Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 235 234. So angry!But there's no way, he's too strong

Chapter 235 234. So angry!But there's no way, he's too strong
When Lu Qingxuan said that his bonus was 400 million, his mouth became a wavy line.

She planned that if grandma asked her why she took 200 million more than others, she would break through the door and run out, where no one could see.

Her reason for taking an extra 200 million is not at all something to be proud of.If the people she knows know about the things she has photographed in real life, her image may collapse and she will never be able to hold her head up again.

Chen Ya put his hands on the chair and said, "You have seen their bonuses. If you still don't believe me, I can show you our bank card statement. Do you want to see it?"

Lu Yuanwu's mouth moved, but he didn't speak.

"Okay, then I'll pretend you don't watch it." Chen Ya changed to a more formal sitting posture, and said, "Then I'll settle the matter between us."

"The first thing is that you refused to cooperate with my scheduling of Yunshang Jinghua, left the post without permission, and incited the employees not to listen to my assignment, which eventually led to Yunshang Jinghua's official account, Weibo, Toutiao and other accounts stopping updating for two days. God, I want you to be fully responsible for the losses caused by this incident!"

After hearing this, Lu Yuanwu clenched his fists and shouted: "Why do you say it's my responsibility? It's obviously your own misconduct!"

"Do you want me to slap the evidence on your face?"

Chen Ya pushed his mobile phone onto the table, and on the screen of his mobile phone, a piece of chat history happened to be displayed.

[Xiao Wang, I'm going to show it anyway, what do you do, understand? 】

【Mr. Lu, that’s for sure, that’s right, brothers are not ignorant, we must not be slaves of the three surnames, and go to listen to his orders? 】

[Okay, tell the others, let’s unite. 】

[Speaking of this, I am angry. Just now, the person gave up the meeting, and a few people refused to listen to the persuasion and insisted on going...]


Mrs. Yu took his mobile phone over, and after reading the records, she silently pushed the phone back.

Chen Ya stretched out a finger: "This is just the first thing, and second, I have already investigated the fact that you have reimbursed more than 700 million yuan in violation of regulations, and I have sent all the evidence compression packages to the lawyer, and I can report to you at any time." Call the police to carry out a detention investigation.

"But I will give you a chance. If you return the more than 700 million yuan now, I don't need to sue you."

The money that Lu Yuanwu embezzled was Yunshang Jinghua's money, in other words, it was the funds of the Lu family and the performance and wages of all employees.

Of course, Chen Ya didn't need to seek justice for the Lu family, but since Yunshang Jinghua was in his hands, it would become his sooner or later, so it was his money that Lu Yuanwu was greedy for.

Lu Yuanwu's face turned pale.

"I said, it's all necessary expenses, not my embezzlement..."

He has already spent all the greedy money before. Where can he find more than 700 million yuan to fill this gap?
All he could do was deny it desperately.

Chen Ya had no time to pester him.

I didn't know how to grasp it when I was given a chance, and I was still lucky. I can only say that I don't know how to repent when I die.

Then there's no need to hold back from him.

In the end, it was Lu Qingzhou who knew the situation and expressed his willingness to help his nephew fill in the vacancy, but his expression was terribly gloomy.

After dealing with these matters, Chen Ya Shi Shiran sat on his seat and looked back at Mrs. Yu.

"By the way, old man, what did I say just now?"

Old Madam Yu's face froze: "It's nothing."

"I seem to remember. Didn't you say that you want to take back my responsibility in Yunshang Jinghua? I think, if I am dismissed, I am afraid that no one can adapt to the current expansion speed of Yunshang Jinghua. In two days, the revenue returned to its original shape..."

When everyone heard this, including Mrs. Yu, Gao Jinliang, and Lu Qingxuan, their faces turned dark.

Mrs. Yu forced a smile on her face and said:
"Hehe, how could you be dismissed? You are so good at new media. How can you let someone else replace you before it's too late?"

Mrs. Yu's principle is actually very simple - as long as she makes money on Yunshangjinghua, the more she can earn, the better.

Whoever makes Yunshang Jinghua make money represents justice, and whoever hinders Yunshang Jinghua from making money is the enemy of the Lu family.

She heard Lu Qingzhou and Lu Yuanwu's one-sided remarks before, thinking that Chen Ya had stopped Yunshang Jinghua, so she was naturally furious at Chen Ya.

But now... Chen Ya has earned Yunshang Jinghua's income for two or three years in two days, so he is now the biggest justice in this room.

How is it possible to dismiss him?

Of course Chen Ya saw this point.

He knew that Mrs. Yu would not be able to dismiss him again, but deliberately used words to block him, which was considered a malicious face-lifting act.

