Chapter 244 243. You Will Be Miserable
"Mr. Jia is here?" Su Yeqing turned around suddenly.

"Mr. Jia is here!" Zhu Hongbao stood up excitedly.

Mr. Jia's real name is Jia Shifei, but few people dare to call him by that name directly.

His true identity is a secret to the vast majority of people, but some people who know a little bit of the inside story gave him the evaluation: famous in Hanoi.

The so-called fame in Hanoi means that when people come to him, they should bow their heads respectfully and call him Mr. Jia.

Few people know that he is behind the fireworks building.Of course, without the support of a celebrity like him, it would be difficult for this small place dedicated to serving the family to gain a foothold in the family, let alone make such a resounding brand.

As the behind-the-scenes boss of the fireworks building, he rarely comes here.

Zhu Hongbao didn't expect him to come here today at all. He just kept repeating to Su Yeqing that he wanted to tell Mr. Jia, but it was nothing more than raising a banner to pretend to be a tiger's skin. In fact, he didn't dare to say such things to Mr. Jia at all. thing.

It's just a trivial matter, how dare he disturb Jia Shifei?

Mr. Jia unexpectedly appeared here today, which was exactly what he wanted. He "smoothly" mentioned Su Yeqing's matter to Mr. Jia, which was not a big deal.

He glanced at Su Yeqing quite complacently. In his villainous gaze, Su Yeqing was a little stunned and a little annoyed.

She didn't take Zhu Hongbao's threat seriously at first, and she just passed it with patience. She knew well that it was impossible for Zhu Hongbao to bother Mr. Jia with such a thing.

Who knows that people are not as good as heaven, but Mr. Jia came here today?

While holding his breath the whole time, waiting quietly for Jia Shifei's arrival, at the door of the fireworks building, a thin and thin figure appeared in front of everyone.

This is just a shriveled and thin little old man, his hair is not bald, but he is walking around with his hands behind his back, just like a retired little old man walking around, and there is no trace of "famous in Hanoi".

When Miao Aoxue saw the real person, she was immediately disappointed. She elbowed Li Jiayi who was beside her, and asked in a low voice:
"Who is Mr. Jia? Why do you feel that he has a big background? I think he is also very ordinary?"

Li Jiayi smiled wryly: "Keep your voice down, do you believe that if someone heard what you said today, you will be dealt with tomorrow?"

Miao Aoxue shrank her neck: "Scared."

Li Jia raised his head to look at the little old man, and said in a low voice, "My dad, the president of the Xuanyuan Chamber of Commerce, don't you think he's awesome enough?"

Miao Aoxue looked at him: "What's the point? What's wrong?"

"Once he was drunk and accidentally ran into a car on the road. Some people said that it might be Mr. Jia's car," Li Jiayi said, "He was so scared that he made more than a dozen phone calls on the spot to make sure it wasn't Mr. Jia's car. Just breathed a sigh of relief."

Miao Aoxue stared: " he so cruel?"

"It's not cruel...but..." Li Jiayi thought for a long time, but couldn't find a suitable word, "Well, it's cruel."

The "ruthless" old man Jia Shifei slowly put his hands behind his back, walked up to Su Yeqing and Zhu Hongbao, and looked around them.

He stared at Su Yeqing first, because he was not tall, so he looked up from the bottom, Su Yeqing stood there with his hands behind his back, slim and graceful, like a female soldier in a military posture.

After Jia Shifei finished watching her, he walked up to Zhu Hongbao with his hands behind his back, and looked around him, making Zhu Hongbao afraid to show his anger.

"You have something to say," Mr. Jia said to Zhu Hongbao, "you have at least...three things to say."

Zhu Hongbao was stunned for a while, and then tentatively said, "Su she in trouble?"

Mr. Jia had a half-smile expression on his face, as if he nodded slightly, and said, "What else?"

Zhu Hongbao was quite encouraged, and continued: "She offended our big client, and I'm trying to make up for it."

"Well, what else?"

"I don't think she's suitable for this job, so she should be kicked out." Having said that, Zhu Hongbao tried to see her off.

After listening to it, he nervously waited for Mr. Jia to speak, but Jia Shifei smiled and looked at him for a long time, which made him hairy and his scalp numb.

Finally, Mr. Jia suddenly turned cold and said, "It's not these three sentences."

The little old man sat on the sofa, raised his legs in the most rustic posture, took out a cigarette from his arms, put it in his mouth, and took out his own lighter to light it.

"Today I got a call from an old friend who hadn't spoken to me for a long time, and I was delighted, very happy, in fact, overjoyed to receive a call from him."

Jia Shifei pursed his lips and said while smoking. When he said this, he took a deep breath and exhaled a smoke ring from his mouth, and the smoke immediately filled his face.

"However, what he said made me fall from happy heaven to hell," Jia Shifei said, "He was very unhappy, he was very angry. And the reason for his anger was caused by someone."

