Chapter 236 235. Mrs. Lu is your father?
The shock that Chen Ya brought to Lu Ruixiang before, like swinging on a swing in childhood, has not dissipated until now.

"You know, Chen Ya just now..."

As soon as Lu Ruixiang opened her mouth, Lu Xizi dragged her into the room.

"Hey, my sister-in-law is coming soon, let's talk about some happy and relaxing topics, what are you doing to make the atmosphere so heavy?..."

Lu Ruixiang was staggered by Lu Qianzi, turned her head to look at Chen Ya, and said, "But..."

"Mom, come and see how the West Lake vinegar fish made by Dad is not authentic."

Lu Ruixiang was dragged away by her daughter who forcibly changed the subject.Before leaving, Lu Qianzi winked at Chen Ya, signaling him to behave well and don't let herself down to cover him.

According to Lu Qianzi's experience, even if she made a huge mistake, acting like a baby is over.

Chen Sheng looked at Chen Ya and was about to say something, but Chen Ya walked towards the servant's room on the first floor with his shoes on.

"I'm asleep, call me when sister-in-law comes."

Yesterday, in order to promote overseas accounts, I talked on the phone with Taylor all night, and now I am really tired.

He has sacrificed too much for his career.

It is considered kind of him to only leave 0.5% of the shares to Lu Ningna.


Chen Ya closed the door in front of Chen Sheng, and Chen Sheng stood at the door, sighing heavily.

"Chen Hai, you must live up to it." He returned to his son and patted Chen Hai's shoulder heavily.

The chess game in front of Chen Hai was broken, he picked up the tea on the coffee table and smiled faintly.

"It's okay, Dad. I have learned a lot from Beichen recently, and I have benefited a lot. My future will not depend on the Lu family."

Chen Sheng showed an expression of "I feel a little relieved".

Chen Hai continued drinking tea.

What can be done?

After all, this family still has to figure it out by itself.

Life is filled with the word responsibility...

Chen Hai, continue drinking tea.



"Brother, sister-in-law, long time no see."

Chen Ya's sister-in-law arrived as scheduled.He went out sleepily, just in time to watch his sister-in-law Chen Chi come in to say hello with a simple and honest man behind him.

"Hey, isn't this Chen Ya? Oh, he's so tall?"

Seeing Chen Ya come out, Chen Chi pushed and shoved forward, smiling playfully.

Chen Ya suddenly felt a little touched.It has been more than ten years, and when we meet again, even Chen Sheng and Chen Hai are a bit unfamiliar, but my sister-in-law, Chen Chi, is still the same, with the same old appearance.

He raised his hand back and slapped my sister-in-law, saying, "Long time no see, how is it?"

"Long time no see, very good!"

After many years of absence, I can explain it in one sentence, and there is no need to explain too much.

Chen Ya felt comfortable in this way.

Maybe this is the bald head as new as ever.

The man was still smiling honestly behind my sister-in-law, Chen Ya looked at him and felt familiar.

This man should be Chen Chi's fiance.Their wedding date was about the same as Old Master Lu's birthday, and Chen Ya came to the capital mainly for this matter.

"Come, let's eat at the table." Chen Sheng said frantically.

Chen Ya was keenly aware that Chen Sheng's tone seemed to be not very enthusiastic towards my sister-in-law.

Later, Chen Sheng's performance also proved that his feeling was right.

Chen Sheng was indeed not very enthusiastic about his sister.

In other words, it wasn't that he was not enthusiastic about my sister-in-law, but that he was not enthusiastic about the fiance behind my sister-in-law.

After everyone got to the table, Chen Ya stared at the uncle-to-be for a long time before asking:
"Have I met you?"

The man also nodded and said, "I also think you look familiar."

My sister-in-law Chen Chi smiled and clapped her hands and said, "Well, you two hit it off, right? By the way, I haven't introduced you yet. Chen Ya, this is my fiancé. His name is Wei Mingzhe. Old Wei, this is My dear eldest nephew is called Chen Ya."

"Wei Mingzhe, Wei Mingzhe..." Chen Ya recited the name silently, then suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Did we meet in Longtian five years ago?"

Wei Mingzhe patted the table and said, "That's right, I told you I'm familiar with you. You were also a member of the disaster relief team at the time of the Longtian earthquake?"

Chen Ya nodded, stretched out his hand and shook hands with him again: "It seems that we were once comrades-in-arms."

"Comrade comrades, have a drink."

"Then I'll change the drink."

Chen Ya remembered him.

This Wei Mingzhe worked the hardest during the rescue, was not afraid of death when in danger, kept the furthest away from the reporters and never stepped forward, and drifted away after everything was over without leaving his name.

