Chapter 241 240. No woman can refuse

Miao Aoxue folded her arms, opened her mouth, slightly embarrassed.

Ever since she got on board with Li Jiayi, she has rarely been confronted face to face like this. Her current mood is as if the Seventh Fleet was suddenly positioned by a satellite when it was sailing invincibly on the sea.

"Second Miss Lu, then you are really amazing, with such a high income, I..."

Lu Qingxuan corrected her: "No, it's not because I'm good, I said it, Chen Ya is the one who decides on Yunshang Jinghua."

Li Jiayi's expression was a little stiff: "But the data in our hands shows that the data of Jinghua on the cloud is far from that high?"

Lu Qingxuan said: "The information in your hands is outdated. Three days ago, the entire team of Yunshang Jinghua has been changed. The data I am talking about is the results of our new team in these three days."

Li Jiayi was completely stunned.

The revenue of 8000 million in three days is the revenue that only national-level media can make, and it is comparable to those with top-notch products.

The most important thing is that it has only been three days since the media team was replaced, and it has made a breakthrough in revenue just after the change of leadership. Doesn't this mean that the two people in front of us are very strong and have the ability to turn decay into magic?

As soon as Li Jia looked at Chen Ya, he wondered if this guy really had that ability, and fell silent.

Lu Qingxuan went on to say: "Miss Miao, back to the topic just now, you interrupted Chen Ya roughly three times just now, I hope you can apologize to him for this."

"Apologize? Me with him??" Miao Aoxue felt a tightness in her chest, extremely wronged.

Li Jia hugged the aggrieved Miao Aoxue into her arms, her expression became a little serious:

"Second Miss Lu, we don't need to tear ourselves apart like this, do we?"

"How can this be regarded as tearing face? Mr. Li, I didn't tear it up with you. If I wanted to tear it up, my tone would definitely not be so peaceful now." Lu Qingxuan had a false smile on her face.

"I just want your girlfriend to have basic respect for Chen Ya. Otherwise, we wouldn't do business with a person who doesn't respect our boss. Isn't what I said very incomprehensible?"

What Lu Qingxuan said was indeed reasonable.Even Li Jiayi couldn't refute it.

Miao Aoxue looked at Chen Ya with a stiff tone, raised her chin, and said, "I'm sorry, is it alright?"

Her apology was obviously insincere, Lu Qingxuan was not willing to let her go so easily.

But thinking that Li Jiayi had spent hundreds of thousands to get her out of trouble just now, he was too embarrassed to do too much, so he stopped talking.

After Miao Aoxue finished apologizing, she stared at Chen Ya as if her eyes were bursting into flames.

She didn't dare to lose her temper with Lu Qingxuan, so she pointed the finger at Chen Ya.

Chen Ya ignored her at all, and said:

"Mr. Li, do you know how much we offer for a video?"

Li Jia said, "How much?"

Chen Ya took out a pen from his pocket, and took out a napkin from the table beside him.

"I will simply list a few data and you will know. Quotations are generally calculated based on active users and overall traffic. Considering the damage to our brand image by Ruanguang, revenue will also account for a part, so the final result is..."

He listed many numbers, and finally wrote down a few final results, saying:

Li Jiayi's expression became a little ugly.

This price is very different from the price he proposed before, every number is like a loud slap in the face, slapped on his face.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not mocking your quotation." Chen Ya said, "If you don't believe me, I can provide you with the latest data performance of Jinghua on the Cloud."

He turned on the screen of his mobile phone and pushed it over.

As soon as Li Jia lowered her head, the phone screen displayed the recent data performance of Jinghua on the cloud in a very concise and clear way.

If he was still skeptical before, after seeing the data in front of him, he completely gave up.

"Okay, I didn't expect that Yunshang Jinghua rose so fast, and it changed in the blink of an eye. If this is the case, our budget may..."

"I took it." Chen Ya said.

Li Jia raised her head: "What?"

"I told you that Yunshang Jinghua accepted your proposal," Chen Ya said, "105 million, two soft articles, and one video."