Sitting there, Jia Shifei shot at Zhu Hongbao and Lin Yumeng with sharp eyes, his scalpel-like eyes seemed to cut the two of them apart.

"He was angry, so I was also angry. When I was angry, someone would be unlucky." Jia Shifei said slowly.

Zhu Hongbao was a little confused at first, but the more he listened to it, the more he understood. At the end, he almost raised his hands and applauded.

Jia Shifei received a call from a friend. Isn't that friend Lin Yumeng's backstage, Director Cao?
Director Cao is upset, doesn't that just mean that the kid named Chen Ya and Su Yeqing are working together to make Lin Yumeng unhappy?

Mr. Jia is upset, then Su Yeqing will be dealt with, I'm going to get ahead, yay!
Zhu Hongbao almost cried out in his heart.

Jia Shifei looked at Zhu Hongbao, stood up suddenly, and kicked him on the waist.

Although Jia Shifei's stature was shriveled, but his kick was tricky and poisonous, Zhu Hongbao only felt a strong force coming from him, and he flew out.

"Oh my dear mother!"

Zhu Hongbao screamed and fell to the ground like a cabbage.

"It's wrong, Mr. Jia, it's none of my business!" Zhu Hongbao cried on the ground.

Jia Shifei looked at him with disgust in his eyes:
"I'm angry when I see you like a eunuch. Why are you wronged? Didn't you offend Mr. Chen? I'll fuck you!"

The word "Mr. Chen" circled in Zhu Hongbao's mind for a long time, but he didn't remember which Mr. Chen it was.He had only heard of Chen Ya's name, but he had never met Chen Ya's person, so he didn't match "Mr. Chen" with Chen Ya, and his grievances became even louder.

Jia Shifei said ferociously: "I can't be cured by outsiders, but I can treat your dog. It can be regarded as venting. You owe me 300 million, when will you fucking pay it back?"

Upon hearing this, Zhu Hongbao carefully said with a playful smile, "Mr. Jia, I've been... a bit tight lately..."

"When will you be short of money?" Jia Shifei disgusted, kicked him again, and kicked him to the ground again, "You are out, and you are not allowed to appear anywhere in this store in the future, otherwise, See you once and hit once."

Zhu Hongbao was dumbfounded, and cried on the spot:

"Mr. Jia! Don't do this, Mr. Jia! Over the years, I have worked hard without credit, and I am tired without hard work. I recently went bankrupt. If there is no bonus from the fireworks building, I will starve to death on the street, Mr. Jia!"

Jia Shifei said: "You have neither credit nor hard work. I took you in here purely for the sake of my old friend. Xiao Su is doing the business. Don't you think I don't know? I It doesn’t matter if you starve to death or not, it’s best if you starve to death.”

Zhu Hongbao has lived his entire life, and he has never heard such heartless words. If he was pretending to cry just now, he wants to cry for real now.

However, just when he was sad for spring and autumn, Jia Shifei lifted his shoes and said:

"Did you hear what I just said? You're out! From now on, if you stay here, don't blame me for beating people!"

Zhu Hongbao hugged his leg, and wiped all the snot on Mr. Jia's trouser leg:

"Mr. Jia, give me another chance, give me one more..."

Jia Shifei didn't have the time to talk nonsense with him, so he waved his hand and said to the staff beside him, "Come here, stick, shovel, anything..."

When Zhu Hongbao heard this, he was terrified. He knew that Jia Shifei would always do what he said, and he would not joke with himself, nor would he just scare himself.

So he ran away in a flash, and ran outside the door, the screams in his throat still popped out, it was because he didn't know what to do with his life, and the desperate sound unconsciously came out of his throat.

This set of vigorous and swift combos drove away Zhu Hongbao in one go.

Su Yeqing stood there dumbfounded, as if in a dream.

just this?
She thought just now that Mr. Jia was here to deal with her!

Moreover, Mr. Jia's words just now are also very informative.

What "Mr. Chen", which "Mr. Chen"?
Is it Chen Ya, or Chen Ya's father, or who?
If it was Chen Ya, how could Chen Ya know Mr. Jia?Not to mention the huge age difference between the two, they are also not at the same level at all...

Su Yeqing suddenly felt that he couldn't understand that pleasant-looking young man just now.

Miao Aoxue and Li Jiayi witnessed the scene of Mr. Jia cleaning the house, they were silent and forgot to breathe at the same time.

The development of the matter gradually went in a direction they could not understand...

Miao Aoxue figured out one thing - Mr. Jia is indeed as cruel as Li Jiayi said.

But while she understood one thing, she was also confused about one thing——

Why did Mr. Jia drive Zhu Hongbao away?
Shouldn't he be driving Su Yeqing away?
Shouldn't his friend be Lin Yumeng's acquaintance? ?
If it wasn't for the seriousness of the scene, she wouldn't dare to speak, she would have stepped forward to reconfirm with Jia Shifei whether she had heard the wrong news or dealt with the wrong person.