At that time, Chen Ya had a great impression of him. Although he had never spoken to him, he knew the other party's name.

If my sister-in-law's object is him, then he can rest assured.

Beside the table, Chen Sheng frowned, snorted silently through his nose, and stretched out his hands to rearrange the plates.

Wei Mingzhe moved too much just now, he was afraid of messing up the plate.

In fact, the main reason is that he doesn't like this prospective brother-in-law very much.

Chen Ya clinked a glass with Wei Mingzhe and asked, "I remember that when you were rescued, there was always a beautiful woman by your side. Who is that to you?"

Hearing this, Wei Mingzhe's eyes turned red, and he said:
"That was my ex-wife, she died in that earthquake."

"Ah? I'm sorry, sorry."

As Chen Ya said, he glanced at Chen Chi and found that her eyes were full of concern, she was not surprised, but instead patted Wei Mingzhe on the back as if to comfort him.

It seems that they have a very good relationship, and Chen Chi already knew about it.

He felt more at ease with the two of them.

Chen Sheng said impatiently at the side: "Don't talk about this kind of topic when eating. By the way, Chen Hai, didn't you say that you heard Beichen people talk about the founder of Beichen before? Tell me."

Chen Hai put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, and said solemnly: "The founder of Beichen is a strange person. In fact, he is younger than most people imagine..."

Chen Chi listened attentively to Chen Hai's talk about the founder of Beichen. Naturally, Chen Ya didn't have the heart to listen to those things, so he pulled Wei Mingzhe together and asked in a low voice:

"I heard that those who participated in the Longtian rescue, the families of the victims have pensions, and the sacrificed volunteers also have suites. Have you received them?"

Wei Mingzhe nodded and said, "I took it, but my share, and the apartment, were all given to the ex-wife's parents. They are only the only daughter, and they will rely on that pension for retirement in the future."

As he spoke, his eyes turned red again, and he said, "She could have been fine, but I didn't protect her well."

Chen Ya patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's over, so don't blame yourself, no one can predict the future."

5 years ago, there was a great earthquake in Longtian.

It was that earthquake, Chen Ya rushed to the scene, participated in the rescue, and adopted Xiao Yingying.

After returning, he founded the Disabled Volunteer Foundation, built a caring apartment for the disabled volunteers at that time, and gave out subsidies every month.

That incident has always been a scar in Chen Ya's heart.

In the face of nature, the power of the individual is too small.It was only after experiencing that incident that Chen Ya gradually restrained his edge and became a lot more kind.

Of course, he will really become a gentleman who is gentle, well-educated, and never mean to others, until he is 80 years old.

If you want to talk about self-blame, he should be the one who blames himself the most.Later, Beichen began to develop an earthquake early warning system, which advanced the earthquake warning time by 1 minute.

If he had developed this system half a year in advance, Tatsuta would have saved 70% of his deaths.

In terms of guilt, it can be said that no one is more guilty than him.

But the past is the past.There are always unsatisfactory things in this world.

"What you are doing now?"

Wei Mingzhe lit a cigarette for himself, and said, "It's at the Fire and Rescue Brigade in the east of the city."

Chen Ya's eyes changed, and he gave a thumbs up: "Yes!"

Wei Mingzhe laughed at himself, and said: "It's not a formal establishment, it's hired, its salary is not high, and it doesn't have much prospect of promotion. My family... I didn't even want to marry your sister-in-law at first, for fear of delaying her."

After seeing Chen Sheng's performance, Chen Ya probably also knew what kind of treatment Wei Mingzhe received in his house, so he patted him on the shoulder and said:
"If you get tired of it, I'll help you find a better job, and I promise you won't be looked down upon by them again."

"Really?" Wei Mingzhe's eyes lit up.

"Really. Given the chance."

Chen Sheng raised his neck and said to the two people who were talking here:

"Chen Ya! Come here and listen to your younger brother's story about the founder of Beichen. Learn more about his skills."

Chen Ya: "..."

After being speechless for a long time, he said to Wei Mingzhe, "I have one last question, why did you set the wedding on the same day as Mrs. Lu's birthday?"

Wei Mingzhe smiled wryly: "We made the reservation a long time ago. Mrs. Lu's birthday was brought forward, so it happened to be on the same day as us. My hotel is already booked, and I can't change it."

Chen Ya was surprised: "Birthday...can it be brought forward?"

Wei Mingzhe said: "It used to be after the Spring Festival. I don't know why this time it was moved one month earlier, before the Spring Festival."

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Ya understood.