Li Jiayi was a little surprised.

The price difference is so great that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a loss-making business. How could he accept it so easily?
He turned his head to look at Lu Qingxuan, and asked, "Miss Lu, are you really willing to accept it? Do you have any objections to his proposal?"

Lu Qingxuan rubbed her forehead and said: "As I said just now, he is the boss. He has the final say. I have no right to disagree with his decision."

To be honest, she didn't understand why Chen Ya picked it up.

But since it was Chen Ya's decision, there must be his reasons.

Although she was not convinced of Chen Ya in other aspects, she was completely convinced of Chen Ya in terms of the operation of Yunshang Jinghua.

Anyway, she has no shares.

Miao Aoxue next to her moved the muscles on her face.

She didn't quite believe it before, but Chen Ya was really the controller of Yunshang Jinghua.

Lu Qingxuan actually obeyed Chen Ya's words, which surprised her.

Chen Ya smiled slightly, and put the pen back into his jacket pocket.

Of course he will take the order.

Waiting for the enemy to make a move is far worse than breaking into the enemy's interior first.

Besides, this thing is really fun.

Chen Ya said: "We accept this order, but the premise is that we must deeply participate in your planning. If you have any information, I will also get the same information, otherwise I will not join."

Li Jiayi hesitated: "This..."

Chen Ya said: "If I join, Jinghua Cloud should be the biggest KOL in your project. Don't we have the right to know the progress of the whole project?"

"Of course, of course..." Li Jia nodded repeatedly.

Although he didn't know why Chen Ya was willing to take it, but just now he saw the traffic of Jinghua on the Cloud, and found such a big V with such a small amount of money, it was equivalent to picking up money for nothing.

He didn't want to give Chen Ya time to regret.

"Then it's settled. We can pick a date to sign the contract, but before signing the contract, I need to talk to the person in charge of your planning."

Li Jiayi said: "It just so happens that we are going to hold a promotion meeting with Mr. Wu Liangzhi recently, can you attend?"

"Okay, I will participate."

After the matter was finalized, the atmosphere became much more relaxed, and only Miao Aoxue felt angry.

Miao Aoxue made an excuse to go to the bathroom to leave the table, and then walked faster and faster, Li Jiayi realized something was wrong, caught up with her, grabbed her arm and said:
"Aoxue, why are you so arrogant?"

"Why am I so arrogant? You ask me why I am so arrogant?" Miao Aoxue looked at Li Jiayi unhappily, "Didn't you see that Lu Qingxuan contradicting me like that?"

Li Jiayi said: "Lu Qingxuan is the daughter of Lu Yuanbao. Although the Lu family is in decline now, it's not good to offend her..."

"Lu Qingxuan can't offend you, right? Li Jiayi, I'm telling you, I'm not angry with Lu Qingxuan, I'm angry with you! You're a boyfriend, and people say that about me, yet you don't even give a shit!"

Although Li Jiayi behaved like a young master, his family education was very strict, so he was relatively honest in nature. He couldn't stand the woman's tricks, and said, "...then what do you want?"

"I don't care, you have to win back the face I lost today." Miao Aoxue pointed at his nose and said, "I apologize to that Chen Ya, and I want him to apologize to me too."

Li Jiayi scratched his head.

As soon as the front foot has just negotiated a cooperation with others, and got a big deal, the back foot girlfriend will lose face.

He himself felt a little weird.

Li Jiayi said: "Aoxue, think about it, Yunshang Jinghua was originally only a relatively well-known regional KOL in the capital, but as soon as Chen Ya came up, it increased its revenue by more than [-] times! What kind of concept is this? "

Miao Aoxue sneered, "What concept?"

Li Jiayi lowered his voice: "This shows two things. Either there is someone behind Chen Ya, or he has a strong production ability. We are still cooperating with him. If we mess him up, the loss outweighs the gain?"

Miao Aoxue continued to sneer: "Let me tell you, you don't know him well. When I was studying in Peking University, he sat in the library of Peking University for a year. I don't know if there is anyone behind him?"

Li Jiayi was slightly taken aback: "Really?"