After driving away Zhu Hongbao, Jia Shifei looked at Lin Yumeng.

Seeing the sharp eyes of this little old man, Lin Yumeng felt a little uncomfortable. She put her hands on her chest and pretended to be calm:

"I don't care whether you are a fake gentleman or a real gentleman. I am a customer and I am God. If your employees are at fault first, I will claim compensation. Come up with a plan."

Jia Shifei didn't speak, but took a puff of cigarette silently.

As the smoke filled his face, he seemed to be thinking about how to deal with Lin Yumeng through the smoke.

Lin Yumeng was a little flustered by him.

After staring at Lin Yumeng for a long time, Jia Shifei finally spoke:
"Originally, you should be the culprit. Zhu Hongbao is purely helping the evildoers. According to the law, he is at most an accomplice, and you are the main culprit. I vented my anger on him, purely to vent my anger."

Hearing this, Lin Yumeng calmed down a little.

Although she didn't know what this Mr. Jia came from, but she knew, and he didn't dare to touch her.

Anyway, she is also a member of Cao Kunguan, how many people dare to touch her in the capital?
Knowing that Mr. Jia didn't dare to touch her, Lin Yumeng spoke a little harder, and said:
"Since you know that you can't do anything about me, then I'm going to ask you to make up for it. My ankle was pushed and sprained by your staff just now. I have to appear on camera and variety shows tomorrow. She gave me a brief introduction. I have suffered a huge loss, and I want you to pay me the full amount."

Mr. Jia swallowed his clouds and said at the same time:
"I can pay you back, and I'm willing to pay you back, as long as you dare to take it."

Lin Yumeng's face twitched: "Then why don't I dare to take it?"

Mr. Jia said: "You can tell Cao Kunguan about this, and you can ask him to see if he dares to accept the money I paid you. You can see if he throws the money away, or takes you with him. Throw the money out together."

Lin Yumeng was momentarily frightened by what she said.

After a while, she changed her mind, no.

If this Mr. Jia is really so tough, why pretend in front of him?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but straighten her waist and said, "Then do you want me to call Director Cao now?"

"You hit."

"If Director Cao knew about this, maybe this matter would not be so easy to solve."

"You hit."


Lin Yumeng was silent for a while, then said again:
"I actually don't want to make this a big deal. If you ask your staff to apologize to me, if you are sincere, maybe I will let you go when I am in a good mood."

Jia Shifei chuckled.

This woman is also a bitch.

In fact, Lin Yumeng knew in her heart that no matter how honored and favored she was with Director Cao, she would be just a mistress. In ancient times, she was not even as good as a concubine.

She didn't want to use her willful temper to waste Cao Kunguan's patience with her.But Cao Kunguan's name is really easy to use, just like "Millions of Pounds", often just showing it is enough to settle all troubles.

This has caused her to get used to pulling up the banner as a tiger's skin.

Today, for the first time, this trick didn't work.

Because she met Jia Shifei.

Jia Shifei sized up Lin Yumeng, clicked his tongue "tsk tsk" for a long time, and said:

"I really don't understand, what is Cao Kunguan's vision, how can he fall in love with someone like you...Where did you just say? Oh yes, you didn't call, did you? Then wait a moment, then After a while, it's time for him to call you."

Lin Yumeng was a little nervous: "What do you mean?"

"Little girl, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. Do you know what it means?" Jia Shifei squinted his eyes and asked.

Lin Yumeng looked at him, and said loudly: "Please make it clear, if you want to scold someone, you don't need to be angry. I just don't want to make things big, but it doesn't mean I don't dare to make it big..."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are so fucking lucky to be alive today," Jia Shifei said, "Do you know that you think you can be bullied casually?" Just one person can make you kick to the iron plate?"

Seeing that Lin Yumeng still had an obsessed expression, he squinted and said:
"Do you know who you offended today?"

Lin Yumeng curled her lips: "Who have I offended? Who can I offend? Didn't I just have a little conflict with one of your employees? Who else have I offended?"

Jia Shifei smiled dismissively.

"Let me tell you, that person, I have almost never seen him get angry, but today, you made him angry," Jia Shifei said, "You will be very miserable."

"Who? Who is angry?"

Jia Shifei didn't answer her question, but just threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray on the table next to him and said:

"How much is the wedding dress? You pay the original price and pay the full amount to repair your damaged clothes. Of course, the dress will not be given to you, including the clothes and compensation, which must be handed over to the original buyer. "

Lin Yumeng said to him angrily, "You have a good idea!"

A bell rang in Jia Shifei's pocket. He took out his mobile phone, picked it up, flashed it to Lin Yumeng, and said:
"Look, what did I say? Didn't Cao Kunguan call here?"

On the screen of his mobile phone, a name happened to be displayed:
Cao Kunguan.

 I updated 15500 words in one breath, so the misunderstanding should be resolved, right?
(End of this chapter)

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