Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 243 242. Between Heaven and Earth, I Have Never Been the Only One

Chapter 243. Between Heaven and Earth, I Have Always Been Alone

On the side, Li Jiayi and Miao Aoxue looked at each other and smiled secretly.

Originally, this matter was only intended to cause Chen Ya a little trouble, to slap him in the face.

At the point where the High Commissioner speaks, their goal is considered to have been achieved.

Unexpectedly, there was a surprise, that guy still refused to back down.

When Lin Yumeng stepped forward, Chen Ya should know how terrible the fate of not knowing how to advance or retreat is.

"bring here!"

Lin Yumeng's voice became very tough.

Chen Ya said on the phone: "Give her the phone."

Su Yeqing struggled for a long time, and finally handed over the phone to Lin Yumeng.

The reason why she refused to give Lin Yumeng the phone was because she was afraid that Lin Yumeng would embarrass Chen Ya.

After giving Lin Yumeng the phone, she was a little worried that Chen Ya would offend someone, and she was on tenterhooks.

Those who do business are always afraid of disputes among customers in the store.

Lin Yumeng answered the phone and proudly said:
"Hey, you are the one who paid the deposit before, right? Do you know who I am?"

Chen Ya said to the phone: "I don't care who you are. You'd better not touch my wedding dress with your hands, put it down immediately, and leave, or you will bear the consequences."

Chen Ya's words were so straightforward that Lin Yumeng could only feel a burst of fire in his heart, and the sound of "crackling" when the gas stove was ignited came from his head.

Ever since she made her fortune, no one has dared to choke on her like this!
Lin Yumeng was stunned for a while, and then said angrily, "How dare you speak to me like this?"

"What's wrong with me talking to you like this? You don't know etiquette. Is it necessary for me to talk to you in a civilized way?"

Chen Ya said again: "If you really like that wedding dress, please call me politely and tell me sincerely, maybe I will let it to you as soon as I am happy, after all, the beauty of an adult is also a virtue.

"But the last thing you should do is to tell Commissioner Gao directly and use him to pressure me. Since you have done such a thing, it is impossible for me to talk to you calmly again.

"I hate bullies, but if you bully, I don't mind letting you experience being bullied."

Chen Ya hated people like a storm.Ever since Lu Qingxuan got to know him, he has seldom sprayed people directly like he is now.

She looked dumbfounded from the sidelines.

"I will repeat it for the last time, immediately put down the wedding dress I ordered, then turn around and look at other clothes. This is the last time, and I will never repeat this sentence for the third time."

After speaking, Chen Ya directly hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Lu Qingxuan was really worried.

"Miss Lin... I heard the voice, it can't be Lin Yumeng, right?" Lu Qingxuan put her finger on her chin, and frowned, "It's broken, Chen Ya, you're causing trouble."

Chen Ya turned around, calmly asked, "What trouble am I causing?"

"Lin Yumeng is not easy now," Lu Qingxuan said, "It doesn't matter if she is a small star, but her lover has a big background."

Chen Ya said lightly, "My background may not be small."

Lu Qingxuan frowned, thinking that Chen Ya was joking: "Be serious, I am serious. I am really worried now."

She said worriedly:

"It's fine if she didn't call Commissioner Gao to talk about it. Since she said it, and Commissioner Gao also spoke, if you don't obey the arrangement and go back to the family, it's not easy to explain..."

"What do I need to explain to your Lu family?" Chen Ya said coldly, "I don't have many family members, and my sister-in-law is one of them. If I don't come to pay attention to her, who will care about her?"

When Chen Ya said the words "your Lu family", Lu Qingxuan felt a little tingled.

Chen Ya had always been a bit hypocritical and submissive to the Lu family before, speaking half-truths and half-false words, but today he was in a fit of anger, so he was telling the truth.

He was not only angry at Lin Yumeng's rudeness, but also at the attitude of the Lu family towards his sister-in-law, and at Chen Sheng.

He also heard it just now, Gao Jinliang didn't know about my sister-in-law's wedding at all, and no one cared about my sister-in-law's wedding.

My sister-in-law was careful about her wedding, one of the few days in her life when she could be the protagonist, but she was careful not to take the initiative to win the attention of others. Doesn't this make him a little distressed?

His sister-in-law shouldn't be so humble.

After Chen Ya finished speaking, Lu Qingxuan stared at his face for a long time.

