Chapter 237 236. How dare you say no
After hearing this, Chen Ya was slightly surprised: "Lu Qingxuan? How could she invite me?"

Lu Ruixiang was a little nervous, Chen Ya's suspicion was right, because it was Grandma's arrangement to let Lu Qingxuan and Chen Ya go out to prepare the birthday banquet.

"Haven't you worked together? Maybe she has a good impression of you."

"Is the impression good..."

As Chen Ya talked, he recalled Lu Qingxuan's signature expression - looking at people with the lower part of his eyes, looking like garbage.

No matter how you look at this person, he doesn't seem to have a good impression of himself.

"If you go, Lu Yuanbao may invite you to take a hot spring," Lu Ruixiang said, "Go out for a while, and Lu Qingxuan will accompany you to take a hot spring. It's definitely not a loss."

Lu Qingxuan's appearance is seductive and unrefined, her long legs are fat but not greasy, and she can say "no loss", this Lu Ruixiang definitely understands.

However, how could Chen Ya be a womanizer?

"Okay, I'll contact her tomorrow."

He just wanted to help Lu Ruixiang with this favor.

Seeing that Chen Ya agreed, Lu Ruixiang heaved a sigh of relief.
After Lu Ruixiang left, Chen Ya immediately said to Xia You who was still on the phone, "She's gone."

"I'm going out with girls tomorrow, right?" Xia You's voice sounded less enthusiastic than before, "Be careful."

"I'll take Cui Lingfeng with me."

"Bring a light bulb?"

"What light bulb?"

"It's nothing."

The girl's jealousy is like old wooden furniture, the smell is so faint in the air that it is easy to ignore, but it does exist.

"Then you can come tomorrow too." Chen Ya said.

"What?... What? What?" Xia You suddenly panicked, and asked three consecutive "what", so surprised that the pretended calmness was shattered.

"Want to come?" Chen Ya smirked.

"Do you really want me to come?" Xia You asked.


"...I knew it. I'm here to meddle in your Lu family's affairs." Xia You said, "I don't want to go either."

In fact, for a moment just now, she began to think about what clothes to wear tomorrow.

"Speaking of which, the day after tomorrow is New Year's Day, right?" Chen Ya asked.

"what happened?"

"Let me spend tonight with you." Chen Ya said, "On the last day of 22 years, I will spend New Year's Eve with you as a souvenir."

Although Chen Ya couldn't see it, Xia You's face was indeed red.

"Why don't you let Sister Xinhai or others accompany you?"

"Aren't they not in the capital?"


"Don't you want to stay with me?"

It took Xia You a long time to squeeze out a word: "Think."

"Hahahaha..." Chen Ya finally couldn't hold back his laughter.

Xia You realized that she had been fooled again by pretending to be a fool, and hung up the phone angrily.

It was so much fun teasing her.


Lu Ruixiang returned to the bedroom, Lu Xizi sat on the bed, and Chen Sheng sat by her dressing table.

Before she came in, it seemed that the father and daughter were discussing about Chen Ya.

"Dad, his watch is really worth 300 million, why should I lie to you?" Lu Qianzi's expression was both angry and funny.

After seeing Lu Ruixiang coming in, Lu Qianzi pointed at Chen Sheng and said:
"Mom, come here and tell Dad. I just said that Chen Ya's watch is 300 million yuan. Dad doesn't believe it. Mom, tell him if there is a 300 million watch."

Lu Ruixiang looked at Chen Sheng, Chen Sheng looked angry and said:
"Then Ruixiang, tell me whether I was wrong or she was wrong. I misunderstood it at first. I understood it as 30, but I didn't believe it. 300 million? Liar! My Cartier blue balloon is only Eighty thousand..."

Lu Ruixiang frowned and said, "What 300 million, 30? What are you talking about, Qianzi?"

Lu Qianzi said: "I just wanted to tell you what happened before. I never had a chance, but I forgot later. It was Chen Ya who took me to Patek Philippe that day and bought a Patek Philippe Dream Star for 300 million yuan, and another piece for 700 million yuan. What, my classmate broke the 700 million watch, and asked her parents to come over and pay hundreds of thousands, and went to the police station... Dad doesn’t believe that there are 300 million watches in this world.”

Lu Ruixiang glanced at Chen Sheng, clasped his arms and said, "You are indeed a little short-sighted. Patek Philippe's high-end models are so expensive, let alone 300 million, there are also 3000 million."

Chen Sheng's eyes widened: "Really? Even if there is, it's impossible for Chen Ya..."