Mrs. Yu has never been so angry in her life.

But what could she do?Could she make Chen Ya lose face?

She still has to find a way to coax Chen Ya!
So angry!But there is no way, he is too strong!

"Since you are so capable, you should have told me a long time ago," Mrs. Yu took Chen Ya's hand, patting and rubbing it, seemingly very kindly.

"Our Lu family is a meritocracy. The children of the family should not be buried. Like you, you can also talk about piano and have the creativity of new media. It should have stood out long ago? Why did it show up now?"

She spoke earnestly and spoke earnestly, pulling Chen Ya to tell everyone present:
"A child like him is too handsome. If he hadn't been given these two opportunities, everyone would still not know his abilities. So I said, you should give your children more opportunities to show off... Lu Ruixiang , are you listening?"

Lu Ruixiang was shocked today. She was in a daze when she was suddenly cueed. She was a little caught off guard, and quickly replied:

"Grandma, I'm listening."

Mrs. Yu pointed her finger and said with a smile:
"Look at you, how nervous are you? Your child is so capable, but you hide it and don't tell me. Is it because you are afraid that I will be jealous of my talents, or do you want to hone your child more?"

Lu Ruixiang bit her lip and said, "Grandma, me, me too..."

She wanted to say that she didn't know Chen Ya's strength, but it seemed that she was too dull.

"What are you too?"

Lu Ruixiang changed her mind and said, "I also think that the children are too impetuous to compare each other. It's better to be humble..."

"Oh, like him, being too modest is too proud." Mrs. Yu scoffed at Lu Ruixiang's words.

"You have to show what you should show, and you have to show what you should show. In this world, everyone is exaggerated. If you hide it, others will think you have no ability." After she finished speaking, she turned to Chen Ya and said with a smile, "In the future, if you want to Why tell grandma directly, don't hold back any grievances, everyone is not an outsider."

Lu Ruixiang stuck out her tongue quietly.

Good guy.In the past, she seemed to have received great rewards when she spoke with Grandma Tai. Now, Grandma Tai can't wait to treat Chen Ya as her own grandson.

What she said clearly and implicitly was to treat Chen Ya as a direct descendant, implying that he would file a complaint directly if he had something to do, so he didn't need to beat around the bush and feel wronged.

Lu Ruixiang suddenly became sore.

For so many years in the family, her family has never heard such kind words from grandma.

How many days has Chen Ya been here?

Chen Ya sat in the chair and said with a smile: "Then I think three months is too short, I can play at Yunshang Jinghua for a while, maybe the revenue will be better."

Mrs. Yu said: "You can play as long as you want. As long as you want to do it, you can keep doing it. When you don't want to do it, you can come and tell grandma. Grandma will have a headache about choosing the person in charge."

Chen Ya stretched out his hand, patted Lu Qingxuan's back carelessly, and said, "I was so successful this time because of Qingxuan's help. She is really useful."

Lu Qingxuan coughed again and again after being photographed by him, like a small tree that had been torn by the wind, swaying from side to side, with a helpless expression on her face.

Old Madam Yu laughed and said, "Lu Qingxuan has been lending it to you as well, as long as you two don't lose your temper."

Chen Ya slapped his head again, and said, "By the way, the shares of Yunshang Jinghua are all in Lu Ningna's hands now, right? I want to buy [-]% or [-]% from her, otherwise I don't feel at ease..."

Mrs. Yu's face twitched, she took two deep breaths, and smiled again:
"Okay, okay, it's all up to you, I'll negotiate with you at a low price, and I'll call Ning Na over later and talk about it in detail."

Lu Ruixiang was completely dumbfounded.

Most of the family property was recorded in Lu Yuanlong's name before, but after his accident, he urgently transferred most of it to Lu Ningna. In fact, the grandma was in charge of those assets.

In other words, those properties belonging to the Lu family are actually working for Lu Ningna in name.

Let Chen Ya go to Yunshang Jinghua, the original intention is to let him eat some oil and water, and take care of himself.It turned out that he was lucky, and within two days of working in Yunshang Jinghua, he became the boss directly.

Mrs. Yu really dared to agree to this kind of behavior of taking advantage of the opportunity.

Today, Lu Yuanwu and Lu Qingzhou suddenly launched an attack, making those conditions, compared to this, it was nothing more than a small fight, and Chen Ya was calling the bottom line, causing the Lu family to bleed a lot.

After making these requests, Chen Ya seemed to be smiling, as if he was still a little dissatisfied. He thought for a while, and after realizing that there was really nothing to scratch, he stood up.

"Okay, Yunshang Jinghua is also busy with things, so I'll go there first."