"I know him too well," Miao Aoxue said, "He's just a poor boy from the countryside. He has no background and no so-called production ability. Do you know what his education is? He dropped out of junior high school!"

"Junior high school dropout?"

"Yes," Miao Aoxue nodded, and poked Li Jiayi's chest hard with her finger, "So, you cowardly man, today I'm really... To be honest, I'm very unhappy, and 80.00% of my unpleasantness The reason is all on you!"

Li Jia thought for a while and said:
"Let's figure out what kind of relationship he has with Lu Qingxuan first. If he's really just a marginal figure in the Lu family who was picked up from the countryside, then there's nothing to be afraid of. Don't worry, how can he lose your face? Make him pay back double."

Miao Aoxue was satisfied with this.

After a while, the two came back as if nothing had happened, with smiles on their faces.

"Hey, where's Chen Ya?" Miao Aoxue asked.

Lu Qingxuan didn't like this woman very much, so she didn't answer enthusiastically: "He said that his sister-in-law is getting married, so he went to buy her wedding things."

Miao Aoxue said with a smile: "Second Miss Lu, it was actually a misunderstanding just now. I knew Chen Ya very well before. What I said to him on purpose was just for fun. You don't think he cares."

After hearing this, Lu Qingxuan inexplicably felt even more upset, and said, "Really?"

"That's right, I used to talk to him like that," Miao Aoxue said with a smile, "I used to say to him, 'Hey, who is that, return the book' 'Hey, bring that "Introduction to Literature" to him." I ''Hey, bring me breakfast' and he's used to it."

Lu Qingxuan curled her lips: "Well, what was he like before? What happened to you, is the relationship really good?"

Miao Aoxue smiled and pulled Lu Qingxuan aside, hiding a little away from Li Jiayi, and said:

"The relationship is pretty good, but it's not good enough to be a couple. To be honest, my requirements are relatively high, and I won't look down on him."

After a pause, she added: "At that time, he was wearing rustic clothes, as if he had just entered the city. He couldn't even find the library at that time, so I pointed him the way."

Lu Qingxuan asked: "So you know each other?"

"That was just the first meeting, and we got to know each other later." Miao Aoxue said, "At that time, he was not as calm as he is now, and he liked to brag and talk big."

"Bragging?" Lu Qingxuan asked with her head tilted.

Miao Aoxue nodded: "Yes, at that time we often took walks at night, and he said all day long that he was thinking about controlled nuclear fusion, and he also talked about aerospace conjectures... It's outrageous."

Lu Qingxuan laughed angrily after hearing this: "Really?"

"Yes, at that time I thought to myself, this guy is too good at bragging in order to attract my attention, so I pretended to be a little fan girl and kept echoing beside me. You are so right! But in fact, I was laughing in my stomach secretly. broken."

She grabbed Lu Qingxuan and asked, "Are you and him...together?"

Lu Qingxuan turned cold: "Do you think it's possible?"

Miao Aoxue felt relieved and patted her chest: "I see you are so angry about him, you thought you were in love with him."

Lu Qingxuan was a little speechless.

I was misunderstood like this just once when I was fighting an injustice. If people knew that she and Chen Ya were getting along well at work, would it be okay?

Miao Aoxue's words directly made her no longer want to speak for Chen Ya.

"I definitely didn't fall in love with him, and that's not angry... Cough, although I don't like him, I think there should be a little basic respect for him. If you're just joking with him, that's I misunderstood you, well, I apologize."

"It's nothing, nothing." Miao Aoxue waved her hand, "Then how did he manage to make Yunshang Jinghua so big suddenly? Was there someone behind the scenes?"

Just as Lu Qingxuan was about to say something, she changed her mind and said:

"No, the main reason is that the Lu family is willing to provide resources. Those data are actually piled up by resources, and you can sit up if you go to another person."

Of course, none of what she said was true.

Because she didn't want Miao Aoxue to know that Chen Ya was outstanding.