"It's really possible for him." Lu Ruixiang took a deep breath and asked again, "Do you know what happened tonight?"

"what happened?"

Lu Ruixiang said slowly: "The nephew of Lu Qingzhou's family went to sue Grandma Tai, saying that Chen Ya pushed him out of Yunshang Jinghua and asked Grandma to treat him, but do you know what happened?"

"What's wrong?" Chen Sheng opened his mouth wide.

"Chen Ya has earned more than 4000 million in Yunshang Jinghua in the past two days," Lu Ruixiang said, "Grandma was so shocked that she even gave Lu Qingzhou a scolding. His nephew was even kicked out. They also drove out, just to vent their anger on Chen Ya. Lu Qingzhou also apologized to Chen Ya."

Chen Sheng was a little dazed.

If Lu Ruixiang hadn't said it, he would not have believed it.

Lu Qingzhou apologized to Chen Ya?He is not dreaming, is he?
Which county is he coming to, and even the local leaders have to pay a visit, will he apologize to his son?

"Is it because Grandma loves Chen Ya more?" Chen Sheng said, "He played the piano in Fushou Hall that day, and he really played the piano well."

Lu Qianzi asked, "Playing the qin? What kind of qin? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Chen Sheng said: "Oh, I forgot to tell you the specific details. That day, he got the control of Yunshang Jinghua because he played the piano once in Fushou Hall and got a perfect score from Li Siqing."

Lu Qianzi's eyes widened: "He can also play the piano?"

"Yes, maybe it's because he can play the piano. Grandma has a good impression of him, so she prefers him, right Ruixiang?"

Lu Ruixiang interrupted Chen Sheng and said, "No, did you hear what I just said clearly?"

"Listen clearly, I earned 4000 million, and asked Lu Qingzhou to apologize," Chen Sheng said, "Wait, more than 4000 million? Grandma can help with only 4000 million? Her old man's vision is not so low, right?"

"Did you hear what I just said?" Lu Ruixiang asked sternly, "I said he made more than 4000 million in two days, more than 4000 million in two days!"

Lu Qianzi took a deep breath and covered her mouth.

"Isn't this awesome?" Lu Qianzi sighed, "How did he do it? Can he make money like this?"

"No, no, no..." Chen Sheng waved his hands.

Lu Ruixiang clapped his hands and said, "Are you telling me it's impossible to try again? I heard with my own eyes that they transfer money by mobile phone, and each of them has several million bonuses."

Chen Sheng quickly said, "That's not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean?"

"Tell me again, what did they say over there?"

After Lu Ruixiang told the ins and outs of what happened today in detail, Chen Sheng said:

"Then I know, the 4000 million must have been earned, but certainly not in two days."

"What do you mean?" Lu Ruixiang asked.

"There are a lot of such operations in capital, and the financial report is a big cake," Chen Sheng said, "There is also advance payment. The revenue for a long period of time is pre-paid in advance and turned into short-term performance. It seems that it is two I earned 4000 million a day, but in fact I didn’t make any more after that, and I still lost money, otherwise I could still earn 2000 million every day? Wouldn’t that mean I’d become the richest man sooner or later?”

Lu Ruixiang thought about it, and felt that what he said made sense.

Earning 4000 million in two days sounds great, but there must be water, because you can't make 4000 million every two days.

But that's good enough.I don’t know how many people can’t earn thousands of dollars in two days.

"Also, isn't Lu Qingxuan also there? With Lu Qingxuan's ability, it's easy to earn so much money." Chen Sheng said, "Who is Lu Qingxuan's father? That's Lu Yuanbao. Sure, isn't that easy?"

Lu Ruixiang frowned: "No, it should have nothing to do with Lu Qingxuan."

Chen Sheng knocked on the table, and said: "Anyway, there must be moisture in him, even if it is Chen Hai, he can't make 4000 million in two days. But I believe Chen Hai will definitely do it someday in the future."

Lu Qianzi was listening and wanted to say, "Dad, do you have too much prejudice against Chen Ya", but she still didn't say it.

For Chen Sheng, Chen Ya was left wild outside, but Chen Hai was carefully cultivated by himself, it must be a lie to say that he has no preference.

The domesticated ones are not as good as the wild ones. Doesn't this mean that one's own cultivation is useless?That in itself is devastating.

Lu Ruixiang said: "Regardless of whether Chen Ya has achieved it or not, he is definitely not what you said before, but just an ordinary migrant worker."

Chen Sheng was speechless for a while, and said: "Indeed, I admit that I didn't understand well before, but that's because he concealed something from me. Who would have thought that he would pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?"

