Chapter 240 239. He is the boss
"I just want to ask Yunshang Jinghua to help us Hei Beichen." Li Jiayi said.

After listening to Li Jiayi's words, Chen Ya had a strange expression on his face.

"Hei Beichen?"

How can there be any reason in this world to invite the boss of the other company to hack his own company?
"To be precise, it is Hei Beichen's new energy vehicle industry," Li Jia said. "Not long ago, they just released a new energy vehicle concept video, which released a large satellite, and our friends and businessmen were shocked."


Chen Ya remembered.

Not long ago, Beichen finally released the warm-up of Beichen's first new energy vehicle, as well as the blue book of the plan for the next five years.

The layout of the automotive field has been set a few years ago, all key technologies have been figured out, and even the electric vehicles used for testing water have been put into use for many years.

The general direction and various strategic plans have already been framed, and then we just need to follow the steps step by step.Therefore, he didn't pay much attention to this aspect.As soon as Li Jia mentioned it, he thought of this matter.

Lu Qingxuan said: "Why do you want Beichen? As far as I know, the new energy concept they put forward is different from the current track of most companies in the market, right?"

Li Jiayi explained:
"That was five years ago. The R&D cycle of an industry line is five years. Five years ago, Beichen opened up new energy technology. Now, more than three car companies have come to the end of the research and development of new energy vehicles. Everyone has entered the same line. Race track."

He went on to say: "We have carefully studied the blue paper on new energy vehicle strategic planning released by Beichen, and we have come to the unanimous conclusion that if it is really implemented according to Beichen's plan, then in the next five years, the market size of domestic auto companies will shrink by 5%. % or more, then 50% of the enterprises will die and become the nourishment of large enterprises.”

His expression was a little dignified: "It can be said that the automobile industry will undergo an earth-shaking change."

"So, you want to blacken Beichen and completely kill their car layout in the cradle?"

"Yes." Li Jia nodded.

Chen Ya looked at Li Jiayi, his expression was like looking at a constipated thief squatting in his toilet.

He wasn't surprised.

It is not once or twice that Beichen has been stabbed in the back by domestic "friends".He is almost immune to such things done by the Friends of Merchants Association.

"I don't think Beichen announced the relevant technology to you so that you can backstab at this time, right?"

"Backstab? Tell me clearly, what is backstab?" Li Jiayi was a little annoyed by the question, and looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"The new energy technologies developed by Beichen have at least saved more than one billion yuan in R&D expenses for Huaguo's auto industry, but now the car companies have to turn around and blackmail Beichen. Isn't it a bit...Mr. Dongguo and a wolf?" Chen Ya smiled. asked.

"Mr. Dongguo and the wolf, who is Dongguo? Who is the wolf?" Li Jia put his wine glass heavily on the table, "In the 21st century, why do people still think about business matters with this kind of grievance thinking."

Miao Aoxue pushed him and said, "Don't pay attention to him, he has no culture."

Then, she turned her head and said to Chen Ya: "Chen Ya, don't interrupt, this is not your track, and you have no place to speak."

"Pfft, okay." Chen Ya smiled.

Lu Qingxuan looked at Chen Ya, and found that there was no resentment and anger that ordinary people should have on his face.

According to the reaction of a normal person, he would definitely photograph his identity in front of the other party on the spot and tell them that he is the actual controller of Yunshang Jinghua.

But Chen Ya didn't seem to care about such things at all.

Chen Ya's leg moved lightly to her foot, bumped against her leg, and shook his head imperceptibly.

What he meant was to tell Lu Qingxuan not to interrupt.

Now is a good time to find out the truth.He wants to hear how these car companies want to unite to kill the new Beichen Automobile.

Li Jia turned to look at Lu Qingxuan, and said, "Second Miss Lu, come, let's continue chatting."

Lu Qingxuan understood Chen Ya's eyes in an instant, and started chatting with Li Jiayi:

"With the Jinghua family on Yunshang alone, I'm afraid Beichen won't be blacked out? Why don't you find a more authoritative media?"

Li Jia said with a smile: "Beichen's company is registered with a company with a central prefix, and it is a death insurance for all central prefixes. Even if there are acquaintances in the mainstream media, the topic cannot be included, so we can only find it from the self-media. "

He added: "Of course, we didn't just look for Yunshang Jinghua's family."

Lu Qingxuan leaned over and asked, "How much did you find?"

Li Jia smiled evilly: "I can only tell you, a lot."