After a long time, she said: "You have never regarded yourself as a member of the Lu family, have you?"

"Of course, isn't that obvious?"

"So you don't see yourself as part of the family, and you don't see me as one, do you?"

When Lu Qingxuan said this, her mood had changed, her voice was neither salty nor weak, it was clear and cold.

"Yes," Chen Ya said, "I have grown up alone since I was a child, and I have never felt the existence of a family. In the world, I have always been alone. In my life, there is no such thing as a family."

"Yes, I see." Lu Qingxuan nodded.

She also found out about it.

Lu Qingxuan grew up under the protection of the aristocratic family, and never left the family one day.

The two of them, from the day they were born, lived in different worlds, just like fish and birds, they couldn't understand each other at all.

Of course, neither Lu Qingxuan nor Chen Ya was to blame for this.

He is just different from himself.

Lu Qingxuan will never know how much suffering he has endured in his so-called single life in the world.Chen Ya would never know what it was like growing up under the protection of his family.

Just as fish do not know the vastness of the sky, and birds do not know the depth of the sea.

After a long time, she said softly:
"You know what? I was kind of sad when you said that just now."

"Why are you sad?" Chen Ya was surprised.

"I regard you as a family member." Lu Qingxuan said.

After speaking, there was silence in the car for a while.

"Thank you." Chen Ya said.



On the other side, Lin Yumeng was hung up, her fingers trembling with anger.

This is the first time she has been so angry since the beginning of this year.

She gripped Su Yeqing's phone hard, her knuckles turned white, and Su Yeqing was a little worried that she would explode her phone.

"So what if I don't leave?" Lin Yumeng tried her best to keep her voice steady, "So what if I just touch this suit? Isn't it just a wedding dress? I not only want to touch, but also step on it!"

She casually threw the phone to Su Yeqing who was at the side.

Before Su Yeqing could stop her, Lin Yumeng rushed to the hanger and pushed the wedding dress to the ground.

Then, she stepped directly on the wedding dress, and the sharp heels of the high heels trampled the delicate but fragile pendant to pieces.

Su Yeqing was stunned.

Everyone thought that she was just talking about stepping on her, and no one thought of stopping her, let alone dared to stop her.

Unexpectedly, this sister really dares to step on it!

Lin Yumeng stepped on the wedding dress, and said to the stunned Zhu Hongbao:

"Boss, in this way, no one will snatch it from me, right? Don't be afraid, I'll buy the full price of this dress, and you won't lose a single penny to your fireworks building."

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and waved, and said to her assistant, "Pick out the card and pay."

Zhu Hongbao stammered, "But, but... such a wedding dress is very difficult to repair..."

Lin Yumeng said: "What are you repairing? I just want it to be so tattered. Well, it's so pretty. Anyway, I don't wear it, I just hang it at home."

"Step aside."

Su Yeqing stood aside, and suddenly said to her in a cold tone.

Lin Yumeng looked at her: "Boss Su, I've already bought this wedding dress. I like to step on it, sit on it, or use it as a cushion on the bed. You don't care."

"I let you get out of the way!"

Su Yeqing pushed hard and pushed Lin Yumeng aside. She staggered and almost fell.

"What are you doing!" Lin Yumeng shouted hysterically, "I almost sprained my ankle, do you know that? Can you bear the responsibility?"

Zhu Hongbao also shouted loudly to Su Yeqing:
"Su Yeqing, what are you doing? How did you treat our distinguished customer? Tell you to be respectful, otherwise there will be no place for you in this store in the future!"

Su Yeqing helped the clothes up silently, and after a careful inspection, he found that there were many hidden wounds on the clothes, which were completely horrible.

High-end wedding dresses and dresses all have a lifespan, and once worn, the lifespan will be lost once.

The dresses of foreign luxury brands are rented to those actresses to walk the red carpet, and the cost is tens of millions or even hundreds of millions a day.

That's because those clothes are expensive to make, and the design does not consider changing and washing, and every time they are worn, they will lose their lifespan.

This wedding dress is the same, it is far inferior to ordinary clothes, just wearing it and walking around the wedding banquet will cause innumerable hidden injuries, let alone being trampled on by someone wearing high heels?
Su Yeqing said in a deep voice: "Do you know that this wedding dress is not only a wedding dress, but also a cultural relic, which has been handed down for nearly a hundred years?"

