Chapter 238. Chapter 237.
The Fireworks Building is not a restaurant. The full name of the Fireworks Building is "Human Fireworks Value This Building". Human Fireworks is made up of trivial things such as pots, pans, firewood, rice, oil and salt, so the Fireworks Building sells these things.

But the pots and pans sold in the fireworks building are as extraordinary as its proprietress.

The proprietress of the Fireworks Building is full of styles. In the weather of six to seven degrees, she is wearing a plain white cheongsam. Although the central air conditioner is turned on in the room, it is not cold, but it can be seen from the side that she pays great attention to her personal image.

The proprietress's long legs protruded from both sides of the cheongsam's slits. The length was almost the same as that of Lu Qingxuan. She was also wearing white stiletto high-heeled shoes, and her legs seemed to be polished and shiny, like a layer of white putty.

When Chen Ya and Lu Qingxuan came to visit, she was sitting on a red pear flower wood chair, with her legs stretched out in front of her, holding a white-glazed and red-colored teacup made by Emperor Qianlong in her hand, savoring tea carefully.

"Boss Su, you are auspicious." Upon entering the door, Lu Qingxuan greeted the proprietress.

Su Yeqing put down the teacup in his hand, and the smile on his face melted like a spring breeze:

"I said why the branch magpies kept calling today, and the business was almost too busy for people to leave. It turns out that Second Miss Lu is coming."

The proprietress spoke with a crisp voice, and she couldn't tell what age she was, and she could speak with a small mouth, which made people feel comfortable.

As soon as Lu Qingxuan entered the room, she took off her coat and hung it by the door.Underneath the coat, the knitted sweater rises high to form swelled mountains.

It was only then that Chen Ya realized that her skirt was still a ruffled skirt with a short front and a long back. When she sat down, she stretched her legs there, and the two pairs of jade legs in the room immediately made the atmosphere more glamorous.

After Lu Qingxuan sat down, someone next to her served a pot of tea for her, and someone brought a cup of tea for Chen Ya.Lu Qingxuan picked up the teacup and sighed:
"Thinking about it carefully, I haven't been to the Fireworks Building for a long time. I used to come here at least once a year, but now the Lu family's situation is not good. If it wasn't for the grandpa's birthday, I might not have the chance to come."

Su Yeqing said: "Where there is a peak, there must be a trough. The Lu family was just framed by some young people. The background is still there. In the future, the mess will be washed away and the king will return."

Lu Qingxuan covered her mouth: "Then I'll borrow a good word from the boss. Speaking of which, Boss Su really has a good face. After so many years, his appearance doesn't seem to have changed, like a goddess."

"Oh, Second Miss Lu was joking. I haven't worked hard day and night? Look, there are wrinkles around the corners of my eyes."

Chen Ya sat aside, feeling uncomfortable.

The furnishings and decorations in the hall of this place all highlight a "low-key luxury".

Fireworks Tower is such a place.Most ordinary people don't know its name, and have never paid attention to it, because it only deals with the business of aristocratic families.And just by doing business with a noble family, he can live a very nourishing life.

Many people guessed that there must be a great god behind the proprietress Su Yeqing here, but the relationship has not been revealed, so no one dares to underestimate this delicate-looking proprietress.

The staff of the pyrotechnic building "squeaked" and carried a golden birthday peach in a red brocade box from the side, and put it beside Lu Qingxuan.Lu Qingxuan was still chatting with Su Yeqing, Su Yeqing waved his hand, and they put things on the table beside them.

Chen Ya tapped on the armrest of the chair, he wondered if the chats between the Gaomen were so boring, they never ended.

Before they knew it, the topic of the two of them suddenly turned to him.

"I haven't asked yet, who is this gentleman? . . . "

The beautiful eyes of the proprietress Su Yeqing looked in Chen Ya's direction, and Lu Qingxuan pointed out, "This is Chen Ya, from the Lu family."

This is an introduction.

Su Yeqing stood up according to her skirt, walked to Chen Ya, squatted down and said to Chen Ya: "Are you satisfied with the tea here?"

Chen Ya glanced at the half-squatting woman, her curvy and round buttocks almost came out of the cheongsam, Chen Ya looked away:

"It doesn't matter, I can drink anything."

"If you have any request, just ask, as long as you don't attack me, I will try my best to meet it." Su Yeqing's eyes swept his face nimbly, and suddenly said, "However, if it's you, you will be satisfied with me." I will also consider making a move.”

"Do you say that to everyone?"

"No, not everyone is as handsome as you after all." Su Yeqing smiled charmingly.

