Chapter 242 241. I disagree
Chen Ya gave Lu Qingxuan a strange look: "It feels like you suddenly became a little rough."

"Am I rude? I've always talked like this, you know?" Lu Qingxuan pushed her hair back with force.

She felt that she should keep a little distance from Chen Ya, lest Miao Aoxue misunderstand that they were in a relationship again.

"I just found out," Chen Ya flicked his phone nonchalantly, "But do you really want to go to the hot spring today? Can you also take a dip when you come?"

Lu Qingxuan almost bumped his head into the center console.

"Didn't I come here... That's why I lost my temper!"

Chen Ya obviously thought that she had come to see her aunt, so her temper became violent.

She was ashamed and annoyed, wishing she could "bang bang" punch Chen Ya on the forehead.

Chen Ya stared at the phone screen, and finally took a look at the so-called "wedding dress made by Shang Jingyun that Li Qiushui wore when he got married", and finally made up his mind, and sent Su Yeqing a message:
"Boss Su, it's decided. Keep this dress for me. I'll pay for it next time. In addition, there are two sets of clothes for the wedding, a wedding dress and a dress. Please pay attention to it."

Su Yeqing politely replied to the text message: "Okay, I wish you and your lover a happy life together."

"I'm not married..."

"Hee hee, I know, I deliberately teased you."

After Su Yeqing sent the message, he saw something happened not far away, frowned, and walked up.

Seeing Su Yeqing coming, the waiters next to him retreated and bowed their heads to say hello: "Boss Su."

"what happened?"

Su Yeqing folded her arms, not far in front of her, a man was pointing at the wedding dress that Chen Ya ordered just now, talking endlessly to a woman.

The waiter whispered to Su Yeqing: "Boss Su, I wish the boss was introducing the wedding dress to the guests, and I feel that the guests are a little moved..."

Hearing this, Su Yeqing frowned.

The man talking in front was called "Boss Zhu" by the employees, his name was Zhu Hongbao, and he was her partner.

Zhu Hongbao is also the owner of Yanhuo Building, and holds more shares than Su Yeqing.

It's just that Zhu Hongbao is a hands-off shopkeeper, and he seldom comes to work in the Fireworks Building. Su Yeqing usually manages specific affairs.

It's just that I don't know what kind of wind is blowing today to bring him here.

So the relationship between Su Yeqing and Zhu Hongbao has not been very good.

If it wasn't for the behind-the-scenes boss of the Fireworks Building to suppress the conflict between the two, they would definitely have a fierce fight.

Su Yeqing hates this kind of idle person, especially if he is his partner.

She asked the staff next to her:

"Didn't you tell him that the wedding dress has already been reserved by a guest?"

The employee hesitated to speak: "I said it, but..."

Seeing that she couldn't explain why, Su Yeqing simply stepped forward and walked to Zhu Hongbao's side.

Originally, she had a bad complexion, but as soon as she stood beside Zhu Hongbao, she changed into a commercial smile and said:
"I wish the boss, what wind brought you here today?"

Zhu Hongbao is a short man with a square face and a big belly. When he looked back at Su Yeqing, he said:
"Boss Su, what are you talking about? My own fireworks building, can I come here by myself? Besides, I am here today with a big client."


Su Yeqing looked at the woman beside him in a blink of an eye, was slightly taken aback, and said, "This is... Lin Yumeng?"

The woman in fashionable attire took off her sunglasses and glanced at Su Yeqing: "Huh?"

"Ah, it's really Miss Lin, a rare guest!"

Su Yeqing reached out to shake her hand, but was ignored by Lin Yumeng.

Lin Yumeng, one of the hottest actresses recently.

Because of the cover of Xu Xiangxiao's song, it became popular immediately, and then joined several variety shows, and immediately gained popularity among the people of the country.

It was no wonder that Zhu Hongbao, who usually lay down instead of sitting, would come over.

It turned out that he was here to accompany this big star.

It's just that I don't know where he got on the line of the big star Lin.

Lin Yumeng looked back at the wedding dress in front of her, and said:
"This one is very good. Only this one can match me in my future wedding. I want it."

The smile on Zhu Hongbao's face became even brighter, and he kept saying:
"Good! Good! Ms. Lin is really grand! Refreshing! In the future, the star journey will definitely be the same color as this wedding dress, and it will be booming!"

Lin Yumeng pinched the sunglasses in her hand, her face was meaningless.

She was used to Zhu Hongbao flattering like this, every day there was not one thousand but eight hundred.

But Su Yeqing's expression changed immediately.

"Miss Lin, I'm so sorry, this wedding dress has already been ordered."

Zhu Hongbao looked at Su Yeqing, and said in a bad tone: "It's fixed? When is it fixed?"

"Just now, that customer just left."