Chen Ya asked, "How do you plan to blackmail Beichen?"

Li Jia took a look at him: "I'll tell you guys after we reach a cooperation with Yunshang Jinghua."

Miao Aoxue put her white and tender fingers on her legs, rubbing them lightly, her long colored nails were as sharp as blades.

And the way she looked at Chen Ya became as sharp as a blade in an instant.

Miao Aoxue frowned and said, "Chen Ya, don't interrupt me indiscriminately. We are discussing business now, and there is no room for you to speak here."

Lu Qingxuan glanced at her, she didn't like this woman, so she changed the subject and said:
"Going to hack Beichen just like this, I think it is very risky. Beichen is a national star-level company and has a good reputation among ordinary people. Rushing to hack such a company is likely to cause backlash."

Li Jiayi smiled and said, "We are not short of money."

Lu Qingxuan said: "This is not a question of money, but, if Hei Beichen triggers a backlash from public opinion, the credibility of our account may be destroyed..."

"That's still a matter of money." Li Jiayi interrupted her, "My bid for Yunshang Jinghua is 105 million, 3 videos, and 5 soft articles."

After Lu Qingxuan heard the price, she opened her mouth slightly.

Her first reaction was - this is too little!

This figure is too small for Cloud Capital’s two-day revenue of 4000 million.

However, she is naturally sensitive to numbers, and subconsciously calculated in her heart, but she found that this number is exactly three times the price of Yunshang Jinghua's past soft-broadcasting prices in the past.

Chen Ya's foot lightly stepped on Lu Qingxuan's foot under the table, and Lu Qingxuan raised her head, just in time to see Chen Ya winking at her.

Although she didn't know what he meant, she subconsciously gave Li Jiayi an ambiguous answer:

"We still need to think about it, after all, this project is very risky..."

"What else to consider? This quotation is already three times that of Yunshang Jinghua's previous quotation," Li Jiayi said, "Even if it causes a backlash from the public opinion, you sell the account, or change the skin, stay silent for a while, everyone forgets , isn’t it over?”

Lu Qingxuan was still a little hesitant, and he continued:
"Moreover, this time it will definitely not cause public opinion to backlash. To be honest, Wu Liangzhi came up with our plan this time."

Lu Qingxuan was taken aback, she had heard of this name before.

Wu Liangzhi is a godfather figure in the domestic marketing industry. He has planned countless classic cases such as explosive models, viral spread, soft advertising, etc.

He is especially good at setting agendas, such as feminist issues, vegetarianism, and confrontation between men and women... all have his shadow behind it.

It can be said that whoever he wants to be popular may not necessarily be popular, it also depends on the ability of the person being pushed, but whoever he wants to be black must be thoroughly black.

Lu Qingxuan said: "If Teacher Wu Liangzhi is involved, we can only be thugs, right? After all, we are not KOLs (opinion leaders) in the car industry."

"Yes, but the responsibilities of Jinghua on the Cloud are still very important. You are in charge of the capital part, and regional topics are implanted."

The content of the conversation between the two has slowly entered the deep water area, and more and more professional vocabulary has appeared, and Miao Aoxue, who is not a major in media studies, has already begun to fail to understand.

But she knew that what they were talking about now was related to the future of the entire Huaguo auto industry, and to the jobs, wealth and lives of tens of millions of people.

The woman scratched the empty wine glass with her fingernails, making small and trivial sounds. She looked at Chen Ya, and suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of superiority.

The reason why Chen Ya first said when he saw her was that she had "realized her dream", because since she was a student at Peking University, she had longed to climb to a higher place, until she climbed to a wealthy family.

The position she gave herself was that she was born to stand above others, she wanted to think before everyone, and enjoy before everyone.

This is also the reason why she had frictions with Chen Ya many times back then - she couldn't understand that Chen Ya could only think like an ordinary person, being dragged forward in the torrent of the times, living without knowing why, not knowing the so-called death.

Time has passed, and in just a few years, due to the two people's different personalities, the status of her and Chen Ya has widened such a big gap.

Therefore, she longed for approval, and longed for a strong position in front of Chen Ya.

Li Jiayi continued: "Actually, this time it is said that it is black Beichen, but it is not black, it is the truth. Beichen's current actions have seriously hindered the development of the domestic auto market."

Lu Qingxuan asked: "How?"

Li Jiayi said: "At present, the domestic auto industry is simply divided into five parts. Although it seems that everyone has strong financial resources and even reverse acquired some foreign auto companies, the background is far less than that of external auto companies.

