshang Jinghua, he played a temper game and left the original person in charge. Now Yunshang Jinghua has shut down."

Chen Hai and Lu Qianzi looked at each other.

"No wonder, I said why Yunshang Jinghua hasn't been updated for two days," Chen Hai said, feeling a little gloating, "He suspended his account as soon as he went, which is awesome."

"Say a few words less." Lu Qianzi frowned.

Chen Ya is also a member of the family now, and she doesn't understand why Chen Hai is so leisurely.

After being told by Lu Qianzi, Chen Hai didn't dare to refute even a word. He just took out his phone and made a sharp tone.

It's no use rushing anyway.

He compared his heart to a short video in Douyin with his backhand.


In Guihezhuang, Mrs. Yu's chest was still heaving.

Lu Qingzhou brought Lu Yuanwu over, and as soon as he told her about it, she realized that Chen Ya had made a big fuss.

Although the old lady is old, she knows how important updating is for a new media.

Only by updating every day can we establish good user habits and maintain user viscosity.

If you don’t update it on the first day, readers will only find it strange. If you don’t update it on the second day, the reader’s viscosity will drop. If you don’t update it on the third day, readers will forget about your channel.

Lu Qingzhou also said just now, now it is no different from before, the platform dividends have been eaten up, and the era of industry introversion has already entered, if I don’t watch yours today, there are hundreds of accounts waiting for me to watch, there are so many wonderful contents that I can’t wait Can't finish it.

Therefore, if you are lazy for a day or two, once the user viscosity drops, it will be difficult to make up for ten times the energy.

Lu Qingzhou also knew how to advance and retreat. He didn't say how bad Chen Ya was when he came here, but asked Lu Yuanwu to complain, and he added a few necessary information from the side.

After a few words, Mrs. Yu became furious.

Because Jinghua on the Cloud is too important to the Lu family.

There is no such thing as Lu Qingzhou's one-sided words to slander Chen Ya... Yunshang Jinghua hasn't been updated for two days, that's true, and the user data has fallen off a cliff, that's also true.

In just one place on Weibo, Yunshang Jinghua lost 20 fans, and directly ranked first on the list of followers. This sound alone can make people go into cardiopulmonary arrest.

Old Madam Yu's face sank like water: "I will naturally deal with Chen Ya's matter. Regarding Yunshang Jinghua, is there any remedy?"

Lu Yuanwu sighed, and said, "It's hard to make up for the two-day loss, but I've already figured out a plan that should be able to turn the situation around."

In fact, the fans dropped by Yunshang Jinghua were bought by Lu Yuanwu from the navy, and he let the navy clear a batch of zombie fans.The so-called losing followers of 20 on the losing followers list is just a big news carefully planned by him.

After he returned to Jinghua Cloud, he spent money to buy 40 followers, which would naturally be another news, and his position in Jinghua Cloud would be further consolidated.

Speaking of which, he wanted to thank Chen Ya instead.A light bulb is always on, no one will care, until one day it goes out, people will realize its importance.

Lu Yuanwu was the one who lit the light bulb.Chen Ya gave him a perfect reason to turn off the lights. With the help of Chen Ya, he had a good sense of presence in front of Grandma.

In the past, he would never have received such attention from the family.

A black Lexus drove into Guihezhuang.


The car doors were opened and closed one after another, and Chen Ya, Liu Ruying, Lu Qingxuan, Cui Lingfeng and others got out of the car.

Lu Ruixiang had already been waiting at the door, and when she saw Chen Ya getting off the car, she hurried forward with a serious expression, "What's going on?"

Chen Ya said, "You'll know when you go in."

After all, he went straight forward.

Lu Ruixiang stopped him: "Tell me clearly first, what exactly did you do?"

What she meant was to check the confession with Chen Ya first, so as to figure out how to deal with the trick later.

"It's okay to be idle, just make a little money."

This answer made Lu Ruixiang puzzled. She also looked at the people behind Chen Ya in amazement, and also saw Lu Qingxuan and Liu Ruying.

She found that everyone's faces were exhausted, and they didn't say a word.

At the end of the day today, everyone is exhausted and has no energy to speak.

Lu Ruixiang could only swallow her doubts, and followed Chen Ya to see Grandma.

Soon, everyone walked into the main room of the courtyard, and saw Grandma Tai sitting in the middle of the Eight Immortals table, high committee member sitting next to her, and Lu Qingzhou and Lu Yuanwu sitting at the bottom.

"Grandma." Lu Qingxuan bowed to say hello, but Old Madam Yu kept a straight face, with no happy expression on her face.