Just as Lin Yumeng was about to say something, Su Yeqing said again:
"Do you know that Li Qiuyu is a patriotic female writer, and her husband Lin Jueming is a revolutionary martyr. On the eve of their wedding, Lin Jueming left his last "Letter with Wife" and went to participate in the uprising. The sacrifice was lost, and the wedding of the two became a funeral.

"Li Qiuyu never married Lin Jueming for a single day, but she insisted on holding this wedding without a groom, she shed tears at the wedding, and then she also joined the revolution.

"The fabric and technology used in this dress are far inferior to those foreign luxury goods, but the historical significance it contains is priceless, and if you trample it under your feet like this, do you know that you are desecrating the martyrs and history?"

Su Yeqing was aggressive, but after she finished speaking, Lin Yumeng didn't have any regrets on her face, but looked at her coldly:
"Are you finished?"

"It's up to me when I'm done talking," Lin Yumeng said coldly, "It's none of my business how much historical significance it has on it. It's none of my business whether Li Qiuyu wears it or not. I bought it because it looks good. Yes, others wear it and I think it is second-hand.”

"No matter how much you blow it up, don't you still put it up for sale? You keep saying that it is a priceless treasure. If it is really a priceless treasure, don't you sell it?"

"Since you've posted it, I'll buy it, and the ownership will belong to me. Do you have any control over whether I sell it or burn it? I have money, and I love to do it. What can you do with me?"

After finishing speaking, she pushed Su Yeqing aside: "Let's open! I wish the boss, open the bill, pay the bill!"

Su Yeqing said coldly: "This dress has already been sold to another customer. What you should do now is not to pay the bill, but to negotiate with that customer to lose money."

"Tsk," Zhu Hongbao's expression changed, "Su Yeqing, why are you so stubborn?"


On the side, Li Jiayi and Miao Aoxue had already retreated to the side when they saw that things were getting serious.

It's enough to fan the flames here, and then just watch the show.

Miao Aoxue whispered in Li Jiayi's ear: "Husband, you are awesome. In this way, Lin Yumeng can help us slap Chen Ya in the face, and we don't need to do it ourselves. It's great."

Li Jia smiled and said: "Yes, and Lin Yumeng's violent temper is not only a matter of losing face, she is someone the Lu family can't afford to offend, and Chen Ya will be punished by the Lu family later."

Miao Aoxue turned around and asked in confusion: "Why can't the Lu family offend her? She's just a celebrity."

Li Jia said, "Do you know who is behind her?"


"Cao Kunguan." Li Jiayi said slowly.

"Cao Kunguan? Is that the great director Cao Kunguan?" Miao Aoxue's eyes widened.

This name is known to everyone in the country of Hua.He is the first Chinese director to win a gold medal at the Oscars in the United States, and he is well-known all over the world.

Moreover, he is especially rich and powerful. It is said that there are four or five sets of courtyard houses in the capital, not to mention, and he grew up wearing crotch pants with many courtyard children, and his contacts are surprisingly wide.

Miao Aoxue said: "Lin Yumeng can match Cao Kunguan? No wonder she is so popular recently."

"Right? There's no such thing as becoming popular for no reason in this world. The internet says she's Xu Xiangxiao's successor, huh, do you believe it?" Li Jia said, "It wasn't Cao Kunguan who helped dredge people and make stars."

"She's... Xiaosan?"

"Yes, and Cao Kunguan likes her very much, and he is very generous to her. She has a villa in Yunshang Tiancheng, the capital city, which Cao Kunguan bought for her. Seven or eight servants only serve her, just like a princess."

Miao Aoxue is a bit sour, lying down and being a rich wife, it would be a lie to say that she doesn't envy her.

She looked back at Li Jiayi, and said in a low voice: "You will be rich in the future, won't you be like this?"

Li Jia was dumbfounded for a while: "Huh? Me? How could I? I'm a good man."

"Hehe, it would be great if it was true."

After finishing speaking, Miao Aoxue tilted her head into his arms and continued watching the play.


Holding the wedding dress in her arms, Su Yeqing said to Zhu Hongbao who was beside her, "It's none of your business here, get out of the way, and don't interfere with normal business operations."

Zhu Hongbao said angrily: "You are interfering with the normal operation, okay? You just made a move on our distinguished guest, and I will definitely report it to Mr. Jia!"