"If the current strong momentum continues, sooner or later the domestic auto capital forces will dominate the world, but the problem lies in Beichen. If Beichen becomes the spoiler, domestic auto companies will be hurt. gone."

Chen Ya smiled lightly, and said, "So, the purpose of your dirty Beichen is for the vigorous development of the domestic auto industry?"

Li Jiayi looked at him and said, "What's your opinion?"

Chen Yadao: "Twenty years ago, 20% of global DVD technology patents were concentrated in the hands of Japanese manufacturers. At that time, Japanese manufacturers made a lot of money, and Panasonic, Sony, and Toshiba became the dominant players in the industry.

"But today, 20 years later, who is still playing DVD? In the global DVD market, only Japan is playing with itself. It has shrunk so badly that it will soon be eliminated.

"Do you know why? Because Huaguo was known as the world's factory back then, exporting a DVD priced at US$135 to the United States, the profit was only 2 yuan, and the rest of the profit had to be patented to Japan.

"Because Japan has a first-mover advantage in technology, it erects barriers to latecomers and engages in technological blockades. As a result, once an alternative new technology appears, latecomers will flock to it and let a hundred flowers bloom. The technology market is fragmented.

"It is because of this consideration that Beichen open-sources the corresponding technology, but does not want to follow in the footsteps of DVD."

Li Jia squinted his eyes and said: "I've been talking for a long time, it's all nonsense. What you said doesn't mean that Beichen open-sources the technology of domestic car companies for its own benefit? It just needs all the domestic car companies Get up and make the cake bigger!"

"No, what is the purpose of saying this?"

Chen Ya sat upright, leaned over and said, "Domestic car companies? Lol, except for a few domestic car brands with a long history, other car companies can also be considered car companies? They are all joint venture 'auto capital'.

"They don't master the technology, they don't master the brand, they only have money and manpower. Such a joint venture is nothing more than a comprador, and it is also worth talking about cakes?"

After finishing speaking, he sat back, feeling less oppressed, and said:
"Have you ever thought that the technology in Beichen's hands is actually enough to subvert the entire domestic auto market, but it is only out of consideration for the orderly development of the industry that the previous technology is open-sourced? If your public opinion is successfully guided, On the contrary, it will lead to more serious consequences?"

"Hmph, it's nonsense." Li Jia waved her hands one by one, "I don't talk to people who don't know anything about this industry."

"Tch." Miao Aoxue smiled disdainfully.

"When you were talking just now, I wanted to interrupt you. What can you understand, Chen Ya? What qualifications do you have to make a high-level statement? Stop talking."

After finishing speaking, she turned to Lu Qingxuan, crossed her legs and said:

"Second Miss Lu, we are only talking to you. In this way, I will add another 20 yuan on my own. Is this price enough to be sincere? How do you think about it? You'd better give us an answer on the spot, otherwise, other KOLs in the capital will also It's not that I can't find it."

Lu Qingxuan's pretty face gradually cooled down as if it had been frosted.

"Apologize." Lu Qingxuan said to Miao Aoxue coldly.

For a beautiful girl like Lu Qingxuan, when she loses her temper, it is still very oppressive, and Miao Aoxue suddenly panicked.

She just claimed to be a celebrity, but Lu Qingxuan was a real celebrity. Facing Lu Qingxuan, her aura collapsed in an instant as if being washed away by a flood.

"I...why should I..."

"I don't want you to apologize to me, I want you to apologize to Chen Ya." Lu Qingxuan said, "Since just now, I've been very upset with you because you disrespected Chen Ya very much."

Miao Aoxue squinted at Chen Ya, suddenly realized something, raised her head and said, "Oh—so you are..."

She thought that Lu Qingxuan and Chen Ya had that kind of relationship.

That's why Lu Qingxuan defended him.

Lu Qingxuan said coldly: "Chen Ya is the actual controller of Yunshang Jinghua, he is the real boss."

Miao Aoxue suddenly became dumb.

"Also," Lu Qingxuan said, "The money you gave is too little. We made a total of more than 300 million yuan in two days at Yunshang Jinghua. The mere more than 100 million you provided, even our two-day revenue Nothing at all."

Chen Ya picked out his ears and said, "No."

Lu Qingxuan turned to look at him.

"Earning more than 300 million in two days is already a thing of the past," Chen Ya said, "The latest data shows that our revenue on the third day was 700 million, so our current record is 8000 in three days." Ten thousand."

(End of this chapter)

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