Zhu Hongbao was dissatisfied and said: "Ms. Lin just saw this wedding dress, and you said that it was given by someone else. It's a matter of tens of millions. How can it be such a coincidence?"

Su Yeqing's expression also turned cold, and he said, "Do you want me to show you the chat records?"

The two bosses of the fireworks building quarreled, and the surrounding waiters dispersed, too frightened to breathe.

Lin Yumeng looked at Zhu Hongbao coldly, and asked:

"Boss Zhu, what's the matter? You don't tell me when the wedding dress is ordered. Isn't that a waste of my time?"

Zhu Hongbao apologized to Lin Yumeng sweating, then looked at Su Yeqing with a livid face, and said:

"Boss Su, the rules in our store are things that have been set by others, and they will be taken down for maintenance soon. Why is this wedding dress still on display here?"

Su Yeqing said: "As I said just now, I just received the confirmation from the client, and I haven't had time to take off the clothes. Besides, our waiter has already told you that you are booked, why do you still show Miss Lin? Woolen cloth?"

Zhu Hongbao was at a loss for words for a moment, Su Yeqing finished him off, turned around and said softly to Lin Yumeng:

"Miss Lin, I'm sorry, this matter is indeed not done properly by our Fireworks Building. You can see if this is okay. We will show you another wedding dress that is also designed by Shang Jingyun. At the same time, we will give you a Your 9% discount card..."

Lin Yumeng looked at Su Yeqing impatiently and said, "Do you think I'm short of money?"

Su Yeqing hesitated for a while: "You are such a big coffee now, of course you are not short of money, but..."

Lin Yumeng interrupted her and said, "Life is all about having fun and peace of mind. I bought this wedding dress for 7000 million yuan for future use. What is it for? It's for my happiness. If I don't feel happy I can bear it, why should I come to your pyrotechnic building for consumption?"

Zhu Hongbao echoed from the side: "Miss Lin really deserves to have reached the top in the entertainment industry, and she lives a transparent life! Boss Su, did you hear that? It's not short of money, I just want to be happy!"

Su Yeqing let out a sigh of relief.

This Lin Yumeng, who didn't know where she came from not long ago, became the most popular niche just because she hugged an alloy thigh.

There is nothing to live a transparent life, this guy is purely an upstart mentality, here is the show.

But the thick alloy leg she hugged was too thick, she never dared to offend her, so she had to be careful.

"Then how about I take you to see that one first, and then you can choose between the two after reading it?"

Lin Yumeng said: "Then if I don't like the one you mentioned, what will you do?"

Su Yeqing was a little hesitant, and said with a smile: "You can go and see again, if you don't like it, let's find a way."

Lin Yumeng sarcastically said: "You think I'm you? I don't have so much time to waste here, this is all I want, I'm fancy, I want it."

Next to him, Zhu Hongbao suddenly said to Su Yeqing: "Boss Su, you said that this dress has been ordered, have you already paid for it?"

"...Not yet." Su Yeqing said.

"Haven't paid the money yet? What about the deposit?" Zhu Hongbao pretended to be surprised, and deliberately raised his voice.

Su Yeqing said: "That is a big customer, they have already ordered a lot of things today, so the deposit for this set of clothes has not been paid, but I have promised to help people keep it."

"Tsk tsk, so Boss Su is doing something..." Zhu Hongbao took the opportunity to apply eye drops to Su Yeqing, which made her feel sick.

This Zhu Hongbao took the wrong medicine today, and suddenly started fighting with her for power, which caught her off guard.

If she was prepared, she would never give him a chance to make use of it.

Lin Yumeng asked, "Which big client is it? Report your name, maybe I still know it."

Zhu Hongbao hastily echoed:

"Yeah, Ms. Lin has a wide network of people. Who doesn't know anyone in the capital? If you know who bought it and go to communicate with people, maybe they will be willing to give up their love?"

With these words, he flattered and embarrassed Su Yeqing, and he was very proficient in a set of combos.

Su Yeqing could only smile awkwardly: "I'm sorry, Miss Lin, it's inconvenient for us to disclose the identity of the client."

At this moment, a voice came from behind everyone: "That big client has a lot of background, he is from the Lu family."

Everyone looked back, only to see Li Jiayi, with Miao Aoxue on his arm, appearing behind him.

Li Jiayi had a leisurely smile on her face, and Miao Aoxue also had a smile on her face, but her smile was much more treacherous.

The two had been here before, watching the whole process, and knew what they were arguing about.

Or it could be called sending pillows when you are sleepy, Li Jiayi just promised Miao Aoxue that she would make up for the face she lost, and now she has a good opportunity to deliver pillows to Chen Ya's face.

Su Yeqing was completely confused.Just now, I saw them chatting happily and thought they were friends, but in the end, this guy is tearing down the Lu family behind his back?
She sighed for Chen Ya.It seemed that he couldn't stop it anymore, Chen Ya would definitely be troubled by this Lin Yumeng today.