This was different from the expression on her face when she met Lu Qingxuan before. It was obvious that she hated the house and black, and she also blamed Lu Qingxuan.

Two days ago, Lu Qingxuan should be in a hurry to die now, but now he just glanced at Chen Ya helplessly.

Lu Yuanwu's attack this time was exactly as she expected.

However, after seeing Chen Ya's operation, now she knows that she just needs to lie down and have fun.

Lu Ruixiang looked at Mrs. Yu's face, feeling uneasy, and even more worried about her future fate.

"Grandma, he was the one who kicked me out that day." Seeing Chen Ya coming in, Lu Yuanwu immediately followed the principle of the villain to sue first, and pointed at Chen Ya.

"I know." Mrs. Yu nodded.

She had a serious expression on her face. Before Chen Ya came, she had already thought about how to deal with it.

It was she who resisted all opinions before and assigned Chen Ya to take over Yunshang Jinghua. Although she showed the Lu family's demeanor of seeking talents, this decision was obviously wrong.

Chen Ya messed up things where everyone thought it was impossible to mess up, and made an irreparable mistake.

Now her behavior is seen by the Lu family. If this mistake cannot be corrected, she will lose her prestige and the Lu family will lose face.

"Chen Ya, you didn't listen to the persuasion and my previous advice, and insisted on going your own way. You pushed Lu Yuanwu out of Yunshang Jinghua, and then shut down Yunshang Jinghua. You will leave Yunshang Jinghua with immediate effect, and Lu Yuanwu will return to the position of person in charge."

"At the same time, you have to bow your head to Lu Yuanwu and admit your mistake in person. You must be sincere in your attitude. Apologize as much as he asks you to do. You can't be sloppy at all."

"Lu Ruixiang, Lu Yuanhu mentioned to me a few days ago that your family's participation in the family meeting should be avoided. You should teach your children more rules when you go home. My Lu family attaches great importance to family tradition. When the matter is exposed, it is always everyone who loses.”

After the grandma finished speaking, she raised her eyes and said, "Do you have anything to say?"

Lu Ruixiang immediately said: "Grandma, I will teach him well when I get home."

Her lips were still trembling as she said this.

Just two days ago, she was still dreaming like a dream. When she attended the family meeting, she almost woke up laughing in her sleep.

This goodness hasn't lasted for two days, bang, it's gone!

Mrs. Yu turned to Chen Ya again and said, "Apologize now. In front of us, Lu Yuanwu, you say, he will do it. If you are not satisfied with what he did, let him keep doing it until you are satisfied." .”

The presumptuousness at the corner of Lu Yuanwu's mouth was about to be unstoppable, but he still suppressed his complacency and tried his best to appear modest and plain.

"Well, let me think about it, then you should yell three times, I'm sorry Brother Yuanwu, and then kneel down and kowtow three times. You must kowtow enough for me to hear."

After finishing speaking, Lu Ruixiang's expression was as ugly as that of old lady Yu.

While they were talking, Chen Ya dragged a chair for himself and sat down carelessly.

When Lu Yuanwu spoke, he kept listening carefully, and smiled faintly while listening.

After Lu Yuanwu finished speaking, he slowly asked, "Does it have to be like this?"

"Otherwise, I'm not satisfied." Lu Yuanwu's small round face also smirked at him.

"If you don't kneel and kowtow, you won't come back to work, right." Chen Ya seemed to be smiling more happily.

"Yeah." Lu Yuanwu nodded hypocritically.

Chen Ya nodded: "Okay, you don't need to come back in the first place. You can stay where you are cool."

"Chen Ya!"

Before grandma could speak, Lu Qingzhou frowned and patted the table.

"If you are willing to let you sit here, and everyone talks to you in a good voice, the Lu family has been extremely tolerant to you. Your only role now is to apologize to Lu Yuanwu and invite him back to Yunshang Jinghua, you understand. ?"

Chen Ya looked at Lu Qingzhou.

"You are Lu Qingzhou?"

Lu Qingzhou was agitated by this impolite question, and just let out a cold "hum".

Chen Ya smiled, this guy has inherited his Haiya Company, and he hasn't fully taken revenge yet.

He hooked his fingers and said to Liu Ruying, "Bring me the account book."

Liu Ruying took out two ledgers from her handbag in response, and Lu Yuanwu narrowed his eyes.

He had known for a long time that what Chen Ya was relying on was the evidence of his corruption.

However, he already had a way to deal with it.

If not, he wouldn't be sitting here with Lu Qingzhou.