Chen Ya said: "The proprietress can really talk."

"Ahem." Lu Qingxuan coughed twice from the side, and said in a cold tone, "Chen Ya, we're here for business, not to pick up girls."

She was dissatisfied with Su Yeqing hooking up with Chen Ya, but she didn't want to talk about Su Yeqing, only Chen Ya.Chen Ya was not interested in Su Yeqing at first, but after being told by Lu Qingxuan, he decided to do the opposite.

"Life is short, why not enjoy yourself in time?" Chen Ya spread his hands and shrugged at Lu Qingxuan.

Lu Qingxuan immediately retorted: "Happiness? I think you will become someone else's joy, and your life will become shorter."

Su Yeqing felt Lu Qingxuan's displeasure, smiled mysteriously, got up and sat back next to Lu Qingxuan.

Lu Qingxuan looked at the golden birthday peach beside him, and said, "How much does this one weigh?"

"18K gold, 9.9 kg, symbolizes longevity, health and safety." Su Yeqing introduced.

18K gold is 75% gold, and the rest is silver. That is to say, this birthday peach is worth more than 300 million.

Lu Qingxuan sighed, and said: "If it was before, it must be 24K pure gold, how could you give 18K gold to the old man?"

This birthday peach is to be placed in the middle of the birthday banquet as a prestige, of course it must be made more grand.It's just that the strength of the Lu family is not as good as it was before, and they are holding back in every aspect. After all, they can't do the ostentation before.

But from the change of 24K to 18K, it can still be seen that this family is trying to restore the last glimmer of the family before its decline.

Lu Qingxuan waved his hand and said, "Carry it down."

Su Yeqing clapped his hands, and the people below brought over another tray. There were several things on the tray, all of which were small items that were going to be given to Mrs. Lu. The members of the Lu family entrusted Lu Qingxuan to do the final check for them.

Lu Qingxuan glanced at Chen Ya, and said, "Would you like to come over and help? Sitting there, looking dumbfounded."

Chen Ya glanced at her sideways, and said, "You don't have any seats over there, why don't you let me squeeze with Boss Su? If you agree, I'll go over there."

Su Yeqing smiled brightly, moved her buttocks, and a lot of seats were vacated: "Okay, come here, I'll squeeze with you."

Chen Ya stood up, and under Lu Qingxuan's surprised gaze, he strode over to Su Yeqing's side and sat down next to her.

Immediately, the fragrance wafted into the nostrils, and the soft touch of Su Yeqing's body also came over.With his posture, Su Yeqing seemed to be sitting in his arms.

But this benefit only lasted for half a second, Lu Qingxuan stretched out his hand to grab Su Yeqing and said, "Come on, Boss Su, let's squeeze together."

Su Yeqing stood up lightly, and was sitting next to Lu Qingxuan in the blink of an eye. The two girls stuck together, laughing and laughing for a while.

Chen Ya had long seen that Lu Qingxuan was trying to test him today, although he didn't know if it was her own thoughts or Grandma's orders, Chen Ya hated being found out by others.

So he acted wild on purpose, squinting his eyes and said, "It's really comfortable to have someone help warm the stool."

Lu Qingxuan gave him an angry look.On the other hand, Su Yeqing covered her mouth and giggled, and said, "How is it? Is my service very considerate?"

Lu Qingxuan placed the tray in front of Chen Ya, and said, "Guess, the price of these things?"

Chen Ya looked at the tray, there were all kinds of things on it, a red agate bracelet, a small green ice jade gourd, a jasper bat, and a copper cup.

Chen Ya glanced at the things on it, and said, "I don't understand these literary games."

He didn't lie, he really didn't understand.

Lu Qingxuan pointed at one of the objects and said, "Just guess one, how much does this little gourd cost?"

Chen Ya glanced at the gourd. The emerald was translucent all over, and the gourd, vines and leaves were perfectly made.

"One or two hundred million?" Chen Ya asked tentatively.

"You guess seriously." Lu Qingxuan said angrily.

"I think it should be 30." Chen Ya said lazily.

"30? Haha, Boss Su, what do you say? He can only see the price of this item, and the price you offered is not worth it."

Su Yeqing frowned and smiled: "Miss Lu, you are really making fun of me. If the price of this thing is really 30, my shop will be trampled down tomorrow. Let's turn it upside down and see where there are 30 yuan left." Wan's emerald gourd."

Lu Qingxuan turned to Chen Ya and said triumphantly, "The original price is 68, which is more than double what you said."

Chen Ya asked, "Who is this gift?"