The Lu family is now in a state of turmoil, and they are eager to achieve some goals by relying on Old Master Lu's birthday, so the birthday is brought forward.

What secrets are hidden in it will take a while to investigate.

Thinking of this, he suddenly lost his temper.

After returning home for so long, Chen Sheng kept talking about "Grandpa Lu's birthday", but he never said that it was on the same day as my sister-in-law's wedding.

He has always asked the whole family to prepare for Mrs. Lu's birthday, but he has never heard of him preparing for his sister-in-law's wedding.

At that time, are they going to attend Mrs. Lu's birthday?Or attend my sister-in-law's wedding?
And he doesn't like my sister-in-law's fiancé, his dissatisfaction is almost written all over his face, and he doesn't even bother to do superficial efforts.

He was quite disappointed with Chen Sheng's point.

If it wasn't for so many people, he would definitely point at Chen Sheng's nose and scold:

"Old Master Lu every day, Old Master Lu is your real father?"

Chen Ya said to Wei Mingzhe solemnly: "Don't worry, I will help you organize a grand wedding on the day you get married."

"That's not necessary. The wedding company and the hotel have already been found. It would be the best if you can come over for a drink. You don't need help with anything else." Wei Mingzhe said.

Chen Ya returned to his seat, and whispered to Chen Chi next to him, "Sister-in-law, let me make your wedding more exciting, so that you will never forget it."

The sister-in-law sneered at him: "Pull you down, you just need to drink less wine for Lao Wei that day, and I will thank you."

Chen Hai was still talking at length, expounding his understanding of Beichen, combining the experience of the founder of Beichen, to talk about his experience. Lu Ruixiang suddenly received a call and suddenly became nervous.

She took out her phone, walked to a place where no one was paying attention, and then clicked on the connection, and immediately said:
"Grandma, what can you do for me?"

On the other end of the phone, old lady Yu's old voice sounded: "Are you alone over there?"

Lu Ruixiang looked around, lowered her voice and said, "I'm the only one now."

"Okay," the old lady said, "I asked Lu Qingxuan for a long time just now, and I found out that your godson is not easy..."

Lu Ruixiang bit her lip, her back felt cold.

The old lady's tone was abnormal, and she had never heard her so emotional.

I just don't know what kind of medicine she sells in her gourd.

"Is there anything you need me to do?"

Grandma Tai said: "I want you to know more about him, or to put it bluntly, check him..."


In the evening, Wei Mingzhe and his sister-in-law went back. When the night was quiet, Chen Ya returned to his room and turned on the computer.

Since arriving in the capital, it has become a habit to chat with Xia You through language.I've been busy with work these two days and haven't contacted each other, so that girl is probably going to be angry.

But after connecting the phone, the person on the other side sounded more worried than angry.

On the other end of the call, Xia You's voice came: "If you don't call me, I will call you."

"What's wrong?" Chen Ya asked.

"I captured another piece of information on the external network," Xia You said, "There seems to be another organization investigating you over there."

When Chen Ya heard this, he smiled slightly.

He remembered the time when he first met Xia You a few years ago.

"Your ability to capture intelligence is really amazing." Chen Ya said lazily, "Which organization is it this time?"

"It's not clear yet, but what I can confirm is that they haven't cracked your identity yet, and they can describe you as ignorant of you, but if they are lucky, they may locate you in about a month."

Chen Ya crossed his legs and said lazily, "Come on. But, I'm not worth being assassinated anymore, right?"

"There are still some," Xia You said in a serious tone, "For those traditional energy giants, killing you can relieve their anger, and this alone is enough for them to do it."

"Cutting one's fortune is like killing one's parents, isn't it?" Chen Ya didn't care much at all, "It's clear, I'll pay more attention."

"Tsk, you are always so relaxed, do you know how worried I am..."

The girl stopped in the middle of her sentence.

May be shy.

But Chen Ya couldn't be nervous.It can be said that he has almost been walking on the edge of a knife these years, and he is almost used to it, and he can no longer get nervous at all.

"So what advice do you have for me? My summer security director?"

"My suggestion is to divert your attention a little, just like JX did that time." Xia You said, "The effect was extremely good that time, and many organizations have completely confused your files. However, don't expose yourself to beyond the critical point."

"Of course."

Being in the capital city is not as safe as being in Jiangcheng, so one has to be careful.

The door was knocked again.

"Please come in."

It was Lu Ruixiang who pushed the door, with a gentle expression on her face.

"Didn't sleep," Lu Ruixiang whispered, "Tomorrow everyone will prepare a birthday gift for Mrs. Lu, and Lu Qingxuan invites you to discuss with her."

(End of this chapter)

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