From her point of view, Miao Aoxue felt a bit like Chen Ya's ex-girlfriend, and this relationship was already fatal.If she were to know about Chen Ya's own abilities, the two of them flirting and flirting would make her feel very sick.

But Miao Aoxue didn't know what she was thinking, when she heard her words, she was immediately elated, and asked again:
"Really? Could it be that he used his strength to make Yunshang Jinghua achieve a butterfly transformation breakthrough..."

"No, no way," Lu Qingxuan immediately said, "He's just lucky."

After she finished speaking, she added more details and exaggerated Chen Ya's background, all of which were false.

The more Miao Aoxue listened, the more comfortable the expression on her face became.

Now she is completely ex-girlfriend thinking, the worse Chen Ya's life is, the happier she is.

This shows that she made the right choice.

After a while, she came back to Li Jiayi, pulled him aside, and said proudly:

"Look, let me just say, I can't possibly be wrong about Chen Ya."

Li Jiayi asked, "What's wrong?"

"I asked Lu Qingxuan just now, and she said that Chen Ya was just lucky, catching up with Lujiadui's resources, which made the development of Yunshang Jinghua better. It has nothing to do with Chen Ya's strength, and he has no background." Miao Miao Aoxue said, "I said Chen Ya couldn't possibly have that ability."

Li Jiayi thought for a while.

As the manager of Yunshang Jinghua, Lu Qingxuan boasted that Chen Ya's ability was not bad when the two parties cooperated. It was unlikely that he would deliberately tell lies to belittle him.

And seeing that she stood up to defend Chen Ya just now, she didn't want to have a bad relationship with him, so what Miao Aoxue found out, there was a high probability that it was the real situation.

Before Chen Ya accepted their order without hesitation, he was afraid that the other party would be scheming and might have something to back them up.If Chen Ya was an idiot, then he would be completely at ease.That meant he was indeed out of his mind.

He smiled and said to Miao Aoxue: "You are still amazing, now I am relieved. It seems that he took our order, not for any purpose, maybe just to show off in front of you, to curry favor."

Miao Aoxue gave him a gouged look: "What kind of vinegar are you eating? I have nothing to do with him long ago!"

Li Jiayi said: "Why would I be jealous? It's all about me, can you still fall in love with other people?"

"That is, no one can compare to you!" Miao Aoxue slapped him on the chest.

"By the way, your old classmate accepted our order at a low price for you. How do you feel?"

Miao Aoxue rolled her eyes: "What mood am I in? I think he is an idiot. Let's pick up money for free, how nice it is."


Miao Aoxue also smiled along with Li Jia.At the same time, she felt very grateful in her heart.

Fortunately, in school back then, he didn't blindly hand himself over to Chen Ya.

If that was the case, she would not be in the position she is today.



Lu Qingxuan sat back in Chen Ya's car, put on her seat belt, feeling a little guilty.

Chen Ya handed over the phone and said, "This wedding gown, isn't it pretty?"

Lu Qingxuan lowered her head, and on the screen happened to be a bright red wedding gown, phoenix crown and Xiapei, and a set of clothes, which looked very eye-catching.

She panicked.

"What do you mean?"

Ask girls if the wedding dress looks good?what is this?
Chen Ya didn't realize the reason for her panic, and said, "Just now I saw a wedding gown in the Fireworks Tower and planned to buy it for my sister-in-law. Do you think it looks good?"

Lu Qingxuan was a little relieved, and said, "How much?"

"Tens of millions," Chen Ya said, "The clerk over there said that it was worn by Li Qiushui, a famous modern writer, when he got married. It was made by Shang Jingyun, a famous fashion designer at that time, and it was very valuable."

"That's indeed the price." Lu Qingxuan nodded, "Okay, let's buy it. I don't think any woman can refuse this."

"You can't either?"

Lu Qingxuan's breath stagnated: "What do you mean? You want to tease me?"

"That's not it."

"Then what are you talking about, don't talk nonsense. Let's go. Go to Xiaonanguo, and you can soak in the hot spring after Chinese food."

Lu Qingxuan twisted her hair.Fingers tremble a little.

(End of this chapter)

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