"It belongs to us of the same generation." Lu Qingxuan put the jade gourd back, "The younger generation will buy the cheaper ones, and the rich will buy the more expensive ones. Gifts are meant to be expressed. Like those novels, you give a hundred years Ginseng, if I give you a millennium ginseng king, it's all fake."

Chen Ya said, "You should have told me earlier."

He thought of the 700 million Patek Philippe he bought.

Lost money.

He has no concept of these aristocratic families at all, and he has no concept of money, so it is expensive to buy.

Looking at his expression, Lu Qingxuan didn't know that he was regretting buying an expensive gift, and thought that she had finally let him down for a while, so she smiled.

Su Yeqing's eyes kept going back and forth between the two of them, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Chen Ya pointed to the weirdest copper cup on the tray and asked:
"what is this?"

"Hey, this is interesting." Lu Qingxuan said, "What do you think it is for?"

"I stepped on it to collect monsters. Anyone who calls the name will be sucked in."

Chen Ya picked up the bronze bell and said to Boss Su behind him, "Boss Su, I'll call you by your name, do you dare to agree?"

Su Yeqing smiled and said: "Dare."

"Boss Su."


"It doesn't work," Chen Ya looked at the copper cup and said, "Maybe it's broken."

Su Yeqing said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's not broken, even if it is broken, the broken one can be replaced for you in the store."

Chen Ya looked up at her, and said, "I see, because I didn't call the right name, what is Boss Su's name?"

Boss Su laughed even more happily. He covered his mouth with the back of his hand, and the branches of his laughter trembled wildly, as if nothing in the world was more funny than what Chen Ya said.

"My name is Su Yeqing."

After a long time, she stopped smiling, sat upright and answered seriously.

"Ahem." Lu Qingxuan cleared his throat again, and took the copper cup from Chen Ya's hand.

"Stop playing, this cup is not important, what matters is the objects inside."

She opened the copper cup and picked it out with a stick. Inside, a green cricket jumped onto the rim of the cup and began to squeak, obediently not running around.

"This sky-blue glass wing is worth 50 yuan. It is rare in winter. It is said that it is easy to fall asleep listening to the sound."

Chen Ya looked at the worm from the left and the worm from the right, and said to Su Yeqing, "How long can this cricket live?"

Su Yeqing said: "Three or four months, feed well, you can live for half a year."

"50, just buy this one thing?" Chen Ya asked.

Lu Qingxuan sneered at him and said, "You don't understand this, do you? You don't care about eternity, you only care about possession."

Chen Ya said, "Who is going to send this?"

"This belongs to my younger brother, Xiao Shengzi." Lu Qingxuan said.

Chen Ya frowned and looked at it for a while, then said, "Lu Qingxuan, Mrs. Lu, do you like playing with bugs?"

Lu Qingxuan said softly: "Recently, the old man doesn't do anything except fishing. Even fishing is half-hearted, and he never catches a fish."

Chen Ya smiled "hehe", isn't it because he can't catch fish?There are no fish in the pond.

He said: "Based on what I know about the old man, he should hate this kind of thing because of his army style, because it is this kind of playful thing that he knocks down. Your brother sent this, I'm afraid it's not to step on a thunderstorm. "

Lu Qingxuan frowned.

After thinking for a while, she got up and said, "I'll make a call." Then she left.

Chen Ya looked at Su Yeqing and said, "Do you have a partner?"

Su Yeqing smiled and shook his head: "No. What's the matter, do you want to introduce one to me?"

"Single dog, ahaha."

Su Yeqing laughed "puchi": "You are so funny."

"Stop kidding," Chen Ya said, "Seriously, do you have a date?"

"Really not." Su Yeqing said.

"There is no match for being so beautiful, either because she has high requirements, or because she has a huge flaw in her character." Chen Ya said, "What is your reason?"

Su Yeqing giggled: "What do you think?"

"I think... you still need to work hard."

Chen Ya's torture didn't last long. Lu Qingxuan finally came back and said seriously:

"I just asked someone to help me find out. Maybe this gift is really not suitable."

Su Yeqing stood up and said, "Do you want to return it? If you want to return it, it will be very troublesome, because we have already settled the money and goods with the seller. If you want to return it, the deposit will be..."

Lu Qingxuan showed a heartbroken expression, and said: "Then, let's not return it, and choose another gift."

Chen Ya said: "My suggestion is, quit."

Lu Qingxuan looked up at him: "Refunded? The deposit is five to sixty thousand."

Chen Ya nodded: "Retire."

Lu Qingxuan thought for a while, gritted her teeth, and said, "Then quit, I'll pick a safer one."

(End of this chapter)

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