Therefore, he has already made up his mind.

"You want to talk about my so-called corruption, don't you?" Lu Yuanwu said in a low voice, "I told you a long time ago, it was your misunderstanding, it happens that Grandma is here, I will explain it to you again , and let Grandma listen to whether I am right or you are right."

Chen Ya squinted at him: "Who said I'm going to tell you about this?"

Lu Yuanwu froze.

Chen Ya moved his fingers, and Liu Ruying immediately began to read:
"According to the total calculation, this year, from this month until the day before yesterday, Yunshang Jinghua's turnover totaled 2206 million yuan. After deducting operating costs, the net income was 806 million yuan, and 500 million yuan was handed over to the family."

"Among them, 705 million yuan was reimbursed in violation of regulations, and these have been incorporated into operating costs."

Chen Ya sat on the chair, crossed his legs, and said:

"Did you hear that, for nearly half a year this year, you have handed in a total of 500 million yuan in income to the family, and Yunshang Jinghua's overall income is 800 million yuan, leaving aside the embezzlement money that you don't know where you got it, it adds up to a total of 1500 million yuan. More than [-] million."

Lu Yuanwu blushed and said, "I told you, that's not corruption, it's all for legitimate purposes..."

"My point is not here." Chen Ya turned his head and said to Liu Ruying, "You continue."

Liu Ruying bowed her head and continued: "In the past two days, Jinghua Cloud has earned 106 million pure video revenue, 27 traffic subsidy, 512 million channel traffic revenue, 16 fan rewards, and 60 brand revenue on various domestic platforms."

"In addition, on foreign platforms, the video income is 55 US dollars, or 391 million yuan, and the copyright income is 461 million US dollars, or 3277 million yuan."

"All platforms, omni-channels, and Jinghua Cloud's two-day operating income totaled 4390 million yuan."

After speaking, Liu Ruying raised her head and looked at Chen Ya: "It's over."

Chen Ya crossed his fingers on his lap, and said: "According to the previous agreement, I will not hand over the 4390 million yuan to the family. I will keep 1390 million yuan of it for myself, and I will distribute the rest of the money to the employees participating in the project. as a performance bonus."

After speaking, he stared at Lu Yuanwu and said, "I've finished what I want to say, you can continue your performance."

Lu Yuanwu stared at Chen Ya blankly.

two days?

What is this man talking about?
Not only was he dumbfounded, but the old lady Yu and Gao Jinliang sitting on it, including Lu Qingzhou, were all dumbfounded.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Yu asked, "What were you talking about just now?"

Chen Ya looked at her and said:
"Isn't what I said clear enough? Then let me be more straightforward. In the past two days, Yunshang Jinghua's revenue has totaled 4390 million yuan, which is double the annual income when Lu Yuanwu took over. Okay. , have I made it clear enough?"


Lu Yuanwu stood up abruptly, pointed at Chen Ya and said:
"There is a limit to your nonsense! In two days, where did you earn more than 4000 million yuan? You are simply nonsense. Yunshang Jinghua has not been updated in the past two days, and the revenue should be zero! How can you earn so much? How much? It’s not like you lied to people!”

Lu Qingzhou also frowned and said, "He may have lost his mind."

Lu Yuanwu pointed at Chen Ya and said, "You earn more than 4000 million in two days? 1000 million in one day? I'll slap you twice. It's impossible to make 200 million in two days, and more than 4000 million. You can't even make up fucking nonsense! "

Hearing everyone's words, Chen Ya just laughed without saying a word.

Cui Lingfeng silently took out his mobile phone, and tapped it twice with his fingers quickly.

Then, the voice broadcast of the mobile phone played a passage at a volume that resounded through the audience:

"Zhi Fubao arrives in the account, [-] yuan."

Lu Yuanwu stopped talking immediately.

Liu Ruying also followed suit, took out her mobile phone, clicked on mobile banking, and showed the gleaming balance to everyone:
"That was Xiao Cui's bonus just now, and this is my bonus. It's also more than 200 million."

Mrs. Yu felt her hands shaking a little.

She leaned over and asked Lu Qingxuan: "Qingxuan, I don't believe in anyone else, I only believe in you. Tell me, what he said just now was to fool my old woman, or is it true?"

Lu Qingxuan hesitated to speak, and finally said: "Grandma, what he said is true..."

"Did you also receive more than 200 million bonuses?" Gao Jinliang pointed at her and asked.

"Uh, my bonus is more than theirs, I'm more than 400 million."

There was a dead silence in the audience.

 Tonight at 08:30, and more.

(End of this chapter)

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