Old lady Yu stood up and sent him off with a look of relief.

"By the way." Chen Ya turned around suddenly, "Did you just say that my family is not allowed to attend family meetings?"

The grandma couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "Participate, participate, whoever refuses Ruixiang to participate in the family meeting, I will give him a slap in the face first."

"En." Chen Ya nodded in satisfaction, turned and went home.

Lu Ruixiang followed behind in a daze.

It wasn't a big deal for Lu Yuanhu to support her to enter the family meeting before, good guy, now the grandma is out.

She, Lu Ruixiang, was in the Lu family, and from now on, she was not just proud.

Today Chen Ya's sister-in-law was going home for dinner, so Chen Ya simply took Lu Ruixiang's car home, and Liu Ruying drove the others back.

Sitting in Lu Ruixiang's car, she was speechless for a long time, and then said for a long time: "How on earth... how did you earn more than 4000 million in two days?"

Chen Ya was a little surprised.The last time I talked to Aunt Lu was when I first got home, and the two of them have never spoken alone since then.

He thought that Lu Ruixiang would hold back everything because the relationship was rather awkward.

She didn't expect that she would take the initiative to talk to herself.

"The main reason is that Jinghua Cloud has everything, complete supporting facilities, and easy-to-use people," Chen Ya said. "The main reason is that it is very creative."

The secret of Chen Ya earning more than 4000 million in two days has something to do with what he said, but it is definitely not the whole story.

What he did was actually very simple. In his previous life, short videos were popular, and there were so many short videos that became popular overnight.

He just randomly copied a few ideas, and then used Yunshang Jinghua to operate it a little bit.

For example, he made a video called "Dodge and Swing the Big Pendulum". He arranged for Lu Qingxuan to act in it, because Lu Qingxuan was more beautiful than the heroine in the original video in the previous life, and the effect was even better.

He also made the BGM for the video based on his memory, and Jinghua Cloud itself has a good relationship with major platforms, so the traffic pools that are released are all in the best time slots.

Needless to say, it exploded overnight.

In addition, he also registered a new account on foreign platforms such as Youtubie and TKTK, and asked several foreign celebrity contacts he knew to help forward it.

As a result, his video went viral overnight.

And he wasn't the only one who became popular. Lu Qingxuan's movements inspired a large number of people to imitate, and they all used Chen Ya's music.

The foreign video platform mechanism is that as long as the original material is used, the proceeds will be shared with the original author.

In this way, he raked in tens of millions just from the BGM copyright income.

In fact, he had wanted to play like this for a long time, but he had never had the energy to do it before.

The former Haiya Company was more serious and did not have the genes for making short videos. Although Beichen was all-encompassing, it was still a technology company in essence.

Yunshang Jinghua belonged to a piece of fat that the Lu family prepared and delivered to his mouth.

Naturally, he can put those ideas that he has liked for a long time to good use in Yunshang Jinghua.

Of course, he will not work for others for nothing. Three months later, he will become the sole shareholder of Yunshang Jinghua.

Maybe for the sake of Lu Ningna's pity, maybe 1% will be reserved for her.

After briefly explaining his thoughts, Lu Ruixiang nodded and remained silent.

In fact, she regretted it to death.

Chen Ya's ideas sounded quite simple.

Why didn't I think of making money like this?

If I had known that making short videos would make me so much money, I wouldn't have started Laoshizi Industry, let Chen Hai study as a director, and let Lu Qianzi become an actor.

When she got home, Chen Sheng rushed to greet her as soon as she opened the door.

She hasn't told her family what happened in Guihe Manor yet. The whole family is sitting in the living room now, feeling very upset, as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

As soon as he saw Lu Ruixiang, Chen Sheng quickly asked, "What's the matter? They didn't make things difficult for you, did they?"

Before Lu Ruixiang had time to speak, he saw Chen Ya following behind, and was furious:
"You still have the face to come back!"

Lu Qianzi came over, grabbed Chen Sheng's arm, and said:

"Dad, stop talking, brother Chen Ya certainly didn't do it on purpose. And don't you think they all came back safe and sound?"

Chen Hai sat in front of the coffee table in the living room, playing chess with himself, and quietly said: "People are fine, but he is ashamed."

Lu Ruixiang sighed, and smiled wryly, "It's not what you think..."

 If you add the last paragraph, some people will definitely say that I broke the chapter, but listen to me, if you don’t add this paragraph, the number of words will not be 4000 words, and it will be exactly 4000 after adding it. I really didn’t mean to break the chapter, really, actually I have been committed to improving the reading experience of readers, never stopping...

(End of this chapter)

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