Li Jiayi walked up to Lin Yumeng slowly, and said seriously:

"Miss Lin, I'm Li Jiayi from Xuanyuan Chamber of Commerce. Just now, I heard that you like this robe very much. I'm afraid you don't know. Let me tell you that this wedding dress is for the Lu family."

Lin Yumeng frowned and said, "The Lu family? I know the Lu family very well. I haven't heard of anyone in their family getting married recently. Is it Lu Shuying or Lu Xiaojie?"

Li Jiayi shook his head and said with a smile on his face: "Chen Ya, have you heard of this name?"

"Chen Ya?"

Lin Yumeng frowned, obviously never heard of this name.

Li Jia said with a smile: "Speaking of this Chen Ya, he is still a legend, he was picked up by the Lu family from the countryside..."

After he told about Chen Ya's affairs, Lin Yumeng's brows gradually relaxed.

"I thought it was someone from the Lu family. It turned out to be a marginal figure. No wonder I haven't heard of it." Lin Yumeng said, "What's the matter? Give it to me."

Li Jiayi applauded: "I admire, I admire! Ms. Lin really has a lot of connections!"

In fact, it's not that Lin Yumeng has a wide network of contacts, but that she has a deep relationship with the Lu family.

The Lu family was originally a giant in the domestic entertainment industry. How can any celebrity in the country dare to say that they are not afraid of the Lu family?If there is the Lu family as the background, it is to embrace the biggest thick legs.

But ever since Aihua changed hands, the Lu family has not been as grand as before. The celebrities who came to make connections in the past almost broke through the Lu family's threshold, but now, the Lu family has become empty.

Now in Lu Ningna's hands, there is also an entertainment company "Double Star Entertainment". Lin Yumeng is the signed artist of this Double Star Entertainment, and is a pillar-level figure of Double Star Entertainment.

Ever since Lin Yumeng hugged another big thick leg, her relationship with the Lu family has been completely reversed. In the past, she was trying to curry favor with the Lu family, but now, the Lu family is trying to curry favor with her.

If she didn't take good care of her, and if she didn't like her, she would terminate the contract and leave, which would undoubtedly deal a more fatal blow to the Lu family who was struggling with the wind.

That's why Lin Yumeng's behavior was so complicated when she heard that the wedding dress was ordered by the Lu family.

She took out her mobile phone, dialed a number, and soon, the other end answered.

"Hey, Grandpa Gao, it's me, I'm Lin Yumeng." Lin Yumeng's voice seemed enthusiastic, but not fiery, hot on the outside and cold on the inside, referring to her current behavior.

"I have something to tell you, that is, there is a Chen Ya in your family, do you know? He ordered the clothes I want to buy..."

After Lin Yumeng told Commissioner Gao what happened today, Commissioner Gao pondered for a while and said:
"Chen Ya, I know. He ordered the clothes? He didn't give money, and he didn't pay a deposit, right? It doesn't matter, just let the boss tell him."

Lin Yumeng looked at Su Yeqing and said, "But the boss here is very professional, she won't sell it to me."

Gao Jinliang said again: "Do you really want this wedding dress? Didn't I hear that you are going to get married?"

Lin Yumeng said with a smile: "I just want to buy myself the best wedding dress, so as to keep a memory for myself."

In fact, not only does she have no plans to get married, but she may not be able to get married for a long time.

Now she wants to marry the thigh she hugged with all her heart, but that thigh already has a wife and it is impossible to accept her, so she bought this dress as a thought, but in fact she bought it for that thigh watch.

Just to stab that thigh on purpose.

Gao Jinliang thought for a while and said, "You really want this one no matter what? Maybe something else is better?"

"I want this one. I like it, and I won't change it no matter what." Lin Yumeng said with her mouth puffed up.

Gao Jinliang nodded helplessly: "Alright, then I'll call Chen Ya and tell him to give it to you."

After finishing speaking, after hanging up the phone, Lin Yumeng's expression became indifferent again, and she spread her hands to the people around her: "Look, isn't this done?"

She also deliberately glanced at Su Yeqing, which was quite provocative.

Su Yeqing was cursing in her heart, feeling very disdainful, but there was nothing she could do.

These customers are all like this. If the things they ordered are bought by others, they will definitely blame the boss for being unkind in doing business.

But if they are interested in what others have ordered, and the boss refuses to sell, they will definitely blame the boss for not being able to do business.

No way, the double standards of these people are engraved in their bones.

But what about self-employed people?It's not just a smile.

Zhu Hongbao asked: "Miss Lin, who did you call just now?"

Lin Yumeng said concisely: "Return to Hezhuang, Gao Jinliang."