Su Yeqing said with a cold face: "Zhu Hongbao, are you enough? You never care about the things in the store, and I take care of them. Now you come here to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf? Even if I don't do it now I'll leave it to you, will you manage it?"

Zhu Hongbao was so choked that he couldn't speak for a while, it was rare for Su Yeqing to slap someone so viciously.

He was afraid that Su Yeqing would reveal more about himself and make himself look bad in front of others, so he hurried to Lin Yumeng and asked in a low voice:
"Miss Lin, are you okay?"

Lin Yumeng sat on the ground, supported by her assistant, and kept stroking her ankle with her hands. Tears were about to come out of her eyes, and she howled loudly:
"Dangtang Fireworks actually hit someone, I will never end this matter!"

Zhu Hongbao glanced at Su Yeqing, and said to Lin Yumeng:
"Oh, Miss Lin, you won't have work tomorrow, will you? Don't worry, if you delay your work, someone will definitely pay the price!"

After being hinted by Zhu Hongbao, Lin Yumeng immediately fell for it, voluntarily robbed, and went down the donkey, crying:

"Yeah! I'm going to be on camera tomorrow, on a variety show. I've sprained my ankle, how can I still be on camera? I want you to take full responsibility for the firework building! Especially that Su Yeqing, I'm going to fire you!"

Zhu Hongbao quickly echoed: "That's right, Su Yeqing, you're done, tell me how you're responsible for this matter!"

Su Yeqing took a deep breath, held the wedding dress in her arms and said:
"Just report it to Mr. Jia. I will be responsible for it. Anyway, I will not give this person the clothes. She doesn't understand the value of these items at all."

Su Yeqing is a businessman, but she's not just a businessman. If she only had money in her eyes, she wouldn't make the fireworks building so high.

Human fireworks are worth this building, and the most valuable are human fireworks, and human fireworks come out of the stories condensed on these objects.

She, Su Yeqing, is a person who loves life first, and a businessman second.For a person like Lin Yumeng who has no feelings in her heart, she doesn't want to give her things at all.

"Hmph, you are responsible for what should be done? Can you afford it?" Zhu Hongbao didn't hide the threat in his voice, "If Ms. Lin tells Director Cao about this, it will ruin the reputation of the Fireworks Building, and it will ruin the relationship with her." Director Cao’s relationship is ruined, do you think you can take responsibility?”

Su Yeqing bowed her head in silence.

"Hmph!" Zhu Hongbao snorted heavily, and said, "You, Su Yeqing, should also know the truth about retreating bravely from Jiliu."

There must be a reason why Zhu Hongbao suddenly came here today, and was aggressive towards Su Yeqing, taking the opportunity to make trouble.

Not long ago, he went to Aomen, played a little in the casino, and won a small fortune.

Then he became addicted, and then he was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Now, if he wanted to maintain his life and status, it was no longer enough for him to be the half-owner of the Fireworks Building and just throw away the shopkeeper.

He had to squeeze Su Yeqing away and bring all the fireworks buildings under his own name in order to keep his class from falling.

Otherwise, in terms of his debts, it is not impossible to go to the street to beg for food tomorrow.

Lin Yumeng was still sitting on the ground, and said in a crying voice: "There is also that Chen Ya, isn't he from the Lu family? It doesn't work if the high committee member talks? I'll call the high committee member right now and let him see how he manages it. This Lu family!"

After that, she took out her mobile phone and called Gao Jinliang crying.

Picked up quickly there.

"Hey, Committee Member Gao! How do you think your Lu family brought people?" Lin Yumeng said with tears, "I told that Chen Ya, you already said hello, and he said that your greeting doesn't work, and it indirectly caused I got into a fight with the clerk here."

Gao Jinliang raised his eyebrows: "Is there such a thing?"

"Why not? Tell me, who are the people in your Lu family? Is it true that the Lu family is about to break up, and your words won't work anymore? I don't think I will call you in the future, I will go directly to Director Cao said."

When Gao Jinliang heard this, he quickly stopped her and said, "No, Miss Lin, don't worry, that Chen Ya is a bit of a joker, I will definitely solve this matter properly and give you a satisfactory answer."

"How do you solve it properly?"

"Anyway, it definitely makes you feel at ease."

At this point, Lin Yumeng reluctantly accepted.

As soon as she hung up the phone, not far away, an employee ran over and hurriedly said:

"Mr. Jia is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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