As he talked, he became a little angry: "This kid, he's pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger with me. Really, what good does it do him..."

Lu Ruixiang sighed, and said: "He is so capable, maybe he is afraid of being exposed in front of you, and you will rely on him instead."

Chen Sheng became even angrier when he heard this: "I'm still a member of the Lu family, okay? Will I rely on him? Even if I take [-] steps back, I'm just a beggar in the capital, and I won't rely on my son!"

After speaking, he felt a little sour in his heart.

Abandoning his wife and son, he has lived in the capital for more than ten years. He thought he could return to his hometown in good clothes, but the eldest son still looked down on him, fearing that he would drag him down.

I don't want to lose face, I have struggled for so many years, what is it for?
Lu Qianzi said from the side: "I don't think Chen Ya can look down on people. After spending a few days with him, I already understand his character. He just doesn't bother to explain to others."

Lu Ruixiang asked: "Why doesn't he like to explain to others? Wouldn't it be easier for others to misunderstand him?"

"Maybe he has encountered too many prejudices, and explanations are useless to prejudiced people."

After speaking, Lu Qianzi glanced at Chen Sheng.

She did not say so.Those who say there are prejudices are talking about Chen Sheng.

But Chen Sheng didn't hear it.

He was silent for a while, and said: "Don't tell Chen Hai about this, he is now in a critical period, so as not to hit him..."

While talking, Chen Hai knocked on the door, opened the door and came in to have a look, amused: "A pajama meeting at night?"

Chen Sheng stretched out his hand to chase him away: "It's none of your business, we're here to discuss Qianzi's personal issues."

Lu Qianzi nodded: "Yes, I have a very private matter now."

Chen Hai was even happier: "Come on, it's because of Chen Ya's matter?"

Everyone stopped talking, Chen Hai said in relief:
"I'm here to tell you that it's fine. Even if Chen Ya stabbed Lou Zi, as long as I'm here, there won't be any major subversive problems."

He also said to himself: "From the founder of Beichen, I understand one thing, that is, people who strive for self-improvement are always respected. As long as I am strong enough, the people around me will be influenced by me to become stronger, including you, including you." he."

He exited the door and said to everyone: "Now I can confidently say that I am a member of the Beichen family. In the future, Lu Qingxuan and Lu Liangchen will be nothing in front of me. Good night."

After finishing speaking, everyone in the room looked at him straight in the eyes without saying a word.

Chen Hai knew that his family members were all encouraged by him, so he closed the door and went out.

He walked briskly, returned to his room, and after falling asleep on the bed, he was extremely at ease.

That is the steadfastness that belongs only to the self-confident.


The next day, Chen Ya went to Guihe Village to pick up Lu Qingxuan as promised, and when he saw her, his eyes lit up.

Today she is wearing a red beret, a Tiffany blue knitted sweater on the upper body, a shirt of the same color inside, a loose white skirt on the lower body, and a beige woolen coat on the outside.

The highlight is a pair of slender and well-proportioned long white legs under her short skirt, which are exposed from under the open coat. When walking, the side slits and the middle appear and disappear, which makes people full of desire to find out.

She walked up to the co-pilot, sat on it, put the bright red handbag on her lap and opened it, took out a small mirror from it, and began to reapply her lipstick.

"You arrived 10 minutes early today, so I didn't have time to touch up my makeup. If this kind of behavior was in Japan or Germany, it might be criticized, but I'm not that strict, so let's just praise you."

Chen Ya squinted at her legs, and said, "Aren't your legs cold?"

"Why do you care so much?"

"If your long legs have old cold legs, they may not be so beautiful."

Lu Qingxuan gave him a gouged look, and said, "Stupid. Do you know what a bare-legged artifact is?"

She stretched out her hand to push the hem of the jacket away. For a moment, Chen Ya thought she was seducing him, but then, Lu Qingxuan pinched her long white leg and lifted it up lightly. A thin layer of silk stockings was covered. Pulled up.

"It just looks like a bare leg, but in fact it is still plush."


Chen Ya lost all interest immediately.

"I heard you can soak in the hot springs today?" Chen Ya asked, "Are there any hot springs in the capital?"

"Yes," Lu Qingxuan said decisively, "My dad drove it."

She turned to Chen Ya and asked, "So did you bring your swimsuit?"

"No. I don't have a bathing suit."

"It's okay, just buy it there. It's just that you may not be able to choose a good-looking style."

Chen Ya started the vehicle.

"where to?"

"Go to the fireworks building first."

(End of this chapter)

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