"It's him?" Zhu Hongbao was a little surprised, "As expected of Miss Lin, even he listens to you."

Lin Yumeng just smiled coldly.



At this time, Chen Ya was driving on Mingyuan Street.


He looked down at the phone, but it was Gao Jinliang.

Lu Qingxuan frowned: "Why did the high committee member find you?"

He clicked on the connection, and the voice of the high committee member came directly from the car Bluetooth stereo:
"Hey, Chen Ya, what are you busy with?"

"I'm driving, what's wrong?"

"That's it. Did you order a wedding dress at the Fireworks Building?" Gao Jinliang asked.

Chen Ya was a little surprised: "How do you know?"

"Who is it for?" Gao Jinliang asked, "I haven't heard of anyone getting married recently."

"Did you forget? My sister-in-law, Chen Chi, is getting married, and it's still on the same day as Mrs. Lu's birthday." Chen Ya said.

"oh, I see."

What Gao Jinliang said was ambiguous. In fact, he didn't know who Chen Chi was, nor did he know that her wedding banquet was on the same day as Old Master Lu's birthday.

It was the first time he had heard of it today.Who cares about a side husband's rural sister's wedding?

"Well, it's like this," Gao Jinliang said, "Can you return that wedding dress?"

"Why?" Chen Ya frowned slightly as he drove the car.

It's a bit too much for Gao Jinliang to manage.

"You quit." Gao Jinliang said, "We will find a way to buy a wedding dress for your sister-in-law."

Chen Ya frowned: "Is there someone who has taken a fancy to the same outfit?"

Gao Jinliang didn't say yes or no, he just said:

"I've already told the owner of the fireworks building, I'm in charge of this matter, so it's decided."

He didn't give Chen Ya a chance to refute, and hung up the phone directly.

With a "squeak", Chen Ya's car stopped on the side of the road.

Lu Qingxuan looked at him worriedly.

Although Chen Ya couldn't see anything on his expression, she could feel that he was a little angry.

"It is estimated that someone related to the family has taken a fancy to the clothes, otherwise the high committee member would not have called here specially," Lu Qingxuan thought, "Why don't you call Su Yeqing first and ask who the other party is? ?”

She checked several candidates in her mind, and found that there are quite a lot of candidates, and they are not easy to mess with.

Chen Ya didn't answer, and directly dialed Su Yeqing's number.

As soon as the other party answered the phone, he said unceremoniously to the phone:
"Boss Su, you are not honest in your business, are you?"

On the other end of the phone, Su Yeqing bit her lip and whispered:

"Mr. Chen, I'm really sorry. It's useless to blame me. There is a very powerful guest here who has taken a fancy to your wedding dress. I have repeatedly explained to her, but she refuses to let go."

Chen Ya was dissatisfied: "So you transferred that set to her?"

"No," Su Yeqing wanted to cry anxiously, "My other business partner didn't listen to my advice and insisted on selling the clothes to others. I couldn't help it. Besides, that customer..."

Chen Ya said coldly to Su Yeqing: "I don't care if what you said is true or not, I just ask for one thing. I ordered that suit. Don't give it to anyone."

Su Yeqing hesitated and said, "But, just now, Miss Lin said that she called the senior member of the Lu family..."

"I don't care who she called, and I don't care what the high committee member told you. I ordered the clothes. Without my consent, they are not allowed to be given to anyone else."

Su Yeqing was on the phone when he suddenly heard Zhu Hongbao yelling behind him:

"Then, put on this wedding dress for Miss Lin, Miss Lin, do you need help delivering it to your house?"

Su Yeqing hurried back and said, "No, I'm still negotiating with the client, and he hasn't agreed to let it out yet."

Zhu Hongbao squinted at her disdainfully, and said, "You are really ignorant, Miss Lin has already greeted the high committee member, what else do you want? Even if the client has an opinion, it's just because you can't save face, he can still twist it High Commissioner?"

Su Yeqing said: "That's not the case. After all, when doing business, you still have to pay attention to the first-come, first-served first order. Otherwise, if it spreads, the guests will say that our pyrotechnic building has broken the rules."

Zhu Hongbao said impatiently: "Don't make trouble, Ms. Lin is busy with people, aren't you wasting her precious time? Ms. Lin, leave her alone, she hasn't turned her head, I'm the judge, you can take this clothes away. "

Lin Yumeng stretched out her hand, and proudly said to Su Yeqing: "You are calling that client, right? Give me the phone."

"This..." Su Yeqing hesitated.

"Give it to me." Lin Yumeng hooked her fingers.

 Cough cough, I put it up all day yesterday and didn't update it.

  So today, three chapters in a row, 12000 words, not only made up for yesterday's update, but today's update is also overfulfilled, everyone just pretend nothing happened, okay?

  If not, I can only apologize as a woman...

(End of this chapter)

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